Asuna x Male Reader

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A/N: requested by Whitebeard4114tremor. (Sorry if this is short or not I wasn't able to come up work a good story this time). Enjoy.

Being trapped in side a game with 10,000 other people wasn't so bad. It was an absolute hell for you at first you didn't care if you died or not. That was before the day you met the girl known as asuna, whom sort of went through the same things as you. She had long, orange-brownish chestnut hair and hazel eyes. She also wore a red and white uniform that all KoB members wear and she evem wielded a rapier made by Lisbeth, called the Lambent Light. The two of you spent some time with each other ever since the two of you met on that day. She was very nice and well known person and you've enjoyed hanging with her. The only thing you didn't know was that.......

(Y/N): excuse me?

Austin: what the?

(Y/N): Can we just get this story going already, please?

(Quit breaking the forth wall, asshole)!!!

Austin: fine.


You were sitting outside by yourself just enjoying the cool air and the sunny skies.

(Y/N): man it's a nice day out. I would say being here in this game isn't so bad but I would be telling a lie.

That's when you heard a familiar voice.

???: hey (Y/N).

You turned around and say that it was (F/N). You haven't seen her since before you got trapped in the game.

(Y/N): is that you, (F/N)?

(F/N): yeah.

(Y/N): it's so great to see you again.

(F/N): it's so great to see you again too.

(Y/N): how have you been since you got here?

(F/N): really crappy. You?

(Y/N): about the same really.

(F/N): figures.

You and (F/N) continued to talk for a while but you both were unaware that you were both being watched by asuna.

Asuna: "whispers" you've got to be fucking kidding me? Me and (Y/N) have known each other the most since we've been in here and suddenly she comes along?!


After you and (F/N) had finished catching up, you were heading home.

(Or at least what you could consider your home in there).

Once you got there however, you started to smell something. It smelled....rank.

(Y/N): what's that smell?

You looked around and the found that the smell was coming from under your bed. You looked under to find the dead body of not (F/N)....but just some random girl you talk to once.....

(Y/N): uh...........I'm not sure this would have much of an effect on me as some would think.😐

That's when your felt a pair of arms wrapped around you.

Asuna: how do you like the surprise?

(Y/N): who could've for seen this?!

Austin: well if you hadn't have told me to move the story along, then probably you.

(Y/N): damn it all! Damn it all to hell!

You and asuna were never seen again after that.

A/N: next is Yandere Soviet Miku x Male Soldier Reader.

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