Fem Santa x Male Reader

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A/N: second Christmas Story for the special. Enjoy.

It was Christmas eve and you were hair getting ready to go to sleep that is of course you just had to make sure nothing is wrong before doing so. After a bit of checking and making sure everything was fine you finally decided to head to bed. But that's when you hired something in the direction of the chimney. You saw some small bits of gravel going down and the fire went out.

(Y/N): 0_0 I sewer that better now be (F/N) getting stuck in the chimney again.😐

That's when the person came down and showed themselves as they walked out of the chimney. You could tell it wasn't (F/N). But it was a girl in a suit that looks just like Santa's.

(Y/N):....um.........Santa Claus?.........but aren't you suppose to a man and much older.

Sandra: actually it's Sandra Claus and second I'm a woman and third I'm basically around your age technically around your age.

(Y/N): um......ok. but if your actually a woman then why do people mistaken you for a jolly old fat man and misspell your name?

Sandra: how they get all these things about me wrong is anyone's guess.

(Y/N): um........ok......so why are you here in my house.

Sandra: I'm here for you (Y/N).

(Y/N): you know my name?

Sandra: dough it's on my list.

She pulls out her list to show you your name. You saw it but also the rest of the list rolled off as it was showing more names of ore kids.

Sandra: Ah crap! Well I'll just take care of it later. Anyways (Y/N) I'm here to take you away from you boring and neglectful life.

(Y/N): it's not all neglectful. I have friends.

Sandra: two friends. And one if them are fighting with dolls right now.

Austin: (Y/N)! (Y/N)! Come look!

You and Sandra look and see Austin fighting dolls of Eliza, Nui and Junko.

(Y/N): oh my god!

Austin: the dolls are trying to kill me and the toaster's been laughing at me!

He keeps fighting with the dolls as you continued to talk with Sandra.

(Y/N): ok I'll go.

Sandra: on one condition.

(Y/N): hm?

Sandra: you'll be my lover for the rest of your life.


Sandra: good. Now come with me.

(Y/N): k.

Sandra used her magic and the both of you were now on her sleigh.

Sandra: now let's go love.

(Y/N): wait don't you have other houses to go too?

Sandra: well ironically your house was the last one for tonight.

(Y/N): oh.

With that Sandra took off with you back to her home and you spent to rest of your life with her.

A/N: Fem Human Yeti x Male Reader is next.

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