Female Goku x Male Reader

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A/N: requested by DannyYager. Enjoy.


(Just something i thought would fit exept Goku is a girl and so is Vegeta. This story takes place after the black arc).

Your name is (Y/N). You were a human and a very long time friend of goka (Fem goku). You known her the longest more than everyone even krillin and that's saying a lot. You were with her when she fought against saiyans with the other z fighters. You were there when she fought frieza and you thought that she didn't survive when namek exploded but she did. You were there with her battle with cell but she died during that and after Gohan finally defeated cell you were in a state of depression for a while since that you long time friend died again just like with radiz thing. But after a couple of years she came back. There was the Majin buu thing and she beat him and she was brought back to life. And after a while you then proposed to goka and asked if she could marry you and she said yes and The both of you got married. Years later and then lady Beera came to earth in search for the super saiyan goddess. It took some time but goka eventually became the super saiyan goddess.

It was a long battle but goka still survived after it. Then goka and Vegeta eventually went to lady Berra's planet to train with whis and you went with them. And while you were there you all got to meet her son Austin for the first time and befriended him. A couple of mouths after the training and goka and Vegeta gained the Power greater than super saiyan goddess. Or better known as super saiyan blue which they used against frieza who got a new form from training.

Then there was the universe 6 tournament that Berra's sister champa wanted to do to try and get earth even of goka didn't win the tournament she did incredible. Then finally there was the who thing with the woman named black who was Zamasa (Fem Zamasu) in goka's body but not only that Zamasa in the future was her partner and they were trying to destroy the future and rid all mortals. Goka, Vegeta and you along with Vegeta's son trunks were able to battle with them and managed to beat them until they fused into merged zamasa. Thing would've gotten worse until Austin appeared in the future and suddenly merged Zamasa just chases after him with hearts in her eyes for some reason and that was the last that everyone seen of zamasa oddly. But anyway the troubles were finally over....or so you thought. Goka had actually started to get a growing obsession over you. She was worried you would divorce and leave her for another woman. She didn't want that.

(Also there's going to be the Universal Survival Arc so let's not forget that).

Right now you were walkout home from the store after getting some things for your wife...food obviously and while you were walking back home you were talking with Marron who use to be krillin's old girlfriend but things didn't work out and she's single now plus he's better with 18 anyway.

Marron: so how have things been going so far with you and your wife?

(Y/N): well she's been normal as usual but she seems to be acting a bit odd as well.

Marron: what do you mean?

(Y/N): I'm not sure but it's Just an odd feeling.

Marron: ok. Well I haft to go. I've got some stuff to do.

(Y/N): ok see ya round.

Marron: ok see ya.

Marron walked off as you continued to walk back to you and goka's house. But you didn't even know that she was spying on you and Marron and you didn't even sense her ki.

Goka: that little whore! (Y/N) is my husband. I won't lose him to anyone!

Goka headed into Marron's direction and killed her where no one would notice and then instant transmissioned back home where she was going to suprize you with something.


You finally made it back to your house you didn't want to fly because people would freak out if they see you fly.

(I'm mean it's not like they've seen someone destroy a fucking city or anything. Or that time you and the others defeated Majin buu and goka turned super saiyan 3 in front of the whole god damn planet. But oh no if you fly people lose their god damn minds).

back to the story, you entered your house where you would usually be greeted by goka hugging you with her boobs always getting in her face but she wasn't there. You know she wasn't training because she would tell you to go train with her. You put the stuff down and went to you and her room to see if she's there. Once you opened the door, you were greeted with goka in a sexy rabbit suit.

(Like the one bulma had but sexier).

(Y/N): g....goka?!

Goka: hey honey. You like this new suit I got? I thought we could try a little something.

(Y/N): l....like what?

Goka them smirked and pulled you into the room where the only thing hired for hours were you and goka moaning. And you didn't even know what she did.

A/N: Female 2005 King Kong x Male Reader is next.

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