Female Oryx x Male Titan Reader

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A/N: requested by ntfromaroundhere. (I haven't played destiny either. I know, i suck). Enjoy.

(Y/N), that was your name. You were a titan, a very good one but not one of the best. But you were still a very good one at that. You were sent to the hive to terminate someone by the name of Oryx. Oryx was the Taken Queen. She was born Aurash and formerly known as Auryx, was the current sovereign of the Osmium Throne, the Goddess-Queen of the Hive, and master of the Taken. She would be a tough one for you to beat but you would make sure to succeed with your task. You were in the center or the hive now waiting for her to appear.

(Y/N): hm.......I know she's around here somewhere.......but where?

That's when she finally appeared before you. She was large and stood much taller than you.

Oryx: who dares to enter my hive?

(Y/N): I am (Y/N). I was sent here to terminate you.

Oryx: you fool, no one can terminate me.

(Y/N): then we'll just haft to see about that.

You started to shoot at her but she dodged quickly.

Oryx: fool.

She used fist of darkness but luckily you dodged. You fired at her again but she used some sort of defense move because she blocked them.

(Y/N): damn it!

Oryx: you'll run out of bullets eventually.

(Y/N): Shut up!

You kept firing at her but she evaded all of the shots. Your gun ran out so now you had to resort to hand to hand combat.

Oryx: this will be fun.

You both started swinging punches at each other. Oryx was getting the best of you in the fight.

Oryx: like I said, you can't terminate me!

You then tried to sweep the leg but she teleported behind you and used a fist of darkness.

(Y/N): crap!

She hit you and you got knocked out after hitting the wall. Oryx walked over to you and took off your helmet and saw your face.

Oryx: despite you trying to terminate me, the hive requires a king. You'll do nicely~

She kept you there and forced you as the hive king for the rest of your life.

A/N: next is Palutena x God Reader.

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