Kill La Kill Girls x Son of Ragyo Reader (Lemon)

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A/N: requested by Fearsonia. (Also satsuki is a futa and you all read a futa story before so get over it). Enjoy.

(One last thing, the roles of ryuko and satsuki are sort of the same like in the stand user reader story).

You were the son of Ragyo Kiryuin. That was something you wanted to forget about. You wanted to get away from that woman as far as you could. However, the place you went to was Honnōji Academy which was located atop Honnō City. It was another place that she knew where you were but on one day you would learn more than just that. You were walking outside heading to the inside of the school, until someone eventually bumped into you.

(Y/N): oh uh...... sorry.

That's when he turned to you.

Takaharu: watch where the hell your going!

(Y/N): well to be fairly honest you did kind of bumped into me.

Takaharu: oh a smart ass huh?

He pulled out his big boxing gloves.

Takaharu: you've got a lot of balls saying that to the president of the boxing club!

(Y/N): I kind of don't care who you are.

He swung his big boxing glove but you caught it and slung him really high into the air. Everyone out there looked in surprise from that as you continued to walk into the school. He eventually landed back into the ground and made a crater when he fell. The dust cleared and showed takaharu completely knocked the fuck out. One of the people who were out there was a woman with pink hair as her being dressed as a music conducter.

Nonon:...........he can't be real. 0_0


You were sitting in the cafeteria just eating lunch by yourself until you noticed two girls sit on the same table you were on. One girl was sort of a tall one and the others was real small and cute.

Mako: hi.

(Y/N): oh hi.

Mako: I'm mako mankanshoku. And this is carter.

(Carter is an Oc from Fearsonia).

Carter: hi.

(Y/N): hello. So I guess your both good friends?

Carter: you could say that.

You then noticed that the two of them were holding hands.

(Y/N): oh...well that's nice.

You then got up.

(Y/N): well I'm all finished here so I guess I'll get going.

You left while the two kept staring at you.

Mako: man he was a nice one.

Carter: yeah......

Mako:.....I want him.

Carter: oh thank god I thought i was the only one.

Mako: we should tell the girls about him too.

Carter: let's do it.


You were about to leave the school until you were stopped by takaharu.

(Y/N): oh you again.

Takaharu: this time I'm going to kick your ass.

He attacked but You back handed him into a wall. After that a giant looking person appeared.

(Y/N): it's the incredible hulk.

???: stand down Gamagori.

He stood down and stepped aside to reveal both a woman in white clothing with long black hair and a woman in red and black clothing with red and black hair.

Satsuki: what's going on here?

Gamagori: this one here attacked one of the club presidents.

(Y/N): actually he attacked first.

Satsuki: is that right?

She started to walk up to you and stopped near your face.

(Y/N): uh........

She looked at you for a bit an then left.

(Y/N): um.......bye?

Satsuki whispered to ryuko.

Satsuki:"whispers" I think he's the one mother's been looking for.

Ryuko: want me to give mother the news?

Satsuki: yes.


You were starting to wake after a while. You didn't know where you were but all you remembered was nui showing up in your house and jabbing you with a syringe.

Nui: good morning.

(Y/N): you little bitch! Let me out of here.

Nui: nope. it took a while to find you but now your home.

(Y/N): home.....oh no.

That's when a bright light of multiple colors shined.

(Y/N): ow. >_<

Ragyo: hello my son.

(Y/N): don't call me that! Your no mother of mine.

Ragyo: honestly. You've been defying me for too long. I think it's time we put it to an end.

(Y/N): we?

That's when more women appeared next to her.

(Y/N): oh fuck balls.

Ragyo: satsuki, you and ryuko go first. Your brother hasn't had any time with you before anyway.

Satsuki: yes mother.

(Y/N)'s mind: oh don't fucking tell me that they're my sisters!!!!!!

They all stripped but once you saw satsuki had stripped, you saw that she had a penis.

(Y/N)'s mind: mom is such a freak.

Satsuki got behind you.

(Y/N): satsuki we may not have a well known talk but you don't want to.....

She pushed into you.

(Y/N):"in pain" should've figured!

Ryuko was sucking your dick while satsuki was taking you from behind. The rest of the girls stripped and started doing this.

(Y/N)'s mind: this became an orgy.

Ragyo started kidding you.

(Y/N)'s mind: a very bad orgy!!!!!

Nonon and nui were making you massage their boobs while carter and mako were sucking on your nuts.

(Y/N): I always knew you were sick mom but not this sick!

She made you suck on her breasts.

Ragyo: you just need some help learning from mother.

Satsuki started moving faster and you made muffled screams as she kept moving faster. You felt your mind going numb as you were also getting close to cumming.

Ragyo: go ahead and let it all out.

You cam down ryuko's throat and she swollowed all of it. At the same time, satsuki cam in you and after she stopped she pulled out. You were panting heavily.


Ragyo: you still need more punishment I'm afraid.

(Y/N): oh please no.

Ragyo: don't worry you'll Learn to love it in time.

Satsuki: start sucking, brother.

(Y/N): ahhhhhh! Fuck My Life!!!!!!!!

Ragyo and the others didn't stop until they've completely broken you. And after that day you've done everything your rainbow haired mother said.

A/N: next is Buff SuperGirl x Male Reader (Lemon).

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