Nepeta Leijon x Male Reader

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A/N: requested by Ikara-navi. (Haven't seen much stuff for Homestuck either -_-). Enjoy.

Your going over to see your good troll friend, Nepeta Leijon. You've known her for about three years and you've always hung out together. You saw her as a long time friend to you but she wanted to more than just that. She's basically started stalking you and has taken a few pictures here and there. Oh and also she ships you two together of course. Right now you were heading up to her house to hang out like you both would always do but except this time things would be a little different than they would be before because Nepeta has something planed for you once you arrive. You knocked on the door and waited nepeta to come and answer the door.

Nepeta: who is it?

(Y/N): it's (Y/N).

Nepeta: oh ok hold on one more minute please.

(Y/N): ok.

You waited a little bit longer out there and waited until nepeta finally opened the door and nepeta stood there looking cute as she always would.

Nepeta: hey mew. (Also instead of saying you she says mew so try not to get mistaken with the Pokémon of the same name).

(Y/N): hey nepeta. Can I come in?

Nepeta: of course.

She let you in and you sat down on the couch and she was still standing up.

Nepeta: so can I get mew a drink?

(Y/N): sure.

Nepeta: ok I'll be right back.

She walked into the kitchen to make a drink for you but what you didn't realize of course was that she was putting a drug into your drink to knocked you out.

While you were siting I'm the room you noticed a few pictures of you and nepeta. Some were pictures token by her and others looked like they were drawn by her because one of them had a picture of you and nepeta kissing.

(Y/N): 0_0

In the kitchen nepeta had just finished making your drink and added the drug.

Nepeta: this'll have him as sleepy as a baby.

She then walks back into the room and saw that he was looking at the pictures she made. She smirked and continued to walk to you and she handed you your drink.

Nepeta: here mew go.

(Y/N): thanks.

You took it and and took a tiny sip of it. Nepeta sat on the couch with you and smiled.

(Y/N): ?

Nepeta: so do mew have a girlfriend?

(Y/N): um no not really I haven't really gone into looking for one yet much less having one.

Nepeta: oh ok.

You took another sip of drink and this time you started to feel a bit dizzy.

(Y/N): wh...what the?

You then hired nepeta giggling. He looked to her and saw an insane look on her face.

(Y/N): ?!

Nepeta: we'll have some much fun once mew wake up.

You finally fell unconscious as everything went black. Nepeta kept you too herself and had you tied up at all times.

(Outside Story).

Austin: ok electric fence, check. Guard dog...

Shows a deviljho outside guarding.

Austin: check. Land mines..

One of them explodes and nui yelling is hired.

Austin: check.

Nui: 🔥_🔥

Austin: you pretty much walked into that one bitch. 😐

Nui: I will end you! 🔥_🔥

Austin: you'll die trying.😐

A/N: next is Vados x Male Saiyan Reader.

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