Yandere Biollante x Yandere Female Godzilla x JSDF Male Reader

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A/N: requested by MothGoji. Enjoy.

The Japanese Self-Defense Forces (J.S.D.F.) is the primary defensive military organization for Japan. The J.S.D.F. was formed in 1951 to protect Japan from the Korean War and is often pitted against giant monsters that attack the nation. The J.S.D.F. saw action in 1954, when the monster known as Godzilla first appeared and attacked Tokyo. Despite the J.S.D.F.'s efforts, they were unable to defeat the monster and Tokyo was devastated by Godzilla. However, Godzilla's Rampage was soon stopped by a device known as the oxygen destroyer which was used to kill Godzilla. Following the first Godzilla's death in 1954, the J.S.D.F. rarely saw action over the next 30 years. Amid tension from the Cold War and the threat of nuclear warfare, the J.S.D.F. secretly constructed the Super X, a powerful hovercraft designed to defend Tokyo in the case of a nuclear emergency. In 1984, when Godzilla returned to ravage Japan, the J.S.D.F. was mobilized to defend Tokyo using power Godzilla decimated the forces, forcing the Super X to be deployed. The Super X proved effective at combating Godzilla at first, but was destroyed when Godzilla toppled a building onto it Japan then had to use their finally plan to imprison Godzilla in Mt. Mihara. Following Godzilla's imprisonment in Mt. Mihara, the J.S.D.F. began to heavily re-arm in the likely event of her return. The J.S.D.F. created powerful electrical ray tanks called Maser Cannons and also created the powerful Super X2 from the remains of the original Super X. The J.S.D.F. also began a bio-weapons program using G-Cells collected from Godzilla in order to create the Anti-Nuclear Energy Bacteria (ANEB). When Godzilla did emerge from the crater of Mt. Mihara, she demolished the J.S.D.F.'s forces, including the Super X2. The ANEB proved to be effective in weakening Godzilla, which led to a draw in her battle with the monster Biollante. After a long battle with Biollante, Godzilla retreated deep underwater to recover from the ANEB and disappeared for over two years.

(TimeSkip. Two years after the events of Godzilla vs Biollante).

It had been two full years and godzilla had still not been scene since after her battle with Biollante. You could finally say that maybe she's gone for good but she never is. She always comes back. You should know since you've seen what she can do and what she's capable of. That's what made you fear her. All the power she had after all she took down super X2 which was the strongest weapon the JSDF had but now it's destroyed. With that gone she could easily kill everyone now and destroy Tokyo. That's why everyone has been on the alert just in chase she would show up anytime. But for now things seemed fine. That was until three days later.........when she finally came back. The J.S.D.F. fired everything they had on her but like everytime before it was useless. She demolished the J.S.D.F once again and killed everyone.....everyone except you. You needed to get away from her before she does who knows what to you but she caught up to you and had you cornered.

(Y/N)'s mind: this is insane! She killed everyone! And now I'm next!

Goji: so then, are you to stop your running or am I going to haft to be more forceful?

(Y/N)'s mind: sh.......she can talk?!

You then started to back up a little bit which agitated goji since she started to walk closer to you while crackling her knuckles. As she did the ground started to shack a bit and then plants like vines  burst out of the ground and grabbed goji's arms and legs. Biollante burst out of the ground to be the one who grabbed goji.

Biollante: well what have I caught here?

Goji: you again!

(Y/N)'s mind: Biollante is here too?!

While goji was distracted by Biollante this could be your chance to escape but one of Biollante's vine wrapped around your leg and pulled you to her.

Biollante: and just where do you think your going?

(Y/N): pl......please don't kill me.

Biollante:.....my aren't you a cute one.

(Y/N): h....huh?

Goji: back off weed. He's mine.

Biollante: is that right?

Goji then shoots her atomic breath at the vine that was holding your leg and you were free.

Biollante: you little bitch!

Biollante threw goji to a wall and charged at her. While those two were fighting you got up and ran as fast as you could without them noticing.

(Y/N)'s mind: thank god they started fighting. I need to get away from this nightmare!

You continued to run so you could get as far away from them as possible.


You were breathing heavily after running for so long you needed to relax.

(Y/N):"breathing heavily" I think........I finally..........lost them.....I'm finally away from them.

Goji: oh are you now?

You looked and saw goji and Biollante standing there before you.

(Y/N): n.....no........no!

You tired to get up and run but Biollante's vines grabbed you and held you down. Goji walked up to you and sat on your chest while running her hands around your face.

Goji: did you actually think you could escape from us?

(Y/N): I don't understand! I thought you two were going to kill each other.

Biollante: we did......at first.....but then we both decided to come to an agreement. We both can share you.

(Y/N): wh....what?!

Goji: that's right. Now we're going to have fun.

(Y/N): no.

Goji: yes.

You were stuck with Goji and Biollante forever.

A/N: Yandere Female Kaa x Male Reader (Lemon) is next.

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