Yandere Cinder x Insane Male Reader

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A/N: requested by CodyKielSells. Enjoy.

You were one insane person, but your more insane than anyone could ever comprehend. Hell your so insane you made tyrian look like a bitch. You've even had a few run in with him from time to time. You don't even know about Salem or the group she has and yet you've met most of them before numerous times. But the one you enjoyed running into the most was cinder fall. You don't know why but You found her more interesting than any of the others. You've ran into her more times than you did with the others. As a matter of fact you been following her lately. Like right now you followed her to beacon and now watched all that she did, acting as a student, plotting, and watched as her plan for the fall of beacon was going as she killed the fall maiden.....so yeah all that so far. At the top of the tower, in Ozpin's office, a large amount of smoke flows out from the elevator, masking the entrance of Cinder Fall. She confidently strides to the window across the room, a smirk on her face. As if sensing her presence, the Dragon climbs up to the top, peers at her through the window, and screeches.

Cinder: "With a gentle, comforting tone" Shhhh... This is your home now.

The Dragon stares at her and utters a shorter, quieter screech. Cinder backs away from the window and holds her hand out to the side, creating a fireball in her palm. That's when she hired someone behind her and pointed her fire hand at you.

(Y/N): wow easy now love. I'm only here to get a view of the lovely work you've been done here. And I haft to say you've really outdone yourself.

Cinder: well. Glade to know your here it'll save me the trouble of looking for you myself.

(Y/N): oh? Have I caught the interest of someone?

Cinder walks up to you and creased your cheek.

Cinder: maybe you have.

The sound of sparks distracts you both, and you both looked over at the elevator, cinder's fireball dissipating. After a few moments, the sparks come to a stop, and immediately upon the elevator doors' opening, Pyrrha's spear flies toward Cinder, who casually leans to her right to dodge with a smirk on her face.

(Y/N): oh it seems we have a visitor.

The spear is soon followed by Pyrrha's shield, backed by Pyrrha herself, and Cinder puts her arms up, blocking it and pushing it away. While Cinder uses fire to hover in the air, Pyrrha calls her spear and shield back to her with polarity, staring down her opponent. During all this, you were just sitting there watching them fight.

(Y/N)'s 1st Voice in his head: Cat Fight!

(Y/N)'s 2nd Voice in his head: shouldn't we probably help cinder.

(Y/N): don't even worry about it. Cinder's got this whole thing handled.

Cinder gains a fiery glow around her eyes and swipes her hand through the air, attacking Pyrrha with an arc of fire. She then shoots a stream of fire, which Pyrrha dives over. Six small fireballs form in a circle behind Cinder, and she sends another streak of fire toward Pyrrha, who barely avoids it. Once again, the Maiden sends a stream of fire the young redhead's way, but this time, Pyrrha blocks it with her shield. She leaps toward Cinder, powering through the flame, and as soon as the fire stops, she spins around and slashes Cinder's arm with her spear. However, Cinder catches the blade and pulls, turning Pyrrha around. Cinder slams her palm into Pyrrha's stomach, and fire bursts forth, blasting Pyrrha away. Pyrrha slams into a wall and falls to her hands and knees. She then stands back up and faces Cinder with determination still in her eyes. Cinder propels herself forward with flames jetting from her hands, smirking once again. She attempts to slam into Pyrrha's abdomen, but Pyrrha leaps into the air above her and wraps her arm around Cinder's. As Cinder slows to a stop, Pyrrha positions herself to place her feet on the wall behind her and pushes off, flipping herself over Cinder. She uses the momentum to flip and toss Cinder across the floor. Cinder lands on her front and, as she slides, she pushes off the floor to get back on her feet and perform a back-handspring. Her smirk turns into a look of slight concern upon the sight of Pyrrha charging forward to slam her shield into Cinder's abdomen and push her over. As Cinder stumbles backwards, Pyrrha hits Cinder's right hand with the blunt end of her spear, then slashes Cinder's left hand with the spear's blade. She then spins around and slashes across Cinder's abdomen and legs. Pyrrha spins around to attack again, but Cinder performs a backflip whilst kicking Pyrrha, with flames trailing behind her foot. The kick knocks Pyrrha into the air, and Pyrrha quickly rights herself. She flips her spear in her grip, holds it back, and then tosses it toward Cinder while firing the gun mechanism. Six fireballs appear around Cinder again, but they dissipate when Cinder backhands the spear away. Pyrrha's shield then flies toward her, and she hits it away, as well. After being momentarily distracted by the shield, Cinder returns her attention to Pyrrha and gains a look of slight surprise, then annoyance. Pyrrha launches herself toward Cinder and puts her arms around her, tackling her. The two turn each other in mid-air, fighting to be the one on top. Upon their landing, the room fills with a white cloud. When the dust settles, Pyrrha has Cinder in a choke hold, and Cinder is barely managing to hold Pyrrha's spear away from her neck. The Dragon flies away, and Cinder's eyes begin glowing as she applies heat to the spear in her hands. Her grip tightens as she heats the spear more and more, staring over her shoulder at Pyrrha. Upon hearing a loud screech, Cinder turns her gaze ahead and smirks, while Pyrrha gains a look of fear. While Pyrrha sets her focus on the Dragon that is flying toward the tower, Cinder finally snaps the spear's melted blade into pieces. Just before the Dragon slams its wing into the roof of Ozpin's office, Cinder elbows Pyrrha in the abdomen. The room fills with a green glow as the windows shatter and Pyrrha goes flying across the room. Giant cogs and debris come crashing down in the office, and the structure containing the CCT's transmitter falls to the ground outside, in pieces. Pyrrha crawls toward her shield, while Cinder watches on from her position levitating off the floor with flame jetting from her feet. While looking for a way to distract Cinder, Pyrrha notices Ozpin's collapsed metal desk and uses her polarity to throw it at the corrupt Maiden, knocking her to the floor. She then quickly grabs her shield and rolls across the floor, sitting up on her knees and holding the shield up. With a burst of flame, Cinder throws the desk off of herself and levitates in the air. Pyrrha rolls out of the way of two streams of fire that Cinder sends her way and attempts to block a third. However, the force of the third sends Pyrrha tumbling backward, and the floor momentarily catches fire while Pyrrha rolls to her feet. From behind the wall of flame, Pyrrha throws her shield at Cinder, who confidently backhands it away. She then looks up in surprise to see a multitude of giant cogs floating in the air around her. Using her polarity, Pyrrha directs her shield to knock Cinder's feet from beneath her and then slams a cog down on Cinder's abdomen to pin her to the floor. She calls her shield back to her arm, then brings the cogs together into a pile on top of Cinder. However, Cinder blasts them away with a powerful burst of fire, sending them in all directions. One of the cogs flies toward Pyrrha, who raises her shield to block, in vain. The force of the impact slams her into the remains of a wall, taking away the last of her Aura. You got up and dusted yourself off.

(Y/N): damn I wasn't even in the fight and I still get dust all over me.

You walked over to cinder who glared at you a little.

Cinder: I could've used your help you know.

(Y/N): oh come on. You knew you could handle it yourself. I would've only got in the way.

Cinder: -_-

Cinder then forms an obsidian bow in her hand. As she raises it up and draws back an obsidian arrow, Pyrrha charges forward, spins, and throws her shield at her. Cinder looses the arrow, which shatters upon impact with the side of the shield. However, as the fragments part ways above and below the shield, they glow orange and rejoin each other on the other side. The fragments melt into each other and cool into the shape of an arrow, which continues on its path directly into Pyrrha's ankle. Pyrrha collapses in pain. She attempts to pull herself to her feet, but the pain is too much. Both ends of the arrow break off, making removal impossible. She turns over onto her hands and knees as Cinder moves to stand in front of her.

Cinder: It's unfortunate you were promised a power that was never truly yours. (She kneels down and lifts Pyrrha's chin, staring into her eyes and smiling) But take comfort in knowing that I will use it in ways you could never have imagined.

Pyrrha: "She pulls away, sitting up and matching Cinder's stare" Do you believe in destiny?

Cinder: "Frowns, narrowing her eyes" Yes.

Cinder stands back up and forms an obsidian bow and arrow again. She pulls back the arrow, lowering the bow to aim at her weakened opponent. Nearby, Ruby finally reaches the top of the tower, landing in a kneeling position. She looks upon the scene, seeing Pyrrha sitting with her eyes closed, accepting the fate that awaits her. Cinder was about to let the arrow hit Pyrrha until the dragon started to screech for some reason. It got the attention of you and cinder.

Grimm Dragon: "loud Screech"



(Y/N): the hell is his problem?

That's when a burst of white light suddenly came up out of no where. The white light envelopes her, spreading out to the Dragon and Cinder.

Cinder: "In complete shock" WHAT?!

(Y/N): oh shit this is going to hurt.


Cinder layed in a bed still out from ruby's attack until she felt your hand wake her up.

Cinder: h....huh?

(Y/N): good your up.

Cinder tried to speak but hardly anything came out.

(Y/N): yeah that blast really did a number on us.

Cinder felt her eye and there was a big scar on it.

(Y/N): yeah she got me too.

Cinder looked and saw your scar and it went from your eye all the way do to your chest where a bigger one is seen. Cinder then kissed you which caught you by surprise but you eventually kissed back.

(Y/N): my someone certainly got happy really fast.

She kept you where you were as you were about to leave.

(Y/N): what do you want me to lay with you?

Cinder shook her head yes.

(Y/N): ok.

You got into the bed with her and layed down.

(Y/N)'s 1st Voice in his head: damn she's really gotten different.

(Y/N)'s 2nd Voice in his head: can't say I blame her. She lost a lot after that who experience.

(Y/N)'s mind: do you guys mind we're trying to sleep here.

Both voices: oh sorry.

A/N: next is Yandere Fem Flash x Shy Male Reader.

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