Yandere Weiss and blake x Male Assassin Reader

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A/N: requested by theLostMaleReader324. Enjoy.

Your much different from the rest of the kids who go to beacon. In secret, you were a highly skilled assassin and one of the best known ones at that. You were the best at your job. Killing all those who you were assigned to kill. But this time you needed to go into beacon and pretend to be a stunted there so you can try to assassinate a grey hair boy named mercury and if anyone got in the way take them out. You were walking in the halls until you saw mercury out there on his own. This would be a good chance go take care of him but people would hear from their rooms so you had to wait for a more better chance.

???: are you alright?

You turned your attention to a faunus girl in all black. You had seen her before long ago during one of your assignments to kill one of the members of the white fang. She was blake belladonna.

(Y/N): I'm fine.

Blake: alright. I need to ask you something.

(Y/N): hm?

Blake: would you like to go out with me later on?

(Y/N): sorry but I haft to decline.

You walked off while blake stood there starting to get a little pissed. As you were walking, you bumped into someone. It was Weiss Schnee.

(Y/N): oh sorry about that.

Weiss: no it's fine. I was actually looking for you anyway.

(Y/N): why?

Weiss: well I wanted to ask you something.

(Y/N)'s mind: this is only going to end one way.

(Y/N): I can already tell from the expression on your face that you want to ask me out.

Weiss: really?

(Y/N): yes but as I did with blake just earlier, I must decline.

Weiss: what?!

(Y/N): sorry. I have things that need to be done.

With that, you walked off again and this time Weiss was starting to get pissed just as blake was walking up next to her.

Weiss: he rejected us both.

Blake: that god damn fucker. He'll pay for rejecting us!


Now was finally your chance to kill Mercury. It was dark outside and no one was out there except him. You were hiding in a dark place ready to throw a dagger at Mercury's neck. Once you flung the blade a thing of ice got in the way.

(Y/N): what?!

You looked where the ice came from and you saw Weiss and blake with angered expressions.

(Y/N): what are you two doing here?!

Weiss: we'll teach you to reject us!

(Y/N): girls I don't wish to fight you. Either turn away now or die.

They charged at you in high speed.

(Y/N): so be it.

Your drawed your blades. Your blades clashed with theirs. Their speed was matched with yours you couldn't be able to out speed them if they were at the same speed as you. Your only hope was to out smart them and get the upper hand on it. You jumped in the air and used a smoke bomb to blind them.

(I know assassins don't really use smoke bombs but still).

You landed on the branch of a tree and as the smoke was still there, two shadow clones of blake as well as a grimm made Weiss' semblance came at you.

(Y/N): nice try!

You sliced at them and they disappeared.

(Y/N): that's not going to work.

You then saw the real blake and Weiss went at you with their blades ready. You readied your blade and You swing your blade at the same moment they swung theirs as they past you.

(Your ending).

As the three of you stood there for a few moments still not looking towards each other until blood gushed through both Weiss and blake.

Weiss: wh.....what?

Blake: h.....how?

They both fell to the ground and died.

(Y/N): I warned you both to either turn away or die. But it seems you chose to die.

You put your blades back where they were and started to walk off while waiting for another chance to kill Mercury.

(Weiss and Blake ending).

Blood gushed out of the side of your body. You held the cut and fell to the ground.

(Y/N): d.....damn it.

The girls approached you.

Weiss: you should've never rejected us.

Blake: it would've saved you from this.

(Y/N): go ahead and kill me then!

Blake: we're not going to kill you.

Weiss: we have something better in mind.

They knocked you out and after that day they've kept you all to their selves for the rest of your life.

A/N: next is Millinianna x Male Reader.

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