Bladerunner.🍋🍋🍋 (Cyberpunk 2077 Lucy x Male Reader)

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This story is patched and free of bugs :D.

Also, I was thinking of making this oneshot a full story of it's own. Let me know if you guys would be interested in it. Now, enjoy.


Night City, one of the best and worst places to live on earth. While it offers the best opportunities for everyone, that also includes criminals. Mercs, gangs, cyberpsychos and more fill the city making it almost impossible to not be in danger at all times.

But all of this turned to be an opportunity for our hero...

Y/N is a test subject from Arasaka. They tested and putted so many implants in his body that one could argue if he's human anymore. His bones were replaced by an armored skeleton, his brain it's almost like a computer, his limbs have hidden weapons in it. Blades on his wrists, his left hand can turn into a cannon...

All in all, the boy was made for war which was Arasaka's point to begin with. What they didn't expect it's for him to escape and remove the tracking device they putted in him.

Dressed up in a hoodie and some jeans Y/N walked towards his apartment, hand always close to the handgun hidden on his pants. Lately, he has been creating a name for himself on the Afterlife as a merc. He doesn't want to raise any attention so he only takes easy jobs, enough to sustain himself.

The boy finally reached the apartment. He made sure no one followed him and went inside. Now, he's safe.

The apartment it's very small. The kitchen was next to the living room, no walls separating each other. The bathroom has barely enough space for the shower and the sink. There was one last room, an "office". In reality, there's where he hides all his weapons. The bed was next to the bathroom. Not the best place to put it...

It wasn't fancy nor big but it was enough for Y/N.

Y/N sat on his couch and turned the T.V on. Before he could even rest for a minute, a call appeared. A netrunner called Kiwi. Y/N never saw her face but she has shown interest in working with him a couple of times.

He sighed and took the call. Thanks to the cyberimplants Y/N can talk through his head as if he had a phone inside.

Y/N:"Hey. More work?"

Kiwi:"Not exactly. My people wants to meet you."

Y/N:"Not interested."

Kiwi:"2000 Edis for just coming. A thousand more for listening to us. Don't like what you hear? You leave. But if you stay you'll get even more."


Kiwi:"As soon as possible."

It was 1:00 P.M. He didn't had anything to eat yet.


Kiwi:"I'll send you my location. When are you coming, Blade?"

Y/N:"2:00 A.M, maybe 2:30. Depends on how hungry I am."

Kiwi:"Gotcha. We'll we waiting. A pleasure doing business with you, like always."

Kiwi ended the call, finally letting Y/N take a rest. He has been hunting down a rapist this morning. After dumping an entire clip of his handgun on his head he wanted to rest a little. It seems there won't be much resting today.

The location Kiwi sended him was another apartment and it was close to his. Was it Kiwi's? He'll find out later.

Food was not a problem for Y/N since he wastes all his money on it to have a healthy diet. That's all he cares for right now. But, his appetite forces him to eat a lot.

Today, he decided to make some fried eggs, chicken wings and more fried eggs. His cooking skills were remarkable. Not that it was hard for him to learn anything...

While he cooked Y/N looked information about Kiwi on the net. She worked as his fixer but she wasn't one. There was not much info about her, except one little thing...

A report from the news talking about a couple of killings made by other merc, Maine. It's not official if he made them or not but it was enough for Y/N. They mention how Maine was aided by two netrunners however.

When it was time, the boy left his room and walked towards the apartment Kiwi should be in. It was a couple of streets away.

The place was calm, no sight on anyone that could try something funny on him. Still, he doesn't trust Kiwi at all.

When he was close to the apartment's door he used his X-Ray vision to look inside. 4 figures. Three womans, one man. Two of them where very bulky the other two had slim figures. One of the girls was on the window, smoking.

"Let's get this over with." He thought, pressing the doorbell. Two of the figures, the bulky ones, moved their hands to their guns. The one on the window didn't react. The tall woman walked towards the door and opened it, revealing herself.



Y/N:"Your place?"

Kiwi:"No. From hers."

Kiwi moved her head slightly towards the girl on the window. She was staring at him with the cigar on her fingers.



Y/N:"If you offer me that amount of Edis by just meeting you either your preparing a trap or you have a lot of money."

Kiwi:"Clever. Come in."

The netrunner stood aside, letting him go in. Y/N looked at the other two. They weren't happy to see him.

The black man stood up and bumped into him.

???:"I suppose you're the asshole working with our netrunner, right?"


Maine:"My name it's Maine." *Offers him his hand.* "I have an offer."

Y/N:"Money first, then I'll listen."

Y/N took the handshake. Maine applied a lot of strength, testing the boy. He didn't expect Y/N to match him. Also, Maine felt metal in him, which took him by surprise.

Kiei:"Of course, here. I'll give you the rest once you hear our offer."

Kiwi made a transfer to Y/N's bank account, giving him the 2000 Edis he was promised. Then, he broke the handshake and sat in front of the smoking girl, giving her his back.

Maine:"Tough guy huh? I see Kiwi was right."

Y/N:"Thanks. Now let's go straight to the point. What do I have to do?"

Maine:"Have you seen the new car shop that opened on Westbrook?"

Y/N:"Yes. You brought me here for a car heist?"

Kiwi:"We need a driver, one with experience. Westbrook it's very dangerous. We are short a driver so we need you for the heist."

Y/N:*Sigh* "You guys have a shard?"

Maine passed Y/N a shard filled with the info he needs. The boy grabbed it but hesitated to put it on his neck.

Kiwi:"Blade, if we wanted to shoot you I wouldn't have paid."

Nodding, Y/N putted the shard on his neck. On his eyes appeared all the info he needs. Amount of guards, where the cameras are and most importantly, the car he's gonna steal.

Maine:"A Mizutani Shion MZ2. 75.000 Edis each. There's two. You will go with Lucy, our other netrunner. Kiwi and our other driver, Rebecca will get the other car. The black one is yours, the white one will be drived by Rebecca."

Y/N:"How much we will gain?"

Maine:"150.000 Edis in total. Seven members of our crew. 20.000 Edis for each, the rest will be used to buy us new gear for another contract we have."


Maine:"If you want to form part of this you'll have to form part of us, no leaving after this. If not, out of here punk."

Y/N:"Sure. For now. I'm not going on jobs that could get me in trouble with Saka."

Maine:"You a pussy or something?"

Y/N:"No. Personal reasons. It's better if I don't get involved with them. Back to business, when are we doing it?"

Maine:"Tonight. Lucy will call you. If you agree, that is."

Y/N removed the shard, returning it. He sighed and nodded, agreeing with their terms. Maine nodded and laughed.

Maine:"That's the spirit! Well, that's all! I'll see you guys tomorrow! Lucy, take care of him!"

He got up and leaved the apartment followed by the other blond girl. The smoking girl, now known as Lucy sat next to him. She was still making him nervous since she hasn't stopped looking at him since he went in.

Lucy:"Meanwhile, I have a job for you."

Kiwi:"Watch it. He's my merc, not yours. Besides, didn't you said you had eyes on a kid?"

Lucy:"I do, but this 'Blade' you brought it's much more interesting. Don't worry, I'm taking him for some Shard hunting."

Y/N:"If I remeber correctly, we made a deal for 5 jobs only Kiwi. Then, I'm free to work with other fixers."

Kiwi:"We can make another one right now. You have proved to be quite the merc."

Y/N:"Sure. After doing whatever Lucy has for me."

Lucy:"You heard him. Now get out of here Kiwi, I don't want anyone on my aparment without me in it. Chop chop!"

She stood up and dragged the other two out of her apartment. Kiwi sighed and left, leaving Lucy and Y/N alone. The white haired girl locked her apartment and walked towards the metro with Y/N following him.

Y/N:"Shard hunting? I never heard such thing. What are we doing?"

Lucy:"Simple really. We go to the train station and steal all the shards we see."

Y/N:"Like burglars."

Lucy:"Correct. You said you wanted jobs that does not raise much attention, right?"

Y/N:"I said Saka's attention."

Lucy:"I'm not deaf, I know. But this one's perfect. Besides if Kiwi didn't lie you should be able to do it without much trouble or are you scared?"

Y/N:"Bored, not scared. Let's give it a try."

The two arrived at the train station. They have to wait 10 minutes for one of the trains to arrive, so they sat on a bench and waited.

Lucy:"We should find you a new nickname."

Y/N:"What's wrong with Blade?"

Lucy:"Do you have one?"

From his wrists, two big blades appeared, cutting through his sleeves. He quickly pulled them back to not attract unwanted attention.

Lucy:"Fitting. My point still stands tho."

Y/N:"Which is?"

Lucy:"We are all the Edgerunners. Why not being our 'Bladerunner'? It's a cool name. I think."


Lucy:"You liked it, right?"

Y/N:"It sounds good."


The train finally arrived. Both of them stood up and went inside. While the other civilians either went out or in of the train, Lucy called Y/N to explain him the plan. There was three wagons, Lucy noticed.

Lucy:"Okay, listen up. You go to the first wagon I go to the last one. Y'know how to steal a shard right Bladeruuner?"

Y/N:"Of course that I do."

Lucy:"Chill, I was just joking. Hey, the train it's moving. Hurry up, let's see how much we can make."

The two splits up, walking towards their positions.

Y/N:"Hey. It's Y/N by the way."

Lucy:"Nice to meet you Y/N. Get me a lot of shards and I may invite you to my place."

Y/N:"It's that a challenge?"

Lucy:"More like a side-objective if you will. Okay, I'm ready. You?"

Y/N:"Let's do this."

Lucy:"Good luck."

As soon as he reached the first wagon he stood next to the driver's door and walked down the wagons, going towards Lucy. He activated his implants, making everything go in slow motion. It was too easy for him to pick up all the shards at this point. Hell, he could even pickpocket some of them.

In seconds, he got 20 shards on the first wagon. The next one was almost empty, except from some Corpo people, their bodyguards and a kid with a cool yellow jacket.

Y/N opened the door and bumped into Lucy in the little room in between wagons. They closed the doors and faced each other.

Lucy:"I have 14. You?"

Y/N:"20 from the first wagon, 11 on this one."

Lucy:"Damn, nice job. You and I are gonna be good friends. Give me 6, the rest it's all yours."

While Y/N grabbed the shards, Lucy looked through the window behind Y/N. She saw the kid with the yellow jacket.

Lucy:"Hey, you stole his shard?"

Y/N:"Yeah, not hard to miss with that jacket. Child's play."

Lucy:"Do me a favour please, return it."

Y/N:"Why? Is he your boyfriend or something?"

Lucy:"Not my type. I've been stalking him for a while. Lately he's been having very bad days, let's not make them even worse."


Y/N grabbed the boy's shard and walked towards him. Using his implants, he went into slow mo and introduced the shard in his neck without no one noticing. Then, he went back. When he deactivated his shard Lucy was astonished by his speed.

Lucy:"My oh my, aren't you a fast one."

Y/N:"Do we go for more?"

Lucy:"Yes, but could we be in an actual wagon instead of here?"

Y/N:"Why? I'm fine here. I can talk to you to the face instead of on a call."

Lucy:"Yes but I don't like being this close to someone."

Y/N now noticed how small the little wagon was. Lucy was pretty much pressing herself into Y/N, much to her annoyance.

Y/N:"Should've said that sooner. Let's go to the middle wagon, we can see who's getting inside from there."


With a plan in mind, both went into the same wagon the kid with the jacket was in and took a seat. Lucy glanced at the Corpo on her right and whispered to Y/N:

Lucy:"The shards from those rats over there must be very expensive."

Y/N:"Mhm. They are from Arasaka too, which makes it more enjoyable to me."

Lucy:"What's your deal with them anyways?"

Y/N:"Don't wanna talk about that. Let's leave it at 'fuckers hurted me plenty'. It's a good reason to hate them."


Y/N:"Hey look, your boyfriend is coming over."

Lucy:"I told you-"

???:"Um, hello."

The kid with the yellow jacket approached Lucy and Y/N. He blushed a little upon looking at Lucy, yet he was facing Y/N.


???:"Can I get some directions? I don't really know where can I find a store that sells suits and..."

Y/N:"Go to Central City. Avoid Downtown, there's only hookers and gangs there."

David:"Thank you. My name is David. See you around sir!"


David left, walking into a different wagon but not before glancing one more time to Lucy tho.

Lucy:"He didn't want directions. He wanted to check me out. So young yet so perverted..."

Y/N:"Do I look old?"

Lucy:"How old are you?"


Lucy:"No, you look perfect."


Lucy:"I didn't meant it like-" *Sigh* "Take it how you will."

Timeskip brought to us by Lucy and Y/N, counting the shards they collected in the shadows.

It was time to get the cars. Y/N and Lucy took the Westbrook station and walked towards the shop. It was night time, just how Maine wanted it. Perfect for a heist.

The two waited on a polelight for Kiwi and Rebecca to appear. Y/N knew how Kiwi looked but this Rebecca intrigued him a little.


From a street behind them, Kiwi approached the group accompanied by what looks like a little girl dressed up in cuestionable attires.

Y/N:"You're... the driver?"

Rebecca:"Yup! My name's Rebecca! What's yours pretty boy?"

Y/N:"Aren't you a little-"

Rebecca:"Finish that sentence and I'll blow your dick off. Not in an enjoyable way tho."

Y/N:"I'll trust Maine. Let's do this."

Kiwi:"I'll hack the entrance from here. Y/N, take care of the guards inside. They are armed but I'm sure you can handle that. Lucy will take care of opening the cars."

Y/N:"Sounds good to me."

Lucy, Rebecca and Y/N aproached the shop. It was dark inside. They were closed.

Kiwi opened the main entrance and the blinds protecting the showcases. The trio went inside with their guards up.

Lucy:"Eyes on the cars. Rebecca do me a favour and cover me."

Y/N:"I'll make sure no one sees us."

Lucy and Rebecca went on their own to hack the cars. Y/N walked towards the cameras, planning on using his daemons to hack the cameras. Kiwi was already on it tho and do it faster than him.

Kiwi:"Don't worry Blade, I have it covered. Should I say Bladerunner tho?"

Y/N:"Yes, call me that. Have eyes on the guards?"

Kiwi:"Indeed. Two coming from upstairs, they're gonna spot Rebecca. Take care of them before the midget shoots them."

Rebecca:"What did you just called me?!"

Bladerunner made a high jump, vaulting over the metal fence on the second floor. The two guards got scared of suddenly seeing someone jumping an entire floor to meet them. Before they could react, Y/N used the momentum of vaulting over a fence to kick one of them on the torso, launching him far away from him.

The other guard grabbed an electric rod and shocked Y/N, who just looked at him, bored.

Y/N:"Good trick. My turn."

One single headbut was enough to knock him out. The guard on the floor grabbed his holstered handgun. Before he could fire it, Y/N activated his implants, everything going into slow mo. He walked to the guard and stomped on his head.

Y/N:"Guards taken care off."

Kiwi:"Good. Get on the car Y/N, Lucy is waiting."


He vaulted over the fence again and walked to the black car he has to steal. He opened the door, seeing Lucy on the seat besides him. Her eyes showed electronic patterns. She was still hacking something.

Lucy:"You're late. Where are you taking me handsome?"

Y/N:"Out of here, that's for sure."

He started the engine, the car roaring in response. Rebecca started her own car and drived through the showcase, breaking it.

Rebecca:"See you at the base!"

Kiwi:"Sending you the coordinates Y/N."

As soon as he recieved them, Y/N went through the showcase and drived following the path the GPS inside his head told him.

Lucy:"You could've killed them. We don't mind."

Y/N:"Only if it's necessary. I'm a merc, not a murderer."

Lucy:"Point taken. Hey, we have company."

Y/N reached a bridge but like how Lucy said, someone was following them. A van filled with Maelstrom members, all of them wearing assault rifles.

Lucy:"Maelstrom? here? Kiwi, we have trouble."

Kiwi:"I see them. Better start driving fast Y/N."

Y/N:"I'll handle them. Get on the wheels."

Lucy:"I can't hack and drive Y/N."

Y/N:"Fine, I'll do it myself then."

He made one quick spin to the wheel, turning the vehicle to face the van, driving backwards. Lucy screamed a little when she saw all the van driver smirking, wanting to ram them.


He grabbed his handgun and fired two bullets, scoring a headshot on the driver and another headshot on his partner. The van crashed into the guardrails. Y/N made another spin, finally driving the intended way.

Lucy:"Good shooting. Don't that again tho."


Kiwi:"It's not over. Look alive."

From the driving mirrors Y/N saw motorbikes approaching them. Five of them with two guys on each bike. As soon as they appeared they opened fire on them, forcing Y/N to cover Lucy with his arm.

Y/N:"Get down please."

Lucy:"Holy- Maine said it would be piece of cake!"

Y/N:"It will. Can you get the wheels?"

Lucy:"I already told you-"

Y/N:"Just grab the wheel."

Lucy:"Fuck it."

Lucy sat on top of him and took control of the wheels, trying her best to not ram the car into anything while she keeps control of it. Now with his two hands free, Y/N turned his left hand into a cannon and with the right one he grabbed his handgun.

He broke the window and peeked through it, maintaining a grip on Lucy to not let her fall.

Lucy:"Watch where you're touching!"

Y/N:"Get ready, this is gonna blow. Literally."

He fired the cannon, blowing two motorbikes up. It had so much recoil, the car got a boost of speed. Y/N didn't felt anything tho. Just "Slight recoil" as he puts it.

Now, Lucy wasn't as reluctant as letting him grab her waist.

One of the bikers managed to get side to side with them. Y/N returned his left arm to his normal state, grabbed the biker's head and crashed it on a piece of glass that remained on the window. The glass pierced his neck, the gang member suffocating on his own blood. His partner kicked him away and opened fire on Y/N.

He blocked the bullets with his arm, bouncing off of it, surprising the Maelstrom member and Lucy alike. He simply aimed his gun at the biker and fired, scoring another headshot.

Kiwi:"Keep it up. Two bikes remain."

Y/N:"You can get back on your seat if you will."

Lucy:"I think I'll stay here yeah."

Y/N:"Have it your way."

The remaining bikers surrounded Y/N's car. One on the right, the other on the left. Now on the wheels, Y/N rammed the car against the biker on his right till they crashed on the guardrails. The two Maelstrom members flyed above the bridge and into the streets below, breacking their necks upon falling.

The last bikers tried to aim at Lucy, but Y/N blocked the shots yet again. From his wrist, some type of mini rockets appeared, flying towards the bikers.


They blew up on their necks, killing them.

Y/N:"Just like the simulations."


Y/N:"That's it, we're safe."

Lucy:*Phew* "That was close!"

Y/N:"You owe me a beer or something."

Lucy:"Asking me out handsome?"

Y/N:"No, asking you for a beer."

Lucy:"Ouch. Way to friendzone me."

Kiwi:"I suppose I'm gonna have to buy you some ammo?"

Y/N:"Negative. I have spare on my home. Thanks for asking tho."

Kiwi:"I wouldn't have done it for free."

Y/N:"I know."

Kiwi:"You don't have to pay me with money."


Kiwi:"Have it your way. We are free now, I'm ending the call. I have to make sure Rebecca doesn't crash. Good luck you two."

Y/N:"Good luck."

Lucy:"I'm curious, what else did she wanted?"


Lucy:"Heh, sly bitch. Have you ever accepted her advances? Just curious."


Lucy:"I see."

Y/N:"Can you sit on your seat please?"

Lucy:"That's what I'm doing."

Y/N:"I can't see the road."

Lucy:"A straight line, no cars besides Kiwi and Rebecca. Not much to see."

Y/N:"Out of my lap. Now."

Lucy turned around and stared at Y/N. She was looking at him with a playful smile. Y/N knew she was about to pull something.

Lucy:"What if I don't?"

Y/N:"Oh, now you can see?"

Lucy:"I finally hacked the car. Want me to prove it?"

Y/N:"It won't be necessary. Please, can you get your ass out of my lap?"

Lucy:"I want something in return..."


She slowly moved to his ear and whispered on his ear:

Lucy:"What you offered to Kiwi~"

Y/N:"I'm tired of this crap. Wanna sit here? Have it your way."

With his left arm, Y/N pushed Lucy more into him, finally letting him see the road. Lucy yelped a little, not expecting him to be so bold. With his free hand he managed to drive perfectly.

Lucy:"H-Hey! What are you doing?!"

Y/N:"Looking at the road. Like a good driver."

Lucy:"I'll sit on the seat, let me go!"

Y/N:"Nope. Two can play this game, netrunner."

Lucy:"You motherfucker... Jokes on you I'm fine with this."

Y/N:"You're fine with this?"

Lucy:"You're one of us now, it's not like you're gonna rape me or something. Specially if Kiwi it's your fixer."

Y/N:"Fair point."

Lucy:"Still up for that bear? There's something I wanna show you."

Y/N:"Not interested in having sex Lu-"

Lucy:"Not that. I was just playing with you."

Y/N:"Then sure."


Y/N:"Let's give Maine the cars and go get that beer."

Timeskip brought to us by Lucy and Y/N walking all their way back to her apartment.

Lucy:"And then Maine just blasted the poor dude into oblivion just because he made a joke about his girl. There was nothing left of him, just blood on the walls."

Y/N:"Fucker deserved it."


Back on their apartment, Lucy grabbed a beer for the two. She sat on the window, looking at the distance while drinking. Y/N sat on the floor besides her. He finished the beer sooner since alcohol doesn't really affect him that much.

Lucy:"Why did you joined us?"

Y/N:"Tired of being alone, I already know Kiwi, the jobs interest me... As long as we don't fuck up or join with the wrong dudes we'll be fine."

Lucy:"Tell me about Kiwi and you."

Y/N:"Met in the Afterlife. I was looking for job, she wanted a rookie. Kiwi needed someone to clean a place filled with gang members. I get paid she gets whatever it's there."

Lucy:"What happened?"

Y/N:"I cleaned the place in 3 minutes. Being the little rat she is Kiwi realised she struck gold with me so we made an agreement. Kiwi will get better jobs for me if we share the benefits."

Lucy:*Giggles* "Classic Kiwi."

Y/N:"And the rest is history. Tell me about you, why the hate for Arasaka?"

Lucy:"Same about you. They hurted me deeply. To hell with Arasaka."

Y/N:"Cheers to that."

The two had a toast, a smile creeping on both of them. Lucy remembered she wanted to show something to Y/N, something very important.

Lucy:"Wait here. It's time I show you something I haven't shown to anyone."

She got up and walked towards her bed where two headshets for braindances and VR were. Both plugged in. She sat there, put one and tapped the space besides her.

Lucy:"Come, sit with me."


Lucy:"Trust me, it'll be worth it."

Y/N reluctantly sat next to her, putting on the headset.

Y/N:"Lucy, braindances, VR and all that crap have a really bad past with me."

Hearing this, Lucy holded Y/N's hands. His heartbeat went down. Surprisingly, it was working. He was now calm.

Lucy:"Don't worry, I'll guide you through it."

Y/N closed his eyes and waited. Lucy stopped holding his hand, making Y/N really afraid for a moment. When he opened his eyes he saw...

"Planet earth?" He thought. Besides him was Lucy, sitting on the ground. They were both on the Moon.

Y/N:"This... Is this the Moon?"

Lucy:"Yeah. Cool huh?"

The worried expression on his face changed for a goofy smile. He thought he already saw it all on this world but he never experienced such a thing.

Y/N:"Lucy... Thank you. For this. I really appreciate this."

Lucy:"What? Taking you to a VR experience?"

Y/N:"One I will never forget. Thank you."

The smile Y/N gave her was enough for Lucy to widen her eyes. Something in her changed when she saw him so...


For an hour, the two criminals passed their time fooling around the planet. It was the first time in years Y/N had fun doing something not related to killing. And he was really grateful for that.

Sadly, all things must come to an end. It was getting late and Y/N had to leave. When they removed the headsets, Y/N said his goodbyes and went straight to his apartment, not knowing the cars wasn't the only thing he stole that day.

Timeskip brought to us by Y/N, looking through internet for any VR equipment he could buy.

Days passed and more jobs appeared. Lucy and Y/N always participated on the same jobs. Kiwi noticed the chemistry the two have. While Y/N takes care of the heavy lifting, Lucy hacks and guides Y/N through the places they are sent to.

The results spoke for themselves, the two managed to complete more jobs together that any member of the crew on an entire week. Not counting the 'Shard hunting' they've been doing.

All in all, both Y/N and the Edgerunners were pleased with each other. Y/N is always occupied with work and the Edgerunners have someone very powerful with them.

But one day, one single job was enough to put Y/N and Lucy's relationship to the next stage.

Lucy decided to go Shard Hunting on her own that day. Y/N had to do a job with Kiwi. She didn't like it when Y/N works for her but there's nothing she can do about that.

It was going as well as it could go, stealing everyone's shards till someone caught her. The kid with the yellow jacket. David.

He was questioning her yet she wasn't focused on that at all. The girl grabbed him and dragged David into the wagon Y/N and her use to hide. There, she felt around her torso in search for any weird implant. She took advantage of the fact David it's a teenager and didn't know what to do in that situation.

She founded it. To confirm her theory she scanned David with her implants. There it was. The Sandevistan. Military tech.

Lucy now has a plan. Distract the boy by convincing him of doing Shard Hunting, get him to her house, somehow distract him even more and then call Y/N and the others. Get the Sandevistan and boom, easy money.

So far it was going smoothly. They got a couple of shards, David almost died for using the hardware a little too much and eventually, they went to her house. Lucy gave the VR headshets to David but instead of showing the Moon one, she showed her a terror videogame to try and buy some time.

Maine, Rebecca, Dorio and Y/N sneaked into the room. Y/N inmediatly noticed how the two where on the VR.

Wanting to prank him, Maine got close and shouted at him.

Maine:"You done fucked up Cyberpunk."

Surprised, David took off the helmet just to recieve a punch straight to the face. Lucy sighed and removed the helmet too. She glanced at Y/N, an idea on her head.

Lucy:"Maine, can I trust you to not kill him while I'm gone?"

Maine:"Huh? The fuck you're going?"

Lucy:"With Y/N. Outside. Or his apartment. Depends on Bladerunner."

Maine:"You do you."

Maine lifted David's unconscious body by his leg, trying to see if he has something useful in him.

Meanwhile, Lucy and Y/N went outside.

Y/N:"Did you shown him the Moon one?"

Lucy:"Huh? Oh. No, it was a different one. The moon video is only for special people like you~"

Y/N:"Bet you show it to every boy that saves you from Maelstrom gang members."

Lucy:"Only to the cute ones." *Giggles.* "Hey, are we gonna go to your apartment or we're staying here doing nothing?"

Y/N:"Follow me."

Y/N guided Lucy to his apartment. She made a mental note of where it is, just in case she wanted to visit him.

The reason Lucy wanted to be with him all alone is she now realised there's something she can do about the Kiwi situation. Claim him first.

As soon as they went in, Lucy grabbed Y/N's hand and pulled him for a kiss. He widened his eyes, not expecting her to pull that move.

Desesperation was everything Y/N could feel from her, she wanted to do this really badly but Y/N was always stopping her. Till now.

It seems Lucy was not the only one who stole just a car that day.

Y/N kissed her back, making Lucy very happy. He lifted the netrunner up and walked towards his bed. He sat there with Lucy on his lap.

While they made out, Maine decided it was the best moment to call Y/N. Annoyed, he took the call.

Y/N:"Busy right now Maine."

Maine:"I'll be quick, David it's one of ours now."

Y/N:"Couldn't care less."

Maine:"No need to be rude punk... What'ya doing hmm? Are you fucking with Lucy?"

Y/N:"Not your fucking business now fuck off."

Maine:"Heh, you better do it good to her, David seems to have an eye on-"

Before Maine could finish the sentence Y/N ended the call, focusing exclusively on the girl he was kissing.

Lucy wanted more. She was not satisfied yet. Letting the heat of the moment taking control of her, she pushed him to the bed and quickly started removing her clothes.

Y/N:"L-Lucy, are you sure-"

Lucy:"I want to fuck you and by your reaction so do you. What is it you wanna discuss?"

Y/N:"Nothing. Is just..."


Lucy removed her top, letting her breasts be free. She noticed how Y/N was uncomfortable with this so she went to his ears and whispered:

Lucy:"Seems I founded the Bladerunner's weakness~" *Giggles* "If you want me to say it sure, I'll say it. I looove you~"

Y/N:"Cheeky little fuck..."

Y/N kissed all around her body her while he removes his shirt. Lucy was busy taking her pants and shoes off, enjoying Y/N's kisses.

Lucy:"C'mon, stop teasing~ Do it."

Just like Lucy he was eager to put it in her. He pulled his pants off and boxers off, letting his manhood out of it's cage. It's mere size made Lucy anxious to feel it inside.

After pulling her panties down Y/N putted his dick in her without any warning, making Lucy gasp. The pleasure was unbearable already.

He went deeper in her till he was met with resistance.

Y/N:"This is gonna hurt."

Lucy:"Bring it."

Y/N nodded and went through her hymen, breaking it. Knowing it has to hurt a lot he hugged Lucy, who closed her eyes to try and withstand the pain.

Y/N:"You good?"

Lucy:"I-I thought-" *Groans* "Thought it would be worse... Give me some time."

Y/N:"As much as you'd like baby."

Lucy:"Don't you dare go soft on me Blade."


Lucy:"Okay... You can move now. But..."

Y/N:"I know."

Slowly, he started to thrust in her. Afraid of hurting her Y/N went very slow. He was being as gentle as he could. Lucy appreciated it, even if she didn't said anything.

Her face changed from one of pain to pleasure. Lucy opened her eyes and kissed Y/N. The boy took the memo and speeded up, making it more enjoyable for both.

It was too much for her, she was squirming in his hold, moaning in their kiss. Lucy knew it would feel good but not this much good. The feeling was mutual tho, Lucy's body felt incredible. He was already addicted to her.

Wanting more, he turned Lucy around and started thrusting in her with way more force. He even pulled her hair. Lucy was enjoying every part of it. She enjoyed it so much she came. Lucy screamed in pleasure yet Y/N didn't stop.

Y/N:"L-Lucy I'm about to-"

Lucy:"OUT, PULL IT-" *Moans* "PULL IT OUT!"

Following her words Y/N pulled his manhood out. Lucy pushed him to the bed and engulfed his rod with her mouth. The sudden sensation of her tounge all around him was too much to the point he came in her. Lucy did her best to swallow everything down.

When he was over, Lucy removed Y/N's dick from her mouth. She coughed a little but she was satisfied nonetheless.


After their fun was over, both were sitting on the bed, panting, extremely tired.

Y/N went for a kiss but Lucy stopped him. He was confused.

Y/N:"Something's wrong? Have I hurt you?"

Lucy:"Not at all. Wait a moment."

She quickly made her way to the kitchen, grabbed a cup, filled it with water and then drink it all.

Lucy:"Now. Come here big boy."

Y/N:"You were thirsty?"

Lucy:"No you idiot, I know some guys don't like to kiss their girls after oral."

Y/N got up and walked towards her, smirking.

Y/N:"That means you're my girl now?"

Lucy:"Unless you want this to be a nightstand yes, I'm your girl~"

The two embraced each other and kissed their partner once more.

Lucy:"One more-" *Kiss* "-thing. No more working with-" *Kiss* "-Kiwi. Only me from now on."

Y/N:"You're gonna pay me?"


I'll pay you with the second type of currency~

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