Cat & Mouse. (Male reader x One Punch Man Fubuki)

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Y/N:"That's all? Tch, what a waste of time."

My name is Y/N L/N. I'm a well known villain in Tokyo. I use my super powers to... "work." You pay me, I do whatever you want me to, except killing. I'm no psycho.

I have a superpower that makes things really simple. I call it, sixth sense. To put it simple, my body can dodge any attack, no matter how strong or fast it is, I always react on time, dodging it.

Today, I recieved a contract from one of my favourite clients. There's a diamomd she wants me to steal. The problem is, by the looks of it, it doesen't seem very valuable, specially when I have to infiltrate a mansion filled with sensors and craps.

Y/N:"Who is this... Croft family anyways? Whatever, mission acomplished."

I was about to call my client, till I felt a chill on ny back. Turning around, I saw nothing, but I knew I wasn't alone.

The room I'm in is a basement. Is filled with crates, boxes, and even chests from the medieval ages. That, combined with the poor ilumination, makes a perfect room for someone to hide in.

Y/N:"Oh, c'mon. You can't hide from me. Get out, let's make things easier for the both of us, okay?"

No response. I can feel it getting closer. Whatever is haunting me, is on my right.

Y/N:"Okay... you wanna play? Then let's play."

On my right, there was a pile of crates, one on top of the other. I kicked them, throwing them on top of whoever was crouching behind them. The persone grunted, revealing a femenine voice.

Y/N:"There we go. Now, would you be so kind of showing yourself, please?"

???:" you wish."

I felt another chill on my back. This time, I sidestepped, so fast, it almost looked like I teleported. The girl used some type of... psychic powers to throw every piece of furniture around. It didn't hit any of us.

The girl stood up, facing me, a familiar hero I knew very well now stands in front of me.

Y/N:"Well, well, well, if it isn't my favourite hero! What is it gonna be this time, Fubuki? You gonna try and catch me again, or ask me out?"

Fubuki:"Hands up. If you cooperate, I won't hurt you."

Y/N:"Fubuki, dear, from the thousends of times we faced each other, did that ever worked?"

Fubuki:"I had to try."

Y/N:"Wait, you really thought it would work?"


Fubuki threw a chest towards my head. I ducked, dodging it. She used her powers to push me outside the room, but I managed to recover on time, quickly making a run for it to the stairs.

While going up, I heared her crashing through the ceiling. When I made it to the first floor, she was alredy there, waiting for me.

Y/N:"Why hello the-"

Fubuki quickly pushed everything in front of her to the air, launching furniture, decorations, and me alike towards the exit. I crashed through a window, but I my powers made my body roll when touching the ground, surviving the crash with no damages at all.

I stood up, seeing countless heros in front of me. It was the entirety of Team Fubuki.

Y/N:"Wow, quite a party you have here for me. Shouldn't you be stopping heroes that actually pose a threat instead of me?"

Hero 1:"You are a threat! You've been stealing money and valuables from people too many time now! But, today, all of that will be over! This is the end, Y/N!"

Shiiiiet, he is right... it's alredy a year since all of this began... hehe, time flies when you have fun.

Fubuki exited the house, levitating through the window I broke.

Fubuki:"Last chance, Y/N. Give up."

Fubuki made some furniture levitate, from sofas and tables, to bookshelves and beds. Hell, even a freaking door...

Y/N:"Yeah, umm... no."

Fubuki:"So be it."

Fubuki threw it all at once. It created a big cloud of dust, blocking both her and the heroe's view.

Y/N:"Heh, clever girl."

She failed them all. It almost looks like... she made it on purpose. Using my chance, I grabbed a bottle of fake blood I have on my pockets, and pour it on one of the furniture she threw.

Y/N:"This should be it. Now, let's get out of here."

The cloud of dust was dissipatting, so I crouched down, and carefully made my way out of there. The mansion was inside a forest, perfect for being sneaky. While I was escaping, I heared some of the heros voices.

Hero 2:"Holy shit... you killed him!"

Fubuki:"He was gonna escape and cause more pain anyways. Let's get out of here."

Hero 1:"You heared her, move!"

Hero 3:"Aw, man. I thought there was going to be an epic fight or something."

I grabbed my phone, and messaged the client.


Y/N: I have the diamond.

???: Good. Go to the meeting point.

Y/N: Okay. On my way.

???:Don't be late.

Y/N:Yeah, yeah, don't worry.

Y/N:"Heh, she worries too much."

I succesfully escaped the heroes. Now, I have to get home, change into my civillian clothes, and go to the meeting point. It's an hotel, one where my "favourite" client awaits.

After a 10 minutes walk, I got out of the forest, and made it into one of my many safehouses.

Since the hotel is a place where rich people often goes, I decided to change into a suit I... "borrowed." Not before taking a quick shower, of course.

Once I was clean, and dressed up on the expensive suit I totally didn't steal, I went to my drawer, and grabbed my car keys.

Going outside, I saw my car parked on the other side of the street. It's nothing too fancy...

Y/N:"If I weren't a freaking thief, I'll have to sell my kidneys or something to get enough money for it..."

I entered the car, and started the engine. I'm not someone who likes driving, I enjoy being on my foot, but, the hotel is far away from this safehouse, so...

Maybe, I could have gone to a different safehouse, and save some time, but here is where I keep this car hidden. I wanted to impress the client so badly.

While I was driving, I recieved a call. Using Android Auto, I answered the call, without my mobile.


???:"Hey, it's me. Do I interrupt anything or..."

Y/N:"No, I'm on my way. Just wait 5 minutes or so."

I hit the gas, trying to get to the hotel as fast as I could. Not wanna dissapoint the client, now do we?

???:"Oh, I see. Just wanted to make sure you were okay. That was dangerous."

Y/N:"Babe, you know I can't be hit by anything, right?"

Oh, yeah, I forgot to mention that. The client is my girlfriend. Hehe, silly me...

???:"I know, but still... what you do is dangerous and I.... I'm worried about you."

Y/N:"Then, you'll be happy when you hear what I have to say."

???:"What do you mean?"

Y/N:"I'll say it once I arrive, okay? Look, I can alredy see the hotel. Just wait some seconds. What's our room?"

???:"Room 117. The usual."

Y/N:"Okay. See you in two minutes."

???:"Okay. Be safe, bye."

She ended the call. This girl... and what we have is something that came out of nowhere. Don't get me wrong, I love her with all my heart, but, I never would have guess I'll end up with someone like her.

I managed to find a place to park the car. All these rich assholes were staring at my car, envious of it. Bitches, keep looking at what you will never have.

Smirking, I went to the hotel, an aura of superiority invading me. Many of those people looked at me like if they were staring at the devil itself, hatred on their eyes.

Enteting the hotel, I went to the receptionist, who I alredy knew from the hundreds of times I came here. His name is Jeff.

Jeff:"The usual?"

Y/N:"Y'know it."

Jeff:"She's in room 117. 10⁰ floor. I guess you alredy knew that?"

Y/N:"Yeah, thanks anyways."

Jeff:"Say... why don't you marry her or something? Or move in with her and viceversa? Isn't it kinda sad that you have to come here to see each other?"

Y/N:"Jeff... do you have a girlfriend?"

Jeff:"No, but-"

Y/N:"Then why the fuck are you giving me tips, when you can't get one dude?"

Jeff:"Sheesh, just trying to help dude..."

Y/N:"I know, just joking. It's complicated, but, let's say, this could be the last time you see me."

Jeff:"In a good way, I suppose."

Y/N:"If I wanted you dead, you would have known."

Jeff:"G-good to know."

Jeff knows about my job. He... was one of the people I had to rob once. I declined the job, and made friends with him. He is cool, I like him.

Taking the elevator, I went to the tenth floor. Even if I seem like an egocentric asshole (and I'm an egocentric asshole) I was really nervous to talk to her this time. I really do love her, and what I'm about to do, could be what changes our lifes forever.

The elevator stopped. The doors opened, letting me go. I walked forwards, towards the room with the number I know she's in. 117.


???:"One second!"

A voice replied form the other side. A very familiar voice.

The door is opened, the girl of my dreams now standing in front of me.

Oh, yeah, I forgot to tell you, my girlfriend is the hero I was fighting. Yeah, silly me.

Fubuki:"Oh, it's you. Hello, dear, wanna-"

I grabbed her hips, lifting her up. She blushed, not expecting the sudden show of affection. I kissed her in the lips while closing the door with my foot.

While kissing, I went to the bed, sitting on it. I placed Fubuki on my lap, letting her getting more comfortable on it.

After a minute or so of making out, we separated our lips. Love filled our eyes, not wanting anything else besides our partner's attention.

Fubuki:"W-where does all of this come from? And the diamond? What have you done with it?"

Y/N:"Why do you ask that? I can't kiss my girlfriend now?"

Fubuki:"It's not that, is just... usually, you aren't this straightforward."

Y/N:"The diamond is safe. I dropped it on home."

Fubuki:*Sigh* "I can't keep helping you, Y/N... you are a villain, I'm a hero... we can't keep playing this Cat and Mouse game. Eventually, someone will-"

Y/N:"That's why I'm calling it quits."


Y/N:"At first, I started doing all of this just out of fun. But, now... I don't even enjoy it. I just did it because is the only thing I'm good at. I have more money that I'll ever need, I don't have to steal more money, there's no need to. Specially now that I founded you... I want to live with you... I want to be able to hold you, kiss you, and maybe... form a family with you... without hiding. If to have all of that, I must quit, then I will."

Fubuki:"Y/N... are you really going to do that for me?"

Y/N:"Yeah, I am."

Fubuki smiled. She hugged, her way of saying thanks. Even if she seems cold, and cruel, she is really insecure, always thinking her sister is better than her in everything. That's why, everytime I kiss her, I hug her, or I... well, you know... 'that' with her, she's always really happy.

Fubuki:"I... I was so sick of having to pursue you... of hearing atrocities from my team about you. I was so close of just... throwing everything away, and escaping with you. But, like always... you are always one step ahead of me, and this time... I'm glad you were. I love you, Y/N."

Y/N:"Hehe, I love you too, honey."

Fubuki gently pushed me to the bed, forcing me to lay on it. She rested her head on my torso, dreaming of what our future could have for us.

Y/N:"Fubuki, I have a question... were you even trying?"

Fubuki:"What do you mean?"

Y/N:"Back on the hotel. You were... too gentle"

Fubuki:"Oh? Want me to get rough with you?"

Jokes on you, baby. I'm into that shit.

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