Forbidden Love. 🍋🍋🍋(Jill Valentine x Male Reader.)

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A zombie apocalypse, one of the coolest apocalipse scenarios... or that's why my friends said. Now, they're both dead.

6 months ago, some scientists that played with things they shouldn't created a virus. Said virus got spread world wide and now, here we are, a world filled with infected.

I "live" in a town called Raccon City. When the infection started, the army evacuated the city ASAP. I was one of the few that stayed. Not that I had much of a choice, I was busy trying not to get eaten by my former parents. Nowdays, there's nobody in town besides the dead and me.

Right now, I'm patrolling the city in search of gas. Why gas, you ask? Because my generators (yes, I have two generators in my house) need more. I have roughly for two days, so I need gasoline and quick.

In order to not get infected, I'm wearing heavy clothes. An undershirt with a sweater and a jacket on top. It was also a cold winter here in Raccon... I'm also wearing protection in my knees, wrists and ankles. Lastly, a bandana to cover my neck and obviously a backpack to loot.

Thankfully, there are some gas stations I haven't scavenged yet. I readied my handgun, and walked towards the gas station, making sure no zombie spots me.

I made a couple of raids to the police station, but there's a lot of zombies there, it's too risky, so I only do one whenever I'm completely out of ammo.

The gas station was in view. The door was opened, a dead body in the ground. Yesterday, I patrolled this area to see the zombie population here. The corpse is one of the zombies I saw. Someone is here.

I'm excited and also worried. Finally, another human being, but I can't be dumb, they may be hostile to me.

With all the courage I could muster, I entered the gas station. It was very dark, so I grabbed a flashlight and turned it on. There was more dead bodies and various bullet shells on the ground.

I slowly moved around the gas station, carefully checking those corners. On a stand, I saw a bag of chips, a bottle filled with water and a package of cookies.

I grabbed the cookies and the chips, looking at their expiration date. Two months till they expire, great, I have time.

Before I continue, I putted the three items in my backpack, finally getting new supplies. I noticed a can of food, but one of the zombies spilled blood on it. Better to not touch that-


Gunshots, coming from one of the doors. I moved to it and opened, peeking inside, aiming my gun to whoever was on the other side.

I had no time to react, someone crashed into me, making both of us fall to the ground, the unkown person on top of me. Due to... two cushions being pressed on my torso, I knew she was a girl.

I was more focused on the thing in the ceiling, "looking" at us.

It didn't had eyes. In fact, it doesn't look like it knows we're here, or, at the very least, on that exact position.

I looked at whoever was on top of me, finally putting a face to the girl.

She placed a finger on her mouth, signaling me to not make a sound. I nodded, getting really quiet.

The girl tried to grab the pistol she had. When we bumped, the pistol went flying away, maybe the reason that thing in the ceiling got confused and lost.

I made one dumb decision. I gave her my own handgun. Something told me she wasn't a bad person but also a good gunner. All the zombies had one exact shot on their heads.

The girl widened her eyes, but grabbed it nonetheless. She aimed at the creature's head and fired, scoring a headshot.


We both rolled to a side, avoiding getting impaled by it's sharp tongue. I quickly reacted by grabbing my knife and cutting it, damaging it even more.

The girl fired two more times, scoring another two headshots, finally killing it. The creature fell to the ground, twitching in pain till it died.

Y/N:"What the fuck is that?!"

???:"It's called a licker. Never saw one?"

Y/N:"No... sadly, now I do... who are you anyways? I thought I was alone in this town."

I removed my bandana, letting the girl see my face. She got a quick look at it, smiling a bit.

???:"I lived here. What about you? You're a kid. Shouldn't you be with your parents?"

My face changed into one of sadness something that didn't go unnoticed by the girl.

???:"Forget it. Here, thanks for the help."

She handed me back my handgun. I looked at it, staring at the engraving it has in the magazine.

I got out of my train of thoughts when the girl picked up her weapon and started to leave.


She turned around, an eyebrow raised.


Y/N:"That's it? You're just gonna leave like that?!"

???:"The fuck do you want? A reward?"

Y/N:"At least tell me your name!"

Jill:"Jill. Jill Valentine. Happy?"

Y/N:"No! Look, I've been by myself for 6 months straight, I can't handle this on my own! Let me go with you!"

The girl chuckled, as if it was funny to her.

Jill:"Look, I don't even know who you are-"

Y/N:"Y/N L/N! Nice to meet you!"

Jill widened her eyes upon hearing L/N.

Jill:"L/N? Your father is..."

Y/N:"Austin L/N! He was in... how was it called..."


Y/N:"Yeah, that! I-"

Jill:"Your father. I knew him. Is he this person?"

Jill grabbed a photo from her pockets. It looks old but you can distinguish three figures in the photo. The first one was her, with a different attire and much younger. The second one was my father and the last one is another man, but where was supposed to be the face there's nothing now. She tore that part.

Y/N:"H-He's my dad... who are you?"

Jill:"Okay, let's restart. I'm Jill Valentine, one of your father's comrades. When the outbreak started, he wanted me to promise him something. If something were to happen, I would go and find you. What happened to him?"

Y/N:"He died..."

Jill:"Then I have a promise to fulfill. Let's go."

The girl walked towards the entrance. She opened the door. She waited there for me, waiting.


Jill:"Don't you want me to stay with you? Then move it."

I nodded, following her orders. Something told me this was gonna be routine from now on.

We both went outside and walked to a parked white van.

Y/N:"What were you doing in that room?"

Jill:"Same as you. Looking for supplies."

Y/N:"Oh! I need gas for my generators back at home!"

Jill:"You have generators? Your father taught you electronics, right?"


Jill:"Heh, this isn't going to be as bad as I thought. Okay, we will go to your house then. Get in."

She opened the doors and got into the driver seat. I sat next to her, putting the backpack on my lap.

Y/N:"My house is-"

Jill:"I know."

Y/N:"You do? Why didn't you come sooner then?"

Jill turned the engine on and started driving towards my home, avoiding all the infected around the place.

Jill:"I thought you would be with one of the evac teams. There was no records of you anywhere, so I came back. Thanks god I did."

Y/N:"I see... by the way, who's the other guy?"

Jill:"What guy?"

Y/N:"In the photo, he-"

Jill:"No one. Don't speak of him. I'll rather forget some things."

Y/N:"I see. Sorry for asking..."

She was in a bad mood. Whoever he was, he must've hurted her.

Y/N:"Were you an old friend of my father?"

Jill:"You could say that."

Y/N:"And why was I never told about you? Dad spoke of his friends, I met some, but never knew of you..."

Jill:"Your mother wasn't very fond of me. How old are you? You're supposed to be 16, right?"


Jill:"Then stop asking so many questions, you're not a kid anymore."

Y/N:"Sorry, ma'am."

She enjoyed being called ma'am. That's what I think, since she was smirking.

Y/N:"Can I ask one more question?"

Jill:"Go ahead."

Y/N:"You promised father you would look after me. Why? What did you do to owe him?"

Jill:"...I fucked up and almost made your father lose his family. I won't speak any further, make your own conclussions. No more questions for today."

What does she man why that? Maybe, she made a mistake in one mission with her team or something?

We arrived at my home. She parked right next to the entrance. My neigbourhood is cleaned of infected, I always make sure there's none around so I can sleep a little bit more calm, something that never happens.

We both got out of the van and walked to the entrance. Jill saw the garage door open our broken car and one of the generators in view.

Jill:"Why were you in that gas station?"

Y/N:"I needed fuel for the generators."

Jill:"Go get some from my van."

I nodded, opening the van. She had a lot of things in there, food, weapons, personal belongings... I was respectful with her things and went straight to what she told me to get, the gas can.

When I grabbed it, I noticed it was entirely filled. With this, I have enough for one more week! There's more in there, so I'll be fine for a while.

I went to the garage and poured some gasoline in the generator. Jill was starting to get her things out of the van, at least, her personal ones.

Jill:"Y/N, open the door. I'll crash here with you."

Y/N:"O-Oh, okay!"

I grabbed my key from one of my pockets and opened the entrance for her. She went in, getting used to the house.

Meanwhile, I went to the backyard to refill the other generator. I use one to have electricity and the other to have warm water using a water heater. All in all, it almost looks like I was living like the old days... without the zombies, that is.

Once I was over, I went inside my home, locking the door behind me. While I was walking to the entrance, I saw Jill going upstairs straight to my parent's dorm. How does she...

I locked the door behind me and looked through the window to make sure there was no infected around. Then, I moved the curtains so they couldn't see inside.

Jill was already making her way downstairs, looking at me.

Jill:"I noticed the freezer still works."

Y/N:"Yeah, everything works here. If you want to get a shower or something, be my guest."

Jill:"Later, I'll rather get my supplies inside. Come, help me with them."

We worked for an hour, getting her things inside, organizing them. The food to the kitchen, the weapons distributed around the house, just in case and her things in her new room.

Once we were over, we both sat in the sofa, looking at the fireplace. It was cold outside, so I lighted it up to get us warm. She also got whiskey. I thought it would be a bad idea, but it's not like I can force her to stop.

Y/N:"Tell me... how old are you?"

Jill:"Lesson number one kid, never ask a girl her age or weight."

Y/N:"That's... not an answer..."

Jill:*Sigh* "31. I could be your mother."

Y/N:"Well, if you had a child with 14 years old, yeah, you would be."

Jill:"Really funny."

She drank it all in one go, making an "ahh" sound afterwards.

Y/N:"Why staying here? I thought you would had a plan..."

Jill:"I had one. Find Austin's son and keep him safe. I only have to protect you. Now go to sleep, kiddo, tomorrow we'll look for more supplies."

Y/N:"Fine, fine..."

2 weeks later...

It's been a while since Jill moved in. I feel a lot safer with her in here and we're way more efficient in our searchs for supplies but it also has some downsides.

First of all, whenever we are at home, she's always drunk. There's photos of dad and mom everywhere and it seems it brings her bad memories or something. There's also the weird behaviour she has around me. Sometimes, she's like an ogre and other times like a caring mother. I dunno what to think.

And then we have the... incidents. At first, it was just weird things one does or says when they're drunk, but she's been doing it while being sober. I'm talking about... "mistakenly" touching somewhere she shouldn't, hungry stares or uncomfortable comments.

She's not okay. When she goes to dad's bedroom I always hear sobs. I must help her...

After we were done with our chores, we both did the usual. I tried to be productive, learning how to grow crops while Jill gets drunk in the sofa, looking through some photos she has.

I passed the entire day in the backyard, not accomplishing much till it was night time. Dissapointed, I got back in house. Jill passed out in the sofa, drunk, again.

I sighed and walked towards her. I putted her arm around my shoulder, dragging her towards her room.

Y/N:"Jill, c'mon, wake up. Time to go to bed."

Jill:"...Austin? I missed you..."

Y/N:"No, it's me, Y/N! Man, you reek... let's get you to the shower first."

Jill:"Y/N? You look like your father a lot..."

Y/N:"Makes sense."

I went into my parent's dorm for the first time in a while and walked straight to their personal bathroom.

Before I could do nothing, I had to make sure she was able to do things on her own. I carefully dropped her on the bathtub, looking at her face. She was staring at me with hunger in her eyes.

Y/N:"Hey, Jill, listen up, I'm gonna get you cleaned then you'll go straight to bed, okay?"

Jill:"Y/N... I love you..."

Y/N:"Don't say such things you drunktard! Sheesh..."

Jill:"I'm... sober enough... to know what I'm saying..."

Y/N:"Yeah right... that bottle you drunk was filled when we got it, Jill!"

I tried to grab the shower head, but she grabbed my face, forcing me to stare at her.

Jill:"And I'm sober enough... to know what I'm doing."

She dragged me into the bathtub with her, kissing me right on the lips. I tried to get away, but I can't lie. I'm... enjoying this.

Jill is a really hot woman and it doesn't help that she's the one kissing me. I tried to resist the temptation, but I eventually kissed back.

After a minute, the need of oxygen arised, so we both separated from the kiss. We were panting, excited, her more than I.

Jill:"Not bad for a kid~"

Y/N:"Stop it! T-This is not alright, Jill! You're in no shape to make this things!"

Jill:"...I knew it. You will also abandon me, right?"

My heart skipped a beat when I heard that. She immediatly hugged her knees, sobbing a little. Y/N, she's a drunk, sad woman what the fuck are you doing you fool?!

Y/N:"Of course not! You helped me and are currently living with me! You showed me so much things... why would I leave you?"

Jill:"Then why can't you accept me?! Everytime I try... you look at me as if I were an animal!"

Y/N:"That's not true! I care about you, is just that... this is wrong!"

Jill:"You're right... I always fall in love with the wrong person..."

I mentally facepalmed. How didn't I figured that out earlier?! But... is it really wrong? I mean... dad and mom aren't here, in fact, we may be the last humans alive... I do feel something towards the girl, so does she...

Ah, fuck it.

I grabbed her cheeks and kissed her, shocking Jill. It took 3 seconds for her to kiss back, pushing me, getting on top of me. The kiss was filled with love, pure love... and the smell of alcohol.

When we separated our lips, there was still one more question I wanted to ask.

Y/N:"Jill... are you..."

Jill:"I'm not drunk. That wasn't the bottle we picked this morning, Y/N. All I said... I was sober all this time. Now, my time to question. This kiss, does it mean what I think it means?"

I smile, nodding. The girl nodded back, smirking. She removed her shirt, putting her bra and her... big assets into view.


Jill:"Just a heads up..."


Jill:"You're not getting out of here virgin."

She ripped my shirt open. Jill wasted no time in feeling my body all around, smirking.

Y/N:"J-Jill, I don't know if-"

Jill:"Shut up."

She looked at me with a stern look. Better to seal my lips.

Jill:"Do you want me, or not?"

Y/N:"I-I do, but-"

Jill:"No buts. I want you, you want me. Now, back to our business..."

She went for my lips, kissing me deeply. This time, there was way more passion and lust behind that kiss. She forced her tongue inside my mouth, exploring her new territory.

Meanwhile, her hands went straight under my pants, going moving like some snakes towards my member.

She pulled my pants down, straddling my member through the fabric of my underpants.

Jill:"My, oh, my, didn't know you were a big one~"

She couldn't resist any longer. Jill removed my underpants, letting my member run free. Mesmerized by it's size, she instantly putted in her mouth, shending pleasure waves all along my body.

The way she sucked and licked was feral, like an animal in heat. One of her hands were on my balls, caressing them, while the other roams free on my torso.

My hands went to ther bra, removing it from her, letting her breasts free. They were enormous and beautiful. The way they bounced after bobbing her head up and down was hipnotizing, so much that I couldn't resist grabbing one of them, making her moan and chuckled.

Jill removed my dick out of her mouth, planting a little kiss on it's head. She removed her pants and sat on my lap, my member on between her ass cheeks.

Jill:"Ready for the main course, baby~?"


Jill:"Glad to hear that~"

She wasted no time in introducing my member on her crotch making both moan in pleasure.

Jill started to ride me furiously, moving her hips in while bouncing up and down. Her face was one of bliss, her hands on her nape, moaning.

My own hands went to her hips, grabbing them, moving them her along with my thrusts.

She placed her forehead on mines, kissing me while riding. I increased the speed in my thrusts, going faster. We both embraced each other, wanting to feel each other's warmth.

I turned us around, now being on top. She smirked, bitting her finger seductively.

Jill:"Didn't know you had a dominant side in ya~"

Y/N:"I may have it."

Jill:"Don't get used to it... after all..."

She grabbed my head and forced me to come down at her level. Then, she whispered in my ear:

Jill:"I'm the one who has the pants in this relationship~"

I don't know how she does it, but she turns me on too much... as soon as she finished the sentence, I started thrusting into her with all the strength that I had. She moaned in pleasure, wanting even more.

Jill crossed her legs on my back, pushing me more into her. Tired of that position, she sat on my lap, getting closer to me. I embraced her again, making her bounce on my lap while I thrusted into her, her bounces matching the pace of my thrusts.

Jill:"I love you..."

I widened my eyes, not expecting that coming out of her. She kissed me, this time, love was the only thing I could feel in that kiss.

We separated our lips, a string of saliva still connecting our lips. At that moment, I felt I was at my limit.

Y/N:"J-Jill, I'm-"

Jill:"Me too~ Together, let's do it together~"


Jill:"No buts, remember?"

I nodded, not having much choice in the matter. With one final thrust, we both came. She hugged me, kissing my neck.


Y/N:"A-Are you sure... this was a good idea?"

Jill:"Don't worry, it's fine, we'll worry about that tomorrow. Even then, if something were to happen..."

Y/N:"I'll take responsability!"

Jill:"You fool, I wasn't talking about that! You better do that! What I meant is, we would... have to decide what to do with our relationship."

Y/N:"Decide what? I love you! I wanna be with you!"

Jill:"Even after what-"

Y/N:"I don't care what you did in the past! I... only care about the present. There's no reason to keep remembering what happened back then, that world does not longer exist. A new world... a new beggining."

Jill giggled, hugging me.

Jill:"Really poetic."

Y/N:"...I had good grades on school."

You idiot.

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