The Prinzessin and her Knight. (Genshin Impact Fischl x Male reader)

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In Teyvat, is common for everyone to link famous heroes with constellations. Every each of the stars, telling a different story, one, that changed said hero forever.

But, there's an unique constellation, one, that has different forms and shapes depending on who sees it. But, no matter what shape it takes, there's always one star, with the same form, and color. An electric purple.

This star tells a story of love, between our hero, and a princess. Let's go deeper into the story, and see, how it all began...

The state of Mond, one of the most beautiful cities in Teyvat. This city, reign by the Knights of Favonius, defenders of the people.

Inside the city, there was a tavern, lead by a Fatui called Diluc. In it, our hero was resting on one of the tables. Exhausted from his long adventure, the hero was drinking an "adult drink" as he calls it, totally not stolen.

He wears the ususal Knight of Favonius armor, but with a difference. He wears a necklace, but instead of a jewel, his vision was used.

A vision, an orb with an unique element inside of it, only usable by it's rightfull wielder. Visions are gifted to those humans recognised by gods, so getting one is really rare.

Our hero's vision was a light blue, meaning, he wields the power of Cryo, beign able to manifest ice at will.

But, even with this incredible power, our hero was just a rookie, who after his first adventure, decided to rest for a bit inside Diluc's tabern.

And here, the story begins...


This blows... just a few abyss mages, hilichurls and slimes and Jean can't see how strong I am?!


My name is Y/N L/N, and I'm a Knight of Favonius! The problem is, I'm nothing else than a rookie, so I'm stuck with simple missions with other rookies like Amber.

Y/N:"Maybe tomorrow I get a better task! Who knows?"

Just when I was about to have a sip of my beer, a gloved hand pushed the jar back to the table. The figure sat infront of me, showing himself. Diluc.

Diluc:"Haven't I told you not to drink alcohol?"

Y/N:"Oh, c'mon, Diluc, I'm not a kid anymore!"

Diluc:"Once you turn 18, I'll believe that statement. For now..." * Pushes the jar towards him* "Drink. Some. Water."


I crossed my arms, annoyed at him. Since I was a kid, Diluc treated me as his kid. I never knew my parents, the only memory I have is being raised by the Knights. Jean always brought me here on her freetime, or when she couldn't take care of me, she asked Diluc to look out for me. Eventually, Diluc and I formed a bond. Like father and son...

Diluc:"Anyways, how did your quest go? By your bored expression, I guess it went fine."

Y/N:"Yes, it went good, but it was soooo boring! Amber and I scouted an area for 3 hours only to find a couple of weaklings! It was too easy!"

Diluc:"What did you expect? To get thrown on difficult missions on your first day? You need to get experience on the field. Once you're ready, Jean will consider putting you on more important tasks."

Y/N:"I guess..."

Diluc:"Oh, I almost forgot. Jean told me to give you your next mission."

Y/N:"You? You aren't a knight tho."

Diluc:"I know. Does it matter?"

Y/N:"Not really... so, what's wrong?"

Diluc:"Nothing too important. Some hilichurls are making campments too close to the city. There are reports of abyss mages in the zone, so be careful."

Y/N:*Sigh* "More hilichurls..."

Diluc:"You will have a different partner for this mission. She will await for you in the front gates, at 8:00 AM. Don't be late."

Y/N:"8:00 AM?! That's too early in the-"

Diluc:"You wanna be a hero, right? Then don't complain. Now, get some rest, tomorrow will be a long day. You can have the bed upstairs."


Diluc smiled, closing his eyes. I went upstairs, entering one of the rooms. It was simple room, a bed and a nightstand. I decided to call it a day, and get some sleep.

Timeskip brought to us by a misterious girl, accompanied by a crow, entering town.

The next day, I woke up at 7:00 AM, get some breakfast, and walked to the city gates. When I arrived, it was 7:25, so I sat at the walls, closed my eyes, and entered my dreamscape once again.

After some minutes that felt like seconds, I felt a light tap on my shoulder, awaking me. When I opened my eyes, I saw... what looks like a godess... with a weird looking crow on her shoulder.

Goddess:"My apologies, fellow human. I am in seek of my new knight in this task that has fallen unto me. Could you possibly know who this be?"

Y/N:"Y-yeah, that knight..." *Gets up.* "It's me."

Goddess:"I see. Dusk and dawn but fleeting shadows are, the twists of fate have led you into my everlasting night."


The weird looking crow, went from her shoulder to mines. Looking straight at my eyes, the crow... talked?

Crow:"Mein Fraülein says "Good Morning" young man."


Y/N:"Oh. Well, anyways, my name is Y/N." *Gives her a hand* "Pleasure to meet you!"

The girl looks at my hand. After that, her expression changed. Like if I offended her, she said:

Goddess:"I, Fischl, Prinzessin der Verurteilung won't accept such an offense to my-"

Oz:"Mein Fraülein, he wasn't trying to offend you!"

Wait, Prinzessin?! She's a princess? Shit, shit, shit! I offended a princess on my second day! If Jean and the Knight of Favonius reputation gets stained for my acts, they will have my head! I need to solve this, now!

I kneel infront of her, gently holding her hand, putting a kiss on her hand.

Y/N:"My apologies, your Majesty, I didn't know it was you, princess."

Fischl:"N-none taken..."

Lifting my head, I could see her reaction. The girl was blushing, not expecting I would actually treat her like that. Yet, a smile formed on her face.

Fischl:"I-I think is time for us to accomplish our mutual task, bringing doom on the feinds threatening the lifes of the Prinzessin's vassals."

I got up, letting her hand go.

Y/N:"Lead the way then, my lady."

Fischl blushed even harder, but did as I told, moving through the giant bridge towards where I suppose the hilichurl camp is.

During our travel, Oz landed on my shoulder again, deciding to have a little chat with me.

Oz:"If it doesn't bother you, Y/N, may I ask you something?"


Oz:"Why did you changed your tone when speaking to Mein Fraülein?"

Y/N:"Well, she's a princess, so I should treat he as one, right?"

Fischl nodded, a proud smile on her face.

Oz:"Yes, but that was back in our world, there's no need for you to treat her like-"

Fischl:"O-Oz! Speak no further! The Prinzessin enjoys the kind gestures this brave knight gives, so let him speak as his heart desires."

Oz:"As you wish, Main Fraülein."

Y/N:"Hey, isn't that the campment?"

In a hill in front of us, there was a little campment filled with hilichurls. There weren't that many, but if we don't destroy the camp, their numbers could grow.

Fischl and I hide behind a rock, scouting the camp before launching our attack.

Y/N:"There are only 8 of them 2 archers on a guard tower, the others are around the little campment. Should be easy."

Fischl:"Beware, my dear knight, for overconfidence may lead to the sweet embrace of the one who reaps."


Oz:"She said, "don't too cocky" Mr. Y/N."

Y/N:"Oh, I see. Well, don't worry, I can handle myself."

Oz:"Still, it would be wise to have a plan."

Y/N:"Well, I can beat those hilichurls on land, but the archers could give me some trouble." *Points at her bow* "Could you handle them for me, my lady?"

Fischl, with a pink blush on her cheeks nodded. She grabbed her bow from her back, and aimed at the archers. Lightining appeared on her arrow, concentrating on the arrowhead.

Fischl:"I will await for your signal, my dear companion."

Y/N:"Okay, Let's get this party started."

I walked out of the cover, and slowly made my way to the front of the camp. The archers took some time to notice me, but when they did, they sounded the alarm.

I opened my arm, summoning my broadsword. Perks of having a vision. The archers took aim at me, but i was too fast for them.

Y/N:"Try to pass through this!"

I created a wall made of ice in front of me, blocking the arrows. As soon as I did that, 2 arrows with electricity on their heads passed above me, scoring two headshots on the archers.

I hear the hilichurls closing up on me, bad idea.

Y/N:"This is too easy!"

I exploded the wall, launching the ice fragments towards them. I managed to kill 2, but the others used their shields to block the fragments.

One of them decided to attack me as soon as the fragments stopped attacking them. He jumped, trying to hit me with his club on the head.


Thanks to my armour and physical strength, I grabbed the club mid air, leaving the Hilichurl hanging on it. He kicked my arm as much as he could, to no avail.

The club eventually broke, letting the hilichurl fall to the ground. Scared, he tried to crawl back to his friends.

Y/N:"Is that all?"

I walked to the other three, stabbing the one that tried to escape in the head with my broadsword, killing him. The other three were scared as fuck, trembling.

Y/N:"If you don't get out of here..." *De-summons the sword* "You'll end like your friend down here." *Kicks the dead Hilichurl body*

It seems they got the memo, since they run away, screaming like little girls.

Fischl got out of her cover, slowly walking towards me, bow at hand, guard up.

Oz:"That was an astounding performance, Mr. Y/N."

Y/N:"Thank you!"

Fischl:"As true as that may be..." *Points behind me* "The fight hasn't finished yet."

Turning around, I see an abyss fire mage, accompanied with a really big hilichurl, not good...

Author notes:"Instead of blue, he is red. Basicly, he is a pyro Lawachurl."

Y/N:"Oh crap, a Lawachurl..."

Fischl:"Aren't those abominations from Dragonspine? What are they doing here?"

Oz:"Not the time for talking, heads up!"

The abyss mage pointed at us, ordering the big monster to charge us. Like an obedient pet, he obeyed the mage's orders, charging at us in all fours.

Y/N:"Fischl, take care of the mage, I'll handle the big one!"


Y/N:"No time, do it!"

I summon my broadsword and sprint towards the Lawachurl. I create an ice wall between us to slow him down. Due to the big guy's strength, but low intelligence, he mostl likely try to barge through it, and I had a plan for that.

I jumped with all the strength I had, going above the wall. As I imagined, the Lawachurl broke the wall, confused at my whereabouts. Falling through the sky, I thrusted my sword on his back, causing big damage.

He screamed in pain, badly hurted. Sadly, he wasn't going to give up. He grabbed my leg, and threw me away.

My back hits the ground, doing a lot of damage on my armor. I manage to get up, just in time to see the Lawachurl removing the broadsword from his back, and used his knee to break the sword.

Y/N:"That was... *pant* my favourite sword..."

The Lawachurl charges again at me. This time, he jumped, preparing a punch. I was fast enough to dodge to the side, evading the attack.

Y/N:"Alright, time to get serious!"

I created a sword made out of ice on my hands, and thrusted it on his knees. From a kneeling position, he threw another punch. I ducked, creating yet another sword, thrusting it this time on his mandible, leaving both swords where I thrusted them.

He managed to got up, retreating from the sheer amout of pain he was in. While he was distracted removing my swords, I created a broadsword similar to the one I had, and rushed him.

The Lawachurl roared, but this time, it was different. It resembled a battle cry. Pyro energy started to gather around him, acting as some type of shield. His eyes shined a pure fire red. He was really angry.

Y/N:"Finally getting serious, are we? Bring it!"

I placed my hand on my sword's edge, casting an spell.

Y/N:"Ice, lend me your power to cut through my enemies!"

My sword grew in size, shining a bright blue, cryo energy around me and my sword. The Lawachurl rushed me, trying to stop me for whatever I was doing. But, too late asshole, it's over.


I slice the air, launching a huge wave of ice towards him. The ice froze anything around it, but when it touched the Lawachurl, it went through him, cutting him in half.

I fall to my knees, exhausted. That move I created is powerful, yet exhausting. Looking on my right, I see a dead abyss mage, and a shocked Fischl, looking at me.

Fischl:"Are my eyes decieving me? Or did you just defeat a Lawachurl with one movement?"

Y/N:"Hehe, I told you... I can handle myself..."

I drop to the ground, tired. Fischl, worried for my condition rushed to my side, sitting near me.

Oz landed on my chest, staring at my eyes.

Oz:"What's wrong, Y/N?!"

Y/N:"Hey, hey, I'm just tired, don't worry... sheesh, I forgot how tiring my ultimate move is..."

Fischl and Oz calmed down, thanking the one above I was okay. Fischl laid next to me, looking at the stars.

Fischl:"I, Fischl, Prinzessin von Verurteilung have traveled this lonely lands with the sound of my dear familiar's blessed wings for too long. So I, Fischl, have a proposition for you."

Y/N:"Let's hear it."

Fischl:"As all princesses, I have a desire to find that special person capable of being along side me during this everlasting night of mine. So... Y/N..."

Fischl sat next to me, blushing. She then asked a question that surprised me.

Fischl:"Would you be my knight, and... my lover?"


I sat, looking at her face. She was blushing, holding her hands that were shaking, her eye looking at the ground. She isn't joking...

Oz landed on Fischl's shoulder, patiently waiting for my answer.

Y/N:"B-But... you barely know me!"

Fischl:"A knowledge I could obtain through time... time, I'd like to spend with you, at your side..."

Fischl grabbed my hands, putting them on her heart. It was beating fast.

Fischl:"Since the first moment I saw your expression of serenity while sleeping, my heart haven't stop asking for your warmth... for your... l-love..."

Maybe... maybe I should? After all, is not like I haven't felt something for her when I saw her back at the gates... we could... we could try.

Y/N:*Sigh* "I accept, my lady. I'd like to be your knight... and lover."

Fischl smiled, and hugged my chest. Sitting on my lap, she placed her head on my neck, an aura of happiness emanating from her. I rested my head on hers, returning the hug.

Oz landed on our heads, happy to see her Fraülein finally founded someone to love.

When I joined the Knights of Favonius, I expected to work for a king, eventually protecting a princess or something between the lines of the stories Diluc told me when I was little.

It seems... I actually did it...

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