Airachnid x Human Male Reader

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A/N: requested by prowl112. Enjoy.

You've had some bad ideas a few times in your life. Some not so bad, and some really bad. But Being out in the deepest part of the woods with your friend, Jill, wasn't the very best idea once you saw what you were in for.

(Y/N): damn it! Damn it! Damn It!!!

You said while you were running for your life. The decepticon, airachnid, had killed Jill without any mercy what so ever and she started hunting you. But at the same time, she was treating her hunt with you as more of a game since she knew she'd catch up to you eventually. She just thought that toying with you would be more fun for her.

Airachnid: keep playing hard to get, (Y/N). It'll make it all the more satisfying for me finding you.

You kept on running through the woods while looking for a spot to hide. You soon found a long and hid inside of it.

(Y/N):"whispers" crap. Where is she? I know she's never too far away when it comes to hunting someone. She's a freaking large robot after all.

You then heard the sound of her large Metalic feet stop.


That's when she landed in front of the log and ripped a half of it off.

Airachnid: there you are.

She tried to grab you. But you dodged and continue to run from the female decepticon.

Airachnid: all of this hunting is getting me rather excited~

(Y/N): get the hell away from me!

You just kept running as fast as you could through Airachnid's game of cat and mouse. It didn't matter how far you would run or where you could hide, she would still find you.

(Y/N): damn it! Damn it all to hell! Why can't I lose her?!

You kept on running and hiding for what you could only think felt like hours. But for a Cybertronian like airachnid, it was like minutes to her. Your legs were finally starting to give out for running for so long. Anytime you would try to hide, you were never given enough time to rest because she would find you in almost seconds.

(Y/N): f......fuck it.

You fell down and layed on the ground as you were too tired to run or even stand up.

(Y/N): I......can't move........anymore at this point. All I can do is hope that I've lost her at this point.

Airachnid then appeard above you as she was using each of her spider legs to dangle on the branches of the tress.

Airachnid: tired out already? I'm a little disappointed. But then again, you are only human. So I suppose that you can't be helped.

She soon fired her Web from her hand and trapped you on it so you couldn't escape.

(Y/N): fuck.......fine, you win. Do what you want with me.

Airachnid: oh, I know exactly what to do with you~

She said with a smirk.

Airachnid: and don't worry, I'll make sure not to be too hard on you. Being that you're human and all.

Airachnid carried you in her hand while you were helpless to do anything about it. You were not seen more heard from anyone after that day. You were caught in the spider's web.

A/N: next is Weiss x Yandere Chucky Reader.

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