Kyrie x Male Reader

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A/N: requested by @GuihermeChinin7 (same with this one because wattpad is apparently too stupid to know how to mention someone). Enjoy.

Kyrie was a really sweet girl. Born and raised in Fortuna where she spent most of her days, kyrie was the younger sister of the leader of the Order of the Sword's Holy Knights, Credo, and songstress for the Festival of the Sword. She was even the childhood friend and love interest of a boy named (Y/N).

(Y/N): I want to start things together with kyrie, but I wish to wait until the timing is more right.

Kyrie can be a really sweet girl. No lying. But there are things to her that you never knew and to be fair, it would most likely be for the best. Even the sweetest of things can have some of the darkest of secrets. Kyrie was no exception.

Kyrie: hehehehe, I'll let (Y/N) take as much time as he wants. I'm not Too busy.

She said as she was standing over a person she had poisoned when they were alone.

Kyrie: just cleaning a mess.

She said as she took the body and hid it where it will be unseen by the human eye. The thing was that Kyrie was out to get rid of anyone who's would be in the way. Especially anyone daring to hit in her as well. Despite what she was out to do, she's kept the same way she's always been to avoid any suspicion.

(Y/N): ah, there you are, kyrie.

Kyrie: what brings you here, (Y/N)?

(Y/N): I only came to stop by to see if you're alright. I've noticed a few disappearances recently.

Kyrie: I am fine. You don't need to worry.

(Y/N): of course I do. You're one of the most important people in my life.

Kyrie: well I must say I'm faltered. I'm alright none the less.

(Y/N): very well. I suppose I'll be back later to check on you. And....maybe we could.....well.....

Kyrie: hm?

(Y/N): maybe we could spend time with each other later tonight.

Kyrie: that would be lovely. I wouldn't mind at all.

(Y/N): great. I need to go have a talk with (F/N) for right now.

With that, you walked off, looking for (F/N). Kyrie only stood there and smirked.

Kyrie:"sighs" such a shame that he won't be able to find her at all. Dear little (F/N) is no longer with us.

She said while walking to where she kept the bodies of the people she had poisoned. (F/N) was among the people who were poisoned.

Kyrie: and there won't be any other problems in the way.

Next is Female Shendu x Male Reader.

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