Yandere Charlie Magne x Male Depressed Reader

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A/N: Requested by Kingsman1917

For the majority of the time that you had lived, you always thought that your life was an absolute living hell. You had the typical story of that both your parents had died when you were at a very young age, traumatized over the experience and had to live with any other existing relatives. To add onto the typical part of this story, as you went to school, you were a bit of an outcast at your school and even picked on you by some of your fellow classmates. Because you know, next to trolling, there are dumbasses who really sit there and somehow think it's funny. There was only so much of the bullying that you could initially take before it became too much for you and you just wanted it all to stop. You took a knife when no one was looking, went up to your room, closed the door and after some moment or so of hesitation, you plunged the knife into your chest, ending your suffering. Or so you thought. It seemed that even despite you having been mostly good in your life (to the best of your abilities anyways), it seemed like the afterlife was not all that kind to you either. After things went dark for you after having stabbed yourself, you soon woke up and found yourself in an unusual location. It looked like a city, that was for sure. But it looked somewhat distorted version of Chicago in appearance. There were things like spikes poking out in places, oddly shaped or there were even eyes seen on certain objects. When you finally managed to notice, you saw that your physical appearance had changed.

(You can think of the look of your demon design for yourself. But I will say that you still look like you a bit in that form).

When you saw the current appearance that you had, you freaked and panted uncontrollably. You tried to wonder what exactly was going on. So much was going through your mind, ranging from thinking that the blood loss that you experienced was placing you in some sort of last minute hallucinations before you finally die, to thinking it was some kind of demented nightmare. But it wasn't until you accidently got yourself cut during your little freak out that you finally came to the reality that the place you were in was very much real. You were in a city known as Pentagram City......... in Hell. It was bad enough for you when you had a fairly shitty life whenever you were alive. But being in one of the worst places to ever be in the face of existence was probably the biggest middle finger that you had ever gotten. 

(Y/N): Wh........ Why.................. Why?! I have tried to be good in that absolute shit hole of a fucking life that I had to deal with for the next 16 years of my fucking life with no actual parents and people treating me like shit! And when I just wanted it all to end, I end up here of all places?!

You yelled in rage filled rant for nearly 2 hours before your voice started to get sore. But your suffering hadn't ended yet. Because sometime after your ranting, a turf war soon broke out between a large handful of demons. You quickly took cover and had the displeasure of watching people getting slaughtered in the most brutal ways imaginable. Gun shots to the head, decapitations, people getting torn apart, hacked to pieces and/or even brutal blows to certain genitalia. It was the first ever blood bath that you had witnessed in your life. And considering where you were, it wouldn't be the only time that it would happen. For a time or two a week, a new turf war or just a simple fight would brake out between demons, resulting in some being killed in the process. The bloodshed would only continue to stack up whenever strange looking angels known as Exorcists would come down and exterminate a portion of people in Hell due to overpopulation. The fact that Angels seem to come down to hell to do such actions really made you start to question the likes of Heaven and even God himself.

(But let's not try getting into any kind of bible bashing or anything. Last thing I need a freaking crusade in the comments to happen).

But for the most part, you had to focus on trying to survive in hell, period. Since you didn't really have a place to live, You usually had to live on your own outside. You usually tried to keep hidden within alleyways that weren't already occupied since you figured it was the best way to avoid being in the middle of any fights or exterminations. You usually only tended to come out a few times to try and snag some food, with only sometimes being lucky to get something. Eventually though, one particular turf war of Angel Dust and Cherri Bomb against Sir Pentious and his Egg Bois had resulted in a lot of property getting damaged or even straight up destroyed. So, you had to pack it up and try and find a new place for you to live at and survive. All while this happened, your depression was the highest it could have ever been. It was so much for you that you were slowly beginning to feel nothing BUT depression. The fear of watching demons killing each other, gone. The distraught over the loss of the place you called a home, none. And for the very idea that you were in hell, you started to feel nothing else. It was only your depression that began to take full hold of you. It slowly started becoming the only emotion that you could feel, replacing the likes of your anger, your fear, your boredom and maybe even whatever happiness you could possibly have. Unknown to you, the current area that you lived around would have an effect on your life going forward. At the moment, you were currently resting your head on a slightly torn up pillow that also had some small blood stains on it. However, your slumber was soon interrupted by both the sounds of a gathering crowd as well as a current broadcast on 666 News.

(Y/N): Ugh.......... What the hell are people gathering around the freaking TVs for? They act like this is their first time the exterminations haven't happened.

You said to yourself as you yawned and stretched. You looked over at the crowed before slowly walking over to see what exactly they were watching that was so important. You managed to sneak your way through parts of the crowd until you were finally able to see what they were watching. What you saw was a fairly tall and beautiful female demon with red cheeks, unique curly long blonde hair and black lips. She was wearing a black bow tie, a white shirt underneath her frilly red colored tuxedo jacket, paired with aubergine colored trousers with stripes at the end of the legs in the same color as her jacket, long black suspenders, and black and white spectator shoes. This girl was Charlie Magne, Daughter of Lucifer and Lilith Magne; the king and queen of hell. You had blushed a little when you first laid your eyes on her. You thought she was beautiful, but also pretty cute as well.

Charlie: As most of you know, I was born here in Hell and growing up, I always tried to see the good in everyone around me.

The head news anchor, Katie Killjoy, was hardly giving much of a shit about what Charlie was talking about as she had her head rested on one of her hands. She soon spotted a slug and stabbed it with her pen, making it's blood burst all over.

Charlie: Hell is my home and...

Some of the slug's blood got splattered across, to which she quickly wipes it off. 

Charlie: you are my people. We... We just went through another extermination.

Katie quickly fell asleep, clearly not interested in what the princess of hell was having to say.

Charlie: We lost so many souls, and it breaks my heart to see my people being slaughtered every year. No one is even given  a chance!

She said as she slammed her fist on table, waking Katie Killjoy back up. She then walked up from Katie's desk while continuing to speak.

Charlie: I can't stand idly by while the place I live is subjected to such violence! So, I've been thinking: Isn't there a more humane way to hinder overpopulation here in Hell? 

She asked as she walked around the audience.

Charlie: Perhaps we can create an alternative way to change souls through... redemption? 

She then threw her arm around one of the News Cast's staff members.

Charlie: Well, I think yes! So that's what this project aims to achieve! 

She said before walking back up to Katie's desk.

Charlie: Ladies and gentlemen, I'm opening the first of its kind! A hotel that rehabilitates sinners!

There was a moment of silence in both the room and the crowed that was watching the broadcasts from the TVs outside. Charlie soon spoke again as her voice started to sound like she was loosing confidence a bit.

Charlie: Y'know? 'Cause hotels are for people passin' through... temporarily... I think it'll serve a purpose... a place to work toward redemption... yay...!

She said while making an awkward smile. As you continued to watch the broadcast, A mysterious figure walked up and stood alongside you and the other demons to see Charlie's broadcast. You didn't know what the person looked like, mostly because they somehow managed to send a shiver down your spine and that was good enough for you. For the rest of Charlie's broadcast, she tried to do one last thing to persuade everyone on her idea of a rehabilitation hotel. She sang a pretty catch musical number...... which was met soon after by people laughing at her. And things eventually went down hill, ending with a fight between Charlie and Katie Killjoy, all while Katie's co-host getting set ablaze. But, even with all of the people who had laughed at her, you thought that she might have been onto something with her idea of the rehabilitation hotel. It started to make you feel something that you hadn't felt the vast majority of your life; Hope. Hope that things could finally be better for once. It had you interested enough to even try and find where this particular hotel was at and what it was called. But until you could find said location, for the most part, you've still had to spend your time sleep outside at certain spots to really avoid any type of unnecessary conflict with any other demons. It was 3 days since you saw that broadcast and for the most part, you weren't entirely sure if you were even going in the correct direction when it came to finding it. Considering how hell was, asking for directions was the last thing for you to try to do. Granted, even with the little bit of the hope you were feeling, your depression was still mostly there. It just at least wasn't as strong as it was before you saw that Broadcast.

(Y/N): Ugh...... this city is a lot bigger than I had remembered it being. You'd think that hotel she mentioned would be easy to spot.

You said as you were currently sitting down near the side of a tall building as you were merely resting up for a bit.

(Y/N): I guess I can rest here for a little bit before I try and keep going.

You said to yourself as you were sitting there. However, as you sat there for a bit, someone else soon showed up around that spot with you. You took notice of this and saw the person in question. They definitely looked like a mugger.

(Y/N): Shit........

Random Demon: Well, what do we have here?

(Y/N): If you're going to try and rob me or something, you're going to be disappointed to know I don't have a single bit of money on me.

Random Demon: You came to the wrong part of town, kid.

(Y/N): Pretty sure considering how most of hell is, just about every part of hell is the "wrong part of town."

Random Demon: Oh, and I guess you've got quite a mouth on you as well.

(Y/N): Nope, I'm merely answering your stupid ass question.

The demon soon stomped toward You and grabbed you by the collar of your shirt and pushed you against the wall as he held up a knife.

Random Demon: You really must have a death wish. 

(Y/N): You talk tough and wave around a knife. But after dealing with one of the worst fucking live ever, then ending up in hell of all places and having to sit through a fuck tone of unnecessary death, YOU DON'T SCARE ME!

You yelled in a sudden burst of rage. The Random Demon soon growled under his breath and got ready to plunge the knife into you. However, a feminine voice soon caught the attention of both of you from near the front of the building. 

???: Excuse me!

You both looked over and saw that it was Charlie. The blush on your face soon appeared again.

Charlie: I'd really prefer there'd not be any trouble so close to the hotel.

(Y/N)'s mind: wait, so close? How close was a to the freaking place when I chose to rest here for a bit?!

Random Demon: Just walk away now or you're gonna get trouble coming your way too!

Charlie merely squinted her eyes a bit at him.

Charlie: You can either leave or I'll have to make you leave.

The demon soon let go of you and he focused his attention onto Charlie. 

Random Demon: And what are you gonna do if I don't?

Charlie glared before dark-reddish horns protruded from her head, her eyes' sclera turn bright red with slit pupils and a fiery aura surged around her body. The Random Demon soon shook in fear a bit as both you and him were witnessing Charlie's full demon form. You have seen this form before, albeit briefly during Charlie's Song. The demon soon shivered a bit before soon backing up.

Random Demon: A.... Alright, cool it!

He said before he soon ran off. 

(Y/N): Serves him right.

Charlie sighed in a bit of annoyance before she reverted back to her normal form and looked over to you.

Charlie: Are you alright?

(Y/N): Yeah, I'm fine. Honestly, I wasn't too scared of that guy in spite of the knife.

Charlie then sighed in relief.

Charlie: That's good. I really just wanted there to be no killing for once.

(Y/N): I know that feeling. I've had to sit through A LOT of killings that went on in this place.

Charlie: So, what brings you around here? I've passed around this spot before and I haven't seen you here before.

(Y/N): Well, believe me when I say that, I was actually in search for that hotel that you had mentioned on the broadcast a few days ago.

Charlie: Wait, really?!

(Y/N): Yeah. Believe it or not, I'd like to seek redemption the best that I can.

Charlie: That's great!

Charlie said as she held your hands and was eager to take you to the hotel. You blushed a bit in response.

Charlie: You don't know how happy I am to hear that! I promise that your time there will be worth it in your path towards redemption. 

(Y/N): I hope so. Do you think you mind leading the way for me. I've actually been looking to this hotel for days since the broadcast and I still haven't found it.

Charlie: Oh sure, it's just around the corner here.

She said as she showed you as she walked further from the building that you've been standing next to and saw that the Hotel was just a few meters away from said building.

(Y/N)'s mind: I seriously could have kept walking and avoided that whole pointless confrontation with that asshole demon?

You groaned a bit at this fact but quickly tried to shrug it off since you were at least heading to it now and hopefully having your issues be handled for good this time. You and Charlie both walked over towards the Hotel, all while the two of you were talking about your life, what it led to and everything you've done since you've been in hell so far.

Charlie: Wow..... that's really terrible. You lived an entire stress filled life and after everything, you still ended up here?

(Y/N): Yeah, I tried not to question it after 2 days. Any more ranting I tried to do on it, I'd only just be hurting myself more. Not that I thought that it would have mattered.

As Charlie continued talking with you, she felt something inside of her. She wasn't sure what it was, but after having heard everything that had happened to you so far. However, even though she wasn't too sure what it was, all she did know was that you deserved to be happy for once. 

Charlie: Well, once we get inside, would you mind meeting some of the others inside.

(Y/N): Well, if I'm gonna be here for a while, the least I can do is try and get to know the staff of the place that's gonna try and help me.

You said while making an awkward smile. After the two of you got inside, you were introduced to each of the hotel staff members. Nifty was rather hyper and spontaneous, but you found her pretty cute none the less. Husk was gruff, sarcastic and even quite vulgar at certain times. But he was alright, for an alcoholic Avian Cat anyways. Vaggie was the Hotel's Manager and surprisingly to you, Charlie's girlfriend. She did seem very short of patience, with a cautious and protective demeanor. She also did seem to have a bit of a temper on her as well, but she did seem to mean well for Charlie and generally tries to do what she can to help Charlie and the hotel. Then, there was Charlie's Co-worker; Alastor. The moment you looked at him, you had felt that shiver down your spine from before return. And in that moment, you had a good idea on just what that guy might be. 

(Y/N)'s mind: There is nothing trustworthy about that smile.

Another person that you met when you entered inside was the hotel's first patient; Angel Dust. He was Spider Demon who had a confident persona, was very sassy, sarcastic and even flirtatious. And more importantly, he was apparently a porn star. Also importantly; he did try and flirt with you. 

Angel Dust: Hey there, newbie. How about you and me share a room tonight? One Patient here to another~

You tried not to give an awkward blush as you spoke.

(Y/N): An..... interesting offer. But I'll have to kindly decline.

Angel Dust: Eh, your loss.

Charlie: So uh...... maybe I should show you to your room?

(Y/N): Sure, I really just need to lay down on something that isn't the hard ground for once.

Charlie showed you the way to the room that you would be staying in and soon stood beside it.

Charlie: Alright, this will be your room number. We can probably start your whole rehabilitation thing tomorrow if you'd like. You did just arrive after all and we don't want to rush into things.

(Y/N): Sure, tomorrow sounds good to me.

Charlie: Great I look forward to it.

(Y/N): So do I. I'm really happy that I can finally be able to hopefully feel something else other than these stupid depressed feels. 

Charlie: Well, see you tomorrow.

(Y/N): See you. 

You said before walking inside your room and going to lay down. All while Charlie continued to stand outside the room, with that feeling inside her still prominent. This feeling did start having Charlie think about something. However, these thoughts were soon cut off when she heard Vaggie tap her on the shoulder.

Vaggie: Charlie?

Charlie: Hm?

Vaggie: How exactly do you think we're gonna be able to help him out here. His depression is one thing. But how exactly do we redeem him? From what you've told me he's said to you, the only thing that seems to be regarded as a sin was killing himself. Which even that seems questionable.

Charlie: Don't worry, Vaggie, I know it seems a bit unusual, but I won't let it stop me from helping him. I'll do whatever I can to help him out the best I can.

And when she meant that she'd do anything to help you, that feeling within her made sure that it was going to be ANYTHING.

A/N: Alright, before anyone points out that this is much less Yandere than any of the other recent stories I've typed. And you're right for that. But I also wanted to try and do it where the reader meets the person and it's where she slowly begins to become a bit yandere to have the story be left up for a second part. Whether if a second part is requested by the same person or someone else. Anyways, next is Slave Neko Male Reader x Escaped Female Twi'lek Slave.

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