Yandere Fem Izuku x Male Reader

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A/N: This story was requested by Darkfredbear83. (The artwork above belongs to PEB99 on Deviantart).

Being a student at U.A. was one of the best things to happen to you for a few reasons. The first reason was because as you grew up, you had always wanted to be able to help and defend others incapable of doing so themselves. The other reason was because your once quirkless best friend, Izuku Midoriya, was able to attend to school with you during that time. And the third reason was because the both of you made some great friends during your time there. You didn't exactly have too many friends when growing up. The only friend you've ever really had when you were younger was Izuku, even when it seemed like she would never have a quirk, you were still her friend. You even did what you could to defend her whenever she got bullied or picked on by people like Bakugo Katsuki. Sometime you would even be the one taking the hits for her at times. 

Kid Izuku: (Y/N), please don't fight them, you'll end up getting hurt.

Kid (Y/N): It's fine, Izuku. I'm not gonna let them keep picking on you like this. I'll protect you from these jerks no matter what!

Kid Izuku:.......

Kid Katsuki: You really wanna get your ass kicked so bad, fine by me.

Kid (Y/N): Don't be surprised when you end being the one crying, Kacchan!

And that was just one of few fights you engaged Katsuki in to keep him from bullying Izuku. As you both grew, your relationship has always been the same with you both being good friends. At least, that's how you always thought it's been. The thing about Izuku that you never knew about was that she had soon started to develop feelings for you. It all started when you both reached the age of 10. All the niceness you've shown her over the years, even after you both learned that she was quirkless, had made her heart race. But there was something more to this feeling, whenever she would see another girl have some sort of interaction when she thought like she was flirting with you, Izuku would get a bit jealous and even at times....... kinda protective. After you would finish talking with a girl, she would soon ask you a couple of questions like who she was, what was she talking to you about and would even sound a little off in her voice at times. This didn't exactly change when you both went to U.A. and eventually made more friends there. In fact, it could be argued that she actually got slightly more protective that before due to the female friends you both have. She became a little more extra protective and has even tried to spend of lot more time with you than usual. Whenever these would happen, you do try to figure out why she's acting the way she was, tends to tell you she's fine, but you knew that wasn't the case. Her strange actions have caused you to become a little distant, but only because you were wanting to find out as to why Izuku was acting the way she was. Much like right now.

(Y/N): Alright, I think I managed to get Izuku off of my trail. She's seriously started to not really act like herself as of late. I gotta find out what's up with her. 

You said as you walked around, making sure that Izuku wasn't following. You at least had to be extra careful. So far, she wasn't spotted anywhere so it seemed to be fine so far. You continued on your way before finally getting to where Izuku's room was.

(Y/N): I really don't want to be doing's something like sneaking into her room and invading her private property. But I gotta see what's up with her.

You looked around for a moment to make sure no one was around to see you. You then opened the door to it and soon walked inside the room and the closed the door behind you before starting to carefully look around the room to try and look for anything.

(Y/N): Hm, nothing so far. Maybe she's got some kind of notes or something hidden.

You said before you soon took notice of something familiar looking on the floor. 

(Y/N): What the.....

You then kneeled down and picked up what you saw. It looked like your old jacket.

(Y/N): Hey, I thought I lost this damn thing. I even asked Izuku if she saw it and she told me that she had no idea where it could possibly be. So, she not only seemingly stole from me, but she also lied to me as well.

You said before laying the jacket down to the side and kept on looking for anything and you soon managed to find something in one of the drawers in the room. You saw some stuff like a few pictures of the times the two of you had hung out over the years. But those weren't the only pictures that were there. You discovered that there appeared to be some other pictures that seemed to only be of you. They looked like the images were taken in secrecy. The most surprising was the image of you, having just gotten out of the shower only wearing a towel that covered your lower body.

(Y/N): What. The. Hell?

You said as you didn't have the proper words in mind to say from seeing them. You soon put the images back into the drawer and closed it before heading back to the door. You peaked out to it for a moment, to see if no one was there in the halls. You soon saw that no one was there and carefully exited out of the room and closed the door behind you before quickly taking off back to your own room.

(Y/N): I really need have a talk with Izuku about this. I might have gone into her room and look through her stuff without consent, but she's been taking random pictures of me during times to myself or at times when a picture isn't very appropriate. So I'd say we're even on that.

You said to yourself as you continued walking for a bit before finally arriving back to your room. You then pulled out your phone and started to type to Izuku and waited for her to answer back. It wasn't very long before she was able to answer back.

Izuku's message: Hey, where did you go? I tried to look for you everywhere, but I didn't find you. 

(Y/N)'s message: I had to go do somethings and I was in a bit of a hurry.

Izuku's message: What was it that you had to do that was so important?

(Y/N)'s message: I just had to check up on a few things. That's all. Anyways, I was wanting to ask you something.

Izuku's message: What is it?

(Y/N)'s message: I was wanting to ask if you'd be interested in meeting up somewhere tomorrow.

There was a bit of a moment of silence after you asked Izuku that, much to your confusion a little. You were about to type in another comment asking if she was alright, but she then finally replied back.

Izuku's message: I'd love to met up with you tomorrow? What time?

(Y/N): I was thinking maybe around 4, maybe at the mall?

Izuku's message: Sounds good to me. See you then.

(Y/N)'s message: Will do.

You then turned off your phone and set it down to the side.

(Y/N): I gotta think about how I'm gonna be able to do this. Izuku's been my best friend since we were both kids. I don't want to act too harsh with her or anything. But at the same time I really can't be to lightly with her about all of the stuff that's been going on. It needs to be addressed and taken care of somehow.

You said to yourself before you soon merely sighed and laid down on your bed as you had your hands on the back of your head and you looked up to the ceiling for a little bit.

(Y/N): I should at least try to be a little subtle with her when I ask start asking her everything.

You said before you just continued to look up at the ceiling for a little while.


You were currently at the mall, looking for where Izuku was as you had told her to meet you there. After a bit of walking, you were soon able to spot her sitting at one of the tables. You then called her to her to get her attention.

(Y/N): Hey Izuku!

She looked over to where he was standing and waved to him.

Izuku: Hey (Y/N)!

You soon headed over to the table she was sitting at and saw that there was also two drinks on the table. 

(Y/N): What's with the drinks.

Izuku: I figured we could have some refreshments while we hang out.

(Y/N): Oh, thanks.

You said before sitting down.

Izuku: No problem. It the least I could do for a good close friend of mine.

She said with a cute smile on her face.

(Y/N)'s mind: Okay, just gotta remember, try to be subtle when bring up the questions.

You thought to yourself before you took a sip of the drink Izuku got you.

Izuku: I still appreciate that you wanted to hang out with me today, (Y/N).

(Y/N): Well, you know, with a long going on right now, I thought it would be great to just relax and maybe talk for ad little bit.

Izuku: True. So, what would you like to talk about?

(Y/N): Oh, well I was hoping to ask and see how you've been for these past few weeks. It seems like you've been just a little bit on edge or something.

Izuku: Wha.... me? I've been fine. Really. 

(Y/N): You Sure? 

Izuku: Yeah, I've just been wanting to be really close with the others for a while is all.

(Y/N): By the others, you seem to mean me, right?

You whispered under your breath to yourself.

Izuku: Did you say something?

(Y/N): What? Nah, I was just thinking to myself about something.

Izuku: Hmmm, I see. Well, do you mind if I could ask you something?

(Y/N): Sure. Ask away.

Izuku: I know the question I'm about to ask would seem unusual to ask but... we you in my room the other day?

You widened your eyes a little bit after she asked that question.

(Y/N): Wha.... what?

Izuku: Were you in my room the other day?

Your vision soon started to get a little bit blurry as she asked you a second time.

(Y/N): Wh..... what did......?

You tried to get up, but you felt your arms and legs get tired and it wouldn't be too long before you soon blacked out.


You groaned as you started to wake up. It was very much evident that you were clearly not at either the mall or even your room at the very least.

(Y/N): Ugh..... what the hell happe.....

You were about to finish your sentence before you noticed that your arms and legs felt like they were being restrained by something.

(Y/N): What?

You opened your eyes all the way and found that your arms and legs were all restrained by chains and tied near each of the ends of the bed.

Izuku: O.... Oh, you're finally awake.

You looked and saw Izuku as she was sitting on the chair next to where her drawers and stuff were.

(Y/N): Izuku? What's the meaning of this?

Izuku: Okay, I know what might be running through your mind right now. But please, just calm down.

(Y/N): Really hard to do considering you've got me chained up on your bed in your ro...... wait a minute..... how exactly did manage to get in here without anyone noticing.

Izuku: Admittedly, I was trying to figure that out on the way when I was carrying you. But thankfully, there didn't seem to be too many people around, so I was able to sneak you in.

(Y/N)'s mind: Good grief, my good luck from yesterday became my bad luck today.

 (Y/N): That explains that. But that still doesn't explain why you have me chained up like this.

Izuku: L... Look, I'll explain everything to you. But please, calm down first. Please.

(Y/N): Explain......

Izuku: Alright look, I didn't want to do this. I never intend to do anything to hurt you or make you feel uncomfortable. And I promise that I don't intend on keeping you in those chains, I would never do anything like keeping you captured like some prisoner.

(Y/N): To be fair, I would probably just be able to use my quirk and get loose anyway.

Izuku: I know. That's why I... I only put the chains on you to keep you calm and to keep you from freaking out and running away. I really want you to hear what I have to say and confess to you about this.

(Y/N)'s mind: Confess?

Izuku: Th...... this is really hard for me to say, especially with right now. B.... But I.... I really just can't keep holding it inside anymore. Any longer, I might just go insane and I can't take it. I.... I don't want to be too scared to let you know how I feel about you.

You raised and eye brow a bit as she kept on going.

Izuku: (Y/N), I..... I know that we've been friends for the longest times. Even after I found out that I didn't have any quirk, you still hung around and was incredibly nice to me despite me being a quirkless nobody. All that niceness you showed to me, all the ways that you were willing to protect me and everything made me feel something that I never felt before until that point. I.... I started to see you more as a friend. I saw you as someone a lot more...... closer. But, I was too shy to ever tell you how I truly felt about you. 

A blush on her face started to form on her face as she began to speak a little bit faster in a nervous tone.

Izuku: I got worried that you might say no and I thought things would end up just getting awkward between us because of the confession I would make. And then it just got worse for me when I started to see other girls talking with it. It started to get me worried, jealous and even mad at times inside. And admittedly, I kinda felt even more like this with some of our friends now. B... But that doesn't mean that I would say or do anything unnecessarily harsh or cruel. I just care about you and..........

You soon saw as tears formed in her eyes as she struggled to keep explaining.

Izuku: I..... I love you so much...... and I don't want you to leave me all alone and forget about me. A.... An.... And I want to be able to protect you like you were able to protect me so many times before.

(Y/N): Izuku......

Izuku: Please..... I just want to be with you a lot longer, as more than just friends..... 

She wiped the tears from her eyes before looking at you again.

Izuku: I'll let you got from those chains now. 

She said then undid the chains that restrained you to her bed. Once they were off you moved your arms and legs around a bit before sitting up on the bed and looked to her again.

Izuku: (Y/N), if you don't accept my confession... and don't want to talk to me anytime soon after this... I can understand..... I.... Just..... pl...... please let us still be friends. It'll be one thing if you won't have me as a girlfriend, but not being your friend anymore is......

You then pulled Izuku into a hug, much to her surprise.

Izuku: Eh..... Eh?!

(Y/N): Izuku, while I'm not particularly fond in what you did today with the knocking me out and tying me up thing, I couldn't stop being friends with you after everything else. And.... I know how you feel when it comes to being difficult confessing. 

Izuku: ?

(Y/N): I won't lie, I always had a crush on you when we were kids. And those feelings grew over time, especially when we got older. But even after we got into U.A., I still wanted to wait until a time was right to tell you since we might have been busy for our first few weeks. 

Izuku: I.... I didn't think you actually felt that way about me. 

You place a hand on her head and pet her.

(Y/N): Izuku, you're reserved, polite, diligent and strong willed. Not to mention you're unbearably adorable.

You said as you pinched at her cheeks lightly, causing her to groan under her breath and puff her cheeks.

(Y/N): Honestly, I think any guy would be lucky to have you. 

Her entire face turned red from that comment.

(Y/N): But, I guess I'm that lucky guy, aren't I?

Izuku yelped and nearly jumped a bit.

(Y/N): I still gotta ask about what you put in my drink though.

Izuku: It was just a little bit of Melatonin.

(Y/N)'s mind: I'd make a comment saying that "at least it wasn't any other type of drug that could take me out" but I'm not too sure on that.

(Y/N): Next question, why do you have my jacket?

Izuku: I was going to give it back, but it was so irresistibly comfy. 

(Y/N): And no other reason for why?

Izuku: Nope. I might have worn it a few times, but that's it.

(Y/N)'s mind: As long as she wasn't smelling it, that's good enough.

(Y/N): Okay, now there's just one more thing. We need to talk about those pictures you took.

Izuku widened her eyes as she knew exactly as to what you were talking about.

Izuku: Well uh..... I'll be honest...... I was kinda going through a phase around the time we were still attending Aldera Junior High.

(Y/N): Izuku..... you should really consider on getting rid of those photos.


(Y/N): Izuku.....


(Y/N): Izuku!

Izuku: Maybe I can just keep them heavily hidden and only look at them from time to time......

(Y/N): If you really want. But why keep the photos when you could see the actual thing in person~

She soon had a nose bleed and fainted.

(Y/N):........ Hm, I think I might have gotten her answer. As long as it means she doesn't have those photos anymore.

A/N: next is Yandere Rey X Padawan Male Reader.

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