Chapter 15: Infiltration Part 2- Saving Frankstone family

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Disclaimer Alert: I do not own any of the following character from Hatsune Miku or the respective idol group. Here is chapter 14. So, sit back, relax and enjoy the story.


" a way kid. I am sorry but are you sure you are from ATPS because I don't remember ATPS did have kids as one of their members." The man said with a taunt as his member laugh at you. You let out a grin and started to laugh with an evil tone as the rest of them look at you in silence.

"A Kid huh? Well I suppose that how I may look like to you but then regardless of whatever matter you have with the Frankstone, they are my prey as for now. However, since you all annoy me so much, I afraid that I have to give you guys a non-enjoyable death." You said as activate a spell <Chain seal> causing all of the Viper's member to be bind up in a chain including the guy who mock you.

"Hehehe...Where is all your big talk went to eh? Let me show you what is the true meaning of despair and fear." You said as you start killing all of them one by one. Afterwards, you let out a disappointed sigh as you were hopping them to be an interesting prey to kill.

"Dame it... My sadistic and evil side is resurfacing. I better remind myself not to show this expression to Miku in the future in the event of something happen. Regardless, I wonder what does the Viper organisation got to do with Frankstone family? This is weird..." You thought to yourself as you examine the dead body that lay motionless in front of you.

"I guess I better find the dame family fast... Look like the commotion that I have stir seem to have alert the remaining guys in the house huh..." You mumble under yours breathe as you shoot another of the viper guy as he reaches the scene.

You then start to navigate your way through the house while trying to search for the Frankstone member at the same time shooting anyone that is from the organisation. Just as you were cursing on how come the house is huge as hell, you heard a scream and crying voice in a distance.

Wondering what is about it, you rush towards the sound. Upon seeing there is two men guarding the door, you quickly eliminate them and kick door the door afterwards. Everyone who was currently in the room turn and look at you.

As you enter the room, you notice that Christopher and his family was in one corner of the room while on the other hand, there was some big size looking guy along with one of them in middle who was currently pointing a gun at a kid who look like 10 years old.

"Who are you and who do you thing you a-" Before one of the guy could finish his sentence, you went and pull the trigger killing him off. You then point towards the guy who was still currently pointing the gun at the boy. You then shoot the guy without saying the word and went on killing the rest other than the Frankstone family.

After killing them, you look turn to look at the Frankstone family member and let out a sigh. "Well as least I suppose they are not related to them after all...Thou that said, I sure make a mess." You thought to yourself as you watch their reaction while looking at the dead body around you. You then decided to contact the rest of your member and telling them to prepare to head back to HQ while telling some of them to come and help with the cleaning up. After contacting and give finish the order, you then turn and look at them especially Christopher.

"Listen up well Christopher Frankstone, this is a warning from me. Don't you ever dare to try and threaten my classmate nor even lay your hand on Miku ever again. If you do, I will ensure that you will never wish that you have born into this world at all!" You said as you glare at him as he nodded his head in fear. You then let out a sigh and walk towards the door.

"Excuse me, are you perhaps from the ATPS?" A man stood up among the family and look at you. "Well I pretty sure my uniform did say I am from ATPS did it not? Anyway, who on the bloody earth are you?" You ask as you glare at him with hostile while you look at him you track.

"I am, Nickolas Frankstone, the current head of the Frankstone family and Christopher father at the same time. I want to thank you somehow for saving my younger son, Warren, life. If there is anything I maybe assistance to you, please do not hesitate to do so." Nickolas said as he bows with respect to you.

"I am sorry about my attitude the second ago since I usually get annoy and piss off easily especially at night. My name is [Y/N], the head of the organisation known as ATPS as you could see. Upon your offer, I would ask for two things. One is to keep the quiet about my identity from now on regardless what the matter especially Christopher. Two, please do look out for your dame son as he is causing a lot of trouble for the student in my current class." You said as you pointed at Christopher.

"I see... I can assure that can be done. I am sorry for whatever trouble Christopher have cause for your friends and you classmate. I will discipline him afterwards once the commotion regardless to our family have died down." Nickolas said as he glares at Christopher.

Upon seeing his face, you can conclude that he is an upright man and decided to help him out as long as he could keep his promise. "Not to worry about anything that happens to your family in regards to the attack of terrorist which happen today. I will be sure to keep the media away from this incident. Well then, if you were to excuse me..." You said as you turn around and walk off to find your teammates.

After regrouping with them, you all head back to the HQ and you release them for their duty after you have given them some briefing. You then decided to head home and have a good shower as you said goodbye to Takashi and the rest.

"Gulp...Gulp...Phwa! Now that hit the sport!" You said as you went and grab a cold drink from the refrigerator after you had take your shower. You then look at the time and saw that it was coming near 12 midnight.

"Hmm... I guess I will surf some internet and listen to music for a while before going to bed... Right before I forget, I better send a mail to both Sora and Kagari telling them to help me out with a few thing for the upcoming days since I need to help out with the school fest or something." You thought to yourself as you head to on your computer.

As you were to send your mail, you notice that was an incoming call on MEOC, a wireless free-to pay video chat application. You sigh as you realise that the caller was your uncle and glance at the time.

"Uncle, you do know that it already middle of the dame night, right? Do you have weird ass fetish of calling people this late in order to satisfy yourself?" You ask with an annoy look on your face as you answer the call.

"Ahahaha...I do not have that kind of fetish. Well anyway, I just want to call and check on how your school life and all that? From what I heard, you have been through some trouble over your side... Are you okay?" He ask as you lay back on your chair and let out a sigh.

"If I am not okay, you will not see me here already. Haizz... Well first off, I am enjoying my school life as for now. I don't really think that I ever regret of going to that school well other then for the fact that the school always causing me to end up in weird situation...Thou that said, I suppose I found something in that school of mine.

Next off, regarding of the condition that you have given me when I apply for this school. I would like to say that even thou the condition was sort of broken due to unexpected foreseen circumstance, I don't think that my identity will be leak out in anyway as me and my team have 'silence' them. So, for that matter is a case close." You said while looking at the time on your phone.

"Well, regardless of the condition if it have been broken or not, as long as you are enjoying your school life, I don't see what the reason of stopping you from going. After all you are still a growing teen, you should spend your youth in finding love then going around killing people."

"...I cannot tell if you are joking or not thou you are the one that put me into this crap load...Thirdly, I pretty sure you have received on a report on the Frankstone family matter just a few hours, ago right? It appears that they were been targeted by 'Viper' for whatever reason, and due to our effort, we manage to save them. Oh, don't ask why we are there in the first place as just remembering it makes me want to break the monitor." You continue as your uncle just nodded in silence as he drinks his glass of water.

"Lastly, this might be the main report or rather the most important thing I have to tell you. I have or rather ask my team to currently keeping a close eye on the following organisation: Orochi, Anti-Magic S, Viper, Nemesis, Axis and Twinkle. Reason being, I have suspected that these 6 huge organisations is under a Terrorist Society. I have not much info on this society but as far as I am concern, whoever are controlling these 6 organisations, I am not going to let them get away easily." You said as you tighten your fist in determination.

"I understand. Thanks for reporting all this information to me. I will see what I can to do over myside and try to ease your burden a bit, after all I am the ruler of this country you know. Thou with that said, I want you to continue your finding and update me whenever you can. That all I want to say. Oh, and by the way, next time when you come over for a visit, remember to bring along your girlfriend [Y/N]." Not waiting for your response, the call has come to an end.

"How the hell do he know that I gotten myself a girlfriend? Wait now I think back, I have a feeling that Takashi might have tell him when he reports my condition in school but how did Takashi know about it... Haizz... I am too tired to be bother by this crap... Guess I will finish up for the day and head to sleep." You mumble under your breath as you turn off your computer and headed to bed.


Okay let stop here for now. As promise, I have make this chapter a little long then before. The next time, we shall see Reader help out in the preparation of the school event. Until then, Peace Out! 😊

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