Chapter 19: Finding out Princess Elise intention

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Disclaimer Alert: I do not own any of the following character from Hatsune Miku or the respective idol group. Here is chapter 19. So, sit back, relax and enjoy the story.


"..." You stare at the signboard in silence as you think back on the news you saw this morning. You could not understand why princess Elise is coming to Japan to study where she is already a talented person at her age. "...I cannot figure out why is Princess Elise coming here to study...although the news did not say anything about it but I am pretty sure she is coming here to study on magic and the research, but why now? Something does not seem to add up..." You thought in silence as you leave the signboard up along with the help of some other guys in your class.

"Well I guess this is all of it rep?" You ask your class monitor as you and the rest of the student look around the classroom to look at the hard work you guys have put into to prepare the class café for the festival. "Yes...We have finish up everything. Good work class. Those that wish to help out could go and help the school community as they could use some help to decorate the school campus. If not, you guys can go home and rest for the big day to come." Your class monitor said as she dismisses the class.

"What are you going to do now Leader? Go and meet up with Miku?" Takashi ask as he approach you while you check your phone. "I guess so... I think she is busy with her rehearsal now so I probably will hang around the area until she is done. Not to mention there is something that seem to interest me." You said as you take you belong and exit the classroom, along with Takashi who is heading back to the HQ.

"Something that you are interest in? What is it? The Terrorist society or the move of the six organisation that we are keeping close watch on." Takashi ask with a serious tone while you shook your head.

"Well as much those 2 issue seem to bug me from somewhere inside, I am not really worried about it for the time being seem they have not made any move. Rather I am interested in is that princess Elise is coming here to continue her study." You said with a complex expression.

"Princess Elise? You mean the genius magic researcher from England is coming here to further her study? But why would she come here? I mean is not England more advance when come to magic researching?" Takashi look at you with a bewiled expression while you let out a smirk.

"That is what I am wondering too... But I cannot think of anything. Takashi, I have a task for you. Go find out all detail about Elise workplace and all her past year achievement. Once you found out anything, contact me immediately." You said as you watch Takashi entering his car. "How about you Leader?" He asks. "I will do what I do the best. Hacking into people data is an easy task for me is it not?" You let out a sadistic smile while Takashi just let out a sigh before he drove off.

After you watch Takashi exiting the school campus, you head to the stage area location and find a nearby bench before sitting down. You than text Miku telling her to meet you once she has finish which you than take out your laptop and boot it up.

"Let get this started huh..." You thought to yourself as you open up a Code systemic programme and started to type a bunch of what seem as alien language that only you understand. After a couple of second, a bunch of information have pop up on your screen.

"Let see what I can find on her personal database. Magic aptitude, Mana conversation, Core creation... hmm...all seem to be some kind of interesting topic, one could expect much from a genius...Hm? What is this? 'Ancient energy theory'?" You mumble under your breath as you read the name of the article report that she wrote while feeling the chill at the back of the spine.



Today I have happened to stumble on Ancient magic, a powerful magic, that few have it in them. It is to said that this magic was so powerful that it can bring this world to it dismay if it is use wrongly.


After researching on this topic for a while, I have been asking myself: "Where does this power come from?" It seems that I have countless of possible theory on it. However, one theory seems to intrigue me. It said that Ancient magic can only be pass down if one of the family Pre-successor have it and it can only be pass down via their blood line. This have piped my interest... It seems that it is time to find people who holds it.


I have been finding people who holds the power but it seems that I don't have much luck finding them. This is frustrating. However. I am determined to find one. Why? It is simple so that I can have a person to wield an ancient magic in my bloodline in the future...Afterall I am a royal Hehehe~.


After about 2 weeks of searching, I have found some people that wield that power however, none suite my taste. Despite that, I have cam across an article that seem interesting enough have happen 10 year ago where there is this person in japan wield a powerful ancient magic that almost wipe the country out. Maybe he is the one I am finding? I don't know...look like I have to pay a little visit...


...look like I have to pay a little visit huh? Now I know the reason why a genius like her is coming to this country. Her target is me eh? Look like I must keep my guard up as not to let her or anyone find out about my identity. Haizz... What a pain." You glance at your weapon bracelet on your wrist and let out a tired sigh.

You than proceed to exit from her data by erasing all trace of your programme and data so that she would not find out if anyone have intrude on her privacy. "Now than that said, I guess I have to wait for Takashi to get back to me on his finding before I can make any move huh... I wonder what should I do now? Well no matter...I suppose I should just enjoy my upcoming festival date with Miku first before thinking about all this problem." You thought to yourself as you watch Miku rehearsal from a distance hopping for the festival day to come.


Okay, let stop here for now. Until then, peace out! 😊

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