Chapter 22: Princess got Kidnapped?

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Disclaimer Alert: I do not own any of the follow Hatsune Miku or the respective idol group. Here is chapter 22. So, sit back, relax and enjoy the story.


"...So how the hell did this happen?" You ask in a super annoy tone as you watch your fellow ATPS member was busy tracking down Princess Elise location. Currently, whole of ATPS was currently tracking down her location as she was suddenly been kidnapped out of nowhere.

"You know... I receive a dame call 4 am in the morning receiving a interesting and funny news stating that Princess Elise got kidnapped upon arrival. How did she get kidnapped with such a tight security? Is someone pulling a prank here?" You ask in annoy as you were watching a security camera footage while trying to figure out how did Elise got kidnapped.

"Unfortunate, this is reality Leader... Maybe there is traitor among the security?" Sora suggest as you slip your strongly brew coffee. You groan in annoy as you are just smashing your mouse on the footage over and over again in frustration.

"I highly doubt so... Princess Elise was been protected by a bunch of different security such as ranging from their own personal to the local. It is close to impossible to kidnap her with that kind of setting. Plus even if there is traitor, don't you think this is too perfectly planned?" Kagari added on as you 4 just let out a sigh as you all are suck back at square one.

"This is getting to no end... The problem is not how this overprotective princess been kidnapped for the time being as we can figure out later... but is the issue currently is where she is held at? Heck, if we don't find her or if she is harm, I will be the one who have to deal with all sort of shit afterwards which is a pain in the ass. Well worst to worst cast I will just blast a hole in their head if it get down to that..." You complaint in annoy as you glance at your watch while the three pray in silence for whoever is going to do that. You decided to drop Miku a message stating that you are unable to come as you are currently in an emergency.

As soon as you send the message, Miku replied your message.

'Please be safe [Y/N] and don't get yourself injured. I will probably think about you a lot in class today as I cannot see you. (>//.//<) I love you [Y/N] *chu😚'

Upon seeing her message, you immediately bang you head on the table as you could not help but to feel embarrasses upon reading it. "LEADER!?" The three of them shouted as you regain you compose and told them not to worry.

"How is your team investigating along? Is there anything that you guys have found?" You ask as you glance at Kagari hopping he have some good news. "Unfortunately, leader, the enemy got us really good this time by erasing all tracks of them. My team is currently using all of their resources but is still in the search." Kagari said as you glance back at the footage you receive while groaning in annoy.

"Hey leader, may I say something?" Takashi ask as you nodded.

"Do you think that is the underworld organisation who hold the power of terrorist doing the work behind? I cannot imagine anyone other than terrorist that is capable of having suck skill in avoiding our tracking system." Takashi said as you thought for a moment.

"If you are right, that what are their objective than? I really cannot think of any reason why they would need her..." You said as the 4 of you let out another sigh.

"Great now we are back at square one... if only we have some sort of high tier tracking magic..." Sora grumble as you look at him in silence.

"High tier magic... ancient magic that might allow us to track her down... wait... AH! If I were to use that spell it might actually work? But I never try it out thou...Whatever, there is no harm in trying right?" You thought to yourself as you took out the country map and laid on the table. The three of them just stood there in silence as they watch you activating some kind of spell.

"Life that seek one soul, Life that seek oneself. Regain back your spiritual form and wander on this world once more. I beseech your wisdom, I beseech your strength, I beseech your moral. Hear my voice, hear my wish and reveal the one that I seek!" You said as a tiny glow appear on the map.

"This is?" Takashi ask as you just smile wryly as you said this is one of your magic and it is nothing much to know about it.

"Well putting that aside, all matters are that princess Elise is located at this area. Gather all our man ready. We will proceed to location 01230567E once preparation is complete. SQUAD READY OUT!" You said as you look at them with an annoy look on your face.

"ROGER THAT!" The 3 reply as you watch them exiting the room and giving command to the rest.

As you and your team make your way to the location, you keep grumbling on how you going to burst open those kidnapper body with your weapon and etc. "Hey Leader... just to ask... why kind of crazy spell are you going to use later? I have heard that you have infuse all of your spell cartridge into some kind of magic core resulting you to activating the spell whenever you want as long as the condition is fulfilled." Takashi asks as he look at you.

"Ha... Leader will probably use somewhere along the line of Void Burst and end up almost killing us again." Sora joke as Kagari just smack him in the head stating not to make such a scary joke as you might end up using it.

"Well, probably the normal 'plasma shot' since I don't want to risk of blowing up the area causing the princess Elise to be harm...thou I couldn't care less if she is injured or not but her parent and my uncle will come screaming in my ear which is something I want to avoid. Well back to that spell infusion that I did, you are kind of off.

It not that I can activate my spell as long as the condition is fulfill but it is as long as I know how the spell script works, I can activate it." You explain as you heard from one of your members stated that you all are approaching the area in a few minutes.

"Meaning to say?" Takashi ask as if it has piped his interests.

"Hmm... let take 'plasma shot' a example. 'plasma shot' is similar to a normal assault rifle but instead of shooting bullet, it shot magic bullet that is created from converting the mana fragment in the air and compressing it into a form where it took like a bullet giving it its respective feature right? Now in order to activate it, do you still remember the script for it?" You said as if you are giving a lecture.

"I think is "Bullet that form from nothing, manifest yourself and release the light towards my foe"?" Takashi said as you nodded you a smile.

"Normally we no need to memories it as we use cartridge to store the script detail in it. However, that does not work for magic core. Cartridge can only hold up to one script per time but Magic core can hold up to multiple script at a go which means to say you could not put in that line of script into the core as it might cause some common line or meaning to crash with one another resulting a failure or activation in a long run.

Now here is the problem, if we or I in this case cannot activate the core but using the script from its memory, then how am I supposed to activate it? The answer is compression of keyword and image. What I did was by shorten the script to "Manifest Bullet, light my foe" thou by doing only like this, the magic will still not activate as it is not store in the database of the original script even thou the keywords is out. This means to say, I will still have to visualize it and covert the process while at the same time activating the script. If I am unable to do that, the whole spell will just end up as a failure." You explain as you all get down from your transporter and start to give instruction to the fellow member.

"I see... That explain a lot of stuff... Well then I am suppose I will have to put anymore question aside for now since we have a hostage to rescue right leader?" Takashi ask as you reply with a smile while nodding.

"You can ask me after this mission if you want but now, let focus in saving the princess. Things are going to get bloody soon again..." You said as you watch your sniper and assault team getting into formation as Takashi and the rest ready their weapon.

"Dame... this is an abandon building huh... It seem we are at the outskirt of the city. Team A and B shall take the side of the building. Open fire at will and careful about the surrounding for traps and hazards. Team C will cover all 3 team include the Elite and us. Split yourself into 4 group fills with different kind of sniper.

Do not use explosion cartridge when support as I don't want to see smoke human later on. Team Elite shall follow us. Because of the huge group we have, I need to split yourself into 3 groups. The odd number shall follow us while the other two shall cover A and B.

I will need about 20-50 men from Sora group to standby in case of enemy reinforcement appear. Do what you do the best and avoid creating too much fireworks because I know you guys will likely go overboard with those explosion missile and cartridge that holds explosion script. Any question?" You instruct as silence fill the air.

"Okay guys than as for now Operation: Recuse the stupidly overprotective but still get kidnap princess Elise shall begin underway!" You said as you and your fellow member proceed to move out.


Okay let stop here for now. The next time we shall see the ATPS saving princess Elise and hope that Sora and his men don't go over bored with those explosive missiles. Until then, Peace Out! 😊

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