Chapter 6: Investigation....

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Disclaimer alert: I do not own any of the following character from Hatsune Miku or the respective idol group. Here is chapter 6. So, sit back, relax and enjoy the story.


You and your team have arrived back at the HQ after settling the situation back in the studio. You then immediately procced into your office as you call Sora, Kagari and Takashi to follow you. When they enter your office, you close the door and ask "Hey Sora, what you say just now back then is it true?"

Sora nodded. You sigh and said "I see..." Kagari and Takashi who is confuse, ask you for the detail. You then explain "Just now when we are back in the studio, I receive a phone call from Sora as he was eliminating the enemy. He told me that Miku was targeted by an organisation call 'Orochi'."

"What 'Orochi' you say? Who are they in the first place?" Kagari ask as he laugh while scratching his head. You and the rest just give me a dumbfound look and sigh.



"You did not know and you comment...I have no idea what to say."

Kagari just shrug his shoulder and continue to look at you guys. "Well... I not very sure who are they but I think I hear of them before." Takashi said as he cross his arm. "What do you know about them?" you ask in a serious tone as you look at him.

"I can only tell you what I hear thou. They say that 'Orochi' is an organisation which can be hired by people to kill off their target. In other words, they are specialized in killing people that their client has pay them to. Or so that what the rumor was said to be known." Takashi said as he looks at you.

You thought for a while and say "We need to investigate on this organisation right away... if Takashi said what is true then..." You look at them with a serious face before continuing "Someone out there is planning to kill Miku for whatever reason."

You then walk into your command centre and told your men to start to investigate on the matter. "Takashi and you two, I want you to start searching through all the possible source that you can find on Orochi. Let me know straight area if you guys found anything."

They nodded at you and went ahead with there investigation. You then decided to head over to your storeroom area to find out anything. When you enter the storeroom, you sigh as you saw the major amount of document you have to go through. "Well then...let see...O....O...O...Ah! here is it." You mumble as you manage to find a file that is related to Orochi. You then flip open the file as you browse to see if you could find any information about them.

"Haizz... this amount of information is not enough for me to deem if the rumour was true or not." You said as you put back the file and lend against the wall to think about the event up to now.

"I wonder who would want to target Miku...hmm...hold on a minute. The place where Miku was been targeted was the event place where we four went to listen to her song and the recording studio where she is going to practice her new song. I was there at the two place which I doubt I have anything to do with I was there that why there is a huge group of terrorists in the studio but... Don't tell me..." You mumble to yourself as you have an idea of what is going on.

You then quickly run up to your command centre and ask one of your men to display the event that took place yesterday where Miku was giving a new concert. You smirk and realise something. "So... this was what the culprit was after. Now then all we have to do to find the culprit who is the mastermind." You thought silently as you went ahead to contact the rest.

"Eh? Leader you figure out something?" Sora ask after you have call the 3 back to your office. "Yeah, to make things easier for you three to understand, I need you guys to answer this question: Yesterday at the concert area, Miku did give a preview of her new song before that group of guys attack her right?"

They nodded and you continue "Today, at the recording, Miku was also practicing the same song as yesterday however in the full version just before today the terrorist or I should say 'Orochi' attack." You could swear that the 3 of them was glaring at you with envy.

"Curse you leader! Why does leader get to listen to it only?"



"......" You look at them with an uninterested expression and said "How about I blast a hole into you three and you guys can go and listen to her song anytime you want?" They look at you with fear and try to calm you down.

"Anyway, as I was saying, whenever she sings this song, there will be an attack launch from the terrorist. Don't you guys find it a little to coincidence?" you say as you cross your arm as they look as you in a deep thought.

"In other words, leader...are you trying to say that someone among her wanted her to be dead as he or she assume that she has stolen their song or something along that line?" Takashi ask as he look at you.

You nodded and say "Although this is what I assume to be...we need to investigate this a little more on her surrounding people. I hope I am wrong thou...If I was right then..."

Everyone went silence as you all could imagine how Miku might react after knowing that he or she wanted her to be dead. "Can you let me handle the situation leader?" Sora ask you.

You nodded and say "Be careful thou, I have no idea what kind of the person that we are dealing with so handle this matter with care." Sora nodded. You then glace at your watch and ask "Alright then, since it is already coming to 8 plus, shall we call it off a day?"

The three of them nodded and you all started to head back home.

After some time, pass, you reached your house and enter as you sigh in exhaustion. "Man... today sure is a busy day" You mumble under your breath as you head to shower. After showering finish, you head out of the shower room and lay down on your bed.

Right after you lay on your bed, you heard your phone ring. "Hmm? I wonder who is it..." You said as you went to pick it up without giving a thought on who is the caller.


"Oh [Y/N]!"

Upon hearing the voice, you recognise the voice and ask "What is it Miku?"

"Erm...I just want to thank you for what you did for me today."

"Don't need to thank me. I am just doing my job to protect you."

"I know...but when you hug me today to comfort me, I feel really warm and secure in my heart."

Your face heat up. You felt your heart skip a beat the moment you heard her words. "What...again, I am feeling this weird emotion in me" You thought to yourself.


You snap back to your sense as you heard Miku calling out to you. "Sorry, I was thinking about some stuff just now. Were you saying something?" you ask as you shook your head as you try to get rid of this feeling.

"Geez...I just want to thank you only. Anyway, thank again for saving me today. Good night [Y/N], I will see you tomorrow in school."

With that the line on the phone went dead. You sigh and press the end call button and walk towards the window. You then look at the sky and mumble under your breath " is really a busy day.


Okay, let stop here for now. The next time we shall see will the leader find out who is the culprit behind all this attack and able to protect Miku from them. Peace out! 😊


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