Idol work place... and a familiar situation...?

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Disclaimer Alert: I do not own any of the following character from the Idol Character. Here is chapter 4. So sit back relax and enjoy the story.


"[Y/N], we have reach my work place. Gezz... Wake up already!" Miku said while pouting as you slowly rub your eye lazily as you look at her sleepily. "Sorry about that, I was a little tried from yesterday." You apologise to Miku as the both of you get out of the car.

"If so, why do you still insist of coming with me instead of going home and rest?" Miku ask in concern as she look at you. You sigh and say "I told you before that I am interested in your idol work and plus I cannot be letting a girl like you be going to work place alone after you told me that you have been targeted by many people. Also I did promise to protect you."

Miku blush upon hearing your words. You heard her mumble something under her breath and ask "What is it?" Miku suddenly look at you in fluster and shook her head. Not knowing what she had said, you just shrug and continue walking.

As both of you continue to walk in silence, you guys have finally reach the studio. When you enter, you could not believe what you have saw. There are many different kind of equipment that was been prepare and you could see there are ton of people in here too.

"Hey Miku, I realise something... is there different kind of people in here. Do each and one of them have a different job?" You ask as you look around. Just as Miku was about to answer you, a person went and ask Miku to check something. Miku look at you with an apologetic expression "Sorry [Y/N], I will answer your question later. It seem I will have to start work too." You smile at her saying that you don't mind.

After seeing her run towards the person and saw her getting prepare for work, you decided to look for her manager. "Now that she is safely in here... I guess I should find that Kojiro bustard." You thought to yourself quietly. As you walk aimlessly trying to Kojiro, you found that there are many different band set lying around. "Hmm... I wonder are they having a rehearsal later." You thought to yourself.

Just as you are lost in thought, you heard someone calling your name and feel a tackle from behind. You fell on the floor hard. "Ouch..." You said as you try to get up but to see a girl in yellow hair lying on top of your stomach. You immediately notice her.

"Rin?" You call out with an unsure tone. She look up and smile at you. "[Y/N] ni, you remember me! Wah~ I am so happy." Rin said as she hug you tightly. Sensing a bunch of glare been send at you from the surrounding, you quickly push Rin away lightly and said "How many time must I tell you not to tackle me like this... Well I guess some thing a person would not likely to change over a period of time. Where is your brother, Rin?"

She point towards a distance where you saw 3 figure running straight at you. You then notice Miku was with them while recognising the other two. "Yo [Y/N]! Long time no see~" Len said as he approach you with a bro fist. You return the greeting by retuning it.

"Yeah it been year bro." Kojiro said as he held out a hand to help you up while pulling Rin away from you. "Yeah brothers it been a long time I see you two" You greeted while smiling to them.

"So you really know my manager [Y/N]." Miku said as she look at you three in surprise. "Thou I am more surprise you know both Rin and Len since you don't know an idol like me" Miku say as the three smile wryly at you.

"So like him."

"I agree."

"[Y/N] ni still is dense!"

A vain pop out slightly at your forehead and said "Are you guys trying to pick a fight with me is it?" Miku chuckle at your reaction slightly and said "It nice to see you 4 four arguing like best friend." You smile at Miku and said "You know that you are also one of our friend right?" Upon hearing your words, Miku could not help but to blush a little at your word.

"Oh yeah [Y/N], since you are here, why don't you stick around and watch how them work while at it maybe we can chat a bit." Kojiro suggest as you just nod in agreement.

While you and Kojiro was watching Len, Rin and Miku performing a rehearsal for their next song you decided to ask on Kojiro the issue on Miku bodyguard. "I see...Miku have told you everything have she not? Since when are you so close to her? Are you hitting on her now?" Kojiro ask as you look at him with a pathetic eyes. Kojiro sweatdrop and said "Please don't look at me like this."

"Well with all joke aside... What do you think of Miku?" Kojiro ask. "Since when are we talking about this? I thought we are currently talking about Miku bodyguard?" You said as you raise your eyebrow as you look at him. He just laugh it off and say "Come on, be honest with your feeling."

"Arrg...I forgot how persistent you can be...Gezz...Even if you ask me how I think of her..." You said as you look at Miku and went completely silence.

"... For one thing for sure is that I can say that she somehow caught my interest. Although she somehow is similar like me in a way. So maybe that what I think is interesting and want to help her in any way I can." You said as you look at Miku while crossing your arm.

"Hmm...Somehow I think I have an idea." Kojiro said as he grin at you causing you to have a bad feeling about it. "Something tells me that I am going to hate myself for not beating the shit out of you right now."

Just as soon as you said that, you hear a door crashing open and saw three large size man holding Carbin-02, a magic assault energy beam gun which can penetrate amour and pointing at everyone in the stadium. "Don't move!" One of the guy with a scar on his face shouted at you all.

"Really? How lucky am I to get two stupid terrorist group crashing into place where Idol is present? Must be your luck as a Yakuza, Kojiro..." You whisper as you glare at him while taking out your SPK-II on your hand hiding it from the terrorist view.

"Give me a break...I am not the one who bring unluckiness to here." Kojiro said as he took out his favourite weapon a dessert eagle. "Somehow that remind me of how we took out one guy that is stronger than us when we are young." Kojiro said he grin at you.

You turn to find that Miku having the same expression on her face when she was been threaten by a terrorist yesterday at the concert.

You could not help but to wonder "Miku have the same expression from yesterday... this cannot be just a coincidence for someone to have 2 of the same expression and 2 group of terrorist crashing on the following day. I guess after I deal with this nonsenses before I can ask her about anything."

"Alright then, Shall we get things started?" You say as you and Kojiro nod at each other before taking any action.


Okay! Let us stop here for now. Next time we will see how Reader and Kojiro take out the terrorist and at the same time knowing the past of Miku in this story. So until then, I will see you all the next time! Peace out!J

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