Knowing a Idol?

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Disclaimer Alert: I do not own the following Idol character. This fanfiction will be focusing on Reader x Miku. What version of Miku you guys want, that I will leave it for your imagination. Note that this story take place in a world similar to ours but with the exception that in this world magic exist. It is best to read the story to understand what I mean...


"Haiz... Why must we always do this dumb job? Honestly I am sick and tired of dealing with this boring stuff." You complain as you finish off the last guy by stabbing him in his stomach.

You are currently working as a specialist agent in dealing against terrorist group for the government. This group is known as ATPS which stand for Anti-terrorist Prevention Squad which is supported by the government. You, who is a 17 years old teen was pick by the government, who is your uncle, as the squad leader of this group as your skill in killing is the best.

"Hahaha, never thought that leader will complain about his job." Takashi, a 21 years old man who is you right hand man, said while laughing.

"It not like I wanted in the first place, it all because of that dumb uncle of my deciding things without letting me know in the first place. Furthermore, I just wish to live like having a normal school life." You complain as you keep your knife in your knife holder near your leg.

"Well, at least the government who is that dumb uncle of yours took the bother to look after you. Be thankful about it. Anyway, I wanted to ask you for quite some time. Leader, I don't recalling seeing you using your magic ever since we start to do this line, have I?" Kagari, who is in his early 20 ask you as he went to pick his gun up.

"Yeah, leader I am curious too." Sora, who was with him said as he too look at you. You sigh as you hate talking about it.

Magic, is a skill known to be exit for a very long time. It is said that it has been around since the historical period. No one knows where or how did it appear. However, there a different kind of magic out there. They are listed as Fire, Water, Earth, Dark, Light and Heal. This are the few magic that is commonly use. Moreover, there a very little people out there could use ancient magic which consist of strong and terrifying power. They are known as Gifted and was fear by most people and you are one of them.

"...It not something that I want to say." You said in a lonely voice as you walk to check if there are any more terrorist surviving. You could not bring yourself to tell anyone that you hold the ancient magic as you fear that everyone will be afraid of you. Not wanting to feel the loneliness like how you did 10 years ago, you decided to keep it as a secret.

"Well, if leader don't want to say about it, we won't force it anyway. But then, we hope that you can trust us enough and someday you can share with us okay?" Kagari said as he grin at you. You flash a smile and said "Yeah and thanks."

"AHHHH!" Suddenly you three heard Sora shouted loudly.

"What wrong?" You quickly ask in concern.

"I am going to be late for the concert!" Sora said as he look at his watch.

"Concert?" You raise your eyebrow and ask in a curious tone.

"Oh yeah, you are is already that late. I think the location is near here." Takashi said as he look at his watch too. "Today is where she giving a free concert to everyone right?" Kagari turn and ask Sora.

Not knowing what the hell is going on, you decided to ask "What is going on here? I am lost."

Suddenly, Sora look at you and shouted in excited "Don't you know about the famous idol girl Hatsune Miku? Leader, I tell you she is awesome. She is the same age as you leader and her song, voice, all of her is like a living god. She have..."

You listen as you thought to yourself "Wow...Sora is really either a crazy fan or stalker of her..."

"Right, leader...You should come and see her concert with us." Takashi said as he watch you cleaning up the mess. You thought for a while and said "Well, since I don't think I am going to do anything later... I see why not."

After you all clean up the mess and you have dismiss the rest of your squad and change into your normal clothes, you, Takashi, Sora and Kagari hope into Sora car and head off to the location.

When you guys reach the location, you are the first one to come out of the car and you hold onto a tree for support. "Urg...I feel sick." You said as you cover your mouth. "You have car sickness, leader?" Sora ask you in concern.

"No, but I wonder how on earth did you even pass your driving licence. Urg... curse it." You glare at Sora as you try your best not to throw up. After a couple of minutes of recovering, you feel slightly better.

"Okay, now we are here... Where do we go?" You look around and saw there is a lot of people queuing up to enter the area. Sora pointed to the long queue and said "Over there... Well we should have come early to queue to enter." You roll your eye and thought to yourself "Dame, why did I even agree to come..."

After a 20 minutes or so queuing up, you guys finally manage to enter the area and was luckily enough to find that there was a few seat left available to the front. You guys decided to seat down over there. As Takashi and the rest was chattering happily away, you decided to glance around to look at how a concert hall look like.

"So this is a concert hall eh?" You mumble softly as you were impress by the surrounding. As you look around, you saw a suspicious looking group was lurking around a corner with a huge bag. You could not help but to find that the group have somehow caught your attention.

"Who are they? A terrorist? No it does not look like... a group of Magic criminal? Hmm...I can feel as faint trace of magic from them. But then they look like they are not very skill in magic. Thou with that said... what the hell is in that bag?" You thought to yourself silently.

You decided to check it out. Not wanting to spoil the concert that your teammates have been looking forward too, you slip off quietly. You decided to use stealth magic to prevent them from noticing you. You then creep up slowly to them and hide behind a wall to listen to their conversation.

"Hmm... look like they are planning to raid this place and kill the idol in here for some reason. Hell, I am not going to let you guys do whatever you guys want." You silently thought to yourself as you watch them leaving the bag there as they went to one area to go through some kind of plan.

You then quickly approach the bag and open up. You then notice that there are a bunch of Riffle and Magic weapon in it and mumble softly "No wonder I feel a fain trace of magic. Hmm... better quickly disarm all them." With that you quickly take out the magic core from the magic weapon and the bullet from the Riffle.

Noticing the people are coming back, you quickly put back the weapon in it and went back to your hiding place while keeping the bullet and the core with you. "I don't think now is the best time to strike them out... I will attack them once they thought they have the situation under control." With that you decided to head back to your seat.

As you head back to your seat, you saw a blue twin hair girl came out from the side of the stage and stand in front of all of you. "That is Hatsune Miku huh..." You thought to yourself as you could not help but find her cute as you stare at her. As the concert went underway, you then suddenly hear a shouting that came from the side of the corner.


All of you then turn to notice that a group of guys was standing there with guns in the air. Everyone in the hall went panic and did what those people said expect for you and your teammate.

"Well, well look like they sure took their own sweet time." You silently thought to yourself. You told your team to do what they ask and tell them to only move when you give them the signal. They look at you in confuse but decided to do what you told them.

You then look at Miku who was on the stage with a terrify look on her face as one of the guy pointed the gun at her. "Oh gezz, will you all shut the hell up?" You said in an annoy tone as you stand up and could not stand their shouting at her. "That not how you all should treat a cute girl like her." You said as you wonder what on earth are you trying say.

"Arrg... what am I even saying. Now it not the time to compliment on her." You curse silently as you ignoring the guy shouting.


"Try it if you could. Or could it be that you lack of this?" You said as you walk towards the stage as you hold up a bag containing magic core and bullets in it. They look at you with surprise and ask "Where the hell did you get those."

You just smirk at them like some kind of insect and said "You all need not need to know that much. Boys get them!" With that, Takashi, Sora and Kagari immediately pounce to them and subdue them. Just as you was about to help Miku up, a guy broke free from Takashi grip and rush to her with a knife in one of his hand.

"Leader!" You heard Takashi shout as you quickly pull her up and block the attack with your shoulder. "Tch!" You click your tongue in pain as you struggle back a bit.

"Hahaha, now not so big are you? Now die with the girl!" The guy shouted as he rush at you with the knife. Feeling annoy, you glare at him and said "Would you shut your mouth?"

You then grab his hand with the knife and deliver a keen kick to his stomach and elbow his neck to knock him out. "Takashi, contact the HQ to get this people into their new home. I will join you once I finish the business here. Sora get the crowd out of here and knock those bastard out before that." You said as you put your left hand onto your shoulder.

You then walk towards Miku and ask "Hey, miss idol or I should call you Hatsune Miku since you are famous and all but are you alright?"

Miku then look at you and said "Y-yes, thank you for saving me. Erm is your arm alright? I am sorry... it is because of me-" You then went and pat her head which cause her to blush slightly and said "Nah, worry not. Glad that you are alright. Now if you would excuse me." You then walk down the stage as you join your team.

Just as you was to walk off, you heard Miku shouting at you and looking at you with her face slightly red "Erm, may I know your name?"

"Woah an Idol is asking for your name eh? I am jealous of you Leader-Ack!" You elbow Kagari in his stomach as you turn back at her and said "[Y/N]". You then walk off to join the rest while wondering if she having a fever.

Later did you know that you and her story was beginning to unfold...


Okay people, let stop here for the time being. The next chapter will be focusing on you and Miku more and with that I will see you all the next time.

Here a little preview of the next chapter:

Hatsune Miku: Wah~ I did not know me and you will be meeting you so soon.

You: Er yeah... (I never expect to end up in here in the first place...)

Takashi: And I never expect I will be a teacher...

Next time: A school Life?


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