Hate Is A Strong Word (2)

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A/N: To those reading this, a small surprise awaits you.

3rd Person POV

"Why did I have to leave my things in her classroom of all places? I couldn't have left my things in a class that I actually enjoyed? I swear, either I have the worst luck or God hates me." As Y/N slowly came to the door, he had found himself walking slower and slower. He knew that he would miss only a little bit of Mr. King's class, but that didn't bother him. He wanted to prolong his arrival to Ms. Yumi's room. He didn't care if he was 15 minutes late nor did he care if he entered at the end of class. He just didn't want to go inside. "Maybe I could just head to Mr. King's class. He might just give me a new packet or something. But..."

Y/N then paused for a moment. The packet that he was given was six pages long and he already had four done. That took about 57 minutes to do due to how many questions there were and how much he needed to explain. With a sigh, Y/N quickly walked up to Ms. Yumi's door, knocking on it louder than he should have. The faster he found his things, the faster he could head back to class.

"What's up with the green paper?" Just as those last word left his mouth, the door swung open to reveal the teacher he hated with a passion. "Miss my class already?"

"I just came to get my things for my next class."

"Mr. King correct? Alright then, come in."

As Yumi stepped to the side, Y/N rushed towards his desk only to find that his things weren't there. "Are you fucking kidding me?" Y/N cursed, soft enough for Yumi not to hear. "Ms. Yumi, did you see my binder and the rest of my things?"

"The last time I saw them was when they were in your possession." Yumi then shut the door, causing Y/N to look back at her. "Since you're here, why don't you finish your test? I can talk to Mr. King so he can excuse you from his class."

"I think I can-"

"Thing about it Y/N. If you do it now, you won't have to spend your whole afternoon with me."

After hearing her words, Y/N had felt himself come at a crossroad. If he stayed now he would have the whole afternoon to himself. That being said, he would be spending more time with her either way. Maybe it's better to get this whole thing out of the way now. Wait, why did she finally see how much the class didn't like her or something? Normally she would want us to get out of her face. For a brief moment, the two stared at each other, though one of them stared with lust hidden behind her gaze and the other had no idea.

Say it Y/N. Say yes for me. Soon you won't want to leave me.

"I mean... I guess? I would have my afternoon back. But-"

"Have a seat Y/N. I will get your test and you can begin."

For some reason, Y/N couldn't shake the feeling that he was getting stared at. At first he thought that it was nothing, but each time he looked up, he would notice Ms. Yumi's eyes move away from him. Truly, there was something off about her, but he didn't know what it was. Was she just bored? Was she seeing if he was trying to cheat with something hidden on him? He knew not to do that when one of his classmates were found out. They dropped out the next day after they saw how much it tore their grade apart.

"You have 20 minutes left. How many questions do you have left?"

"Three. Just 17, 18, and 3. Had to jump around a bit."

"You can take a 5 minute break. I will be right back."

As Yumi's stood up and walked towards the door, Y/N's eyes followed her. Yes, he may have had a disliking to her, but she was still a beautiful woman no less. Perhaps when her attitude changes he might come back after graduation. Yeah right. I'm not coming back to this fucking place. Then again... maybe. Just maybe. Once she left the room, Y/N stood up and walked up to her desk. "I really need a new pencil. I murdered this eraser." Picking up a pencil, preferably a Dixon Tycondaroga, Y/N was quick to notice that his binder was in fact behind her desk. "She really did have my things! She lied to my face. What else does she have back here?" Looking back at the door just in case, Y/N leaned over the desk more to see a trash can with an odd amount of tissues.

Is she sick or something? I didn't really notice anything. Weird. Well, just gonna hop over and take my stuff back.

Looking back one last time, Y/N hopped over the teacher's desk carefully and grabbed his things. He then went back to his desk and sat down. After a few minutes of looking at his notes to make sure he was doing the right equations, Y/N eventually heard the door open. However, what Y/N saw next caused him to cross his leg. Ms. Yumi had walked into the classroom with the top part of her shirt unbuttoned, her hair in a bit of a mess, and her glasses a bit tilted. "Are... Are you alright Ms. Yumi?"

"I'm quite alright Y/N. I am just a mess at the moment. Why don't I help you with test?" Each step that Yumi made towards him, Y/N noticed how she had a bit of a bounce to her step. Not only that, but she had seemed to be smiling a little. A foreign site to him. This had caused Y/N to drop his pencil faster than someone could think. "You dropped something. I'll get it." As she leaned down, Y/N had found himself staring at her in shock, astonishment, and something else. "I... Yeah..."

Unbeknownst to Y/N, Yumi was smirking on the inside. She had got him captivated on her beauty. That was step one. Step two was to use her looks to get him ready for her. Step three was to reveal her present to him. Step four would be her favorite part. "Here you go. Now, let's see here. Ah! Three is simple." Yumi leaned over the desk, her breast squarely in the gaze of Y/N. Each time he tried to focus, he would notice her move a bit, causing her breast to move as well. What kind of shit is this?! Not only do I have to think about math, but I have to calm myself down. Isn't this lovely? Wait... is that her nipple? She isn't wearing a bra?!

"And for this we... Y/N, are you okay?"

"I'm fine. Can I use the bathroom?"

"Well... I guess so. Take the pass."

As Y/N stood up, he could feel his pants stretch. What made things worse... was the fact that he felt Yumi stare at him and he knew that she saw it.

"Oh... well then. That's... a surprise. I didn't think you saw me like that. If you need to take care of it, I could be of... some assistance."

I should've kept it here! Why the fuck didn't I just head to class when I had to chance?! AND WHAT THE FUCK DID SHE JUST ASK ME?!

"Could... Could you say that again?"

"I want to help you with your problem. Will you let me?"

A/N: Was trying to have this be two chapters, but decided on three. After this one, I want to do something involving Monster Of Your Making. Mainly a chapter based in another timeline.

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