Field Trip

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(Y/N) pov

     Team RWBY are sitting in the dorm after listening to what happened last night. I approach Ruby and place a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

(Y/N): Ruby, you did the very best you could. No one can fault you for that.

Ruby: I hope your right.

Yang: I'm sure everything will be alright... Oh, I know what will cheer you up.

Ruby: What's that?

Yang: Don't know, dad sent it to us. I thought we could open it together.

Ruby: Oh, something from home!

     Ruby rushes to grab the pakage flailing her arms at it while Yang holds it in midair. Yang shakes it and something falls out of it, then the object bounces and reforms as a... CORGI!

Dog: barks

Everyone: WHOA!

Ruby: ZWEI!!

Blake: He sent a dog!?

Weiss: In the mail!

(Y/N): HOW!?

     Ruby plays and giggles at the dog as it licks her.

Yang: Oh, he does stuff like this all the time.

Blake: Your father or your dog?

     Blake had used me as a platform to hide on Ruby's, so now my ass is on the floor.

Weiss: You mean to tell me that this mangy.....drooling....mutt, is going to stay with us forever. Oh yes he is.

(Y/N): I was not expecting that.

Blake: Just keep him away from my belongings.

As the intercom turns on Zwei trys to get at Blake using my head to try and reach her.

Glynda: Would all first year students please report to the auditorium for mission briefing.

Weiss: Well we can't exactly leave him here.

     Yang then pulls out a note from the left over package.

Yang: Look here's a note...
Dear girls,
     I have to leave town for a while, so I am sending Zwei to you to take care of. Inside should be all the food he requires.
Love you both, Taiyang

     Yang then turn package upside down and cans of food fall out of it. HOW!

Weiss: What is he supposed to do with that?

     Yang shakes the package again and a can opener fell on Zwei's head.

(Y/N): Ok if we're being honest, if a dog can use a can opener then the human race is doomed.

Yang: Well that settles it. Come on girls, Zwei will be here when we get back.

     As everyone walks past Zweis and says goodbye, Blake jumps across the room to get to the door.

Weiss: Oh, I'm going to miss you so much we're going to be best friends.

(Y/N): Yay, more competition.

Timeskip Beacon auditorium

     As we head to join the rest of the students, Ozpin gives another boring ass speech. We then head to the mission board to look where we would like to go.

Blake: We'd need a mission in the southeast if we want to find the white fangs base.

Weiss: Lets check under 'Search and Destroy' missions.

     Ruby presses a couples buttons to see what missions they could do.

(Y/N): Hey look, this area needs Grimm cleared out and it's in the southeast.

     Ruby types in our team name and then a message pops up saying not allowed. DAMN!

Yang: Well, what do we do now?

Ruby: We'll mail ourselves there.

Ozpin: Well, that's one way of doing it.

     Ozpin walks up to me and the team.

Ozpin: However, the staff agreed the concentration of Grimm is much too high for first years. Strange, the souheast seems to be hot spot for activity lately.

     Everyone stares at Ruby as we thought Ozpin was gonig to figure out our late night investigations.

Ruby: What makes you say that, sir?

Ozpin: I'm just trying to figure out how you five managed to find things out where proffessional huntsman and huntresses failed.

Ruby: Umm...

Ozpin: I doubt I'll ever find out. But instead of waiting for you to break the rules, why don't we just bend them.

     He taps a few buttons on his scroll pad and our team was assigned to the mission.

Ruby: We won't let you down, thanks Professor.

Ozpin: Do not thank me for this. Teamwork and tenacity have crried you far. But the threats that lay beyond the safety of the kingdom will not care. By the way, it will only be you four on the mission, I need (Y/N) for something else.

     Everyone has a shocked and appalled look on their face. Weiss immediatly starts protesting.

Weiss: If I may, you can't just not allow our teammate to help us when lives may be at risk.

Yang: Yeah, (Y/N) isn't just another dude he is our best friend. You can't tear the team apart like this.

Ruby: Weiss and Yang are right Professor all of us wouldn't be here without his strength and courage. We need him as much as he needs us.

Ozpin: (Y/N) is needed elsewhere. That is all I have to say on the matter. (Y/N) say farewell to your friends and meet me in my office. ASAP.

(Y/N): *sighs* Yes sir.

     Ozpin walks away towards his office.

Weiss: (Y/N) your not seriously considering this are you? We need you. I need you.

(Y/N): Hey, I will always be there for you, all of you. You are my friends and that will never change. But right now another part of the world needs my help.

Blake: Look I am sure (Y/N) will be fine. Besides our bullhead is leaving soon we'd better get moving.

     As we walk to the helipads I grab some gemstones necklaces out of my pocket bags. Each one is a different color and corrosponds with the team colors.

(Y/N): Here, I want you guys to take these with you.

     As I hand them out to the girls they start questioning.

Yang: What are these for?

(Y/N): Well firstly, I thought they would look nice on you girls, and second, You can use them like a flare.

Ruby: How?

(Y/N): Well the stones reflect light, in case you scrolls arent working and can't call anyone. Use your flashlight or any light on these and the light reflecting from it will shine anywhere on the planet.

Weiss: That way if we get seperated and need help these lights will help.

(Y/N): Exactly.

Blake: Genius. Anyone would be able to see these lights for miles.

(Y/N): That way I can find you anywhere.

     As we prepare to part ways, Weiss and I have an intimate moment together. Weiss looks at me with a sad face and a frown.

(Y/N): Hey, it's only for a week at best. And I will only be a call away. I promise.

Weiss: I know, I'm just going to miss you terribly.

(Y/N): I'm going to miss you too. No matter where I go you will always be my Ice Queen.

Weiss:*giggles as tears come down* And you will always be in my heart.
I love you, (Y/N).

(Y/N): I love you too, Weiss.

     I kiss her on the lips, she kisses back and we just stand there for a minute. I then notice people are giving me and Weiss weird looks. Weiss and the rest of the team head towards the bullheads I wave goodbye and turn around in the direction of Professor Ozpins office. As I ride the elevator, I think to myself what does Ozpin want with me. As the elevator opens I walk towards his desk where Ozpin is accompanied by Proff. Goodwitch, of course, and a man I have never seen before. With black hair a red cape and red eyes and he's drunk of all things, awesome.

Ozpin: (Y/N), I am sorry I had to keep you away from your team but this is a matter that could not wait.

(Y/N): Before we go any further can we address the drunk in the room, please.

????: I'm surprised you noticed me kid.

(Y/N): The stench of stale beer didn't help.

Ozpin: This a trusted colleague of mine. (Y/N) (L/N), meet Qrow Branwen.

(Y/N): Drunkle Qrow, Ruby and Yang talk about you alot.

Qrow: I have also heard alot about you kid.

     We shake hands and Ozpin then gestures for us to sit down.

Ozpin: Now (Y/N), what do you know of the legend of.... Excalibur.

(A/N): Plot twist. Thank you guys again for reading. As always leave your comments and have a good day.

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