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Officer: Second dust shop hit this week.

(Y/N): Well either the White Fang did do this or someone is trying to trick us into thinking that.

Blake: Well maybe we were just tired of being pushed around.

Blake: How long have you known? I thought you would hate me because I was a member.

(Y/N): Was, being the keyword. Take some time for yourself. If you find any possible targets, call me.

Now back to our regularly scheduled program

Timeskip Next Morning

(Y/N) pov

     I wake up in the morning get showered and changed. I come out of the bathroom and find the others waking up. I look over sadly at Blake's bed, which is empty. I then change my face from sadness to determination. I had to go visit the police coroner today. So I got my coffee and head out.

Timeskip City of Vale

     I make it to the city and start to head to the police station. As I make my way there, I notice a pair of eyes on me but I decide to draw it out see what they do. So I head to a cafe and grab some doughnuts and use this to draw out who's following me. I sit at a table and subtly scan the place. Then I notice a presence behind me and I smirk.

(Y/N): Never thought of you as a stalker, Weiss.

Weiss: How did you know?

     She asks as she comes and sits down across from me. I slide her a doughnut. She takes a bite.

(Y/N): You're perfume gave you away.

Weiss: I'll have to remember that for next time.

(Y/N): Hmmm. Stalk guys much.

     Hearing this makes her blush. She looks at her coffee. Weiss regains her composure and looks at (Y/N) with a serious face.

Weiss: You're looking for the cuprit of that robbery. I want in.

(Y/N): Something you gotta do first though.

Weiss: What are you talking about.

     I just stare at her. She realizes what I'm talking about. She looks at me with shame.

(Y/N): You are right to fear the White Fang, hell I'm scared of them. But Blake is your friend, if she were still with the White Fang she would've done something by now. You owe it to her to at least listen and let her explain herself.

     Weiss's eye's start to swell with tears. I hold her hand to reassure her.

Weiss: It just scares me to think she was a member of the White Fang. All my life I knew my family was targeted, but I never met the dangerous ones. Blake could hurt me so much if she wanted too. I'm just scared.

(Y/N): I know your scared but I promise you, Blake does not want to hurt you. If anyone ever did though I would not rest until they have been brought to justice. I will protect you and you're team.

     Weiss smiles and blushes more and looks at me with those icy blue eye's.

Weiss: You mean our team. Where can I find Blake.

(Y/N): She'll call us.

     I get up and start walking again to the VPD office.

Weiss: Wait, she'll call us?

Timeskip VPD Morgue

     I walk with Weiss to see the coroner and hopefully get some answers about his missing shooter.

(Y/N): Weiss you might want to wait out here. You might not like what you see.

Weiss: No, I can handle it.

(Y/N): Ok, you're nightmare.

     We walk into autopsy and are greeted by finely dressed fellow.

????: Greetings, huntsman and huntress, I am Dr. Meurte.

Weiss: You're kidding.

Meurte: I know, I get that a lot.

(Y/N): My name is (Y/N), this Weiss Schnee, we spoke on the phone yesterday.

Meurte: Yes, of course. A pleasure to meet you Ms. Schnee.

Weiss: Likewise, I'm sure.

(Y/N): Dr. have you figured out time of death or the cause.

Meurte: Yes, well I was able to confirm you're speculated TOD at 2 a.m.. As for the cause that was also clear, one gunshot wound to the neck severing the carotid artery and causing massive loss of blood killing him in less than a minute. A quick way to go if you ask me.

(Y/N): Wait one gunshot wound.

Meurte: Yes, that's correct.

(Y/N): We found two empty dust shell casings.

     At this point I notice Weiss looking a little green.

(Y/N): What kind of knife was used in the message carving.

Meurte: Well that's a lot harder to tell since we don't have a knife database. I did take a mold cast. I was going to take it up to forensics.

Weiss: If there is no knife database. How is a mold going to help.

(Y/N): We can still match it to what type of knife did and be on the lookout for anyone with this kind of weapon.*takes mold from Dr. and walks out* Thanks Dr. Death!

Timeskip Dust shop crime scene

Ruby pov

     Ruby had recieved a call from Weiss telling her and Yang to find the missing bullet and bring it to the VPD.

Yang: Remind me again why are we back here.

Ruby: Ugh. (Y/N) said there were two dust shell casings, but only one of them hit the dead shopkeeper. So he asked us to find the bullet that missed.

Yang: How?

     Ruby thinks for a minute. Then it hits her.

Ruby: Yang stand here. This is where (Y/N) said the shooter was standing when he fired.

     Yang stands where Ruby specifies. Ruby goes to where the shopkeeper was standing when he was shot.

Ruby: Now pretend your pointing a gun at me.

     Yang raises her hand up and points a finger gun at Ruby. Then Ruby follows where the finger gun was pointing and goes to the spot. As she approaches she notices what looks to be a bullet hole. She smirks and turns to Yang.

Ruby: Yang you got a knife on you.

     Yang walks over with her pocket knife in her hand. Ruby gets a pair of rubber gloves on her hands. Takes Yang's knife and wedges out the bullet.

Yang: Good job sis.

Ruby: Let's get this to (Y/N), maybe he can make something of it.

Meanwhile at the Forensic lab

(Y/N) pov

     I am waiting on Ruby and Yang to get to the lab with the bullet. While Weiss and I are getting any info the forensics analyst has. After a little bit I get a call on my scroll. It is Blake calling.

(Y/N): Blake, are you alright?

Blake: (Y/N) I have been thinking alot and I think when this case is over I am coming back to Beacon to explain myself.

(Y/N): You should the others love you Blake, and they want you back.

Blake: I'll be back, I promise. There's another reason I called. I just found out that a big Schnee company dust shipment is being unloaded tonight I think that is where the bad guys are going to strike next.

(Y/N): Alright, good job Blake. Stake it out, I will gather everyone at docks. Stick to the shadows. Stay safe.

Blake: Yeah, and (Y/N) thank you. Brother.

     I smirk and hang up. I walk back into the laband see tensions are running high. The scientist is obviously fondling over Weiss. Then Weiss comes out of the lab a little flustered. I could barely hold back a chuckle.

Weiss: If you ever make me do that again. I will make sure you never walk again.

(Y/N): Understood. So what did you find out.

Weiss: Well the blood you and Blake found on the broken window were definitly faunus but we couldn't find any connection between him and the White Fang. Also the knife mold was a  single edged blade with a slight curve to it.

(Y/N): That could mean almost any kind of blade. Well Ruby found the second bullet she and Yang are on their way here.

Ruby: We're already here.

(Y/N): Hey guys, can I see the bullet you found.

     Ruby hands me the bullet. I look at it and I recognize it and start to get pissed. Weiss gets a worried look on her face and takes my hand. I start to calm down and explain.

(Y/N): The bullet is for a shotgun slug. The message that was carved in the victim reads "faunus forever". The knife that was used is a single edged curved blade. I know who did this. We need to get to the docks NOW!*WHISTLES*

Ruby: What are you talking about? Why the docks?

(Y/N): Thats where Blake will be.

     Just then (H/N) arrives. Weiss and I mount (H/N) while Yang and Ruby get on Bumblebee.

Back at the docks

Blake pov

     I sit on my stomach watching the dust crates. Sun then comes up next me.

Sun: Anything?

Blake: They've offloaded all the crates, now they're just sitting there.

Sun: I stole you some food.

Blake: Do you always break the law without a second thought.

Sun: Hey weren't you in a cult.

Blake glares.

Sun: Ok, too soon.

     A bullhead comes out of nowhere and lands. A man walks off and I look at his attire.

Blake: Oh no.

Sun: That them.

Blake: Yes.

Sun: You really didn't think they were behind this did you?

Blake: No I think deep down I knew. *looks down and closes her eyes*. I just didn't want to be right.

     My eyes shoot open as I hear a new voice.

????: Hey, whats the holdup? We are not the most inconspicous group of thieves right now. So why don't you animals pick up the pace.

     I stands up and pulls out Gambol Shroud. Then I make my down.

Sun: Hey wait!

(A/N): Sorry another chapter done. As always leave criticism on this and thank you for reading. Cheerio.

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