Professor Port's class and Dealing with Cardin

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(Y/N) pov

I am up bright and early so I can check on (H/N). So I get up get showered and changed into my school uniform, which is clearly too tight for me. I then make everyone coffee and leave it on the dorm desk. I then head to the paddock and (H/N) is sleeping soundly. I refill his water and hay pile. This wakes him up.

(Y/N): Good mornin' sleeping beauty.

I feed (H/N) and start to groom him. Then I look at my watch and decide to head to my first class of the day.

Weiss pov

I start to open my eyes and sit up and yawn. When all of a sudden

Ruby:"whistles"Good morning Team RWBY.

Weiss: What is the matter with you.

Yang: Decorating.

Weiss: What.

Blake: We still have to unpack *stuff falls out of suitcase*and clean.

I get cleaned up and dressed. As I come out of the bathroom I notice (Y/N) is not here. Then I see the tray with four coffee mugs on it. I smile and sip the coffee. *Mhm delicious* as I blush.

Yang: So, you like him huh.

I jump at Yang startling me and spill some coffee on my hand.

Weiss: YANG! Don't do that!

Yang:*chuckles* Ahh. You didn't deny it.

Ruby: Weiss has a crush.

My cheeks turn red as I think about. I didn't deny it that I had feelings for him but why. Ruby starts talking again.

Ruby: So we have a few classes together. One is at 9....

Weiss: Wait did you say 9..

Ruby: Uhhh..

Weiss: It's 8:55 you dunce.

(Y/N) pov

I wait patiently in Professor Ports classroom for my teammates. As the clock stikes 9 Team RWBY and Team JNPR finally arrive.

Port: Ah, so glad you could finally join us.

I thought this class was going to be about the different types of grimm and how to deal with them. But it was just Port retelling stories from his childhood. As I was getting bored and dozing off I feel a slip of paper under my arm.

Thank you for the coffee this morning. I really appreciate it.
- Weiss

I turn to Weiss and I smile and nod at her as she smiles back. Finally Port asks the students to help with a demonstration and Weiss's hand shoots up.

Port: Ms. Schnee go and change into your combat gear please.

I thought Weiss's demonstration was going ok. Until she started getting angry with Ruby trying to give her tips. Then she snaps at her and kills the grimm. After class ended Ruby tried talking to Weiss but she wasn't having any of it. Weiss storms off. I walk up to Ruby.

(Y/N): Let me try talking to her. You guys go ahead.

As the others head to the cafeteria. I look around for Weiss and find her alone on a bench.

(Y/N): Hey Weiss. May I sit with you.

She gestures for me to sit. I then listen to her talk about how she should have been made team leader and how Ruby isn't mature enough for this.

(Y/N): Weiss, I want you to know that I come from a good place when I say this, but you sound really spoiled right now.

Weiss looks at me with a confused look.

Weiss: I do not. Why even bring that up.

(Y/N): Because, that is how everyone see you after that outburst. Students are saying your being a bully, and I know you're not like that. To everyone else though your just like the rest of your family. That isn't helping you or your family name.

Weiss looks away with realization and sadness as she started to cry a little. I hold and gently squeeze her hand. She looks at me with tear filled eyes and just hugs me and buries her face into my chest. She then asks.

Weiss: What should I do?

(Y/N): Well, just be the best you can be. The best teammate, the best friend.

Weiss looks at me with a heartfelt smile. She then gets up.

Weiss: I guess I should go apologize, huh.

I simply nod and smile back. She stops as she walks away, then turns around and kisses me on the cheek. Now it is my turn to blush redder than Ruby's cape.

Weiss: Thank you for everything.

I can't stop smiling and thinking about her after that. I just walk to (H/N)'s pen. As I get there (H/N) senses my shock and joy and simply snorts.

(Y/N): What, don't be jealous.

Weiss pov

I get back to the dorm and see everyone asleep. As I look at Ruby I notice she has textbooks all over her bed. I walk to her bed and wake her.

Ruby: Ahh, Weiss, I was studying and I'm sorry I fell asleep and...

Weiss: Sshh.*looks at coffee mug then back* How do you take your coffee?

Ruby: Uuhhh... Weiss.

Weiss: Just answer the question.

Ruby: Umm, cream and five sugars.

I nods and disappear and reappears with a fresh coffee from seemingly out of nowhere.

(A/N): No seriously where did she get it from?

Weiss: I believe you have the potential to be a good leader. Just know that I will be the best teammate you've ever had.....That's wrong by the way.

I go to leave the room and turn back to Ruby.

Weiss: You know, I always wanted bunk beds as a kid.

As I leave I think to myself that she really does have what it takes and (Y/N) helped me realize that.

Weiss:(Thank you (Y/N) for always being there for me.)

As I think about him my heart starts racing and I blush as now know why I love that idiot.

Timeskip next day

(Y/N) pov

As I sit with Team RWBY and JNPR eating lunch. We are laughing having a good time. We then hear a screech and laughing. I look over to see whats going on. I recognized one of them as Cardin Winchester. He quickly established himself as the school bully. He was with his team pulling on a rabbit faunus's ears which was clearly hurting her.

????: Please, stop.

Cardin: Told you they were real.

I then stand up and start to walk to Cardin's group. Everyone see's me walking to them they smile and smirk at eachother. Then Yang pipes up.

Yang: Let's see what happens here.

I walk up behind Cardin as he isn't paying attention. I grab his shoulder, hard.

(Y/N): So you like to bully others huh?

Cardin turns around then looks up at me with slight nervousness.

Cardin: What's it to you? She a freak like all the faunus.

(Y/N): So because of that inaccurate fact, you think it is okay to treat this young lady like she is nothing.

Cardin: What do you know.

(Y/N): A lot more than you, that's for sure.

Angerd by this Cardin goes to punch me, but I simply catch his hand. He tries to pull back. I simply start squeezing and crushing his hand. He groans in pain.

(Y/N): How about this. I'll make a bet with you. We will settle this in Professor Goodwitch's class. The duel will be me against your entire team. If I win you will never ever bully someone again, if you win you can bully me as much as you want. Deal.

I let go of Cardin's hand as it was swelling from the pain. He turns to me and nods in agreement. He and team walk away. I turn to the rabbit faunus and help her up.

(Y/N): What's you're name?

????: Velvet.

(Y/N): Nice to meet you, Velvet. I'm (Y/N).

Velvet: Why did you do that. Your only going to get hurt.

(Y/N): Bah. Don't you worry those guys suck. Lets get you another tray of food, on me of course.

Velvet: Thank you.

As Velvet and I sit down with Team RWBY Weiss has this angry and concerned look on her face.

Weiss: What are you thinking you dunce!

(Y/N): Hello to you too, Ice Queen.

Weiss: How could you offer something like that. Ok yes, faunus do not deserve that kind of cruelty but to put your own fate as a student on the line. Why would you do that? Well.

I now had a very serious face on.

(Y/N): I am not just doing this for faunus, I am doing this for everyone. I am doing this because you are all my family now.

Jaune: What do you mean?

(Y/N): My family was killed by the White Fang five years ago.

Everyone now has a worried but serious face.

(Y/N): I was asleep when all of a sudden my mother was waking my siblings and I....

Flashback: 5 years ago

Mom: (Y/N) wake up. Wake up.

(Y/N): What's going on mom.

Mom: We have to leave now!

I get out of bed and get some clothes on. The house is on fire so my mom, my siblings and I go out the back. As we get out I turn to see my sister screaming as my dad is killed. The White Fang goons hear this and start chasing us. My mom tried to fend them off, but they killed her too. They caught my older brother and younger sister. As I turn back around to try and save them a falling tree branch hits me in the head knocking me out.

Flashback ends

(Y/N) pov

Everyone has a horrified look on their face.

(Y/N): I woke up to find my siblings dead. In one night my family was gone.

Weiss then hugs my arm. Ruby and Yang put their hands on my shoulders and Velvet put her hand on mine.

(Y/N): From that day forward I swore that i would never run away from a fight ever again if it meant defending someone i consider a friend.

Blake: I am so sorry that happened to you.

Pyrrha: (Y/N), you have a noble purpose, but just know that you will not face any threat alone, ever.

Weiss: As your friends we got your back and will support you in any way.

(Y/N): Thank you. You guys are the only people I have told this to. Thank you for listening, truly.

Weiss wipes away a tear from my face.

3rd person pov

As the students arrive in Professor Goodwitch's combat class. Team RWBY sits next to (Y/N) and Cardin smirks confidently at him.

Glynda: Mr. Winchester, please choose an opponent.

Cardin stands up and points at (Y/N).

Cardin: (Y/N) and I have a score to settle. Him vs me and my team.

Goodwitch raises an eyebrow at Cardin then looks at (Y/N). He nods at her and she agrees. The boys get their gear ready and meet in the ring. Cardin and his team look confidently at (Y/N). (Y/N) just stands and glares at them.

Cardin: There is still time to surrender.

(Y/N): Well feel free.

Team CRDL readied their weapons.

Glynda: 3...

Ruby: We believe in you, (Y/N)!

Glynda: 2...

Yang: Knock them dead!!!

Glynda: 1...

Blake: You can do it (Y/N)!!

Glynda: Begin!!

(Y/N) pov

Cardin is the first, he swings his mace over his head. I deflect it with my sword causing him to stumble. I move to strike Dove who barely manages to block and is knocked backwards. As I move and block Sky's attack, I see Russel make his move. I activate my strength semblance and grab my shield and parry Russel's attack causing him to run into Sky and they both fall to the ground. Dove comes back from behind me. I sidestep and grab his weapon between my sword arm and my chest and disarm him. He stumbles forward and I elbow him in the nose, causing him to fall back. I then get blindsided by Cardin's mace. I am disoriented as Cardin continues his attack as his teammates recover and surround me. Just when I think it might be over I hear from the crowd.


This gives me renewed vigor. As Cardin disarms me of my sword, I then use my shield's edge and smack him in the face. As he stumbles backwards I quickly turn around and throw my shield like a frisbee hitting Russel then Sky. As the shield comes back to me, Cardin regains his footing and swings his mace at me. I block with the shield and side kick Dove in the gut knocking him out. I then flip Cardin over my shoulders and onto his back. Then I raise my shield and slam it down on his chest knocking him out finally. Before he completly passes out. I say to him.

(Y/N): Checkmate.

As I stand and yell in triumph. Everyone in the crowd starts cheering.

Glynda: The winner of the match is (F/N) (L/N)!!

Weiss pov

I couldn't help but smile and blush as everyone is cheering at what (Y/N) had accomplished. As I clapping myself I think to myself.

Weiss:"This is why I love you, not for your strength on the battlefield, but for your caring and willingness to do whatever it takes to help someone you care about. I love you, (Y/N)."

(A/N): Finally another chapter done. Thank you everyone for reading. More will be coming. So stay tuned. Leave your comments and have great day. Peace out.

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