Male Badass Reader x Polly The Zombie Pig Girl

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You were sitting on a pile of black bones, and stone swords, you had just finished killing an entire horde of Wither Skeletons, and you were now shaving some air off your chin with a knife.

"Just killed an entire horde of undead swordsmen, and I forgot to shave, so now i gotta use my knife, instead of a shaver."

You then heard some girl scream, you turned and found a trio of men in armor chasing a Zombie Pig Girl.

Zombie Pig Girl: Somebody help me!

The trio just chased her down carrying iron swords. You stood up, jumped off the ledge, and landed infront of the trio of men.


They were just confused, you gave them a second look, and they were apparently zombies, that made sense, since normal swordsmen wouldn't attack Zombie Pigmen. You took out a Soul Dagger, and a Persian Sword.

"Your souls might be useful." 

The first zombie growled at you, and ran towards you, you made him trip, and stabbed him really hard in his chest, piercing his armor, stealing his soul and rapidly make him decay fast. You looked at the other two with a smirk.

"Who's wants it next?"

Both zombies looked at each other, and they both ran at you. You ran at them as well, but in between while quickly slitting their throats, they both went down, but you finished them by stabbing them with the dagger, in the backs.

"Yea, their souls seem useful. They're both strong, even after their death."

You stood up, and placed your blades back in their holsters, and walked away, but the Young Zombie Pig girl tugged on your shirt.

Zombie Pig Girl: Wait, mister, who are you?

"I'm (Y/n). You?"

Polly: I'm Polly, you have a nice name (y/n).

"Thanks, so do you? So, Polly, why where those Zombies after you?"

Polly: I don't know, I was just hanging out with my friends, then all of sudden, a nether portal appeared behind us, and those three zombies came out of it, and killed them, and that was ridiculous! There were like, 50 or 55 of us. 

"Damn. Then I guess I was lucky."

Polly: No, we're just unexperienced in Sword fights. 

"Oh. Well, I'm surprised that three random zombies just attacked you. Anyways, I gotta get going, I'm hunting down Wither Skeleton Heads."

Polly: W-what? Why?

"So, I can fight the wither. I want to see if I can kill it."

Polly: A-are you sure, a lot of withers only die to shortage of food, and by age.

"Not really, my soul dagger makes me stronger. I can kill it."

Polly: Oh ok. But (Y/n), before you go, c-can we hang out?

"Sure, I got time to kill."

Polly: Awesome.

You and Polly then walked around the nether, when you entered the Nether fortress, you heard two girls talking near by.

"Uhh friends of yours?"

Polly: Yeah. That should be a Blaze and a Ghast, they're really nice, and i got a third friend, and she's nice too. 

"Hmm ok then, third friend is a Wither Skeleton?"

Polly: Yeah, you're not gonna try to kill her, are you?

"Nah, I only target Hostiles, I don't want to die a bad man."

Polly: Ok.

You and Polly then entered a large room, and found a Girl dressed in a black version of the Skeleton's clothing with a woman, in a large white dress, and another woman, that in red bikinis with golden armor.

Female Ghast: Oh hi Polly. Is that your friend?

Polly: Yes, his name is (y/n). (Y/n), this is Charlotte, Wikolia, and Blazette.


Charlotte: Hi.

Blazette: What's up?

Wikolai: Hmmm, he's cute.

Polly: What did you say?!

Wikolia: I said "He's cute". Do you have a problem with me thinking that he's cute?

Polly: Grrrr

"Uhh P-polly?"

Polly: Hold my sword! This will only take a sec!

Polly then handed you her gold sword, and then walked over to Wikolia. 

Polly: Take it back, right now! He belongs to me!

Wikolia: Calm down, Polly. I'm not in love with him.

Blazette: But he is kinda cute.

Polly then tackled Blazette and began to punch her in the face multiple times.

Polly: He's freaking mine!

Wikolia just examined the scene with a normal expression while Charlotte was a bit scared, but you were a little worried.


Polly: Huh?

She then stopped and looked as if she was surprised.

Polly: H-huh? What was I....B-blazette? Why am i on top of you? And why do you have bruises on your face

Blazette had a nose bleed, with a black eye, and huge bruise on her mouth, she didn't say a word, and was just angry. Polly got off her and just walked back to you.

"H-Here's your sword back."

Polly: Oh thanks. Come on (Y/n), let's go have some alone time.

"Uhh sure."

You two then left, with Charlotte and Wikolia having to help Blazette.

Blazette: What the hell?

Wikolia: I guess Polly is yandere now.

Charlotte: Or Duel Personality. 

Wikolia: Aye

-Author's Note-
Ok, Blazette is next, then Charlotte. Before we get to the next special after the mob talker, i'm gonna host another special but for people with OC's. 

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