Male Popular reader x Humanized Twilight Sparkle

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Requested by DragonKing15

Popluar reader was my idea

You wear a black T-shirt, Red jacket with short sleeves, ripped jeans, black parkour shoes and a gold necklace. You were walking through the hallways, chewing bubblegum and listening to music with your earplugs. You were given free privilege to roam the hallways during class times by the principal and assistant principal. You didn't hear the bell ring, but you did see everyone get out of class, as always all the girls and boys ran towards and was invited to multiple tables, but you noticed some jerks harassing some girl with purple and dark blue hair, and in purple school uniform. You walked up them with an angry look.

Jerk 1: Haha, what a nerd, your reading "Love & War"?

Jerk 2: Haha, what a boring egg head!!

You decided to get infront of them.

(Y/N): What do your doing?

Jerk 1: We're bulling this little nerd

Jerk 2: Wanna join in?

(Y/N): No, beat it

Jerk 1: WHAT?

Jerk 2: You like her or something?

(Y/N): And if what i do? Now get out of here.

The Jerks left since they knew they didn't want to get beaten up by a popular guy and his fans. You turned to your Fans.

(Y/N): Do me a favor and make sure they end up in detention, okay?

Female Fan 1: Ok

Male Fan 2: On it.

Some of your fans went to lunch, while the others went to the principal's office. You turned to the girl that was being bullied.

(Y/N): You Ok?

???: Y-yes

(Y/N): What's your name?

Twilight: My name's Twilight

(Y/N): The name's (Y/N), you got a cool name, Twilight.

Twilight: Thank you

(Y/N): Well it's time for lunch, wanna sit at my table?

Twilight: Sure

You and Twilight were sitting down eating lunch, while you were talking to her, you noticed some girls looked as if they were jealous, while the others looked like they shipping you with Twilight. 4 Months has passed, you studied with, hanged out with, and went out with your new girlfriend, Twilight Sparkle. While you walking to your next class, you noticed Twilight arguing with two girls, Applejacl, and Rainbow Dash. You were confused but that's when they noticed you. Rainbow Dash walked up to you, she grabbed your collar and kissed you, Twilight was pissed off. When she broke the kiss, she turned her head to Twilight, and had an evil smile.

Rainbow Dash: So, you still don't care?

Applejack: Dash, Twilight looks-

Twilight: Kiss him again, and i'll rip your tongue out.

Rainbow Dash: Ha, love to you see try.

Twilight ran up to her, and punched her in the face. She then hugged you.

Twilight: (Y/N) is mine, no one can have him but me!

Rainbow Dash: Pff, crybaby

Applejack: Dash, it's best if we leave Twilight and her lover boy, alone.

Rainbow Dash: Fine

They then left.

(Y/N): Umm

Twilight: S-sorry about that. I just love you alot

(Y/N): Yea, i can see that? But don't worry, i love you no matter what

Twilight: That's nice to hear

-author's note-

I got 4 stories left.

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