Male Reader x Alexis

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Requested by 320759d for correctly guessing an Easter egg.

You were walking through one of the hallways, you were depressed about this weird thing going on. Every single person kept disappearing.

Jaden: Hey, (Y/N)!

(Y/N): Hm?

It was Jaden, he was your best friend, ever since you two were little. He's shorter than you.

(Y/N): Oh, hey Jaden, what's up?

Jaden: Not much, but you did noticed that everyone's gone missing, right?

(Y/N): Yea, i noticed, what do you think is going on?

Jaden: Don't know.

As you two were walking, Alexis was spying on you.

-Next Morning-

You woke up, tied to a chair, with tape on your mouth, and in a dark room.

???: Aww, that's so cute, my sweetheart woke up.

You turned to where the voice came from. It was Alexis, and Jaden was next to her...only expected...he was hanged.

Alexis: What's wrong, i killed everybody just to have you to myself, i even killed Jaden.

You began to cry, she killed everyone you knew and loved,

Alexis: It's ok (Y/N), you have me.

Alexis kept you to herself, and no one outside of the academy knows that you two are still alive.

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