Male Reader x Cindy the Cave Spider

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You were in an abandoned mine, 6 levels above the bottom of earth, you heard that Diamonds can be found around this level easily. You had one bucket of water, 5 stone pickaxes, 2 iron pickaxes, and 32 cooked beef, there was a clean lake in the cave leading from the upper level. You were sleeping on a stone, torch in one hand, iron sword in another. While you were sleeping, a cave spider with her older sister was watching you.

Spiria (Spider):....Cindy, why are we watching this guy sleep?

Cindy (Cave Spider): Shhh... I told you, we have to keep quiet. And i stalked him every day.

Spiria: I feel like you stalk him 24/7.

Cindy:........I do actually.

Spiria: W-what? B-but, I............I didn't mean MOST of your time, i mean every day for every week. 

Cindy: Oh. Well, yea, i stalk him for most of my time.

Spiria sighed and just walked away, while Cindy just kept staring at you, in your sleep. She looked around and made sure no other entities were around, she then sat on your lap, and began to cuddle with you (You're horrible in defensive sleeping in this story). She had a small blush and decided to sleep, but you woke up a few seconds after she fell sleep, you found her sleeping on your lap.

"What the -"

You heard giggling, and found Steve and Alex trying not to laugh. 

Steve: You love a little girl? A loli? Really? 

Alex: We didn't know you were into Lolis. XD

"Ha, funny. Stop laughing or i swear to Notch, this torch is going up Steve's ass"

You raised your torch and looked at Steve, he quickly placed his hands on his ass cause he scared and thought you meant it. They then just walked away, and Cindy woke up.

Cindy: Ah, that was a nice sleep.

"Enjoying yourself?"

Cindy: Hmm-mmmm...........Uhhh

Cindy began to blush while you just looked at her, with an emotionless look. She then began to play around with her hair, and finally replied back.

Cindy: W-when did you wake up?

"Just a few seconds before you woke up"

Cindy: O-oh, but you're not mad?

"For what? You just just sat on my lap, that's not bad or anything."

Cindy: Oh. Umm, but uhh-

You then placed your hand on her head and began to pet her, you also had a smile.

"Don't worry, I like you, besides i knew you always stalk me Cindy."

Cindy: How do you know my name?

"I can hear outside of my sleep, i just thought the conversation was a dream while i was resting."

Cindy: O-oh, but i don't know your name.

"It's (Y/n)."

Cindy then blushed until Ayumi (Skeleton), entered the area.

Ayumi: Hey Cindy, Spiria told me- aww, is that your boyfriend? He's very cute!

Cindy then glared at her, and immediately attacked her, sadly for Ayumi, she didn't knew any counter or any close combat, so she was going to need lot's of rest. After the beat up, you were carrying Cindy on your back, and carried her to you house.

"Calmed down?"

Cindy: Yes.

"That's good."

-Back in the cave-
Spiria was looking down at Ayumi, she was beaten up badly.

Spiria: What happened?

Ayumi: Your sister's.......rage....ow.

Spiria: Damn, I didn't know she was a hell lot stronger than the both of us.

-Author's Note-
Spider, Skeleton, then Female Zombie. Votes Update for now: Male Nightmare Reader x Joy is in the lead, vote in the update, NOT HERE.

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