Male Reader X fem Cloud

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Requested by Bloodlust321

You were sharpening Cloud's weapon when

Leon: Hey (y/n), is that Cloud's weapon

(y/n): yea, why you ask?

Leon:hmmm just curious.... Anyways i got another question... Has Cloud ever shown any uh traces of insanity?

(y/n): Hm no, not really, why you ask about that?

Leon: well she's been a little hostile to enemies

(y/n): well their her enemies

Leon: no a bit more hostile

You looked the other way to see the dead corpse Cloud made last week. The main body was gone.

(y/n): oh yeah, well she probably just have anger problems

Leon: remember when you met Sephiroth?

(y/n): yea

Leon: well

-Flash back-

Cloud was beating Sephiroth with her bare hands.

Cloud: You stupid b!%'; (y/n) is mine!!!!

Sephiroth: please Cloud, he's just my friend, i wouldn't even want to do be with another male

Cloud: Bull $hit

Leon: Cloud, he's had enough, please stop

Cloud: fine

-current time-

(y/n): ok that is bad

Leon: it is

Cloud was right behind him.

Cloud: Leon, why are you doing?

Leon:.... (y/n), i think you should run.

Cloud then snapped Leon's neck. You were running as fast as hell, but Cloud was faster. She pinned you to the ground, and ram her sword into your chest.

Cloud: you shouldn't have run away, but don't worry now your mine.

-Author's note-
Sorry if its too short, im in class currently, i might finish a few more today

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