Male Reader x Sunny

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You take Jack's place.

You were getting ready for the next hunt, you were gonna hunt with Hyde, EMET, and Sunny. You had a crush on the female support, even though you were a bit more younger than her. You were in the dropship.

Sunny: Hi Jack

"Hey Sunny."

Sunny: Jack, I got 2 questions.

"Sure, what is it?"

Sunny: Well, first, I heard Lennox call you (Y/n). Is that your nickname? And how come she calls you that?

"Nah, Jack is my nickname, but I don't know how she knows my nickname though, only my mom know's my nickname.

Sunny: Oh ok. And, my second question.....uhh....hmmm.



Sunny blushed really red, and looked away.

Sunny: N-Never mind, it's nothing. Let's just get going.

The drop ship then opened, the four of you jumped out, and landed. You got the monster tracks.

"Tracks, Monster went this way!"

You followed the tracks, and ran as fast as you can. After a short minute, you found the monster, it was a Goliath. It tried to slam onto you guys, but you took out your replusors, and held the back. Hyde then began to shoot it with his machine gun.

Hyde: After we f*cking kill this thing, I'm gonna f*cking melt it's f*cking face off.

The energy in your replusors were decreasing, you weren't going to be able to hold the thing off for long.

"Guys, my repulsors are losing energy, I can't hold it off for long!"

Your weapon ran of energy, you fell down in an attempt to run, the Goliath saw you, and grabbed a huge boulder, it then it threw it at you, crushing you.

-Sunny's POV-

I just saw (Y/n) get killed. I just turned on my drone, and set it to protect me, I then loaded my Mininuke Launcher. I don't care if i'm support, I'm going to kill that thing.


I then began to shoot at the monster, I can tell it was getting hurt, but the thing then attempt to breath fire at me. I just quickly shot a Mini-Nuke into it's mouth, and it swallowed it like a pill.

Hyde: Woah.

EMET: Yay Sun-, NOW LET'S F*CK IT!!!

Hyde: Wait, Jack!

-Hyde's POV-
Sh*t, I forgot that Jack got crushed. I quickly ran to the boulder while the Goliath was experiencing stomach problems. I attempted to push the boulder off of him, and I was able to succeeded. I saw that (Y/n) was still alive, he was just hurt badly. I picked little guy up, and carried him on my shoulder.

"EMET, can you please heal Jack while I carry em?

EMET: Master!

The EMET drone ran up to me, and began to heal (Y/n), with his healing field.

EMET: We have to go! Jack needs medical care! Now!

I can tell that EMET was scared. I called Bucket to pick us up, and within hours, (Y/n) was in the infirmary, all bandaged up. Sunny was sitting on a chair, holding the lad's hand, as he rests.

"Sunny, it's ok. Jack is going to be ok. The lad's a strong one."

She just remained quiet, and stared at the kid's face. Val and Lazarus then came in.

Val: Sunny, let Jack drest. He needs his rest.

Lazarus: It's ok if you ruin his rest, I can revive him fr-

Sunny then grabbed Lazarus, and pinned him to the wall, she was holding him by the neck.

Sunny: Shut up! Don't mention him dying!

Sunny let go of him, and began to cry. She just went to back the chair, and went back to holding his hand.

Sunny: Please don't die.

-(Y/n)'s POV-
I heard Sunny's voice. She said "Please don't die". I tried to wake up, even though my body was so sore. I opened my eyes, and saw Sunny.

"Hey Sunny. Am I dead?"

Sunny: (Y/n)!

She hugged me tightly, it hurt a bit since my body wasn't in shape.


Sunny: Sorry.

"It's ok. I'll get better. So what happened?"

Sunny: The monster from earlier threw a boulder at you, and crushed you. I thought you were gone, but turned out, your body is a whole a lot more stronger than it looks.

I was just shocked, from what I heard. How was I not dead? But it doesn't matter.

"So, the monster. Is it dead?"

Hyde: Yep. Sunny launched a mini-nuke into it's mouth, and gave it stomach problems.

"Cool. I didn't think she could do hardcore things."

Sunny smiled, she then placed her hand on my left, and got really closed, she was staring into my eyes. She then placed her lips on mine, and began to kiss me, I kissed her back. She then hugged me tightly, the feeling of her breasts being pressed against mine, felt good. She then stopped kissing me.

Sunny: "I love you (Y/n). Be my idiotic boyfriend.

"Ok. I love you too......w-wait, Idiot? How am I an idiot?

Sunny: Fine, nerdy.

"That's a little better."

You and Sunny spent the rest of your lives, being hunter couple.

-Author's Note-
You will be a Humanized Meteor Goliath for Male Monster Reader x Humanized Wraith. Also, Jack was supposed to be referenced to JackSpecticEye, cause of his necklace. I really want to play as Jack, he's awesome, and Sunny, cause she's such a sweetheart. Well, thanks for reading, more stories coming soon, Kombat Pack 2 coming at March 1st, and STAY AWESOME!!!!!!

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