Male Reader x Wangari the Witch

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Ok, i was wrong, her name is Wangari. 

You were patrolling through the village, there have been some reports of female villagers being murdered, they were all killed differently. It was past midnight, and nothing happened, you just went home, and went to sleep. After morning, the Male BlackSmith barged in your home, and yelled at you.

Male BlackSmith: (Y/n)! Wake up!

"Uggghhh. What the hell?"

Male BlackSmith: One of the female Liberians were found brutally slaughtered.


You got up, and ran outside to look. The Male BlackSmith was right, the female Liberian was stripped of her clothing, and had her stomach ripped open with her organs coming outside. You ran to the restrooms to vomit. It was brutal and disgusting, who would do this? After 2 hours, the dead corpse was buried and the blood had to be cleaned, you were in your house, trying to calm down, but there was then a knock at the door. 

"Who is it?"

Wangari: Your friend, Wangari. 

You went to open the door for your witch friend. When you opened the door, you found Wangari had her hands behind her back, but you didn't ask or even cared. 

"Hey Wangari."

Wangari: Hey (y/n), i saw that another one of the female villagers was killed.

"Yea, the female Liberian. Did her father see it?"

Wangari: I think so, I heard loud crying come from her house. 

"Yeah, her father differently saw her slaughtered corpse."

Wangari: Hm. Well, anyways, how are you? Nothing bad happened to you, right?

"No. I just lost my appetite for breakfast when I saw the dead corpse."

Wangari: Hm?

You sighed, and gave Wangari a 'better' answer. 

"I threw up."

Wangari: Oh. 

Surprisingly, Wangari wasn't disgusted. 

Wangari: So, (Y/n). I wanted to ask, how you, by chance, available for the evening?

"Yea. I'm actually available for the entire night, since patrolling the village isn't going to work."

Wangari: Oh ok. But do ummm....uhhh...

You looked at Wangari with a concerned, she was blushing really red. 

Wangari: Do you know....

You already know what Wangari was gonna ask.

"Wangari, I know what you're gonna ask. And yes."

Wangari: H-huh? 

"I said 'Yes'. I would like to go out with you."

Wangari: O-ok. Just come at around 8 pm, ok?


Wangari: Great. See you then. 

Wangari then left, while you decided to get ready, she's been a really good friend, and you know that you should pre-schedule at least. When it was 7:45, you just wore clean clothing, and speed walked to Wangari's house. Since she was witch, she lived a bit far away, but you made it. When you got to her house, the lights were on, you just knocked on the door

Wangari: Who is it?

"It's (Y/n)"

Wangari: Please come in~

You entered the house, and found Wangari, laying down on her bed, wearing nothing but her hat, and with a rose in her mouth, you were turned on really hard. 

Wangari: Hello there, love~


She then got off her bed, hugged you, and played around with your hair a bit.

Wangari: Well? Do you like what you see?

"Uh well?"

Wangari then slid her hand down your pants, and began to stroke your dick, you began to moan gently.

Wangari: Hmmm. You like that?


Wangari: Then you're gonna love this.

Wangari licked her lips, and had her way with you for the night. But you didn't noticed the dagger drenched in blood, on top of her chest.

-Author's Note-
Story's not as good as i hoped it would be, but I couldn't really think well for the plot so.....yea. Anyways, Nether Mobs are next, and this story has recently reach 66'6 reads, number scares me, sorry, so I might make a Special with a succubi or She-devil OC. 

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