Male Reader x Yandere Maka (soul eater)

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You were captured by Dr.Frankenstein and used as a test experiment, but only because you were a powerful teenager that possessed demon powers, you were supposed to meet with your friends Maka and Soul but was tricked and captured by the insane doctor. The mad man has brought multiple shots with multiple chemicals of some sort, and you knew that

One of them was about to kill but it took you time to notice a shadowy figure behind him.

Dr. Frankenstein: Now Maka are you ready for what you wanted to do

Maka: Yes

You were shocked and angry to notcue that your freind Maka would even try to this to you

Maka: ...but

Dr. Frankenstein: hm?

You saw Maka slice the doctor in half with a scythe, but the weapon was different, it looked nothing like Soul, but it had a skull in where the sytche was coming out of

Maka: I dont want to hurt my (Y/N), I want to love him

You: M-maka?

Maka: You though I would just kill you, well your very mistaken

You: thanks Maka, I can't wait to get out of here

Maka: hm? Get out of here? But (Y/N), if you get out here, than how am I gonna know where you are at all times?

You: !?

You were now shocked and confused on what she meant

Maka: (Y/N), im keeping you here as my possessen......and I won't let anyone harm you.....ever

You were still never heard or seen from that day forth

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