Male Serbia Reader x Alice(Fem Italy)

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Fem Italy Requested by TheCaikNoobs. Serbian reader was my idea. 

You were having an argument with Germany, about you almost killing  Austria, and Hungary. 

Monica: You early killed them!

"They were in my way!"

Monica: You're as dangerous as your films!

"As least I don't yell at my allies!"

Monica: At least I fight in war!

"At least I didn't drag them into MY business"

Monica: At leas-

 Alice: Monica, is everything all right?

Germany's ally, Italy, came in inside the conference room.

Monica: Yea, just leave Italy. Go to your sister, this is my business.

"So, this is your ally?"

Monica: Yea, so?

"Just asking, we'll finish this conversation a different time."

Monica: Fine.

You packed your bag, and walked out. You saw that Russia was waiting, but her (disgusting) brother was behind her.

"Come on Russia, we're leaving.......Belarus, stop trying to rape your sister, or i'll lock you in a room, tied up."

Belarus was now a bit frighten.

Belarus: F-fine.

Russia: Da, come on brother, don't be scared of (Y/n), you know he's kidding.

-Next day

You were walking though town, going home after shopping for some books, when you heard someone calling for you from behind, you turned around and saw the Italian from yesterday.

Alice: Wait (Y/N)!

"....Alice? What are you doing here?"

Alice: Well, i had a bit of an interest in you.

"And why's that?"

Alice: Uhh well, it's a bit complicated to explain.

"Whatever, look Alice, you can daydream about me all you want, and you can try to get me to like you, but it's never going to happen.

Alice: H-huh?!

"I know you like me, and it's never going to happen"

You just walked away. 

-After a few weeks have passed, you've been receiving love letters, they were all in Italian. Currently, you're in your house, on your bed, reading a book about a Russian Historian. When you got the last chapter, you hear a knock at the door. You went to see who it is, when you answered it, it was Monica.


Monica: We need to talk, it's about Italy.

"She's the one who's been sending me love letters?"

Monica: Yes. But she's also obsessed about you.

"What do you mean?"

Monica: She's took pictures of you almost everywhere you go.

"Oh come on, you don't have evidence."

She then then took out a book. It looks like an album. You grabbed it, and opened it, she was right, it had a ton of pictures of you in it, there was even a stolen picture of you trying your uniform.

"-sigh-.......Ok, now i'm scared"

Monica: So, am I, she doesn't even know that i stole this"

Alice: Monica, is that my album?


"............You better run."  

Monica: YOU better run! She's has hook in her room with your name on it!

You just began to ran, you then heard Monica yell out in pain.

"Well, there goes Germany."

You didn't stop running, but the second you heard Italy's voice.

Alice: Come back (Y/n), i love you!

You began to run faster. When you looked back, while you were running, you saw that she was covered in blood, you ran faster.

"You didn't have to kill Germany!"

Alice: I didn't kill her! I threw her in large barrel of tomatoes.

Hearing that made you a bit relived, so you stopped running. 

"ok, but you did really have to take pictures of me?"

Alice: Yes


Alice: Because i love you. 

"So you're not gonna stop following me around until i love you"

Alice: Pretty much.

"Oh come on"

For the rest of your adulthood, Italy followed you almost everywhere, and even watched you sleep, she even attempted to kiss you while you were reading, she's not going to stop following you, until you say you love her.

-Author's Note-

Going to stop taking requests for a little while. I'll be giving you guys a message about a new event for the Male Reader so wait while.

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