Male Shirai Ryu Wolf Reader x Velvet

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Requested by Skilfulfaun on DevaintArt. You take scorpion's role in the MK Series, but you're originally Quan Chi's fighter. You're also around teen hood.

You were outside, in a large stadium. Your enemy was on his knees, he was hurt badly.

Shao Khan: FINISH HIM!!!

You were about to grab his head, but you were then teleported, you looked around, and found yourself in a different world. You looked and found a man dressed in white, and with orange hair, aside him, was woman, with black and a red dress, a guy with grey clothing, a girl will greenish hair, and a small girl that looked like ice cream.

"Who are you? And were you the ones that summoned me?"

Roman: Yes. I'm Roman Torchwick. And these are my allies, Cinder, Mercury, Emerald, and Neo.  And you work for us now.

"I will not work for you! I will kill you! I was about to kill my rival, and you act like an idiot! Summoning a hellhound!"

Roman then glared at you.

Roman: Cinder. Get him

Cinder: Of course.

The woman in red walked up, she took out metallic duel blades. You summoned fire from your hands, and took out your spear, a chained kunai.

"Very well then."

You then used your spear on, but she dodged it, and it hit Mercury in the chest. Might as well kill him first. You pulled your chain, 

"Get over here!"

He then was headed towards you, but you uppercut him, and he went flying. Cinder turned her weapon into a bow, and shot three arrows towards, but you caught all three. 

"You're more pathetic than i thought!"

You teleported behind her, and kicked her, making her trip. You then took placed your foot on her, making sure, she couldn't stand up. Emerald shot at you, but you summoned demons to act like a shield, she then turned them into sickle-like weapons, and attempted to stab you with them, but you grabbed them, and threw them. You then took off your mask, and face, revealing a skull flamed, you then breathed fire, and burned Emerald alive.

Mercury: Emerald!

You then grabbed Cinder's head, and forcefully pulled it off, decapitating her. You grabbed it by the ripped spine, and smacked Mercury with it.

"Stand and fight, coward!"

Mercury attempted to kick you, but you grabbed his foot. 

"Really? Are you that stupid?"

Mercury: I got a weapon too.

You then heard a click come from his boot, he quickly threw his leg, but it now aimed at Roman.

Roman: Sh*t!

He moved, and Mercury's gun boot shot the wall. You then grabbed Mercury, punched him in the face, knocking him out, but you made stand up for a little while. You then uppercut him, but you released all your force, and knocked his head off. The body fell, and you looked at Neo.

"A small girl, with a small umbrella. As if that can help."

She ran at you, and pulled a sword out of her umbrella. You took out your right sword, and began to duel with her. The brutal and gory fight has turned into a sword duel. When you almost got your hand, she attempted to stab it, but grabbed her blade, your hand was bleeding, but it was nothing in your eyes. You then grab her by the collar, and threw her at the floor. You broke all the bones in her back, you made her get on her knees, and was about end her.

Shao Khan: FINISH HER!!!!!

Shao Khan's words went through your mind but

Roman: N-no! Please, don't kill her! Not my (only) friend!


You looked at the little girl, she looked at you in a terrified expression, you could sense the fear in her heart. You instead slapped her, she was now on the floor, crying. You just walked, you shouldn't waste time, you have to get back to outworld, to kill your rival. You walked to the nearest exit, and found yourself in a town. You teleported to a roof, and searched for someone that may be useful. It has been 5 hours, you looked everywhere, but couldn't find anyone useful, but you a step behind you. You looked and found a man with shades.

Ozpin: Hell there. I am Professor Ozpin. Four of my uhh.....allies, saw you killed three strong people. I would like to know, if you would be interested to join my academy. 

"I'm very sorry sir. But I cannot be in your academy, I have to get home, if I want to get vengeance upon my rival. Maybe afterwards."

Ozpin: I uhh. I see. How about you join now, and me and my friends, and help you get revenge. I promise you will not regret it.

You looked at the man, with an interested expression. 

"Hmmm. Very well then. I accept your offer."

Ozpin: Perfect.

After an hour of talking, you were now a member of the Beacon Academy. With fortunate luck, Ozpin gave you some clothing almost like your current one. Jeans, black and yellow shoes, black tanktop, and black jacket, with yellow markings. You looked at a big mirror, apparently, you grew ears, and your eyes were dark red.

"......This world changed my appearance."

You grabbed your old clothing, combat pants, sleeveless shirt, and reptilian boots, and placed them under your new bed. You were placed in a dorm, near team RWBY's. You just looked outside, and did some thinking.

"I wonder, if he's still alive. Possibly, since he has allies."

Instead of sleeping, you trained for the entire night, you were going to fight, teams, RWBY, JPNR, CFVY and CRDL. After night, you got in your school uniform,and just headed to the academy. After a minute, you were in a large field facing the 16 people you were supposed to fight, the indoor arena was going to be small, so it was going to take place outside. 

Cardin: Ha, this fanuas, is was more of a freak then Velvet!

His team grinned at him, while the others just glared at him. Cardin ran at you with his mace, but you summoned a demon to grab his feet, you then walked up to him, and uppercut him, braking his nose, and knocking him out. Everyone except Velvet were shocked. 

Russel:....Sh*t! He's gonna kill us!

Dove: Hey.....shut up!

Sky: No! We're gonna kill this b*tch! 

The three then ran at you, but you teleported in front of them, you punched Russel in the face, kicked Dove in the stomach, and back flipped while kicking Sky in the face. You took out three guys in a heartbeat. Everyone looked at you in fear, but Velvet's heart was beating fast.

"Want to fight another time? I know you're all scared." 

They all nodded yes. After an hour, it was lunch, and CRDL was in the infirmary. You were eating some rice, with roosted meat, you were enjoying your time by yourself, but then Cardin covered in bandages and casts, you smiled.

"Hell Cardin. Angry that I took down you and your team?"

Cardin: You're a freak! You me? A freak!

"At least I'm not name after a bird. Cardin-al"

Cardin: Grrr

You flipped him off, he just walked away but tripped.

"......Clumsy coward."

Cardin: Shut up!

You went back to eating, until the girl from earlier, Velvet showed up.

Velvet: H-hey. Is it o-ok i sit here?

"I don't mind. Please sit down if you want to."

Velvet: Th-thank you. (Such a gentleman)

Velvet then sat down. You two began to talk, when the school day ended, you two went to your place. You were sitting on the couch with Velvet. 

Velvet: Cardin is such a jerk

"He is. and I don't think he's going to change anytime soon."

Velvet: Hm. Well, I better get going. Bye (Y/n).


Velvet then left. But minutes later, you went to look outside, and found Cardin stripped to his underwear, with writings on his bare body, written in sharpie, he was also upside to a building.

".......Decide to look stupid,  Cardin?"

Cardin: Shut up! Velvet did this to me!


You walked back inside. Where you couldn't see Velvet have a huge bag filled with knives, getting to use Cardin as for people who wanted to pay, to practice their knife throwing.

-Author's Note-

This took like three f*cking days. But whatever. Also, I got debates, gotta stay after school, and play some video games. So, no update on anything on Tuesday. 

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