Male Wraith Ninja Reader x Team RWBY

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You know how to use Shadows and Darkness, with HellFire, and you know Ninjutsu. You work for the Lord of Death, and your nick name is Tokubetsu Reisu. You have to forms, a clothing set that looks like Revenant Smoke, and Hanzo Hasahi's clothing.

You were fighting the White Fang, the Lord of Death ordered to kill and retrieve their souls. As you were fighting them, you sensed the presence of four female warriors, running to your location, that's when your former ally was there in time, to help. 

Adam: (Y/N)!

"Adam, it's been a while old friend."

Adam: I thought you were dead!

"The Lord of Death saw potential in me"

During your conversation, an idiotic member of the white fang ran at you, you grabbed him, threw him in the air, then threw your chained kunai at him, ripping his head off then throwing it at a different wall, then you threw a larger kunai, pinning his decapitated head in the wall.

Adam:.....Well, sounds like The Lord of Death did see potential.

"Hmph......they're getting away!"

You and Adam saw that the white fang were running, you wanted to catch up, but Adam ran after them instead.

Adam: Don't worry about them, their my problem.

"Very well then, good luck, my former ally." 

Adam was no longer in your sight, but that's when a girl dressed in white attacked you, you broke her blade with a katana made from Darkness. 

???: My weapon!

"State your name and business, or i will kill you!"

???: Oh you know who i am!

"No, i do not"

Another girl attacked but she was dressed in Black and had a red hood, she ran at you, so you made her trip, and grabbed her by the foot, making her go upside.

"Another one? I'm guessing there are two more?"

???: Yep.

You heard a voice from behind, you looked and saw two more girls, one dressed in yellow, and one dressed in black and had a black bow.

"If you do not state your reason for being here, then i WILL kill these two."

Yang: I'm Yang Xio Long, and this is team members, Blake, Weiss, and Ruby.

"The only name i'm aware about Weiss, if she is you leader, then i pity your team."

Yang: Actually Ruby is. She's one in the red hood.

You looked at the girl were hanging by the foot, and let her down gently.

"If you think I'm one with the white fang, then you are very wrong. I already killed half of them, right now their souls travel hell, as the their vessels spend eternity in the afterlife."

Weiss: Oh please, that's a lie!

"Quiet brat! I can already see WHY the white fang hates your family." 

Weiss: Grrrr.

You walked away, but Ruby stopped you

Ruby: W-wait! Who are you though?

"Me? I am Tokubetsu Reisu, a name given to me by the Lord of Death."

Ruby: Ok, but what's your real name? 

You sighed.

"You're quiet persistent. Fine, my real name is (Y/n) (Last name)."

Ruby: That's a cool name.

"......Thank you. At least, i finally encounter a proper leader."

Ruby: Uhh thanks. Anyways, i'm guessing you dealt with the White Fang before.

"Yes, actually the White Fang killed me after humans have been seeing Fanaus as nothing but criminals, i swore to the Lord of Death, i will kill all the members of the White Fang, and help the mistaken Fanaus.'

Ruby: Woah, you're vengeful.

"I know."

Ruby: You know, if they allow it, you can join the Beacon Academy.

Weiss: What?! Ruby, he looks too old for that.

"Great, another one who judges me by looks, no, age has been set back to 16, this is my secondary body."

You closed your eyes, and hellfire formed around you, turning you into your normal 16 year old body, with yellow clothing.

"See? And I'd be more than happy to join."

Ruby: Awesome, let's go!

Ruby held hands with you on the way, and was running fast, while her team had to catch up, she seemed more than excited to want you in he team, on the way, she asked you all sorts of questions. When you and the team got to the academy, you looked at the size of it.

"I suppose there are other teams?"

Ruby: Yep, c'mon!

She then dragged you in the academy, and then had you wait outside of someone's office.

Ruby: Wait here.

When Ruby walked in, her team finally caught up.

Yang: I guess Rubes is more excited than ever.

Blake: She probably has a thing for you or something.

Weiss: My sword is still broken!

"Oh for crying out loud, give me your weapon."

Weiss: What, why would........fine!

She gave you the two broken pieces, you held them together, and froze the parts, you then used your hell fire, to melt the remaining ice, you then used your darkness to fix any problems the sword would have, it was finally as good as new. You gave her back her weapon, and then she examined it.

Weiss: T-this is incredible. Thank you.

"You're welcome."

You then heard clapping from behind, you turned around and saw a man in heavy clothing, and shades, with Ruby Rose, she was glaring at Weiss.

Ozpin: That was impressive, i'm professor Ozpin. Ruby here says she would like to recruit you to her team.

"I wouldn't really quite mind joining."

Ozpin: Excellent. But first, i would like to see how strong you are.

"Very well then."

After an hour of preparing, you were in a huge circular battle field, you were to face JNPR. 

Juane: Are you ready us.

Ren: We're much more stronger than we look.

Pyrrha: And faster.

Nora: Enough talk, let's break his legs!

Nora ran at you with her large hammer, she was about to smash you, but you turned invisible, and left a shadow clone, Nora's feet was stuck to the floor, due to the thick black slime.

Nora: Wait, what?

You then appeared behind, and punched her in the back, and kicked her into the air, then she fell unconscious. You looked at the the remaining team members, Juane had a face palm.

Juane: Well, that was dumb. Ok-

Ren: Ok i got this.

Ren jumped up really high, and attempted to shot, however with Hell fire, you moved more quickly, and jumped straight at him, you then threw him at the ground, and landed on your feet, next to him. He was unconscious as well.

"So which one of you is next?"

Pyyrha: Hold on Juane, i got this.

The red haired had a stare down with you, you waited for her to make a move. After a minute of waiting, Pyyrha ran at you, that's when you teleporter behind her, and attempted to kick her, but she ducked, and kicked you hard, but it didn't really hurt. You then summoned a dark clone, to fight beside you. You performed cooperative attacks on her, when Pyyrha was almost done, the clone teleported behind her, and held her arms behind her, you then uppercut her, the clone kicked in the back, and you then you kicked her in the stomach, making her go flying across the battlefield, and the clone disappearing. You then looked at Juane. 

Juane: Ok, now it's my turn.

He quickly ran at you, but accidentally tripped face first, everyone began to laugh, even Ms. Goodwitch tried to hold in her laugh. Juane got up, feeling stupid, but you placed your hand on his shoulder.

"Don't feel bad, stuff happens."

Juane: Th-thanks.

After the huge cleanup, Nora, Ren and Pyyrha were in the infirmary, it was time for lunch. You were looking for a table to sit at, until you heard Ruby call out.

Ruby: Hey (Y/n), over here.

You looked and saw the team, you sat down across Ruby.

"Hello ladies."

Blake: Hi (Y/n).

Weiss: H-hi (Y/n).

Yang: Hello sir.

Ruby:......Hey (Y/n)

Ruby was angry at Yang, while Blake had to read her book, to keep her cool, and while Weiss was blushing and staring at you. 

Weiss: You know, that was an incredible fight.

Yang: Yeah, that looked so badass, and hot.

Blake: And cool.

Ruby: Yeah....So anyways, (Y/n), looks like you'll be sharing a room with us, right?

"I supposes so, they're putting a fifth bed, and i was already to able to get some of my clothes from Hell, my Lord didn't seem to mind, just as long as i practice my rituals in the forest."

Ruby: Cool

Yang: That's sounds awesome.

Ruby and Yang quickly stared at each other with glares, but then glared at Weiss when

Weiss: You know (Y/n), since you're a very strong boy, you deserve a rich women to marry in the future.

"Is that so?"

Weiss: Yes.

Blake: I'd think he should marry another ninja, so that way both their clans grow stronger.

"Well that sounds more reasonable, but i don't really have a clan or a family to fight with."

Yang: Ninjas may be cool, and being rich may sound nice, but he should deserve a strong woman that has a similar element.

Ruby: No, he deserves a deadly wife.

Weiss: No! A rich woman!

Blake: You just want to keep saying that, so you can have (Y/N).

Yang: Yeah!

Weiss: So? What if that's true? You know he deserves me!

Blake: No! He deserves me!

Ruby: No! Me!

Yang: No! Me

The girls kept arguing, while you just sat quietly, they then took out their weapons, and you just teleported behind a table that was being used by a shield, you found that Juane and a girl with  bunny ears was using it.

Juane: Oh hey (Y/n), trying to avoid the blood meth?

"Yes, i take it that she sensed it too?"

Velvet: Yea, i did. I'm Velvet by the way.

"(Y/n) (Last name)"

Velvet: Nice to meet you.

That's when a thousand gunshots were heard, and blood appeared on every wall, you looked, and found the girls covered in blood and breathing heavily , everyone else was either ripped apart or had bullets shot into them.

"Finally calmed down?"

Ruby: Yes.

Blake: (Y/n) please choose one of us.

Yang: It can anyone, we don't even care anymore, since our education is obviously gone, when Ozpin sees this.

".........Can i have all four of you?"

RWBY: YES!!!!!!

They the tackled you, and began hugging and kissing you.

Weiss: Yes yes yes yes! We'll promise that we'll be the best wives you'll ever have!

Yang: Yea, we promise.

You lived your life with four wives, two new close friends, and still keeping your education in the beacon education, the only problem is Blake's problem with her being in heat. 

-Author's Note-
Cat's stay in heat for like 3 days, so who ever has a Neko or a cat fanuas for a waifu, GOOD LUCK!

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