yandere fem light yagami x Male reader x Yandere fem L

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Requested by she_warrior14

Light and L have always been your friends, even though Yagami has always worried you with that Death Note, she was still your friend, and L would always talk to you.

-Current time-

You were talking to your friend Johnnie (Me)

Johnnie: hey (y/n) i think somethings up with Light and L, they kind of seem mote attached to you than before.

(y/n): what? Johnnie, your just worrying too much, nothing is going happen

Johnnie: Alright

Little did you know, that Light was stalking you.

Light: grrr that stupid boy

She returned to her office and opened her death, writing in the name Johnnie.... But she didn't his last name

Light: Damn


Light: Im telling you Johnnie is trying make sure we don't get our (y/n) we have to kill him

L: Way ahead of you

L pulled a big knife and had demonic yandere smile.

-next day-

When you entered your kitchen you saw letter.

The letter read:

Dear (Y/n)

I'm sorry that I let Light and L have you, I kinda tried my best to protect all my friends, but hey atleast you won't die

From Johnnie

P.s. the chinese takeout is on your table

You were both scared, pissed off, and confused that Johnnie didn't try hard to protect, that Light and L were going to do something to you and why did Johnnie bring chinese food.

Before you could grab the chinese food, a hand grabbed your wrist, you turned to see that its light.

(y/n): L-light what are you doing here?

Light: Oh so i can't see my favorite boy

(y/n): sorry just that-

???: what exactly?

The voice came from behind, you turned around to see L.

(y/n): huh? L? When did you-

L hugged you, making you blush.

L: Come on Silly don't ask question! Hehe

Light hugged from the back making you blush deeper.

L: isn't this nice, our (y/n) Loves us

Light: yea hehe

You hugged L since she was infront of you, but you forgot about the letter and to stay caution of Light Yagami and L. You were never heard or seen again.

-author's note-

This turned out really great, even though it kinda took forever

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