Male Jr Marine Reader x D Va

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Your dad is Tank Dempsey, but D Va's bio dad is Soldier 76 in the story. Don't ask why, just wanted a Bestfriend AU between Dempsey and Jack.

You were practicing your shots, you were in the firing range, armed with a Desert Eagle, and landing headshots on the targets, with your friend watching. Hana was observing you, she had her head on her hand, admiring you.

"Oi Hana, you still there?"

D Va: Hm-mmm


You looked back, and saw Hana smiling at you, you had to take the earmuffs off. 

"Ok then. Be sure to say something, ok? These earmuffs are really good."

D Va: Ok

You and Hana have been best friends since you two were little, your dads introduced you two to each other when Dempsey went to watch a football game with Jack. You two loved playing SSBM when you were small, and begun to play more video games. 

You put your earmuffs back on, and went back to shooting practice. Hana was still staring at you, with lovesick eyes. She was incredibly obsessed with you. 

You finished early, and walked with Hana to the living room, she still stared at you, and her heart was beating rapidly, she could barely think. You two got living room, you two sat down and just began to talk. 

She acted more differently today, it was normal for her to act like your sister, but she was being more curios about your personal likes and dislikes. It was a bit awkward, so you asked if you two could just play video games. 

She agreed to it. You loaded up Gears Of War 4 to the Xbox, and began a Co-op game with her. But she decided to sit more closer. Whenever you won a match together, she would always hug you. 

The day went by with you two playing video games. You went to your room, and just tried to sleep, it took a while. Hana was in her room, just laying down, and thinking of you. She wanted you and she knew friends wasn't the same as a girlfriend. 

She just looked up at the ceiling, she had photos of you in certain areas of her room. Five on the ceiling, two on her computer, three on her bathroom mirror, and six on her wardrobe. She wants you all to herself.

You woke up early, running with your dad, and Jack around the base in sweats, it was a daily schedule you had. Jack fell and you two kept running.

Soldier 76: Come back!

Dempsey: NO! And it's your fault to forcing Nikolai to be the bear!

Nikolai was being paid to dress up as a bear to chase you, whoever he catches, he gets to maul. Jack was never seen again.......except an hour later, when it was time for breakfast, he showed up with bruises, bite marks, and some holes in his clothing.

Soldier 76: That drunken retard, was armed with a broken vodka bottle.

Dempsey: I don't care, it was your fault for falling behind.

Sometimes Jack wonders how he's still friends with your dad. You three were having breakfast, but Hana showed up, she apparently woke up late. During breakfast, you noticed that Hana wasn't eating, she looked depressed and just looked at her food. 

"You ok, Hana?"

D Va: Huh? Oh, I'm fine. 

"You sure?"

She looked at you, she looked as if she didn't get enough sleep. Her dad and your's noticed as well.

Soldier 76: Hana, you didn't go to sleep, did you?

Dempsey: Probably spent the entire night playing Video Games. 

"Jeez. Hana, you need sleep."

D Va: Sleep is for the weak. 

You all became worried for her health now. She had her breakfast, but you forced her to get her sleep. You had to make sure she would stay asleep. To make sure she would go to sleep, Jack and Dempsey forced Hana to sleep in your bed, and for you to watch over her.

She was in her pajamas, with the blankets covering her mouth, she was extremely nervous and was happy that she was in your bed. You were sitting on a stool, and had to talk Hana into sleeping.

D Va: (Y/n), I don't want to go to sleep.

"You need sleep, Hana."

D Va: I don't care

You sighed.

"What's it going to take for you to sleep?"

D Va: Ummmm

She looked away and her face turned red.

D Va: Will you umm sleep with me? I sleep better when I'm not alone.

You sighed

"Ok. Just let me put my pjs are on then."

You got up, and grabbed your pajamas, and changed in the bathroom. Hana began to blush like crazy, you were a man of your word. You came back in camo pants pjs, and a black shirt. You placed yourself under the blankets and laid down next to Hana. 

You looked at your small friend, she was looking at you.


She closed her eyes, and hugged you. You hugged her back. 

"You can be such a little kid sometimes."

D Va: Yea, but I'm YOUR little best friend.

"Yea. Let's go to sleep."

You gave Hana a kiss on the forehead.

"I love you"

Hana began to blush, founding out that her crush loves her back, just rocked her world. She smiled and went to sleep. Knowing she won't stay in the friendzone, and won't need violence to keep you to herself.

-Author's Note-
Two more
Ok. So, instead of a Pokemon Dragon marathon, I'm gonna have a voting poll
Which Pokegirl should have a story, from Sun and Moon.







Reader will be DragonMaster
Pokegirl with the most votes will have her own story.
I will also be doing a separate story for a yandere femboy that is owned by an AWESOME yandere artist from DA.
One more thing before Rabbit get's here, Pokemon Generations is SO DAMN AWESOME
Thanks for reading, and stay awesome, don't forget to vote. 

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