Male Sayian Reader x Towa

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You reached Super Saiyan Level 2

You were flying the sky with Goten and Trunks, the two wanted to see you go Super Sayian 3, and use your Ultra Speed attack, to see how fast and powerful you can be. 

Goten: This is going to be so cool!

Trunks: Yea. How far can you go as normal?

"Almost fast enough to catch up to Gohan. In Super Sayian 1, I can be able to get to a fight that's far away"

Goten: Cool!

You three landed in a rocky area. You went Super Saiyan 2, and used your Ultra Speed attack, you flew into the mountains, and caused them to shatter into a billion piece, you weren't taking any damage from it. 

You saw bigger and thicker looking mountain, you flew fast at a certain angle, and caused a large piece of the mountain to crash down.

 Goten and Trunks were cheering and chanting, and you landed in front of them. You reverted back to your normal form. 

Goten: That was so cool!

Trunk: Yea. Think you can teach us Ultra Speed? It'll be awesome to perform with Super Sayian 3!

"Sure, but when you get older and stronger, ok?"

Goten and Trunks: Ok

You three were about to fly back, but you felt a strong power level. You looked and saw a figure walk behind a giant boulder. 

Towa: Ok Mira, can you handle them? Remember, I want (Y/n) alive. I love him.

Mira: I understand, I'll bring to you.

-Back to you-
You three flew above the boulder and saw a blue man, with white hair and different form of clothing. You landed a few feet away from him, with Goten and Trunks beside you.

"Who are you? And I know you're not a friend."

Mira: Judging me by my appearance?

"With a glare like that, and the dark energy I can sense. You're nowhere close to being a possible ally"

Mira: Very well then. I am Mira. And I'm here to kill your friends, and take you hostage, and I don't give up so easily. 

"Goten, Trunks, go Gotenks in Super Saiyan 3, I don't think he's joking around."

Goten: Got it

Mira: Oh no you don't!

Mira tried to fly at Goten, but you were faster. You kicked him in the stomach, and dragged his ass to the sky. You began to fight him. You didn't turn to SS2 right away, it had to be used for emergencies. 

While you fighting him, you sensed a familiar power level, it was Gotenks. He quickly joined in, and fought by the other side. You tried to break his defense, and catch up to his speed. He look to have been getting tired. You went for the chance and kick him the stomach. He took more damage from the last the kick, since you put in more strength. 

He went flying, but you went SS2, and used your Ultra Speed attack, you flew around the area, striking him to another part, flying fast to the part, and repeat. You did until for the 13th time, you strike him down when you up high. He went down faster than a meteor. 

You and Gotenks flew down, to see that he was unconscious. 

"He's down, let's go."

His eyes then opened, he flew at you really fast, and took you to the air. He had a tight grip on your neck, and you couldn't break free. He then flew to a mountain, and tried to slam you against it, but you were able to crack his rip by ramming your elbow against it.

He lost his grip, you grabbed him, and slam him at the mountain. You flew away, but performed your kamehameha. You launched it, but noticed Mira countering it with a similar move. You put in a lot of power, but he was pushing back. 

Gotenks: I got you!

Gotenks joined you by your side, and performed his kamehameha. You began to push Mira back now, but it wasn't enough. 

"Damn it. We need Gohan or Goku, or anyone"

Gohan: You rang?

Gohan joined in with his kamemeha. 

"Nice timing"

Gotenks: Gohan!

Gohan: Thanks! Let's take him down.

The three of you added more power, with Gohan going SS 2. You were able to incinerate Mira. After stopping, you were three were tired, and panting. Mira was now gone, so you could rest. You carried Goten and Trunks and you flew with Gohan back at his place. 

You put the two down on the couch, and sat down with Gohan.

Gohan: So then, who was that guy?

"Some enemy named Mira. He said he was gonna kill Goten and Trunks, and take me hostage, but I'm glad we were able to take him down."

Gohan: Huh interesting. Also, I noticed a blue girl looking at the fight, sitting on a mountain. She didn't look like a hostage, so I didn't bother with her. 

"Really? Gohan, the guy we were fighting was blue. You didn't think of getting some info out of her?"

Gohan: Didn't come to my mind. Sorry

"It's ok man. We should probably look for her, maybe she'll have something to do. Let's just rest for now"

Gohan: Ok

You and the three just relaxed for the day. When it was getting late, you flew to your home, but you noticed a blue girl, flying on a golden rod, like witch on a broom. You stopped flying, and she smirked at you.

Towa: hello there. I'm Towa

"Uh hi? I'm (Y/n)"

Towa: You have such a nice name. Anyways, I noticed that big mean jerk trying to kill you, sorry I couldn't do anything. I can't fight so well. 

"uh it's ok. You know anything about the man we were fighting?"

Towa: Only that he liked to kill innocent beings. 

You became allies with Towa quite quickly. You two began to talk on top of a high building. You had some things in common with her. You shortly became friends, was about take your goodbye, until.

Towa: Wait, (Y/n). I don't have a place to live, can I live with you?

"Uh sure?"

You two flew to your house, and got there in good time. You let her sleep in your bed, and was about to crash in the living room, but Towa wanted you sleep in with her.

"You sure you don't mind?"

Towa: I'm sure.

"Oh uh ok. Just let me change really quickly."

Towa: Ok

You went to your bathroom and changed, you switched to a black tanktop, and black sweats with red boxers. You walked back to your room, and saw Towa naked in bed, she had the blanket covering her body. 

Towa: Very sorry, but I sleep in the nude and I might cuddle. You don't mind, right?

"N-Not a-at all"

You tried to stay calm, you've never experienced this, and have never thought this would happen. It was obvious that she grew to love you, might as well take the opportunity, it's not every day, that life throws an admirer at you.

You slept with Towa for the night, she didn't try anything, but just cuddled.

Towa's Mind: Thank god Mira is gone now. He would get jealous, and want to hurt (Y/n). Now I have him to myself. I wonder if we can have kids.

-Author's Note-
Awesome news: My grandma is feeling better, she can still talk. Also, shout out to Katieperry2003, she's been feeling down lately, please cheer her up, and follow her, and read her books please, they're good.
So then, i check the voting poll, and Male Gamer Reader x D Va won, BUT sadly to say, i check back with my friends, most of them LOVE Dishonored, and actually wanted to see the
Male Assassin Reader x Female Akura Ou/Tomoe
(Dishonored x Kamisama Kiss)

Yea, sorry but I'm not doing the other voted stories, I got one draft left
But on the bright side, I'm still doing the Overwatch marathon, so, get ready for that. 

Male Firebreak Reader x Mei
Male Outrider Reader x Widowmaker
Male Battery Reader x Pharah
Male Human Reaper Reader x Zarya
Male Ruin Reader x Tracer
Male Prophet Reader x Mercy
Male Seraph Reader x Symmtera
(Black Ops 3)
Male Marine Reader x D' Va
Male Soviet Reader x Young Ana
(Nazi Zombies)
Male Punk Reader x Sombra
(Sunset Overdrive)

Ok then. Thanks for reading, comment on what you think should be the Christmas Special, and Stay awesome

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