Chapter 16

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AU: Hello everyone! Last we left off Y/n had begun to enact his plans to make the Combat training more entertaining for him... and therapeutic for Izuku and Katsuki. We will begin to see if his talks have begun to take effect!

Y/n also intends to take all the battles as opportunities to learn how his classmates and soon students fight. What will he learn from them and how will he teach them? Let's see if we find out now on My Hero Academia.

Your POV

The rest of the class had already made their way to the monitor room while you stayed behind with the first two groups. You were walking alongside Ochaco while holding her hand. She seemed to have been lost in thought or bliss.

All Might then spoke up, getting our attention.

All Might: Apologies Young Uraraka, but I require Young Y/n to come with me. I'd also recommend you and Young Midoriya take the time to plan a strategy against your opponents! 

Ochaco: Oh! Of course All Might!

Ochaco stopped walking but still held on to your hand. You both stayed still for a moment as All Might waited patiently and then began to sweat nervously.  You raised an eyebrow in intrigue while shrugging at All Might. Ochaco looked at you and All Might in confusion, but after the moment looked down and realized she was still holding your hand.

You watched as her face got redder and redder in embarrassment, it was adorable.  

Y/n: (Chuckle). Apologies Ochaco, maybe we can continue another time.

Ochaco: H-H-HUH?! WHAT?!

Y/n: Sorry. I couldn't help but tease.  But he's right, I'll need to go with him and join the others.

Ochaco: Y-Y-Yes! You're right!

She immediately releases your hand and tries to compose herself. She struggled as she looked at her hand and your eyes got redder for a second. You decided that you should take your leave rather than see how redder she could be.

Y/n: I'll see you after the battle Ochaco. Good luck!

Ochaco: R-R-Right! Thanks Y/n!

Ochaco runs back to Izuku and the duo move away and begin to talk amongst themselves. Meanwhile, you walk past All Might and lean against the wall as he motions toward Iida and Bakugo to enter the building. Stopping them momentarily to talk to them.

All Might: Young Iida and Young Bakugo. You must learn to think as a villain. This will be pretty close to a real battle. Go all out. Don't be afraid to get hurt.

You watched Bakugo glare back at Izuku. You were pretty confident that he was seeing this as a perfect opportunity to... "remind"  Izuku of his place. You hoped it wouldn't go this way.

Iida: Yes sir!

All Might: If things go too far, I will stop it.

Iida: Yes sir!

You watched as the duo entered the building, feeling your ki rising with excitement for the upcoming bouts. As well as the final lesson planned for today. Bakugou gives you one last glare before he enters and you respond with a wink. making sure to salute Iida as he enters and he reciprocates. All Might remember something last minute and hands items to both teams as you take a moment to think.

Y/n: *I hope they don't disappoint me... too much.*

All Might: Come now Y/n, we should catch up to the others.

You nod and together go in the direction of the remaining students. Entering the hallway where the others were close but slightly too far to hear your conversation. Or rather All Might assumed as he began to talk.

All Might: I know you intend to go and monitor the battle, but before you go. Tell me... do you truly want to help shape the next generation of heroes to make them real heroes? Or is there an ulterior motive Kanniu?

You stop and turn slowly to All Might. He could see a glint in your eyes that froze him in place for a second before you nonchalantly shrug and close your eyes.

Y/n: Yeah, I do. Unlike today's heroes, I would like this class of heroes to stay true to themselves. But in the end, if I decide to leave this school and hopes of being a hero... I'll have some fun opponents later down the line.

All Might is taken aback by your response as you say it so casually.

All Might: Fun opponents?.... Down the line?

All Might says this to himself and you give him a light chuckle in response. Causing him to look back at you. You smile with a dark glint in your eyes as well as an aura full of malice.

Y/n: (Chuckle). Well if I go back to being "evil". You'd try to take me down right? Well, after I beat you, no one else is strong enough to have me break a sweat... well almost no one. So this is like an investment for future entertainment!

All Might look at you with confusion. So you keep speaking, raising your arms as if you were conducting a spectacle. Excitement seethed into your voice as you spoke.

Y/n: I'm going to make these heroes strong and pure! Making it more fun to face them all later on! I can't wait~.

You suddenly realize you were giving in to your more... sadistic instincts Frieza trained you to exploit in battle. You take a moment to relax and calm yourself before speaking again.

Y/n: Though in the end. I could stay and very well end up being a true hero like the rest of them. In that case, I would have strong friends and allies I could battle villains with. Which is just as fun. So either way, it's a win-win.

All Might's tone changes to a serious and slightly threatening tone.

All Might: And what of the relationship you form during your time at UA if you decide to continue the path of a villain? I can tell some of the students have taken a liking to you. Do you intend to manipulate them to your cause if they amuse you?

You take a moment to think before you speak, regarding his words, and think about how you have allowed yourself to maybe be too comfortable with the class in such a short time. Was it a good thing? Were you acting the part of a student?... Were you even acting?

Y/n: Hm. I don't intend to push or manipulate any of them toward the path that I've been walking. I will support them if they are truly here to learn and become heroes. If anything I'd assume if they haven't heard about the Villain Kanniu already, my recent crimes may come to light and they'll want to stop the villain.

All Might: Recent crimes!?! So you've continued to act as Kanniu before school started! Young Y/n... what have you done.

You look at All Might and see a gleam in his eye you don't recognize that does put a chill to your spine and hair to stand on the edge. You knew you could handle a fight with him, but you didn't want it. Not right now at least.

You throw your hands In the air as you sweat nervously.

Y/n: Woah easy there. I haven't committed a crime since I moved in with Midnight. Heck. Honestly, the last time I put on my villain cloak was to use it as a bathrobe! My "recent" crimes are the ones I did before our fight... which we should finish sometime. Regardless I intend to let the police and other heroes know more about what I had done before exposing my criminal acts to the public and students! To motivate them against me.

All Might look you in the eyes as he raises an eyebrow. Trying to see if you were lying.

You sheepishly scratch the back of your head with one hand and hold the other up. After a moment of silence, he seems to accept this answer and regains his composure. Nodding in understanding. 

All Might: Alright then! That's good to hear! While you help us train our students we'll make a great hero out of you! You'll see!

You sigh in relief and give All Might a genuine smile.

Y/n: Hehe. We'll see All Might!

You say as you shake your head in disbelief with a smirk. You begin to walk forward when you suddenly stop and speak up.

Y/n: Ah, I almost forgot! Before we catch up to the other students I need to set myself up.

All Might: Ah yes! You mentioned you felt confident about being in the building of the students without being noticed! I'm quite curious as you do need to be somewhat present during the other's battle.

Y/n: Oh and also! Let me slip on the final touches of my outfit.

You go into your pockets and slip on similar gloves you would wear with your Kanniu gear. You considered wearing the cloak with your outfit but you realized it would be too on the nose.

All Might: Oh? Nice touch. It goes with the rest of your costume! I do appreciate you going this far with the cooperation and studies.

You nod and smile as you finish putting on the gloves and move to grab the last thing you'd need.

Y/n: Of course! Even I have to admit what some of you heroes lack in morals... you can make it up in style... And now.... the piece de resistance!

You take out the scouter that you've used for some time now. Even with you playing the role of a hero, they can serve you well.

You put them on and make sure it's fully functioning the way they are intended to work. Afterward, you increase your ki and without much effort and unbeknownst to All Might, pull off your technique to monitor the upcoming battles.

Y/n: Alright. We are set to begin.

All Might: Oh? 

All Might turn around to where he heard your voice and sees you smiling behind him. He smiled and waved at you before turning to you in front of him. He blinks for a moment before furiously moving his head back and forth between the two Y/n's.

All Might: HUH?! WHA?!

(Au: Reminder of you're hero suit, now with gloves and a cool high-tech scouter. In the future I may give options to other/new outfits).

All Might: H-H-HOW DID YOU?! Which is the real one?!

Y/n: Multi-Form technique, don't worry it's me. I didn't move, and I'll speak for us. Sake of simplicity and continuity.

All Might: You... you can make copies of yourself?!

Y/n: And after images. Both I was taught how to do when I was younger. The Multi-Form technique uses up Ki. Each copy is supposed to divide your power by half. The more clones the user creates the more your ki is divided.

All Might: So... you may have an extra pair of hands... you're technically weaker.

You smirk and take a step forward with a glint in your eye.

Y/n: Would you like to find out?~

All Might: Eh, not today. Though I can see it being useful for you as you continue to teach and learn. 

Y/n: Hehe, very true. Well anyways, let's keep moving and get these battles started!

You create two more clones of yourself, each of them equipped with gloves and a scouter. You check to make sure the scouter is correctly connected and then speak up.

Y/n: Alright lads. Time to decide who's going where the only way we know how!

The other clones nod and together take a step forward and begin to decide who is going where.

Short Timeskip

The remainder of the class arrives monitor room. With All Might and Y/n following a few minutes after. All Might explains to the class how the monitoring system works and how each group will get earpieces to communicate with their partner as well as allow All Might to speak to them.

All Might: This will be in case I feel the need to warn whoever is in the exercise to refrain or support them to keep going. I will also be able to hear what's been said! However, to keep a bit of suspense the rest of you won't be able to hear! Ha-HA!

All Might then speaks up on the mic, letting everyone know in advance how things will go.

All Might: Villain team, make sure you are set up! The hero team will break in... in five minutes!

Class 1-A: Aye sir!


I move to the back of the monitoring room and tap on my glasses. As much as I hate to admit it, these glasses were on par with the technology I'm accustomed to at home.

Y/n: *These lovely shades are synced with the ones that my copies have. I can watch all of them like a documentary. Hehe... so let's see what "I'm" up to... The one keeping his... my eyes on the Villain team... This may get confusing.*

(Au: With the glasses, you'll be able to choose what to look at).

I  watch as Y/n Two.... or I silently make my way over to the rooftop. Finding an entry and catching up to Iida and Bakugou. Moving faster than the cameras could register, being able to track down the duo from Bakugou's stomping. 

Y/n: *Honestly not surprising Bakugou stomps, but I would think Iida marching would be as loud. Hmph, maybe he's too busy getting into character.* 

 Using my scouter to record the surroundings as well as keep track of the other me's. I could see Y/n three watching over Izuku and Ochaco, preparing to follow when they enter the building.

I tune in to their conversation out of curiosity, it wasn't what I was expecting. 

Izuku: I...uh...well... I'm not sure if the cameras will only get your good side Uraraka.  

Ochaco: B-b-but I don't want to look bad in front of Y- Ummm our classmates.

Izuku: R-r-right! Well... I'm sure Sensei will be impressed once we beat the team!

Ochaco: Oh I didn't even think about All Might! I'm so nervous!

Izuku: Oh I meant Y- Uh wait... well...

Ochaco: Hm?

Izuku: N-N-N-N-never mind! As I said before, I'm sure Kacchan is going to try and attack me. So he'll leave Iida by himself and focus on me. We can use that as an opportunity to split up! I'll try and distract him while you capture the bomb.... I'll try and catch up to support you after facing Kacchan.

Ochaco:... Do... Do you think you can face him alone?

Izuku:...He may be stronger than me... but I won't lose to him. And you should be able to get by and maybe sneak by Iida to get us the win!

Ochaco: Yeah! You're right! We can do this! 

Izuku: Yeah!

I watch them celebrate and it makes me chuckle, I then tune back in with the other team. Seeing Y/n two find a place in the room to observe Iida and Bakugou. Who were discussing something interesting themselves and I was able to pick up the last bit of it. 

Y/n: *He'll one hundred percent sprint his way to his "Deku" the moment we begin and demand satisfaction for hiding his quirk. Also, he wants to put him in his place. That means Ochaco will most likely split from their battle and make her way here... The other copy will focus on that battle... Lucky bastard. (Sigh) I'll wait here.*

Iida: Even if it's training. It pains me to be the villain.

He stops walking in front of the bombs and taps the prop in curiosity as he continues to speak.

Iida: So, were supposed to protect this? It's paper mâché.

Bakugou: Oie! Deku has a quirk, right?

Iida turns in response to Bakugou, who was now looking at where they just entered.

Iida: You saw that extraordinary strength didn't you? It appears to carry a lot of risks though...

Iida notices that his responses seemed to anger his partner. Well showing off more anger than he had already begun to be accustomed to. He decided to mention it seeing as he may gain insight into why his fellow student seemed to act so rudely to his new friend. Unaware of what Bakugou was pondering in his head.

Iida: However, you seem to be specifically angry when it comes to Midoriya-

Bakugou: *Did he dare trick me?! That damn nerd!*

All Might then speaks, which would be fine except it echoed from the other Y/n locations. So I momentarily mute them to listen to the one directly in the room with me.

All Might: Now, let the combat training commence with Teams A & B!

I watched as he turned the speakers off to directly talk to the other students who were around him. Very keen on watching the monitors with him. I could tell where the other Y/n's and teams were from the cameras. I had to stifle a chuckle when I saw Y/n four-wave from the camera before going to his objective.

All Might: Okay everyone! You should all be attentive to the match while thinking about yours as well!... *Young Midoriya! Here you are no longer just a single student! I'll grade you strictly and will not play favorites!*

I watch as All Might prepare to take note of the match and gets a bit nervous.

Y/n: *Most likely worried about his favorite student. Going to be difficult for him to hide his favoritism heh.*

Speaking of, I watch as Izuku and Ochaco swiftly move into the building. Entering through an open window on the first floor. Y/n two moves behind them, making sure he goes unseen. As they walk through the building there are a few close calls of Ochaco looking back and having to quickly hide. 

 Meanwhile... Bakugou had already left a shocked and confused Iida behind to hunt them down. Y/n three will stay by Iida and enjoy Iida practicing his monologue.

Y/n: *So glad I have this recorded.* This is going to be fun.

Some of the students look at me for a moment before nodding and looking back at the screen. I decide to focus

Meanwhile Izuku POV

Uraraka and I entered the building through one of the windows. I thought it would be better for us to cover more ground this way. Honestly, I was extremely nervous about how this will go. Having to fight Kacchan and beat him in combat and in this exorcise... though I couldn't deny after talking to Y/n Sensei and Uraraka's encouragement... a part of me was excited.

Izuku: *I still can't control One For All, so I can't use it on anyone. If I did I could kill them... We'll have to adjust to what I am capable of without it alongside Uraraka's quirk... *

The two of us continue to move throughout the building. I take a point, knowing the moment that Kacchan sees the green of my outfit he'll make his presence known and attack. Still, my mind wandered as we move carefully.

Izuku: *To think after all this time... Kacchan would hold so much anger towards me... I-I don't fully understand. Thinking back to our childhood, the way things changed after he got his quirk and I didn't... It... it wasn't and still isn't right! What made it his right to act better than me?!... Even if he was... or is... With the power given to me by All Might and the potential Y/n Sensei sees in me... I won't disappoint them! I won't disappoint myself...not anymore.*

As I had the thought I began to move away from a wall I was leaning on to step forward. But my attention was diverted to the sound of someone quickly approaching us from the right. I wish I could say I wasn't shocked, but Kacchan was able to get the jump on me.

He jumps from the corner and immediately turns to face me. Using his quirk to boost him forward and swing at us! Well mainly at me. He goes right to my face and I just barely dodge his attack and push Uraraka away from the blast. 

The power behind his quirk instantly takes out part of my mask. I can feel the familiar heat from his attack and my body begins to shake as Uraraka and I bounce off the ground and slide a small distance away.

I do my best to recover quickly and get on my knees as I speak.

Izuku: Uraraka, are you all right?

Uraraka: I'm fine, thanks.

In the corner of my eye, I watch her sit up from her position. I aim my focus on the smoke caused by Kacchan's attack. I can feel myself preparing to move while fighting the initial fear paralysis.

Uraraka: Deku?!

I realize she was looking at my face which must have been slightly singed from the attack. I quickly respond to give her reassurance... He's hit me harder in the past anyways.

Izuku: It's just a scratch.

Kacchan suddenly swipes his arm, dispersing the smoke he created as he stood tall and stared only me down with rage.

Bakugou: What's the matter Deku? Still too afraid to stand up and fight me?

Suddenly my mind thinks about all the times we've been in this position... 

Izuku: *Me on the ground with him standing over me. People on the sidelines watching and being unable to do anything. Technically in the past, they never wanted to... I can't speak for my current classmates but my point still stands... how many times have we done this? Has he done this to me for no reason... Why did I always let him do this? Because I couldn't fight back?!* 

I began to stand up, a surge of determination flowing through my body. I could still feel the fear in the back of my head, but it was being pushed back by my thoughts... and a small reflection of Kacchan's anger.

Izuku:... I figured you'd come for me first. In fact... I was counting on it Kacchan!


Meanwhile, No One's POV

As Bakugou sprung his attack and Midoriya dodged it, Class 1-A watched in shock and awe at the beginning of this epic battle. They all began to make comments to each other on what they'd seen and share their thoughts.

Mineta: He almost got the jump on them!

Kirishima: Huh... a sneak attack Bakugou? What kind of a man pulls cheap crap like that?!

All Might continues to watch the screen, his smile unwavering as of yet as he responds to the student's commentary.

All Might: It's a viable strategy. He is playing the part! Acting like a true villain would.

Y/n: *Hmph, I wonder if it's truly acting for Bakugou. Calling it an excuse to be able to do this seems far-fetched. Regardless of the role he would've done this either way.

Ashido: It didn't work! Midoriya dodged it!

Kaminari: Look there Bakugou goes!

The class looks forward with anticipation of the fight. Unsure how to fully interpret Bakugou's approach to the battle but impressed with both him and Midoriya for their small showcase of skill. They could all begin to see why All Might decided to choose to have the lesson in this format.

Izuku POV

I stood in front of Uraraka and prepared myself to divert Kacchan's attention to me. Which honestly wouldn't take much to do.

Kacchan: Don't worry Deku! I won't hurt you too badly! Just close enough to death where they won't stop the fight! 

I watch as Kacchan sprints toward me and reaches to hit me. My mind immediately races as my body moves and reacts.

Izuku: *I've analyzed Kacchan for years! I know how he thinks and fights... and even I can't use it... I do have the power to fight back... and the want- No! The need to beat Kacchan!... And maybe I want to punch him for his idiocy and treatment for all these years.*  

He swings at me and I'm able to leap and catch his arm! It takes both my arms to wrap around him due to his gauntlet, but I'm able to get a strong grasp on it. My sudden movement shocks Kacchan and I'm able to stop his movement temporarily. Allowing me to quickly move and prepare to flip him.

Uraraka: Woah look at those moves! Like a martial artist!

Hearing Uraraka's response fills me with confidence as I continue my movement.  Turning my body around I kept my grip on his arm.


I could tell Kacchan was activating his quirk with his other hand, also pushing me to move faster and harder. I needed to keep my advantage over him. So with all the strength I could muster, I bring Kacchan over my body and bring him down on the ground. I yelled as I flip him over and I get a bit of satisfaction watching him hit the ground.

The force makes Kacchan bounce off the ground as he's still taken aback by the blow. He reels in shock and pain I prepare my stance again to fight him.

I began to speak as he was momentarily stunned, though he quickly regains his composure.

Izuku: Kacchan... You usually start a fight with a right hook... I know... not just from my own experience of how you fight... But also from how much I've been able to watch you fight... or rather torment others!

Kacchan: Huh?

Izuku:... I've analyzed heroes all my life. Even you... Kacchan. I wanted to learn everything I could from those who inspired me. It's all in that book that you blew up and threw away. Do you remember?!

As Kacchan stands up he growls in response.  It fills me with more determination and a rise of anger as I continue to speak and raise my fists.

Izuku: You can keep calling me Deku, but I'm not the same useless Deku that you tried to define me as! Kacchan... my Deku is defined as "You can do it!" Something right for a hero! Do you understand Kacchan?! I've changed... and today I'm going to show you. I'm sorry in advance... It may hurt a little.

Uraraka: Huh!? Wait a minute...

As I hear Uraraka reacts to what I've said I think back to a conversation we had.


I looked at Uraraka nervously. I had explained to her and Iida that my nickname from Kacchan was made to mock me... rather than be a term of endearment like Kacchan.

Iida: Huh? An insult? Are you sure the two of you are friends?!

Uraraka: Oh? Is that right? I'm sorry.

Iida looked at me with intrigue and concern as Uraraka looked apologetic and a bit nervous.

Uraraka: But "Deku" sounds like the phrase "You can do it!" 

I was taken aback by Uraraka's response and thought about the phrase. Before I could think of anything to say she continued.

Uraraka: I think it would make a great hero name! Plus, it is kind of cute. I like it! *Not as cute as Y/n- AH! What am I thinking!*

Hearing her thoughts on the phrase that's been used to bully me taken so lightly... I immediately responded the proper way and expressed how I felt about it.

Izuku: Deku it is!

Iida: Just like that!? I thought it was an insult!

I blush in embarrassment as I realize how quickly I shifted. I hide my face and look away in shame. 

Izuku: Like a Copernican Revolution... My whole world goes upside down!

Uraraka:... Co-ope?

Flashback Over

Kacchan fully stands up and glares at me. What shocks me is how he continues to grow in rage.

Izuku: *Maybe that's what his quirk truly is. I should fix that in my notes later... Heh.*

 I stand my ground and begin to feel my body shaking again. I couldn't deny that the glare does instill some fear in me. But... after what I said, a part of me was shaking in excitement. 

I could feel Uraraka looking between me and Kacchan nervously. Still, I stood my ground and waited for Kacchan's next move. Though honestly the longer he stares me down the more I'm uncertain If I'm staying put from my stance or the fear. He then speaks to me.

Kacchan: Deku...

The way he spoke had a level of animosity that I never understood where it came from. He brought his arms down to his usual stance and activated his quirk as he continued to speak. He always did this in hopes of intimidating me... which it kind of did.  

Kacchan: You say that... and yet you're still shaking in the boots! You're scared! Yet you dare try and stand up to face me!?.... THAT'S WHY I HATE YOU!!

I can see his words match the glare he holds. And as he does I begin to question when things changed as well as the why. 

Izuku: *We were best friends Kacchan. Nearly inseparable because of our moms... but once you're quirk manifested things changed. You quickly became meaner and more violent to other kids... and when I tried to stop you, I became a target of your violence... It wasn't fair. It wasn't right! You always knew I just wanted us to stay on the path of a hero!... Didn't you?*

And as my thoughts continue to race I also think back to what Y/n said. I can feel myself finally accepting feelings I've pushed back from my situation. The situation that Kacchan created... no?... in a sense the society as a whole had a hand in creating.

Izuku: *I guess no person is created equal. What a sad reality I learned at the young age of four... and it's taken me this long to realize... Thank you Y/n Sensei.* 

No One's POV

Y/n continues to watch through his scouter from his Multi-Form technique. Seeing as well as hearing what is going on between the two teams. His thoughts focused on Izuku's and Bakugou's confrontations and emotions.

Y/n: *Good. Yes, Izuku. I can sense the rage growing and if you can use it alongside you're knowledge to beat Bakugou. This battle will make both of you re-evaluate your place in each other and society...*

He zooms the camera into Bakugou who is preparing to strike down Izuku. Completely ignoring Uraraka, allowing her to stand up from his initial surprise attack.

Y/n: *And Bakugou... this loss will take off some of that ego. Heh, just enough for you to stop underestimating those who are weaker than yourself. And then... after my lesson, you'll seek out those who are stronger.*

As he continues to watch with better insight than the other classmates, Bakugou gets distracted by Iida speaking through their comms.

Iida: Hey, Bakugou! What's happened?! Where did you go?!

Bakugou quickly moves his hand to respond to his "teammate" and communicates harshly.

Bakugou: Just shut up and defend! I'm pissed!

Iida: I didn't ask about your feelings!... Hey!

Bakugou had hung up on Iida. Iida is stunned by his partner's action and begins to question Bakugou's actions.

Iida:...He...Did he hang up? Darn, it! Why did he go off on his own like that?! What's wrong with him!?

Iida stomps his feet in irritation and grumbles to himself. Y/n alongside the few other students who noticed Iida's sudden movement look in curiosity. Y/n chuckles to himself and smiles as the class begins to speak up about the turn of the events they've seen

Kirishima: Man, what is Bakugou saying? I can't tell from the camera angle and no audio.

All Might: He's talking to his partner over the small wireless radio. Each villain team will have this to communicate with each other while apart. They also have a map of the building.

The rest of the class turns to All Might as the teacher continues to speak. He takes out an item to show them as he explains more of the battle.

All Might: Also this! A roll of capture tape! Wrapping this around you're opponent dictates you have been captured! And don't forget, each battle shall last fifteen minutes!

All Might points to a timer that is going down. Currently showing the teams had thirteen minutes and three seconds (and counting) to win.

Ashido: So, there's a fifteen-minute time limit... and the hero team has no idea what floor the bomb is hidden in?!

All Might: That's correct Young Ashido!

Ashido: The heroes are clearly at a disadvantage here! A huge one!

All Might: Real Pros have to outwit villains on a daily! They need to be able to turn the tables in whatever predicament they're in! Besides! Didn't Aiza-

Y/n: You mean Erasure Shit.

All Might: Ah yes! Didn't Erasure Shit tell-... Haha! You got me with that one Young Y/n!  But come now, you should respect the other staff at UA.

Y/n: Come on! The name fits! 

All Might:... Whether or not the clever names/insults work you still must attempt to treat each other with respect! This class is meant to promote hero-ing not roasting! Haha!

The class laughs in response to Y/n's and All Might's quick back and forth. After a minute All Might gets everyone's attention as he speaks up. The class realizes what he was intending to do.

All Might: Well, don't you know the motto!? All together now, let's hear a-

All Might/ Class 1-A: Plus Ultra!

The entire class alongside All Might raises an arm into the air and shouts in unison. Even Y/n joins in and raises his arm in the back of the room. After they finish their shout, Aoyama brings the class back to the battle at hand.

Aoyama: Monsieur. Bakugou is on the move.

All Might: Hm?

All Might and the rest of the class look back at the monitor as they all watch Bakugou activate his quirk and charge forward to attack Izuku.

Izuku prepares himself for the attack and shouts to Uraraka as he sees Bakugou charging him.

Izuku: Uraraka, go!

Uraraka in response turns and runs away from the duo in hopes to find Iida and end the battle as soon as possible.

Uraraka: *Be safe Izuku! I know you can win!*

She glances back one last time and can see's Izuku blocking Bakugou's attack. Which comes in the form of a kick that had been accelerated by the momentum of his explosions. Izuku grunts as he does his best to keep his footing but begins to be pushed back by the attack.

Bakugou: Ballsy! Do you think you can take me on your own?! Stupid Deku!...?!

Bakugou is taken aback as he realizes Izuku had been able to wrap the tape around his leg. 

Bakugou: *Did...did he anticipate my attack?! And he's using the capture tape!*

Izuku continues with the flow of his counterattack as he thinks about his hero analysis.

Izuku: *Hero notebook! Erasure Hero, Eraser Head number ten, page eight-teen! I'm so glad I was able to see Aizawa-Sensei in action. Heh, especially using his tape on Kacchan.*

Izuku keeps his eyes trained on Bakugou's moves. His mind already racing and thinking of Bakugou's upcoming moves and reaction. Doing so at an incredible rate, and even more impressive already moving to counter each attack.

Izuku: *What's next? Knowing Kacchan, he'll be impatient and try another right hook!  Time for me to move and get some space between the two of us.*

Izuku already ducks as Bakugou brings back his arm for a right hook. Before he can realize Izuku's reaction, Bakugou strikes the spot where Izuku was and uses his quirk. Unlike before, Izuku was able to fully avoid the attack and explosion. Jumping away from the full attack, both of them looked at each other afterward. 

Bakugou looks in shock and rage, while Izuku looks in determination and anger. He uses the momentum to keep moving as he feels more confident in his moves.

Izuku: *I was right! Heh, he's quite predictable!*

The rest of the students look in shock and awe at Izuku's reaction time and movement. 

Sota: Woah! That guy's amazing!

Sero: Yeah! He's not even using his quirk but he's holding his own against that other guy!

Jiro: Wow. Against the guy who finished first in the entrance exam! Not to mention he got in third place in Aizawa Sensei's assessment.

All Might: *Not surprising. He was always good at taking action and reacting quickly in a crisis. Not to mention he has spent years taking notes on different heroes and internalizing everything he could learn from them. Hehe, that fanboy personality of his is paying off and helping them push forward!*

Izuku had landed on his feet before crouching. He looks back at the smoke and prepares himself for whatever is coming next.

Izuku: *He started with a kick to try and be unpredictable to me. Hmph... I guess this means he's worried.*

Bakugo prepares himself to attack again, but before he could activate his quirk Izuku sprints around a corner. Making Bakugou lose sight of him. This angered him and in response, he calls out to his old friend as he begins to chase.

Bakugou: Grrr... GET BACK HERE DEKU!

Izuku: *I'm not going to be able to fight him at close range now. I need to keep him distracted and give myself space and time to form a plan to take him down.*


Bakugou gives chase but quickly loses sight of Izuku and screams in anger. Beginning to use his quirk to destroy walls and entrances to rooms. The rest of the class is unsure if he was trying to smoke Izuku out... or sincerely just lashing out in anger.

Kaminari: Man that guy has some clear anger issues... kind of scary...

All Might:... *Young Midoirya told me that Young Bakugou thinks very highly of himself... but even I didn't suspect this level of ego. It can very well lead to his downfall outside this battle!*

Meanwhile, Upstairs  

As the rest of the class focuses on Bakugou chasing down Izuku and watches in awe and waits in anticipation of what happens next. Y/n switches his focus on Iida, interested in seeing how the young man overcomes his situation. 

Y/n: *Also, Ochaco is about to enter the room. Seems that Iida unknowingly gave away his position from how he is speaking out loud. Let's see how the two of you do in this situation.*

He then watches as Iida contemplates something, his body shifts as he thinks. He leans back and waits for whenever he does anything or whenever Uraraka arrives. Hopefully, it'll be something entertaining to watch... which he doesn't have to wait long.

Iida: Bakugou. Answer me! I can faintly hear explosions and you're screeching! Please respond!... Hmph! What can I do in this circumstance?

As Iida began to get lost in thought, Uraraka began to make her way inside the room. Moving closer and hiding behind a pillar as she thinks about what she could do.

Uraraka: *I can contact Deku and let him know where the bomb is... I could wait until he loses Bakugou and catch up with me. But... if Bakugou gets him and I wait too long who knows what could happen.*

Iida interrupts her thoughts as he speaks up again. Gaining her attention.

Iida: Ugh... Bakugou is a natural at displaying the behavior of a villain which is perfect for this training.... Then I must also devote myself to being a villain.

Iida puts his hands out in front of him and monologues to himself. To find himself as a villain to best play his part and do his part as a villain. Much to the intrigue and entertainment of Uraraka and Y/n.

Iida: another trial to turn me into a man who will not bring shame to the Iida family. I must... Become a villain! To be dyed with evil to become a hero!

Iida: I am... extremely evil! Bwa-ha-ha-ha!

Y/n struggles to keep his composure as he watches Iida hype himself up into being a villain. He looks towards Uraraka who is unable to stop herself from laughing and openly commenting on him.

Uraraka: He's taking this so seriously!

Y/n: *It's okay Ochaco! I fully understand! Haha! Oh man, he's selling it! Tenya is getting my vote for MVP. I'm shocked he didn't try to be creepy in commenting on her beauty. Heh, guess I gotta.*

Iida turns and acknowledges his enemy.

Iida: Have you arrived, Uraraka?

Uraraka: Eep!

Uraraka hesitantly comes out from her spot and looks at Iida nervously. Iida points to her and begins another monologue. 

Iida: I knew you would come here alone the instant Bakugo ran off alone. Your quirk allows you to make objects you touch float?! Haha! That is why I put away all the things on this floor before you arrived!

Iida spreads his arms and points to the room that was cleaned up of any object that Uraraka could've potentially used to her advantage. 

Y/n: *So that's why he took the time to clean the room. Very smart Tenya.*

Iida: Now! You cannot play your little tricks! You have blundered, hero!

Uraraka then sneezes. Making Iida pause his monologue to bless her, making it harder for Y/n to hold back his laughter.

Iida: Bless you

Uraraka: (Giggle). Thank you, I didn't know such a villain had manners.

Iida: AH! Uh... well! It'll be the last kind gesture you'll receive! Mwahaha!

Uraraka: (Giggle). Yeah? We'll see about that!

Uraraka then sprints towards Iida and in return, he runs forward to stop her.

Iida: Not so fast Hero!

Iida spreads his arms to grab Uraraka and stop her in her tracks. However, before he can reach her she claps her hands together and activates her quirk. With a grunt, she takes a step forward and launches herself up in the air.

Iida gasps in shock and halts in place as Uraraka fully leaps over him and goes in the direction of the bomb.

Uraraka: *I just have to touch the bomb! In one move that'll all be over!*

Iida: She can make herself float!? I had no idea!

Uraraka: Release! *This special move is difficult, but it is worth it!*

Uraraka releases herself and begins to plummet in the direction of the bomb. She puts her arms and legs out to grab ahold of the bomb. However unbeknownst to her Iida quickly turns around and activates his quirk. Beating Uraraka to the bomb.

Before she could grab the bomb Iida grabs the bomb and with his speed moves it to another part of the room. 

Uraraka: AH!

Uraraka is unable to activate her quirk again on time and ends up falling and hitting the ground. The force she carries makes her roll on the ground until she hits a wall and ends up upside down. She grunts in pain as her body is slammed against the wall.

Y/n: *Huh... interesting position there... also I didn't know she could do that as well. Hmm, I wonder how else these kids can use their quirks.* 

Iida keeps a hand on the bomb as he speaks to Uraraka. She is temporarily stunned by the impact and Iida takes the time to the monologue.

Iida: Admirable attempt, but your quirk is no threat. Weather you have gravity or not doesn't matter if the bomb is out of reach until time runs out! Mwahahahaha!

Y/n: *Oh! He's already improved on his evil laughter. I can give him more tips later.*

Uraraka recovers as stands up and then runs toward Iida. The two begin to play a game of cat and mice and Iida continues to keep the bomb away from Uraraka as she runs after him.

Uraraka: *It's not over! I won't let Deku down.*

Iida continues to laugh as evil as he could while Uraraka groans in annoyance and tries to find a way to get Iida to trip up or release the bomb as he moved.

Meanwhile, Y/N Pov

I placed my hand over my scouter to see the perspective of my other two copies. I had to stifle another laugh after seeing both Tenya and Ochaco in the building. It took me a moment to regain my composure, afterwards, I noticed a stare... Well a couple of them.

Y/n:... May I help you?

I turn and see Tsuyu Asui... the closest person staring at me. She alongside a few students had walked away from the main group and joined me in the back. The other students consisted of Yuga Aoyama and Koji Koda. I continued to speak as I tilted my scouter to let Asui know I was looking at her.

Y/n: Or are you just enjoying the view Asui?

To my surprise, she was able to keep her composure as she blushed lightly and responded.

Tsuyu: I'm enjoying the view... and call me Tsuyu. Kero.

I couldn't help but smile as I appreciated her bluntness. I also took a moment to appreciate the young lady in her hero outfit. Similar to the other heroine outfits, it did well to showcase her physical beauty while matching her quirk and personality.

Y/n: *Or at least I know it matches her quirk. I believe is called "Frog". I can certainly see how her outfit matches the theme.*

I nod my head at her request as I responded and pushed my scouter back into place.

Y/n: Sure thing Tsuyu.

I notice her blush grow, but is small in comparison to her wide smile that was formed after saying her name. It was so adorable it almost made my heart flutter... almost.

Tsuyu: How come you're here in the back? Wouldn't it be better at the front with the rest of us? Kero.

Y/n: I like the view from here.

Tsuyu: I don't get how that is from back here. Kero.

Y/n: That's fine, you can just take my word for it... Just like how I take Aoyama's word when he says his cape sparkles.

Aoyama: Excuse-moi!?! I shall have you know my cape  ✨sparkles✨ the most out of everyone's outfits! 

Y/n: Hehe. Sure Aoyama.

Koda:... I think it's nice (Whispers). 

Aoyama: Hmmm? What was that? A fellow connoisseur of ✨sparkles✨? A man of culture?!

Koda:... I just wanted to be nice (Whispers).

Aoyama: Speak up my new friend! Let us glow and ✨sparkle✨!

Tsuyu: I'm not sure anyone wants to sparkle like you Aoyama. Ribbit.

Aoyama: Hmph...Nonsense!  Well... I guess no one can stand out like me.

Y/n: (Chuckle). Well, I'm excited to see how you all... shine in today's lessons.

Koda: I think it's just the combat practice for All Might's class (Whispers).

Y/n: Hehe... you're half right.

Tsuyu: Hmmm is it about what you let on to Kirishima, Sero, and Kaminari before All Might's normal entrance? Kero.

Y/n: Hehe, that is a correct assumption Tsuyu. You have a keen observation.

I see her blush once again and smile to herself. I don't know why but seeing her like that compelled me to do something I hadn't expected.

So before I even realized it, I had placed my hand on her head and gave it a soft pat. 

Both of us flinched in shock and I immediately pulled my hand away and apologized.

Y/n: Ah, apologies Tsuyu. I...I don't know what came over me.

Tsuyu: It...I-It's fine. Kero.

As she said that, I could've sworn her voice had a hint of disappointment. But before I could think or question it, someone else joined the group.

??: Hey... um... nice shades.

I glanced to see Jiro walking to the group as she played with her ears. Her hero outfit was more casual in comparison to the others. Though in that simplicity she stood out.

Y/n: Hmph, nice outfit... Look cute.

In response, she glanced away and blushed, and continued to fiddle with her ear lobes.

Jiro: T-t-thanks. I noticed you put them on with the gloves when we made our way here... Any reason?

Y/n: I do like the look.

Jiro: Well it works.

Tsuyu: Agreed. Kero.

Aoyama:... I guess it lets you ✨sparkle✨ a little bit.

Y/n: Ha! Th-

 As I spoke my attention is diverted by an alert popping up on my scouter.

I look at the message before eye rolling and move to personally deal with this headache. So as I moved to leave the room I allowed Y/n four to contact All Might through the scouter.

Y/n: *Glad we got them connected.*

Y/n Four: All Might, getting requested to give the principal more details about the lesson plan for today. I'll be back.

I watch him nod as he continued to watch the screens. I looked at others in front of me and excused myself. Claiming I had to use the restroom as I walked away. 

Shortly after I could sense someone was following me, I continued my path as if I didn't notice. Though when looking back I couldn't see a trace of them.

Y/n: *Hehe, this will be fun.*

Izuku POV

I continue to dash around the complex in hopes of losing Kacchan temporarily. After some time I hide myself in a corner to catch my breath and collect my thoughts. I hear myself panting and calm myself down so I don't give away my position.

Izuku: *Good. He's completely forgotten about Uraraka and is only focusing on me. This also tells me that Iida and Kacchan aren't working together! If that was the case they'd have sent Iida as a scout due to his better mobility. Kacchan is smart enough to know this but he's chosen to go rogue in hopes of putting me in my place.*

I take a moment to look back in the corner I'm in to make sure Kacchan isn't catching up to me. I needed to be aware of my surroundings to avoid being ambushed again.

Izuku: *If the two of them were working together and tried to face on together... our chances of winning would be low... if there'd be a chance at all... which is what would've happened if we went to find Iida and the bomb together. And if Uraraka stayed by my side to take down Kacchan, we'd risk running out of time and me taking a real beating.*

As I had this thought there was a sinking feeling in my gut. The idea of fighting Kacchan with the aid of Uraraka made me upset. I felt my hand tighten into a fist as I began to be aware of this. I ignored this odd feeling and continued my thoughts.

Izuku: *With me distrac- No. Fighting Kacchan... All that's left is for Uraraka to find the weapon and Iida... Maybe...maybe I could take the chance to catch up with her as we discussed.... or maybe...* 

I bring my fist up as I think about my indication... Fighting Kacchan and beating him is something different. 

Izuku: *It is more logical to take the chance to run and assist Uraraka before Kacchan gets fed up and goes back to Iida... Though knowing how stubborn he is... who knows if he'd stop even after the timer goes off...regardless...I don't know if I want to make this opportunity go to waste.*   

I'm taken out of my thoughts when I hear Kacchan shouting at me. I could tell he didn't have me in his sights but he was close.

Kacchan: Stop HIDING DEKU! Come out and face me, YOU COWARD!... 

Kacchan continued to call out and insult me as he looked. As he did I kept thinking back to our childhood. All the times he made fun of me with his friends, oh how the entire class put him on a pedestal the moment his quirk manifested... How my life became so much harder when I didn't. 

Izuku: *I wonder how Kacchan is dealing with the fact I have a quirk... I'm sure that he feels that I've deceived him. I-I feel like I need to set the record straight... but...but would that even change anything?*

Uraraka: Deku!

Izuku: !! Uraraka?!

Thankfully, it seems my communicator had not been damaged by Kacchan's ambush. I immediately responded to her after regaining my composure.

Izuku: Uraraka, how's it going?

Uraraka: Iida spotted me. He keeps moving the bomb before I can grab it. Sorry.

Izuku: Where are you?

Uraraka: Middle of the fifth floor.

Izuku: Oh! That's directly above me... Hmmm, we most likely are running out of time.

Izuku: *I don't have time to waste on Kacchan's damaged ego. I'll have to find time after class to explain myself... and winning the battle whether I fight him or not will demonstrate I'm no longer someone he can look down on.* 

I grab my tape and move from the wall, preparing to sprint to Uraraka and hopefully end this battle. But I freeze when I hear footsteps approach me from behind... and then stop.

Kacchan:... Deku... 

I turned around and see Kacchan at the other end of the hall. He stares me down for a moment before speaking.

Kacchan: Where's that flashy quirk of yours now huh?! You didn't use it earlier... why?

I stayed silent and tried to think of a response but for once my mind was blank. I eyed the corner and felt my feet slowly turning to run. But Kacchan stopped me in his tracks with what he said next.

Kacchan: You damn nerd... Don't tell me you're underestimating me Deku.

I grit my teeth and took a step back from him. He raised his arm in the air and I saw it glowing red. I wasn't sure what that meant but it seems Kacchan was ignoring it for a moment.

Kacchan: I want to see it in comparison to mine! Quirk or no quirk you'll always be useless and beneath me!

I could feel myself tightening my fists but I bite down my tongue and pride and turn to flee. I couldn't risk victory over this. I've heard Kacchan belittle me before I can do it again.

I took a few steps away and reached the corner. 

Izuku: *I believe I know where I could loop around and find the stairs to reach Uraraka. I just need to lose Kacchan again.*

Before I could turn the corner, Kacchan screams and what he says stops me in my tracks.


I stopped in my tracks and spoke out.

Izuku: Kacchan. That's not it. In anything, you are the one that's looked down on me. Even with a quirk, you refuse to see me as anything but useless...

Kacchan: Tch! Of course! That's exactly what you are! I can't believe you'd be stupid enough to fool me all these years.

Izuku: I didn't!

As we spoke felt something surge in me. Something like an adrenaline rush but... more. I felt it start from my feet and shock up my spine. Almost like... like electricity.

I knew that I shouldn't waste my time arguing with him, but the more he spoke the more I felt the urge to shut his mouth. As I did I took note of the sparks appearing around my body. I realized it was my quirk!

Izuku: *I...I didn't even try and activate it... It...It came subconsciously. I don't know how I'm doing it... but...but I'm in control.*

I took a deep breath and tried my best to have Kacchan understand me. 

Izuku: Kacchan. I-It's not like that! I've always told you-

I was interrupted as I glanced back at him, who had begun to walk toward me.

Kacchan: SHUT UP DEKU! As if I'd listen to someone beneath me! Tch. I don't know how you've managed it! But don't worry I'll beat it out of you and show you the pecking order!

Izuku:.... (sigh)... Sorry, Uraraka. 

I fully turned back to Kacchan and drop the current roll of tape that I had as I tightened my fists and positioned myself to charge.

Izuku: Kacchan... You aren't listening. And you probably won't. Not until I start talking in you're language.

Kacchan: Huh? So you're finally using that idiotic head of yours?! You should've listened to me since the beginning.

Izuku:... Even when you told me to jump?

Kacchan: Eh? You would've saved us both the-

Before he could finish the statement, I used my quirk to burst from my spot and jump to Kacchan. He immediately stopped in his tracks and tried to prepare for my incoming attack. But to both mine and his surprise, I had already reached him.

 I could see the look of shock and confusion mixed with rage in his eyes. But that only fueled me more as I brought my arm back and focused on slamming my fist into his face


Au: And that's where we will leave this chapter! I hope the long wait was worth it and you enjoyed it. I'll do my best to get the next chapter within the next three weeks (no promises😅). I hope you like the changes in some characters in narratives with Y/n's involvement.

OH! It Important warning! The next chapter will have a spoiler from the manga alongside😅. I will be more specific in the next chapter as well as give a warning in the chapter.

To give you an idea/hint of whom is involved in the spoiler... I'll say it's someone Y/n hasn't focused on how they look in their outfit.😁🧤

Either way, I hope you enjoyed it and have a pleasant day and night. A good life altogether. 

Don't forget to go beyond


... Yeah Katsuki's fucked... Anyways Plus Ultra!👍

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