Chapter 5

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Au: Everyone. I'm sorry for taking so long for this chapter. I have plans for this story and drafts for future chapters. Ease forgive me for the long wait. I was stuck on the making of this chapter and hope you enjoy. 

Time Skip No One's POV

In the city of Musutafu, where Pro Heroes are mostly known and celebrated. It also brings crime and controversy. Their have been rumors of the famous #1 Hero All might being in the residence. Taking the role of a teacher in UA, currently some teachers of UA were on patrol.  Two of them in particular were going to meet each other. One was known as the ErasureHero: Eraser Head 

Soon to be beside him, was the one and only R rated hero Midnight.  

They've spent the last hour on patrol and had been told there's been an emergency meeting that they had to attend. Eraser Head reaches for his communicator and speaks into it. He was running on top of buildings while Midnight was on the ground.

Eraser Head: Midnight come in. Any thing in your side?

Midnight: Hmmmm~. Nothing as of yet. 

Eraser Head: Well, soon we'll be able to wrap things up soon. We have that meeting later 

Midnight: Yes~. Maybe you and I could go for a drink before heading over.

Eraser Head: You hear anything of why we're being called?

Midnight: Hmmmm~. Well I believe this is about the rise of hero killings~. You've seen the reports within the past few years. There's been an increase of Hero attacks, especially that one named Kanniu. I hope today well be talking about how to deal with it~.

Eraser Head: Yeah I guess. We'll hopefully it won't take too long. 

Midnight: Yes. I know you need your beauty sleep~...... Oh! Seems this group has grown in numbers and are matching! How cute, though it's pretty hot out for a couple of men to do ninja cosplay. Or maybe some for-

Eraser Head: What's  this?

Midnight: About a minute ago. Isaw two suspicious cosplaying ninjas, but they just met up with another group of ninjas. Didn't think it was something to big of a concern but I'm tailing them to be safe.

Eraser Head: And you didn't inform me because....

Midnight: Didn't want to worry you. Your looks already have so many signs of fatigue. You need to look your best to impress.

Eraser Head: (Sigh) We've been over this. That's just how my face is.... Now

Midnight: Ooooh you poor thing~. All the students at UA are going to worry. Well less so then Ms. Joke~.

Eraser Head: Okay one. Don't remind me that we're teachers. We've got over a month left of freedom and I want to enjoy it. Two... what are you talking about her for?

Midnight: Oh don't act so coy~. Ms. Joke told me all about your wedding~~. I have her some advice for your honeymoon~. Your welcome.

Eraser Head:...WHA-

Midnight: Oh look the ninjas are going into an alleyway. Veeeeery kinky~. Let's join them Eraser~.

Before Eraser Head could say anything else. Midnight gives him the address and carefully follows the band of ninjas she spotted. Going into the alleyway she hides behind a dumpster close enough to hear the conversation. She can also she how many of them and quickly gathers their robbers.

Eraser Head:.... We're not done talking about that wedding. But what are they saying?

Midnight: Mmmmm~. So naughty~. Well just listen yourself.... So glad you admitted to the wedding~.

Eraser Head:..... What are the ninjas wearing? Any visible weapons?

Midnight: No. They're all wearing the same black outfits. I'm close enough to listen. Be a dear and listen Eraser Head~.

The two heroes quite down to listen to the "Ninja cosplayers" that have walked into the alleyway.

Robber 1: Listen, let's just use the drill.

Robber 2: COME ON! I can easily just smash our way through.

Robber 3: Yes, but we need to be cautious and fast if we want to do this heist right. Last thing we need is to have to take hostages and wait for a Pro Hero like All Might to take us down!

Robber 2: You think he'd be the one to try to take us out? No way he'd be too busy.

Robber 4: Nah man. I heard he's been stopping all kinds of crimes. Big or small, and what we do after escaping. We'd have to be on the run from the cops, heroes, and Kanniu.

Midnight: Eraser Head. Their talking about robbing a bank.

Eraser Head: Well to the right of us is a bank. So that makes sense. 

Midnight: How close are you?

Eraser Head: Right above you.

Midnight looks up as Eraser Head lands next to Midnight. He then speaks in a low whisper.

Eraser Head: Let's hurry this up. We got that "meeting" later. Then I'm going to sleep.

Midnight giggles and whispers back.

Midnight: Yes. I'm sure you'll be tired~. You know earlier those fine~ gentleman were talking about our target.

Eraser Head: I heard. They can meet him in jail.

Midnight: Well than. Let's get this start-

Robber 3: Kanniu!? No way! We can't be on his hit list!

Robber 5: Oh God. Rumor has it that he either kills you, or takes you. Never to be found again.

Robber 1: Their are some rumors that he spares people he seems "innocent" or "worthy" to live.

Robber 2: He ain't that tough. And he doesn't spare people that often.... Either way. I rather not deal with him..

Robber 4: Then let's make this quick. Change our design once we do this..... and lay low. We'll be set for awhile after this. So just follow the plan.

The two heroes stand from their hiding spot. Shocking the group as Eraser Head speaks up.

Eraser Head: You are all under arrest villains. Do me a favor and just surrender.

Midnight: Or~. Do me a favor and resist~. You'll love it as well boys~.

The group of robbers look at each other before one speaks up.

Robber 2: Damn it! Time to improvise. I'll take care of these chumps. Now we got two extra hostages.

Midnight activates her quirk and the ground is quickly covered in a pink fog.

Robber 1: Damn it! It's that R-rated hero. Fight it boys!

Midnight smiles sadistically and says.

Midnight: The more you fight, the more we get to enjoy this~.

(Au: Her facial expression)

Eraser Head: You definitely need help Midnight.

Midnight: Oh shush. I can't be this way at the school. It's good to let it out now. Don't have much time left~.

The heroes attention are diverted back the villains as one speaks up. Trying to get his allies to focus.

Robber 5: We're gonna kill us some Heroes! Became hero killers.... Someone to be feared. In fact! All Pro Hero Killers, Heroes, Vigilantes, and Villains shall tremble before-

Out of nowhere, a bright light hits the ground in between the heroes and robbers. It explods and sends the aroma up into the air.

Midnight: *What?! Awww and things were getting so excited~*.

Eraser Head: Midnight, be cautious. Seems the group is larger than we thought. Great

Midnight giggles and turns to Eraser Head.

Midnight: The more the merrier I say~~. You know I love the sweet strong passion these villains bring~.

Eraser Head:.... You have a problem.

??: Well well well. What type of party do we have here? A couple of bank robbers, a hero, and one thot to go around.

The robbers quickly shake themselves awake and look up in the air to see.... Someone descending towards the ground?!

Eraser Head: *Gotta be careful here. This guy can fly and apparently has either ranged weaponry or a quirk that allows him seemingly fly and attack. (Sigh) I just wanted to sleep this afternoon.*

(Au: This is your current outfit/ villain outfit.)

Your POV  Flashback

You were flying around the city, looking for any villains, heroes, or vigilantes that'd have a good Quirk for All For One to take. You checked your scouter to find any potential candidates. Frieza was able to explain the use of Scouters in our dimension and All For One was able to make a device similarly but in the form of sunglasses. This scouter is able to scan any individual and explain their quirks, as well as estimating how useful the quirk could be. Their was also an earpiece to communicate with All For One so he could give his own opinion about the type of quirks he could have.

It's a fine tool that also makes you look like a badass. Too bad the armor they gave me isn't... underneath my cloak is a prototype armor that supposed to handle Ki damage.

Y/n: Ummmm.... What's this All For One?

All For One: For now this is what you'll wear during your patrols and Hero Killings.

Y/n:.... But Why? Did you not like my other designs? I can request and design some simpler ones.... Did Shigaraki put you up to this?

All For One: You'll get your outfit soon my child. Just be patient and for now..... indulge me please?

Y/n: (Sigh) Alright All For One. Just get me a cloak so it'd harder to be seen. If I'm out their with that on.... I'd definitely be hard to lose in a crowd.

All For One: Good point.

Y/n: *It looks ridiculous.... But at least it serves its purpose. And the cloak itself is pretty good as well. Though I don't necessarily need it, but it kind of completes the look. Same could be said about these gloves. I digress...Need to find some corrupted Heroes or Villains to take down. Now where could the be?*

Your thought is interrupted as Shigakari decids to speak into your earpiece. Well speaking isn't the right word, more like he decided to screech into your ears.


This caused you to stop suddenly in the air  and shout at the dumbass.

Y/n: SHIGAKARI WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL!?! I'M TRYING TO SENSE FOR PEOPLE WITH A POWER LEVEL, AND YOU SCREAMING OVER 9,000 DOESN'T HELP!! JESUS! ALSO, What'd we say about that name?! I'm not Son anything. Frieza renamed me Kanniu, Y/n Kanniu.  It's the name you and the public knows me as.... Keep it that way. Or else.

All For One: SHIGAKARI! Behave yourself.

Shigakari: Ggrrrrrr... Yes Master.

All For One: Kanniu has been a big help and has helped my production double in speed with all the quirks he's given us. We should be thankful and kind, not disrespectful and ridducle him. You should know how to treat your strongest Allies or else they shall be your downfall.

Shigakari: HMPH!

Y/n: Well said All For One. Speaking of production, you gonna tell me what you've been up to with all these quirks you've.... "acquired" from me?

All For One: Now now Y/n.... I wouldn't be a villain without keeping a few evil plans to myself would I?

Y/n: Hehe, guess your-!!

Your attention was diverted as your scouter signaled a few good quirks within the area that could prove some use to you and the League. It came below and you quickly started to descend towards the ground.

Y/n: Got a few hits. Right below me, heading down as I speak. Will keep you updated on the situation.... And Shigakari? Try not to mess things up from your side okay screw up?

In the background you could hear Shigakari screaming and shouting, making excuses and shouting curses at you. You quietly chuckled before speaking and saying.

Y/n: Kanniu over and out.

Before you could jump down, you hear All For One speak up and your scouter locks on to a few power levels.

All For One: Y/n, hold on. As you can see, the scouter is picking up a few extra signatures heading your way. I believe that they are Pro Heroes..... One of them is potentially All Might.

Y/n: Great, I can bag up his body and call it a day.

All For One: You are not is not the time. Anyway, I believe their is a camera near by. Those criminal amateurs haven't done anything. It's odd that so many heroes are coming to action already.

Y/n: Understood. Will try to make this quick. But from what it looks to be on the scouter.... Get Kurogiri ready for some bloody deliveries.

All For One: All right. Shigakari and I shall be on standby to give you advice.

Y/n: More like Shigakari barking dumb orders and you keep him on a lea-


Y/n: Oooookay. Gotta kill some people and help your boss. Gotta go, by.

You jump off the roof of the building, powering up a little bit to add strength into your defense. As you were about to be on them, you were debating if you should just land on someone or make an entrance with your presence known. Luckily, one of the robbers answered for you.

Present Time Your POV

As you land on the ground you immediately look towards the Pro Heroes. Raising your hand to your scanner you let it scan the heroes for their quirks. You already knew who these two were, but it didn't hurt to be thorough.

Y/n: R rated Thot Midnight. She exudes a sleep-inducing aroma from her body. Her quirk works better on males than females.... And EraserShit. You have the ability to deactivate quirks in your line of sight. Well all except mutant type quirks that is. *They have useful quirks. But both have a very low compatibility with All For One. Plus he's not into their quirks. Should I kill them?*

Eraser Head: Kanniu is it? Seems you know about us. Interesting how we know little about yourself.

Y/n: Well I hear about you two from the news like everybody else.... And sometimes my victims scream out your names. Claiming you'll be one of the heroes to stop me.

Both Midnight and Eraser Head tighten their fists and you smile within your hood.

Midnight: Hmph. And the other heroes names?

Y/n: Oh them?.... I've already dealt with them. But I'm not here for you two. Your not worth my time ...Well maybe you will be later Midnight.

Midnight: Oh~? You want me little man~?

Y/n: Tch. Don't flatter yourself. Your not a hero. Just a sadistic perverted slut that I might just get rid of. But right now I have my own priorities. So back off!

You turn away from a fuming Midnight. Looking at the would be robbers as some shake in fear being in your gaze. Midnight gets ready to attack but Eraser Head stops her.

Eraser Head: We need to keep calm and stop him before he hurts anyone.

Midnight: Fine.... But I get to punish him later.

Eraser Head: Whatever.

Robber 3: That's it!


You turn to face the robber as he gets in your face. He begins to talk but you drown him out.  After a few moments you put your hand over his mouth and squeeze. He tries to remove your have as his arms begin to grow in size. You use your other hand to scan him.

Y/n: Tell me..... Have you ever tasted death before~?.

A bright light is seen where your hand is on the robber. In response he tries harder to rip your have off him. He looks at you but is unable to see your face clearly because of the hood. Though he is able to see you flash him a smile as the ki ball your forming begins to burn him, he screams out. 

Desperately trying to call out, whether for pain, help, or anger no one knew. It didn't matter since his voice was muffled. Everyone is shocked and are fearing what exactly is going on as you chuckle playfully as you push the robber off your hand.  You than let the ki ball disappear. The other robbers thought about helping out their comrade but a flash of a smile changed their mind. It sends chills down their spine as the robber you just grabbed and released also froze up. The heroes behind you couldn't see your smile but could feel the gravity of your strength, Aura, and malice. You even look behind to give them the same smile which gave them the effect as the others.

Robber 3: You.... You little ... Punk. You burnt my lips, that hurt!

You respond by shrugging your shoulders. This immediately pisses off the robber as he shouts.


He screams in rage as his while body changes in size. Becoming bigger and bulkier in size and mass. 

(Au: hair doesn't change color)

He charges at you almost immediately and takes a big swing. You easily move your head to the side to dodge the attack and send a punch in his gut. The impact makes a crack sound that echoes in the alley way. For a second no one moves, but then the robber in front if you falls to his knees and than collapses to the ground. You say with a monotone attitude.

Y/n: Feel death? I didn't even feel excited. Just bored.... But I definitely felt those bones breaking. So I'll give you that.... Oh!

You kneel down and act like your whispering but speak loud enough for the rest to hear.

Y/n: Your definitely going to feel your quirk leaving your body~. As will most if your buds. Won't that be swell?

You look down and scan him, and your scouter tells you that his quirk gave him the ability to amplify his body mass to give him more strength. You scanner also said that his quirk, though weak against you, would be very compatible to All For One. You then hear a voice in your comm.

All For One: His quirk is useful. Take him for me. See if anyone else will have a suitable quirk.

Y/n: Got it.

Eraser Head notices you speaking and thinks too himself.

Eraser Head: * Who is this guy talking to? He's either crazy or working with someone. Maybe both, I honestly don't care.*

You all the while giggle as you get back up. Looking straight at the criminals. They all take a step back as the Heroes were unsure of what to do.

Eraser Head: *Definitely leaning towards crazy.*

You raise your leg and stomp unto the criminals head, knocking him out. The ground shook from the power of your strike. You keep your foot on the man and squat down. Leaning on your arms.

Y/n: Soooo. You wanted to rob a bank? I don't see any equipment. Guessing each one of you had a quirk that would compensate for it. Doesn't matter now though. Let's get this over with.

One again you use your scanner and you scan the remaining criminals. Then one of the heroes decided to step in.

Eraser Head: Hey Kanniu! Surrender now! Your being arrested for the murders of citizens and heroes alike! This is your only warning.

Y/n: Wait your turn. I'll kill you in a minute.

Eraser Head: Tch. You leave me no choice!

Eraser Head activates his quirk. The other criminals freak out and try to activate their quirks while you stayed still.

Eraser Head: Midnight, I've deactivated all their quirks it seems. You knock him out. And the rest of you criminals will-

Eraser Head was interrupted by the laser sent through his right arm. Midnight and

Eraser Head both look in shock. Then immediately two more lasers were shot in his legs. Forcing him to fall to his knees and hold his arm.

Midnight: NO!

As Midnight steps towards you, you raise your voice.

Y/n: Next shot goes in his head and yours.

She stopped in her tracks as she looks at you. You weren't looking at either of the heroes. Your gaze stayed on the criminals. Midnight then lowered herself to Eraser Head and whispered.

Midnight: Are you okay? Can you stand or fight?

Eraser Head: No.... His quirk should have been deactivated. How the hell did he shoot those damn lasers. Do you think you could activate your quirk without him noticing?

Midnight: If I release it slowly possibly. But it'll take longer to affect him and the rest.

Eraser Head: We'll just have to deal with that later. Just do it and don't worry about me.

Midnight begins to release her quirk, keeping her eyes on you. You notice this but to yourself as the criminals

call for your attention.

Robber 1: Your-Your- YOUR NOT GONNA STOP US!

You watched as one of the criminals charge towards you. Causing you to smile.

Midnight POV

I watched one of the criminals charge Kanniu, I didn't know who I wanted to win. But I was shocked at what happened next. Kanniu stayed still, and spoke in a calm tone.

Y/n: Quirk is Jackhammer. Ability to quickly extend and retract his forearms, similar to a jackhammer, making his punches quite devastatingly powerful and fast. Level of threat is none.

And he was right. The robbers arm started moving as a jackhammer. He slammed his fist into Kanniu and started wailing on him.... But Kanniu didn't move or flinch. The robbers hit him for a few minutes before stopping and taking a step back, with fear written all over his face.

Robber 1: H-h-h-hey now.... That's just a taste of my strengths. Let's not do anything rash Kanniu. Listen you took out are muscle... but we're both criminals right? Join our heist and we'll give you a nice share!

I was shocked by how quickly he tried to reason with Kanniu. But what really took me back was what Kanniu did next. I watch as he gets in a squat position, and even with that robe.... I can see a little of his nice tight ass~. I could feel myself drooling but shake my head thoughts away. I knew this wasn't the time and had to focus on my quirk reaching towards the villains. But then Kanniu spoke up.

Y/n: Criminal? No. I'm a vigilante. I don't kill the innocent or take what I want. I kill the villains who endanger everyone and take out the heroes who believes themselves gods. But I'll tell you what. Seeing as you have a nice quirk that I'll take anyways. I'll give you one more free hit. Charge up that jackhammer to your max and let it loose on me...

Silence filled the alleyway as I waited in anticipation of the other villains response. I was feeling really excited in my.... Areas. Luckily I didn't have to wait long.


I watch him us his Jackhammer quirk. Seeing his whole arm going up and down, going faster and faster. Until even the wind started to pick up around his arm. I started to wonder how else could he use his Jackhammer~. Within a few moments he seemed it ready to deploy~.


All other robbers: YEEEEEEAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!

The robber reals back his arm and slams his whole fist into Kanniu face. The force pushes his hoodie back as I can see his h/s and h/c. He was wearing some type of sunglasses and damn did he look good~. He so looked quite young.

Midnight: *Mmmmm. I like them young and sexy~. But wait-*

Eraser Head: He doesn't look that damaged from that attack. He didn't even flinch. This is annoying..... How's it going on your end Midnight?

Eraser Head reminds me that he's here and hurt. But he does bring up a worrying point and question.

Midnight: My aroma should be affecting them relatively soon. But no, I don't think that attack did any-

Before I could even finish his sentence. My eyes are driven back to Kanniu as he quickly grabs the robbers head and smashes it into the cement ground. 

Midnight: *Damn what a arm~.*

The floor is cracked and I can already see the pool of blood coming from his face. It is definitely broken.

(Au: Rasengan is the "jackhammer". This is basically what went down)

Y/n: Now! I don't have much time left. Trouble will be here in about....(checks scouter) 3minutes. SO! Let's quickly evaluate your quirks and either put to sleep or put you to death. Okay~~? *God, I think I've been hanging out with Toga to much. I sound so much more creepy then I want. Oh well.*

He then watches as the remaining robbers try to their best to stay up. One is on their knees shaking their heads, while the other two are leaning against each other. But Kanniu still isn't fazed.

In fact he turns to face me and my heart starts pumping.

Y/n:... Midnight? Your making my victims get sleepy~?

He smiles at me. I can't stop my face from immediately blushing at his face. But the smile carried nothing but malice. It sent chills down my spine and it felt good. We walks over to me and Eraser Head tries to stand.

Eraser Head: S-s-stay away-

Y/n: Hush.

Kanniu somehow emits a powerful shockwave from his body. Sending Eraser Head to a wall. He then turns his back from me and lifts an arm towards Eraser Head.


Before I could finish my sentence or do anything, Kanniu elbows me in the gut. The force of the attack shakes my bones. I fall to the floor coughing up blood and spit. My whole body shaking as I try not to collapse.

Y/n: Eraser Head.... He's one of the only heroes left in this world. Though his attitude could change, he's sincere in his work.

Out of the corner of my eye I watch as four rings of light appear in his hand. Kanniu throws it at Eraser Head, they attach to his arms and legs. It keeps him in place as I watch him struggle to break free.

Y/n: You can't break out or deactivate them. So don't bother trying.

Robber 4: DIE DAMN YOU!!!

The three of us turn to see one of the robbers running straight at Kanniu with a dagger in his hand. I immediately try to stop him.

Midnight: DON'T BE A FOOL! STO-

I cough out my blood violently. Unable to finish my warning, but it's too late. I watch helplessly as the robber lunges, while Kanniu faces him. Right as the robber brings the dagger down, I watch as Kanniu uses his right hand to put back his hoodie as he speaks up.

Y/n: Tch. Quirkless huh? That didn't stop you from wasting your life away. I assume you were  the brains of this operations. Let's see how big that brain of yours was.

It was as if time slowed down as within a second, Kanniu uses his left arm to smack the robbers face. The force sent him towards the wall of the bank. My heart plummeted as I saw his head would've been the first thing to make contact. Oh God.

(Au: literally what you did to him)

Eraser Head: NO!

No One's POV

Eraser Head closes his eyes as the robber head cracks opens and the blood splatters across the wall. Having a few drops of blood hitting his face. He tightens his fists and tries to break out of his restraints once more. 

(Au: How the blood spilled)


Y/n: Well I wasn't planning on standing here forever. So yeah I'll be gone for awhile.

Midnight: ENOUGH!

Midnight forces herself to stand and launches at Kanniu. Grabbing onto the sleeve of her outfit.

Midnight: This ends-


Midnight is sent straight to the ground. The ground cracks up from the impact as she looks up to see Kanniu standing over her.

Y/n:..... Why do I feel like your enjoying me standing over you.

Eraser Head: *Shit! How the hell did he move so fast. I didn't even see him flinch. He just sent Midnight straight to the ground.*

Y/n: Alright. Got less than a minute left.... Well in anime time I'd probably have two-three episodes left. Let's just wrap this up.

Kanniu faces the last remaining robbers. Both wide awake from the slaughter of their comrades. Kanniu reaches for his scanner and speaks up.

Y/n: Air Propulsion huh? This Quirk allows the user to create an air shockwaves from their arms....He'll definitely like this.

Robber 2 begins to shake, but runs towards Kanniu as he activates his quirk.


Y/n: That's Midnight's job. You can just die.

The robber releases the shockwaves, Kanniu's foot somehow kept Midnight in place as he stood still.

Midnight: * this not effecting him at all? I can feel the force pushing me. Wait! What about Erasure Head?*

Midnight looks and sighs in relief. Whatever was keeping Eraser Head on the wall was strong enough to hold him. The robber stops running as he realizes his quirk wasn't having the effect he wanted. He also deactivated his quirk.

Robber 2: Wha-wha-what!?

Kanniu than takes his foot off my back. Before I could do anything, he seemingly teleported in front of the robber.

Y/n: Yeah. We're done.

Kanniu swipes his arms diagonally across the man, and after a moment the robber falls to his knees. Blood gushing from a cut that was from his shoulder to hip.

Midnight: *HOW!? He-he-he didn't have a weapon. Did he literally just swipe his arm on the criminal and it.... It sliced through him... oh God.*

The robber was hyperventilating. Trying to crawl towards the heroes, begging for help.

Robber 2: He-he-he-help m-

Kanniu once again appeared in front of the robber, this time giving him an uppercut. He falls on his back on the ground. Passing out from the blood loss and impact. Midnight speaks up.

Midnight: STOP THIS! THIS ISN'T RIGHT! There's a system.... You can't just do what you want. Stop this Kanniu.

Y/n: That's rich coming from you.

Midnight looks up to see Kanniu looking down at her.

Y/n: Your a sadistic woman that uses unorthodox and lewd ways to subdue villains. My ways may be more violent. But it ends the recurring issues. Heroes abusing their powers. What makes you any different?


Y/n:..... And what of you? What do you think?

The heroes believed that he was questioning Eraser Head. But Kanniu turned to face the last would be robber. As he shook in fear. All of his comrades were a literal bloody mess. He faced Kanniu with determination and rage.

Robber 5: I... I think.... I'm GETTING THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!!!

The robber fiddles with his hand, and within a second a small handful of copies formed around him.

(Au: Basically this, just not as many.)

Both Midnight and Eraser Head look in shock, as Kanniu aims his arm  towards the villain.

Y/n: Interesting..... Seems your quirk allows the user to make Clones of themselves.... But how you do is the kicker. Seems your using some type of unstable energy. When a clone is put in enough pressure they'll explode.


Y/n: Wait ... If you could make these clones, why waste a time working with a crew?

An awkward silence fills the air. The clones look at each other before the main one speaks.

Robber 2:.... To not blow up the money?

Y/n:  Fair enough. Your quirk would be quite useful.... But since your clones are very easy to blow up... I'm just going to put a pin on cloning quirks.

Kanniu's hand glows with f/c light and before anyone could say anything. A laser is sent from Kanniu's hand and into the last villains chest. The clones disappear as the man falls to the ground. Just like the rest of his Conrad's, a pool of blood begins to form around him. Kanniu speaks once more.

Y/n: With a minute left to spare.

Midnight and Eraser Head look in horror at the scene of blood and Gore. 

Eraser Head: *So this..... Is the self proclaimed Hero killer. More like a monster.... I won't let him hurt Midnight!!*

Midnight: *What could make someone do something so horrible. Did he really enjoy this?*

The heroes attention are diverted back to Kanniu as he speaks up.

Y/n: So.... What to do with you two.. The hell?!

Your POV

Looking at the bodies around you, you begin to contemplate how you're gonna deal with the heroes and bodies. When your interrupted by Shigakari.


Y/n: Real time or anime time?

Shigaraki: Da fuk?!

Y/n: Because if we're going with anime time then I have at least have of an episode of time left  soooo-


Y/n: Either let me speak with All For One or shut up.

Shigaraki: Tch! He's not here! And you got some expla-

Y/n: Listen. I do things my way. And you do it your way. Now shut it.

You hang up on Shigaraki and face the heroes. You feel them look at you with fear and worry. You turn to face them and walk over calmly. 

Eraser Head: So what now? You gonna save us the time and surrender?

Y/n: Hehe. Let's have a fight some time Eraser Head. I know your good at combat, it'd be an honor to face a hero like you.

Without another word you release Eraser Heads bonds, shocking the heroes. But before either could react, you slam Eraser Head head into the wall. Immediately knocking him out. You look at Midnight as she watches her partner become limp as he falls to the ground. You look down at her as she looks up at you in fear.

Y/n: If you activate your quirk I won't hesitate to kill you. 

You kneel and cup Midnight's chin, looking into her eyes. She states back at you and her cheeks begin to blush. You didn't want to know what she was thinking. As you were debating on what to do, your scouter notifies you that you have less then 15 seconds to go.

Y/n: (sigh) Midnight. Your trully a sadistic women and the way you stop villains disgust me. In many eyes your nothing but a slut who got lucky.... But I can see that in your weird way, you are trying to be a  hero. I can't kill you because of that.... So watch yourself Hero, because the day you go too far, or begin to let your lust take over. I'll do things to you that even with your sadistic nature you'll be begging me for mercy.

Midnight looks at you with shock and confusion before slowly nodding her head. You give her a quick smirk, making her face redden even more. Then, you hit her in the back of her head, knocking her out. You stand up and reach into your communicator.

Y/n: Kurogiri, open up. We got some bodies for you.

Kurogiri: Including the heroes?

Y/n: Not these two. 

Kurogiri:.... Theirs no point in debating otherwise. Send me the villains and prepare yourself. You have 5 seconds.

A purple mist appears in front of you, and in the instant you blast each villain body with a ki blast. But it doesn't blow up on impact, it instead enters the body which allows you to lift them up with your figure and you toss them through the portal.(Au: What Frieza does to Krillin on Namek. You just don't blow them up.)

Y/n: I believe two out of the five have quirks that'll be useful for your projects. And the other two bodies can be used for your experiments.

You get no response as the portal closes in front of him. You quickly jump into the air and looking towards the upcoming target. But before you could react, you feel the impact of a punch going straight to your jaw. You get launched far into the sky before landing on the ground. You quickly sit up, ignoring your new surroundings and watch as your attacker lands. Your scouter notifies you that the target is in front of you. Which you obviously ignore, you stand up and smile towards the hero.

Y/n: Didn't know I'd get to face you so soon. Hehe. I'm excited.

??: You sicken me. Getting pleasure out of the Carnage you make. I'm ending your hero killings for good. Get ready to spend the rest of your life behind bars. Why? Because-

Y/n: Yeah yeah. I know. "Because you are here." 

Au: That's the end of this chapter. Who dares try to start a fight with the almighty Kanniu? Find out next time! Again I'm really sorry for the wait and I hope it was worth it. We'll be reaching the Bnha story line soon. I hope you've like we're I've taken this story. Comments are appreciated, and I really appreciate the support guys. I'll try to update the next chapter before the end of this week. Have a great one!

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