eleanors daily life

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august 26th,2023

it was a bright and sunny day in the human world. the camera zoomed in onto a girl sleeping with a panda sleeping mask over her face.her alarm clock then played a nice tune when the clock struck 7:00.

(heres the tune for anyone who is curios


she placed her hand on the alarm clock to turn it off,yawning before she moved the mask over her eyes and went to get ready for the day.playing a song on her phone and sang along to it.

"7 AM, the usual morning lineup

Start on the chores and sweep 'til the floor's all clean
Polish and wax, do laundry, and mop and shine up
Sweep again, and by then it's like 7:15!

And so I'll read a book
Or maybe two or three
I'll add a few new paintings to my gallery
I'll play guitar and knit
And cook and basically
Just wonder when will my life begin?

Then after lunch it's puzzles and darts and baking
Papier-mâché, a bit of ballet and chess
Pottery and ventriloquy, candle making
Then I'll stretch, maybe sketch, Take a climb, sew a dress!

And I'll reread the books
If I have time to spare
I'll paint the walls some more
I'm sure there's room somewhere
And then I'll brush and brush
and brush and brush my hair
Stuck in the same place I've always been

And I'll keep wonderin' and wondering
And wondering and wondering
When will my life begin?

And tomorrow night
The lights will appear
Just like they do on my birthday each year
What is it like
Out there where they glow?" she then turned to a Australian Shepherd. "what do you think Robothuggerface? do you think ill finally be able to see the lights?" the dog barked in response,causing her to laugh and pet its head "d'aww..thanks for cheering me up!" she smiled happily,pouring some food into his bowl along with some water in a oppisite bowl. she then sighed,starting to read her favirote comic book..sonic the hedgehog,published by idw. little did she know..

she would be consumed in love.

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