Ch 2 School, sports, party and Full Moon

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(Y/N's POV)
I had just arrived at school and met up with Zeke
Zeke: hey, hows the wound?
I pulled up my sleeve, showing the bandage, a small amount of blood had managed to get through it
Zeke: what really happened?
Y/N: i fell down a hill and when i pushed myself up a big wolf came out of the dark and bite me
Zeke: thats impossible, there hasnt been wolves here in over 60 years
Y/N: wait really?.....even so it was a wolf
Zeke: i think you hit your head when you fell and you just think you saw one
Suddenly a girl named Sarah Martin walked by us
Zeke: hey Sarah
She just ignored him and continued to walk
Y/N: well then
Zeke: its your fault, your draggin me down to your nerd depths, I'm a nerd by association. I've been scarlet nerded by you.
Y/N: whatever, lets get to class

We were now in english class as the teacher talked about a body the police found
Teacher: as you all may know, the police has found a girls body in the Woods, but only the under part of it
I then remembered thats the reason why Zeke and i went into the Woods, to find the other part
A few minutes later i heard the sound of a cell phone ringing, i looked around but no one seemed to hear it, i looked out the window and saw a girl answer her phone and heard her talking to what seemed to be her mom
I heard her voice as if she was sitting right next to me, but she was far away
She then started to walk and i lost sight of her when she passed a Wall
A few minutes later she enters the classroom
Teacher: ah, Lily Argent, you can take the seat behind Y/N there
They pointed at me as she sat down behind me

I was standing by my locker as i looked towards Lily, who was standing by her locker several feet away from mine
Then Sarah walked up to her and they started to talk, same as before i could hear them
Sarah: cool jacket, where did you get it?
Lily: was a gift from my mom, she bought it in San Francisco
Sarah: you know what? I m giving you the honor to be my best friend
(Did i mention that Sarah is the school idol? No? Well she is and Zeke has a HUGE crush on her)
Then Sarah's douche of a boyfriend walk up to them and wrap his arm around Sarah
Max: hey, you wanna come to the party later tonight, everyone is gonna be there, its after the scrimmage
Lily: you mean football?
Max: -laughs- football is a joke in Beacon, we play a real sport, Lacrosse. We have the state championship three years in a row
Sarah: its becuse Max here is the team Captain
Max: come on, we ll show you
They then dragged Lily to the training field

Me and Zeke arrived at the training field
Zeke: come on, if you play then i wont have anyone to talk to on the bench
Zeke is kind of a joke in the team and almost never get to play
Y/N: i cant sit out again, my whole life is sitting on the sidelines
I started to walk on the field as i looked at the stands, i saw Lily again and we made eye contact, she smiled at me as i turned away
Our Coach, Jimmy came towards me and threw a lacrosse stick and helmer to me
Coach: L/N! Your in goal becuse your easy to score on and will help build the other players' confidence

(This is the stick, helmet and gloves they use in this sport)

I walked up to the goal and stood infront of it
I then heard Lily's and Sarah's conversation from the stands
Lily: who is he?
I saw her point at me
Sarah: dont know, why ars you asking?
Lily: he's in my english class
Then i heard coach blow his whistle....why is it so loud?! It hurts!
I cover my ears as only of the players throws a ball at me with his stick, hitting my helmet as i fall down on the ground
After a few seconds i stand up and tighten my grip on my stick
Another ball gets launched at me as i catch it with my did i do that?
I looked around and everyone seems suprised

(Small Timeskip)
After a bit i managed to catch three attempted goals, in a row

(Max's POV)
How the hell is he so good suddenly?!
I walked up to the front and started to run at Y/N, i hurled the ball at him....he caught it?!
I looked around and everyone cheered for him, even Sarah

(Timeskip, Y/N's POV)
Zeke: you got to tell me how you did that!
Me and Zeke were walking through town as he was asking me about what happened earlier
Y/B: i dont know how, it just seemed like time slowed down when the balls came at me, like i had all the time in the world to catch them. Also, i ve started to hear much better for some reason, my smell is better too, i can smell the stick of Mint Mojito gum in your pocket
Zeke: i dont have gum in m-
He put his hand in his pocket and when he took it out he was holding a stick of gum
Zeke: i have gum in my pocket.....
Y/N: maybe its an infection from the wound? That its Flooding my body with adrenaline before i go into shock?!
Zeke: i only know of one such infection.... Lycanthropy
Y/N: whats that?
Zeke: its a very bad disease, but only once per month, during the full moon
He then howled like a wolf as i reaziled he was joking
Y/N: its not funny! What if its something really wrong?!
Zeke: i know, your a werewolf
He then growled at me before laughing
Y/N: maybe we should go back to where i was bitten and see if we find anything that can help with this?
Zeke: sounds pointless but alright

We were now at the place i met the wolf
As we looked around the black haired girl from earlier walked up to us, she was wearing a black leather jacket, a dark grey t-shirt, black pants and black boots...she looked even cuter when she was closer
???: what are you doing on private property?
She talked in a cold emotionless manner and stared at us with cold red eyes
Y/N: i m sorry, we were just looking for something, we ll leave right away
She then turned around and walked away
Zeke: dude, dont you know who she is?
Y/N: umm no
Zeke: she's Jackie Black, her entire family died in a fire 10 years ago
Y/N: come on, lets leave, i have to get to my job

I was just locking the door to the animal clinic i was working at, i walked into the bathroom and took off the bandage to put on a new one.....but the wound was gone, as if it never was there, i shrugged it off and went into the room all the cats cages were so i could give them food, but they all started to hiss at me and claw at their never happened before
I then heard knocking on the door as i opened it i saw Lily and she was crying
Lily: i m so sorry! I was just changing the music in my car and i didnt see it!
Y/N: hey hey, calm down, what happened
Lily: i ran over a dog, i think its still alive
Y/N: where is it?
Lily: in the hatchback of my car
We walked to her car and she opened the back of it, the dog inside started to growl at her
Y/N: dont worry, its just frightened
I sat down as i was in eye level with it

(3rd person)
Without them noticing, Y/N's eyes turned yellow/gold, for a few seconds as the dog calmed down

(I m a little lazy so)
(Timeskip, Y/N's POV)
I was walking with her back to her car as i was thinking about the party Sarah was going to have
Y/N: hey umm, do you want to go to Sarah's party with me?
Lily: sure, i would be happy to

I laid down on my bed while sighing
I looked at the window behind me and saw the moon, i then closed my eyes
I turned to the side and suddenly it felt like i was laying on a bunch of leaves, i opened my eyes and saw i was laying in the woods, i stood up fast and looked around, then i noticed something moving between the trees, it turned towards me was the wolf from before, the one that bite me
I started to run but it was following me, i ran faster and jumped over a fence, i landed in water and as i swam up, i noticed in a pool
I looked back into the Woods but didnt see anything there

I was in school again about to go onto the field becuse we had a match
Zeke: hey..hey!
He ran up to me
Zeke: did you hear that the cops have found animal hair on the body?!
Y/N: sorry i have to go
I continued to walk as Zeke tried to grab me, but he failed
Zeke: dont you wanna know what the animal was?! -mumbles- it was a wolf

I walked to coach with the other players in my team as i saw Lily wave at me from the stands
I raised my hand and waved back
Coach: you have a question L/N?
Y/N: huh? What?
Coach: you raised your hand, do you have a question?
Y/N: uh no coach
Coach: okay anyways, lets go show these people what we are made of!
Team: YEAH!
I ran to the middle of the field as the match started, my team got the ball and started to pass to each other, then suddenly i got it
I started to run towards the enemy goal, three of them stood in my way so i jumped over them and hurled the ball at the goal
Their goalkeeper tried to block it but it went under his legs
Most of my team except Max went towards me and cheered
Coach: L/N! Get over here!
I ran to him
Coach: what in god's name was that? This is a lacrosse field. What, are yoy trying out for the gymnastics team?
Y/N: no coach
Coach: what the hell was that?
Y/N: i dont know. I was just trying to make the shot.
Coach: yeah, well, you made the shot and guess what? Your starting baby, you made first line.
Coach clapped my shoulder and walked away as i stood there shocked. I then smiled and cheered

(3rd person)
Everyone cheered as Zeke was sitting down looking worried

Zeke: was in his room searching for information on werewolves on his computer
After what seemed like hours He heard a knock on the door
He walked up to the door and opened it, revealing Y/N
Zeke: -sighs- get in. You gotta see this, dude.
Y/N entered and sat on Zeke's bed while Zeke sat in his chair
Zeke: i ve been up all night reading. Websites, books. All this information.
Y/N: how much Adderall have you had today?
Zeke: a lot, doesnt matter. Okay, just listen.
Y/N: is this about the body? Did they find out who did it?
Zeke: no, they re still questioning people, even Jackie Black
(Forgot to mention, the reason Zeke knows what the police are doing is becuse his dad is the sheriff)
Y/N: oh, the girl in the Woods that we saw the other day.
Zeke: yeah! Yes, but thats not it okay?
Y/N: what then?
Zeke: remember the joke from the other day?
Y/N nods
Zeke: not a joke anymore. The wolf. The bite in the Woods. I started doing all this reading.
He stood up
Zeke: do you even know why a wolf howls?
Y/N: should i?
Zeke: its a signal okay? When a wolf's alone it howls to signal its location to the rest of the pack. So since we heard a wolf howling it means others could have been nearby. Maybe even a whole pack of them.
Y/N: a whole pack of wolves?
Zeke: no....werewolves.
Y/N stood up
Y/N: are you seriously wasting my time with this? You know i m picking up Lily in an hour.
Zeke: i saw you on the field today Y/N. Okay, what you did wasnt just amazing, all right? It was impossible.
Y/N: yeah, so i made a lucky shot.
Zeke: no, you made an incredible shot. I mean, the way you moved, your speed, your reflexes. People cant just suddenly do that overnight and theres the vision and the senses
Y/N: okay! Dude, i cant think about this now. We ll talk tomorrow.
Zeke: tomorrow? What? No! The full moon's tonight. Dont you get it?
Y/N: what are you trying to do? I just made first line. I got a date with a girl who i cant believe wants to go out with me. Everything in my life is somehow perfect. Why are you trying to ruin it?
Zeke sat down in his chair again
Zeke: i m trying to help. Your cursed Y/N. You know and its not just the moon will cause you to physically Change. It Also just so happened to be when your bloodlust will be at its peak.
Y/N: bloodlust?
Zeke: yeah, your urge to kill
Y/N: i m already starting to feel an urge to kill Zeke
Zeke: yoy gotta hear this.
He grabbed a book from the table
Zeke: 'the Change can be caused by anger or anything that raises your pulse'.
He puts the book back
Zeke: alright, i havent seen anyone raise your pulse like Lily does
He stood up
Zeke: you gotta cancel this date. I m gonna calling her right now
He grabs Y/N's phone
Y/N: what are you doing?
Zeke: i m canceling the date
Y/N: no, give it to me!
He grabbed the phone from Zeke, pushed him against the Wall and was about to punch him
Y/N then growled as he flipped Zeke's chair
He then calmed down
Y/N: i m sorry
Zeke stayed silent
Y/N: i gotta go get ready for that party
He walked to the door
Y/N: i m sorry
He then left
Zeke then grabbed the chair and looked at where Y/N hit it....there was claw marks on it

(Timeskip becuse i m lazy, Y/N's POV)
I and Lily were at the party
People where everywhere, dancing and drinking
I looked around and noticed Jackie standing at the end of the place, by the femce, staring at him
(This is and outdoors/backyard party)
A dog barked at her but stopped when she turned towards it, then she turned towards.Y/N again
Lily: you okay?
Y/N turned towards her
What? Yeah, i m fine
I turned back to where i saw Jackie, but she was gone, i then noticed something running over the roof of the house
Lily grabbed my hand and we started to dance
After a few minutes i started to feel pain everywhere as i grabbed my head
Lily: are you okay
I was panting
Y/N: i ll be right back
I walked into the house while holding my head
Zeke: yo Y/N you good?
I ignored him and continued to walk, i exited the house and sat in my car, i then drove away

(Lily's POV)
I followed Y/N to see if he was okay and saw him enter a car and drive away
???: Lily
I turned around and saw a girl with black hair and red eyes
???: i m a friend of Y/N's
I turned back to where Y/N's car left
And when i turned back ??? Was infront of me
???: my name's Jackie

(Well then, your Werewolf side cockblocked you)
(Y/N's POV
I stumbled into my room and looked at the window, the full moon was up
I then entered the bathroom and sat in the bathtub and started the shower to try and ease the pain
I looked at my hand as claws started to grow
I went out of the bathtub and looked through the mirror, long sharp teeth started to grow in my mouth and my eyes turned and glowed yellow
I then heard knocking on my door
Y/N: go away
Zeke: Y/N, its me
I walked up to the door and unlocked it, but i leaned against it so he couldnt enter completly
Zeke: let me in Y/N, i can help.
Y/N: No! Listen, you gotta find Lily
Zeke: she's fine, all right? I saw her get a ride from the party, she's...she's fine all right?
Y/N: no, i think i know who it is
Zeke: just let me in. We can try...
Y/N: its Jackie, Jackie Black is the Werewolf, she's the one that bite me. She's the one that killed the girl in the woods
Zeke: Y/N.....Jackie's the one who drove Lily from the party
I slammed the door Shut and locked it
Zeke: Y/N!
I opened my window and jumped out
When i landed i started to growl as i felt my ears grow and my body is hairy
I then roared at the sky

(Timeskip, 3rd person)
Y/N jumps on top of a black 2010 Camaro parked infront of the woods and sniffs it before running into the Woods

Zeke drives his car to Lily's house and rings the door Bell
Zeke: come on, come on, come on

(Back to Y/N)
Y/N is running through the Woods on all four as his vision is red now

(Back to Zeke)
The door opens revealing Lily's mom, Natalia
Zeke: hi, mrs Argent, have no idea who i am. I m a friend of your daughter's, uh look, this is gonna sound kind of crazy, um, really crazy actually. You know what crazy doesnt-
Natalia: Lily! Its for you
Zeke looks up and sees Lily at the stairs

(Back to Y/N)
He's still running through the Woods and sees the jacket Lily wears hanging on a tree
He then heard something move
Y/N: where is she?
Jackie: she's safe. From you
Y/N turned around as Jackie jumped at him
They rolled around on the ground for a few seconds before Jackie grabbed him and pushed him at a tree
Y/N: what did you do with her?
Jackie: shh! Quiet.
A minute passes
Jackie: too late, they re already here. Run
She then ran away as Y/N sits there, confused
Then someone shots arrows that let out bright light at him but misses
Y/N vision is blurred as he looks around
Then someone hit him in the arm with an arrow as he's stuck against a tree
He tries to pull it out but 3 people, 2 with guns and 1 with a crossbow walks up to him
The person with the crossbow walks infront of him and is revealed to be Mason
Jackie is then seen standing on all fours a few feet away from them
Mason: take him
One of the 2 people with him starts to walk towards Y/N but someone grabs him and throws him away
Then someone grabs the other one and throws him away too
Mason pulls out a Gun and looks behind him while Jackie runs up to Y/N and pulls out the arrow, they then run away
Mason turns back to where Y/N was and sees he's gone

Y/N and Jackie runs through the woods before stopping, Y/N sits down and leans against a tree
Y/N: who were they?
Jackie: hunters. The kind who has been hunting us for centuries
Y/N then stands up
Y/N: us?! You mean you! You did this to me!
Jackie: is it really so bad Y/N? That you can see better, hear more clearly, move faster than any human could ever hope? You ve been given something that most people would kill for. The bite is a gift
Y/N: i dont want it
Jackie: you will and your gonna need me if you want to learn how to control it.
She puts a hand on Y/N shoulder
Jackie: so you and me Y/N, we re siblings now
Then she runs away as Y/N holds his arm, the one the arrow hit

Y/N is walking by the road as Zeke drives up to him with his car, Y/N sits in it
Y/N: you know what actually worried me the most?
Zeke: if you say Lily i m gonna punch you in the head
Y/N: she probobly hates me now
Zeke: ugh....i doubt that, but you might want to come up with a pretty amazing apology...or you know, you could tell her the truth and revel in the awesomeness of the fact that you re a fricking Werewolf
Y/N stares at him
Zeke: okay, bad idea
Y/N looks down
Zeke: hey, we ll get through this. Come on, if i have to, i ll chain you up myself on full moon nights and feed you live mice, i had a boa once. I could do it
Y/N then chuckles

Y/N is waiting for Lily at school and she arrives
Lily: so, what happened? You left me stranded at the party
Y/N: yeah i know, i know, i m really sorry, i am. But you re gonna have to trust that i had a really good reason
Lily: did you get sick?
Y/N: i definitely had an attack of something
Lily: am i gonna get an explanation?
Y/N: can you just find it in your heart to trust me on this one?
Lily: am i gonna regret this?
Y/N: probobly
She chuckles
Y/N: so is that a yes on a second chance?
Lily: definitely yes
A car honk is heard
Lily: thats my dad, i better go
She goes towards the car as Y/N starts to walk away, but he stops and looks at the car
A man exits it and its revealed to be Mason
They make eye contact for a second before Mason smiles and Y/N nervously waves at him

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