11 Ruler

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If all else perished and he remained, I should still continue to be; and if all else remained, and he were annihilated, the universe would turn to a mighty stranger.

Emily Bronte


"There is a message for you."

"From whom?"

"From the Khalifa."

He motions to the guard to hand him over the scroll case. Removing the scroll from it, he unrolls it to read it, his gaze quickly scanning over the letters.

"What does it say, sayidi?" Zahir asks him.

"That he has some names in mind for the new governor of Qahira. He asks for my opinion on it." He puts the scroll back in its case. "And for me to return to Baghdad in his service."

"What now?"

"We do as we're asked to. That has been an agreement between us." He twirls the scroll case in his hand, meeting his vizier's eyes as he speaks, "After the term of the truce is reached... well, that is when we take the reins and change the rules."


"There is someone, Roya, who wants to kill me or kill him. I'm afraid that could be the reason Adam kept me away from the palace so long-- this threat to our lives still remains. Or this could be one of the reasons."

"Did you tell shahzade about it?"

"No. Not yet. But he probably already knows someone is after him, or us."

"Shahzade can have enemies, khanum. But do you think they'll try to harm you to get to him? Would they actually try to kill you, God forbid?"

Noura stands up from where she's sitting with Roya under a tree. She lifts her sword to the sky and the sun shines over the blade as it cuts the light. The rays are deflected apart, blindingly bright, and she brings the sword down again. Azar waits for her to finish her break before they can resume her training. She turns to Roya who has gotten to her feet too.

"I don't know. But if someone really intends to kill my husband, then they sure will have to go through me before they get to him."

"Khanum, maybe you can inform Eskander agha about it," Roya suggests. "He must be able to help."

"Eskander doesn't serve my husband, Roya."

"But he'll still do anything for you. Especially if it's your life in question."

Noura smiles at her. "True, but let's not drag him in when everything is still unclear. Besides, I'm sure Adam will not appreciate any assistance from him."

"Then you'll keep both your husband and your brother in denial?"

"I'll let them think I'm the one in denial so they don't put bars around me." She motions to Azar to let him know she's ready to continue their training. He nods and goes to pick his sword. Noura looks back at Roya. "Daud here is not only my guard, he's Adam's eyes on me when he's not around. I don't want another pair of eyes in case Adam suspects something."

Roya glances to where Daud is standing at a good distance, watching them keenly. She shifts uncomfortably on her feet. "Then what do you intend to do?"

Noura smirks, squeezing Roya's hand. "I need you to be my eyes and ears. I've only you to trust. Azar is Eskander's puppet, and everyone at the palace are Adam's."

Roya squeezes back her hand and returns her smirk. "Then I shall prove enough to you, khanum."

"Thank you, Roya." Noura let go of her hand. "We'll discuss more later."

She goes back to her training with Azar. They resume where they left. He spins his sword and she swirls out of his range. They go back and forth with offense and defense until he strikes the sword out of her hand and she ducks before he could bring his blade to her neck. She leaps so she lands behind him and kicks the back of his knee, grabbing him by his shirt and pulling him towards her. Noura puts her dagger to his throat.

"Daggers can be convenient, don't you think?"

"If you like it better than I like my sword," Azar muses. "I'm afraid you can't strike a sword out of one's hand with it though."

"Cheeky." She chuckles. "I can still slit a throat with it."

"That you can."

She removes her dagger and Azar straightens, going to pick her sword for her. Noura sheaths her dagger.

"How did I do?" she asks him.

"Better than before."

"I defeated you," she exclaims proudly. "That's way better than before."

"Yes, but I still managed to disarm you. You need to work on this weakness-- your grip on your weapon. A dagger can't do so much against a sword. Lets not give your opponent the advantage."

She sighs and takes her sword from him. "I will. But for now I will enjoy my victory. Tell me you did not go easy on me."

Azar smiles and hands her a bottle of water once she secures her sword. "You know I never do."

"I know you're not a gentleman, Azar," Noura jokes, sitting down to drink the water. "You don't pretend a loss to make a lady happy over her win."

"A given win."

"A win nonetheless."

He chuckles softly and shakes his head. "A lady like you earns it for herself, Noura khanum."

Before she can thank him, a shadow draws closer and both of them turns in the direction. A man she recognizes from the throne room when she first arrived is walking towards them. He gives her a small smile in greeting when their eyes connect.


"Syed (lord) Daryush?" Noura stands back up and returns his greeting, "Marhaba."

"Impressive fighting skills there, sayidati. I was bedazzled the whole time."

"Ah, thank you," she replies, a little mortified. "I didn't know I was being watched."

Daryush hums, his smile widening. "Hard to miss a good combat. I was passing by. No doubt you're Eskander's sister."

"You know Eskander?" she asks, curious now.

"Of course I do."

He doesn't say more to as how so, but given how he has casually referred to Eskander by his name, she would've liked to know. Although Daryush doesn't give her a chance to inquire more as he changes the topic.

"I couldn't introduce myself properly that day we met at the throne room. So I thought I would come and do so now."

Before he could say anything else, they're interrupted by Daud who appears beside her.

"Sayidati, I think we should return to the chamber. Ameer Adam would be back any time now."

Noura nods at him. "We'll return in a while. Give us a moment, Daud."

Daud hesitates, gaze flicking between her and Daryush who simply stares back at him, before stepping away, though keeping minimal distance between them. If his attempt to keep her away from this man and her husband's lack of interest in him has done anything, it has only fueled her interest to know who he is. Noura turns back to him.

"So, are you one of the ministers or advisors here?"

He ties his hands behind his back and tilts his head forward, silently inviting her for a walk. She glances back at Daud, then decides to join him. They stroll out of the training area down the long pathway through the gardens towards the palace. Daud follows closely behind them.

"I'm just a guest here," he answers her question, a faint smile still tugging at his lips. "I don't work for your husband, unfortunately."

"Oh, who do you work for then?"

"The advisory council of the kingdom."

She arches a skeptical eyebrow. "For Khalifa Al Hadi?"

"For no one in particular," he corrects. "The council works for the betterment of the state. We advise the caliph and the governors in their rule. And we make decisions if something needs amendments or annulment, or if a ruler needs to be ousted in case a need arises."

"That's... powerful." Noura pauses, letting his words sink in. "So, are you here to assess my husband, sayidi?"

Daryush chuckles lowly, the voice sounding deep and dangerous in his throat. "Ameer Adam and Khalifa Sulaiman called a truce over the throne. The council helped them find common grounds than break into a war. I'm here to assure all remains well, as agreed upon."

There is the same glint of mischief in his orbs she had seen the first time when she came to the palace. Underneath the boyish charm to the man is a much twisted labyrinth. She's afraid if she tries to take too many turns with him all at once, she might be lost. So she finds it better to float on the surface and delve down slowly. Adam doesn't seem fond of Daryush, and there must be a reason. For now, she has to be wary of him.

"Well, I hope you're enjoying your stay here, syed Daryush."

"As much as I can with your husband trying to cast me out," he remarks with a laugh, appearing carefree, but there is an undertone of something dark in his words. "I hope with you here he'll be more focused on you than I. Put me in the background, consider me invisible. I'll be out of his hair in no time."

"I'll be sure to let him know to make you feel more welcomed here."

"I'm sure no one but you can appeal to his generosity."

Noura gives him a tight-lipped smile and stops walking. "As much as I would like to continue this conversation, I shall excuse myself now. It's time for my husband to return."

"Of course." Daryush tips his head. "It was a pleasure talking to you, sayidati."


Daryush continues his stroll down the pathway while Noura makes her way into the palace. After being through the bathhouse and changing into the dress Tamara has brought her, she's finally sitting in her chamber waiting for her husband. But when minutes add to one another and the sky turns black, worry begins to settle in her gut.

She paces around anxiously, then goes out on the balcony as her eyes seek him, as if he'll appear before her out of nowhere. The stars have lit around what the darkness attempts to conceal. It is beautiful and she would've stayed to admire it, but her heart beats too restlessly for her to be at peace.

She leaves the balcony and gets back inside. The dinner has turned cold on the table. Noura strides towards her chamber doors and opens them wide, finding Daud at guard. He comes to attention upon seeing her.

"Sayidati, do you need something?"

"Where is Adam? The night has fallen. Why hasn't he returned uptil now?"

"The Ameer might be caught up with something--"

"Where is he?"

"He's not at the palace, sayidati."

"Then go call him back before I die worrying."

"Sayidati, I..." Daud frantically searches for something to assure her. "I'll send someone, don't worry. He returns late sometimes."

"Does he? Or does work keep him so busy he doesn't return back some nights at all?" she fumes. "Send someone or I'll go find him myself."

She closes the doors and steps back into the chamber. By now her heart has gone from restless to wild. He must know about the threats to his life. He's no ordinary man, neither will be his enemies ordinary. Yet he chooses to be reckless and stay out of the palace at such an hour. The angst begins to choke her and she goes to sit on the bed.

The door opens again and her head snaps in the direction, but to her dismay it's Tamara walking in.

"Do you want me to rewarm the meal for you, sayidati?"

"No, thank you, Tamara. You can clear the table."

"But you haven't eaten anything."

"My appetite is dead."

Daud appears behind her. "I've sent a messenger to him, sayidati. You should eat something or the Ameer wouldn't be pleased with us."

She wants to retort with something sharp, ironic, telling them it's her not pleased with their Ameer instead. That she won't care about him as he doesn't care about her. That he might be their lord but not hers. But she doesn't get a chance as the man in question appears in the doorway.

The moment her eyes catch sight of him, relief floods her like an ocean and all her worry and rage leave her. She forgets she was ever upset with him.


Noura jumps off the bed and rushes towards him. Mindless of the company of their servants, she throws her arms around him and embraces him, as if his touch alone can assure her of his presence-- as if caging him in her arms is the only way to keep him from escaping. Her minds begins to lull when she breathes the scent of him.

"Ya Rabbi, this man will be the death of me," she mumbles against his chest as he too circles his arms around her. "You will kill me, habibi. You'll be my murderer. And I won't forgive you."

"I'm sorry," he whispers back gently, rubbing her back.

"No, you're not."

"Leave." She hears him say, the command directed to their company, and there is the sound of the doors closing, indicating they're now alone. Noura doesn't let go of him.

"Two years later you're still a very bad man, Ameer Adam. You still trouble me a lot, worry me, play with me, break my heart."

"You forgot to add something."

She loosens her hold on him and moves away, looking up at him. "What?"

"I still love you." He smiles, dipping his head to peck her lips. "I'll be wrecked if I break your heart."

"You do, when you do what you do."

This makes him laugh lightly and he pulls her back to his chest. "How do I mend it then?"

Her fingers curls in the fabric of his sleeves and she looks up at him. The candlelight flickers in his orbs, drowning in their depths, turning to a glimmer in their darkness. He bewitches her, like a spell of black magic, weakening her resolves. Or maybe it is something more. This desire to be with him, to be sure he's safe, to see the smile of him. She cannot accuse him for breaking her heart when his love keeps mending it. Yet the distance remains, something missing, something she knows she has to find on her own.

"I wish I knew." She cups his face in her hands and pulls him down to herself, lifting herself up to level his height. The emotions in his eyes start to blend into something raw and potent. "I wish my reason wouldn't leave me in your proximity. But it does. Tell me, how do I stay upset with you when you do things like these? How do I punish you when I cannot see you hurting at my hands? What do I name it, my Ameer?"

His fingers dig into her back, pressing her to his body, as if any space between them remains to be closed. Noura swallows, feeling herself flushing, her skin warming at the look alone he's giving her-- intense and impassioned, his eyes never wavering from her own. A few strands of his hair have fallen loose forward, and she resists the urge to tuck them away. Her hands fall from his face to his shoulders for support.

He drags his nose along her temple, kissing there before whispering into her ear, "You name it love, farasha."

Things might get a little heated in the coming chapters. Romantically and otherwise.

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