17 Lake

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I do not like silent love, tell me how much you love me and make me insane about you.

Naguib Mahfouz


They want to kill you.

He rolls the notes between his fingers. Then unrolls it. Then rolls it again. Zahir watches him from where he's sitting at his desk with some papers in hands.

"The same message again?" his vizier inquires.

He hums and holds the note over a candle, letting the flames ashen it. "It looks to me that someone keeps warning me against my enemies, but won't tell me who they are."

"A spy having second thoughts on betraying you?"


"Interesting." Zahir puts the papers down and produces another another note from beneath his belt. "This was delivered to me by one of the guards who said it was sent to your chamber for the Amira."

He moves to take it from him. Unrolling it, he reads it and the message pierces his heart: I will kill you.

"Either the same spy who is warning you against the danger is rather threatening the Amira, or there are more than one working together."

"Whatever is the case, Zahir," Adam crumbles the notes in his hand and throws it into the fire, "I'll kill them before they reach Noura."


"It's beautiful."

"Isn't it? I come here to the lake often. Taha and I race horses sometimes."

"Who wins?"

"Do you want me to boast?"

Noura laughs at him and playfully nudges him away. "Cheeky man."

"Do you think I'm lying?"

"I wouldn't know. I heard general Taha is one of the best horsemen there is," she teases.

"So is your husband."

"So am I."

"Cheeky woman."

She laughs again and shakes her head. "Why, do you think I'm lying?"

He smirks, looking ahead of them as they stroll at the shore of the lake.

"I wouldn't know."

"Oh I've raced horses before. I'm not naive at it," she defends. "Eskander and I used to--"

Noura cuts off, realizing what she has said and gulping down the rest, throwing an apprehensive glance at Adam. She doesn't want to offend him anymore mentioning Eskander, especially given his last reaction. She looks away to the lake.

"Complete that sentence, azizi," he asks her softly, putting a hand around her waist and pulling her closer to his side.

She turns back to him and studies his demeanor, finding it cool and collected. His eyes remain staring ahead of them.

"Eskander and I would sometimes race horses at the hills, back in Isfahan," she finishes.

"Did you ever beat him at it?"

She grins and nods. "I did. Many times."

He looks down at her and smiles. "Are you sure he didn't let you win?"

Noura narrows her eyes at him and smacks him lightly across his arm. "You don't trust me?"

They both stop walking and he turns to her, a mischievous gleam in his orbs and the smile still tugging at one corner of his mouth.

"Well, I will if you race with me and beat me to victory."

"Oh I will trample on your pomposity," she challenges, making him chuckle, to which she glowers at him. "What? You think I can't, Ameer Adam?"

"I think we'll have to see, malikati." He flicks her nose and calls out to his men, "Bring over our horses!"

"I think your pride is about to be crushed."

"I think you speak big."

"I think you haven't seen big."

"I think you're the one being pompous." He leans in to whisper into her ear, smoothly, with a temptation, "I want a reward when I win. Anything I ask of you."

Adam pulls away with a sly smirk, his features coloring with a wicked determination as he takes off his cloak, handing it over to one of his men and taking the reins of his horse from him.

"So, do you accept, farasha?"

Noura blinks, trying to come out of the daze he has suddenly put her into, and nods almost absently.

"Do I get the same?" she questions.

"Of course," he agrees. "Besides, I've another gift for you, from when we went to the bazar together. I yet have to give it to you."

She takes the reins of her own horse and tugs it forward. "You've me curious now. I'm only more intent to win this race."

"Sayidi," the guard interrupts them, politely dragging their attention to the weather. "The clouds are heavy. They can pour anytime."

Adam shifts his eyes to the sky and so does she. The winds are already blowing strong and the rain might fall soon. But Adam dismisses it and mounts his horse.

"Just one round. We'll make it quick."

Noura mounts her horse as well and tugs the reins. "Let's do this."

Adam buries his sword in the rocks. "We'll circle around the lake. The first one to take the sword out wins."

She nods in agreement and they both align their horses behind an imaginary starting line. At the sound of the whistle from one of the men, they snap their reins and start the race.

The wind hits her face. The hood falls off her head. She gives another turn to the reins around her hand. Her grip on it tightens. Their horses gallop side by side. The sound of the hooves ring loud in her ears. Noura grits her teeth.

"Ha!" She kicks her horse to gain speed. "Faster!"

The first drop of rain falls from the sky. It begins to drizzle. It peppers her skin. She blinks against it. Beside her, Adam has steered his horse near the lake to cut distance. Within seconds, he has already gained advantage on her and riding much ahead.

"Ya Rabbi, don't let me lose to him."

She snaps the reins again, running hot on his heels. They've only covered half of the distance when the rain gets heavy. Ahead of her, Adam is getting soaked without his cloak on. Every drop only comes thicker than before. It begins to hit her hard and she has to raise her hand to cover her face. Adam glances back at her and pulls his horse to a stop in front of her. Her horse neighs and stalls too. She pulls the hood of her cloak over her head.

"We'll do this another time," Adam declares, motioning for his men to make their way back. "We must return to the palace."

A guard brings him his sword and cloak. He takes his horse towards her and wraps his cloak around her too.

"Cover yourself."

"I'm fine," she tries to assure. "You should wear it."

But he insists that she keeps it on and eventually she has to give up against him. One of his men quickly takes off his cloak to offer it to him.

"You can have mine, my Ameer. You're all soaked."

But Adam refuses it and demands that the guard wears it. "Keep it. I'll do."

With the sun slowly sinking down the temperature has fallen. The rain is only making it colder and she worries he's not warm enough with his clothes drenched. She'd have fought him to wear his cloak were they alone. The last thing she wants is him getting sick.

"Let us return to the palace before it gets anymore bad than this," Adam announces.

They make their way to the palace. By the time they arrive back the sky seem to be flooding a shower on the earth. She can feel her clothes sticking to her with the rain having penetrated the double layers of clothing. Her body cannot help shivering and she's hurrying to the chamber with her husband.

Daud has already lit a fire and laid fresh clothes for them. The moment the chamber doors close behind them, she rids of the drenched cloaks and runs to the fireplace. Adam seems to have taken a dip in the lake. His hair sticks to his face and he undoes them, letting them down. Noura gestures him over.

"Change your clothes and warm yourself. You'll catch a cold, God forbid."

He takes off his shirt and comes to join her by the fire. It glows golden and red across his damp skin. He holds out his hands to the fireplace and she wiggles her toes at it. Noura points to his trousers.

"You should take them off too."

He gives her a look that makes her cheeks heat up. An unholy curl graces his lips.

"I'm a modest man. You should take off your dress first."

She feels herself drown in shame. Noura touches her face and looks away, trying to shrink and hide away from him.

"So blatantly modest," she mocks. "But that's not what I meant."

"Pity," he retorts with the same roguishness. "I wouldn't have minded if you suggested it."

"I'll go change into something dry first if you're so willing to get sick."

The moment she tries to get up, he clutches her wrist and tugs her back down. Noura turns to him as her eyes pop out. He puts his hands on her waist to hold her in place and something in her belly begins to coil.

"What are you doing?" she croaks, voice suddenly difficult to draw past her throat.

"I want my reward first."

"What reward?"

"I was ahead of you in the race."

"Yes, but you didn't win."

"I could've if it wasn't for the rain."

"Such confidence." She pushes across his chest but he only pulls her closer. "I could say the same to you."

"Fine, I'll say you won. What would you ask of me?"

She hums, pretending to be thinking. "I cannot waste a chance like this. I'll need time to decide carefully. After all, I get to ask you for anything."

One of his hand travels up her back and her breath hitches. All at once she feels too warm, as if the fire isn't outside but rather burning within her. Adam stares intensely at her, his lips slowly closing the distance to her own.

"Ask me for myself, Noura," he request, sweetly, lovingly, tugging her to himself some more until her forearms press against his bare chest. "For I was going to ask you of yourself."

Her heart flutters first. Then it goes berserk and creates havoc in her ribcage when he pulls her onto his lap. Her heart decides to jump out and crash into him. Her heart faints when his hand continues to roam. Noura begins to lose sense and sanity.

"Ask me," he repeats himself but she's too shy to put her desire for him into words.

As much as she can see him wanting her, his touch becoming eager and his eyes darker, she wants him no less. Yet the only response she can gather is nudging her nose against his and her hands falling to his abdomen, his muscles there going taut at her touch. She hopes he can see in her eyes what his own display.

"Well then," he smiles and brushes back her hair from her face, "silence is consent."

He leans into her and she tilts her head to meet him halfway. When they lock into the kiss, whatever meaning words ever held they hold no more. Their actions speak. They become frenzied. She tastes the rain on his lips. Her hands travel the expanse of his chest as if seeking something to hold on to. His fingers keep struggling with the strings of her dress. They break apart and gasp for breath, and he gives a frustrated tug to the strings.

"It won't untie," he complains, brows knit in concentration. "I don't have the patience for this."

She takes it from it and begins to undo it herself. "Blow out the candles," Noura asks him.

"I don't have the patience for that either." He stands up and slips his arms under her back and legs. "Too many to blow out."

"What are you-- Adam!"

He lifts her up into his arms and carries her to the bed in a few long strides.

"Get under the blankets if it makes you uncomfortable," he suggests instead. "I'll close my eyes if it still bothers you."

He tugs at the strings of his trousers and Noura has to snap shut her eyes. She faces away from him and loosens the strings of her dress. Adam crawls in the bed beside her and pulls the blankets over them. She turns back towards him.

"Three years since I first saw you." He reaches to trace a finger down her cheekbone to her lips before pecking them. His orbs have lure and blaze and everything dangerous meant to consume. "I've waited so long for you." He starts peppering kisses along her jaw, over her neck, to the hollow of her throat. "Don't stop me unless you want me to, not even if there's a knock at the door, not unless you want me to axe whoever is at the other side."

With this, he drags the dress down her body and Noura never stops him.

The nights continues to flow. The candles are still alight. The flames keep rising in the fireplace. They both lies beside each other once the moment has fled and suspended, taking them to their highs and then bringing them down. She keeps staring at the ceiling. So does he. Both of them suddenly too shy and none of them daring to look at the other now when their passion has simmered. Noura hugs the blanket to her breastbone.

He finally clears his throat and turns to her. "Do you feel fine?"

Her already burning face burns some more. She clears her throat too. "Yes."

"Are you cold?"


"Do you want anything?"


"Are you happy?"

Noura chokes on the air and sends him a glare, finding his own cheeks tinted red. "Stop embarrassing me, Adam."

He coughs awkwardly and looks away. "I'm sorry. I don't know what to say."

"Then don't say anything."

There's silence between them for a while. Then he turns to her again. "Can I give you your gift now?"

She perks up curiously and nods. "What is it?"

"Let me cover first."

He sits up in the bed and Noura turns away to give him the privacy. Once he has worn his trousers, he goes to fetch her gift from across the chamber and she uses the chance to dress herself. He returns a minute later with the box and settles near her, holding it out to her. She takes it from him, grinning, suddenly excited to see what is inside. She remembers him telling her it holds a promise. She wonders what it is.

"Should I open it now?" she asks.

He smiles and nods. "Go ahead."

She removes the lid and her breathing stops upon seeing what lies inside. Noura gasps in surprise. Her gaze flick between her husband and the box. Her fingers hover above it but she cannot bring herself to touch it, as if unreal, unable to believe what he has gifted her. She finds herself flabbergasted.

"Adam... My God, this..."

His smile turns into a grin. "Do you like it?"

"It's magnificent. I love it."

She finally takes it out from the box and holds the crown before her. It's exquisite, crafted to perfection, studded with gemstones and diamonds. Noura gazes at it in awe.

"I'm glad it's up to your fancy," Adam replies. "I took my time choosing it for you."

"Thank you." She carefully puts it back in the box and leans forward to kiss his cheek. "It's absolutely stunning."

"You always wanted one, do you remember?" he recalls her.

She chuckles and hums. "So was it your promise to get me one?"

"Uh huh. And I always take my commitments very seriously."

"As you've proven."

"And as I shall prove to you again." He strokes her jaw with his knuckles and recalls her another promise, all the while holding her eyes. "When I make you a queen. Which you always wanted as well."

Noura laughs heartily and throws her arms around his neck, pulling him to herself and grazing her cheek against his.

"Oh, who thought Joojoo could actually make my dreams come true." She nips his neck, her voice going hoarse as she traces the shell of his ear with her lips, feeling him stiffening.

"Farasha," he groans in a warning. Sinful. Forbidden. But all to inviting.

She smirks and nips him again. "Oh, who thought I could fall in love with Al Shafay."

Here's to hoping I don't have to attend funerals of my expectations because I've wrecked reality for myself. And probably for you too. Please forgive me and keep your daggers sheathed.

Let's move to Baghdad now. Anyone missing Khalifa aka Al Hadi?

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