26 Lullaby

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Love is a hurricane wrapped inside a chrysalis. And you're a girl walking into the storm.

Lang Leav


The night has fallen. He sits on the chair in his chamber where he studies some documents under candlelight. The fire burns in the fireplace, providing him warmth against the cold, trying to pull him into a slumber. But he struggles to keep awake despite his body aching from exhaustion.

His wife is humming a song. She comes to stand behind him and gathers back his hair in her hands. He closes his eyes and she begins to tie it for him.

"Do you want me to bring you milk?" she asks.

He's unable to respond, too molten into the pleasure of her fingers in his hair. She says something again which he misses. Moments later he feels her walking away. He wants to reach out and hold her back, her absence clawing at his half awake senses, but he's too tired to move, and soon sleep overtakes him.

There's a dream. It dissolves into another one. Then it begins to blur, then starts to fade away. His consciousness begins to resurface as he feels a touch over his cheek, someone grazing it in a feather caress, distant but real, almost hesitant as if trying to hold back from a sin but failing. He's shaken awake from his slumber.


He parts his eyelids slightly. The person leaning over him gasps and quickly tries to move away. But he latches onto their wrist.

He composes his posture, by now his sleep having completely left him, and glowers at who he finds before him.

"What do you think you're doing, woman?"

She stutters but is unable to respond, shock and panic making her eyes go round.

A shadow forms in his peripheral vision and he turns towards the doors. But before he could see who it was to have witnessed the scenario, they're gone.


She navigates her way through the corridors towards the library. There's no one accompanying her, all her servants dismissed for the night and Daud sent to fetch milk for her husband. She moves furtively towards her destination.

Her steps are light, nimble, but hurried. There is only limited time she can spare before she must return to her chamber. Adam has drifted off on his chair, and Daud won't take long to be back. Finding her gone isn't something which will be appreciated.

But she cannot do what she's about to do in broad daylight. Especially at Daud always on watch and reporting everything to Adam. She knows Adam won't appreciate her meeting Daryush after he has forbidden her. But she cannot just sit back and do nothing while he suffers at anyone's hands. This is her chance.

Her fingers trace the outline of her dagger beneath her belt as she nears the library. She catches sight of Azar around the corner who nods at her, giving her the signal she needs, before hiding himself behind a wall. Noura takes a deep breath and enters the library.

There are rows upon rows of shelves filled with books, a hall so vast that her sight returns to her without reaching the end of it. She looks around for a sign of the man she's here for, carefully moving forward, finding the library to be deadly quiet and lit only by a few torches, making it look almost eerie and haunting. She wraps her hands around herself.

"I thought someone was playing me fool when I received the note."

Noura jerks around, startled, and takes a few steps back. Daryush tips his head, smiling mischievously.

"My Amira, I was really surprised when I read the note that you wanted to see me. Had it not been for your seal on it, I wouldn't have come here thinking it to be true."

She releases her breath slowly, alert but calm now.

"Thank you for coming on my request, syed Daryush," she says.

His smile only broadens and he gestures towards the other side.

"Would you like to sit down for whatever it is you want to talk about?"

She notices a shadow move behind him but she keeps her eyes fixed on him, well aware of the company they have but to which Daryush is in oblivion. Zahir moves to hide behind the shelf and she makes sure to keep Daryush from going into the direction and discovering him.

"I don't have much time, syed Daryush," Noura refuses politely, spreading her cards to play. "We'll just speak here."

"I suppose your husband doesn't know you're meeting me then," he bites sweetly, his orbs dark and shaded by the glow of the fire, appearing evil and amused. "I'm sure he wouldn't appreciate it."

"That's not your concern," Noura replies coolly, keeping herself passive. After all, she's here to bring him at the brink of the hell.

"Of course not. But as you know, Amira, Ameer Adam isn't fond of me. I don't want any trouble."

"There will be no trouble if you comply by what I ask of you."

This makes the smile fall from his face. His eyebrows come together in perplexity.

"Why would I comply by you? And what for?"

"For the same reason you unjustly favor Al Hadi against my husband, sayidi."

The amusement leaves his eyes little by little. She moves slightly away from him, smirking, busying herself with studying the books on the shelf beside her but her reflexes remain alarmed, her hand subtly moving to her dagger.

"You're unfair to Adam for very personal reasons, don't you think, syed Daryush?"

"I'm afraid I don't understand, Amira."

His tone remains leveled, but Noura notices it devoid of its previous mischief. She must be standing on a raw nerve.

"You're a member of the council. You're supposed to be a honest in your duty towards it, for the responsibility of not only appointing capable rulers but for the well-being of the public too. Yet despite the public liking my husband, and him being a just and dedicated ruler, you who were appointed over him speak unfairly ill of him."

"You're here to teach me how to perform my duty?"

"I'm here to ask you why you aren't performing it?" She discreetly unsheaths her dagger and faces him again, hiding the dagger in the folds of her gown by her side. "You know Adam deserves more credit than you're giving him. And you know your opinion in the council can change his fate. Currently it's only declining his chances of holding his position and authority."

His lips pull up in mockery. "Did he send you to beg me?"

Noura smiles at him, wicked and destructive. "There will be begging, but not I who'll be doing it."

He scoffs. "I'm giving Ameer Adam what he deserves. You cannot change my opinion if you're here for it, Amira."

"I'm sure it'll change once I drag syeda Asiya in the picture," she fires the shot, smoothly but viciously. "And I'm sure you will not like it."

She watches the color drain from Daryush's face. He doesn't move a muscle for a moment, only stares at her emptily. But behind the retrained shock is horror, and though he tries to cover it, it's evident in the way his demeanor has tensed.

"Who is syeda Asiya and what does she has to do with it?" he manages to asks without losing his level-headedness.

"Ameer Sulaiman's betrothed who you are running an affair with behind his back," she reminds him blatantly. "And who is the reason why you're trying so hard to earn the caliph's favor and unjustly bringing my husband down in the process."

His features contort some more and now he's scowling, and with every second it's becoming more difficult for him to keep himself from snapping.

"This is an awful accusation you're putting upon me, Amira," he grits. "What proof do you have for it?"

"Surely I wouldn't come to you without proof," she lies confidently. "I've a proof and a witness. But I'll only present them to Ameer Sulaiman, unless you agree to my conditions."

He seems taken aback, speechless, and she waits for him to agree. But when he doesn't, she heaves a sigh.

"Very well then, sayidi. See you in the caliph's court tomorrow. Hopefully you'll not be dragged there."

As she takes a step towards the door, Daryush lunges towards her and grabs her arm. The dagger in her hand instantly comes to his throat.

"Don't," Noura growls, both at him and Zahir who has jumped out of his hiding spot for her rescue. Unnoticed, he moves back in the shadows and she glares at Daryush without surprise, having expected his move.

"How dare you threaten me?" Daryush hisses in seething rage, the beast within him baring before her. "Where is the proof and who is the witness?" he demands.

"Release my arm before I slit your throat," she hisses back.

"You're playing a dangerous game. I can ruin Ameer Adam."

"Don't warn me when you've dug yourself a grave. I will ruin you."

"Daryush!" someone roars.

Before she has time to react, Daryush is torn off her and a punch sends him to the ground. Noura stumbles back and goes frozen in shock as her eyes fall on Eskander.

Daryush doesn't get a chance to find his footing as Eskander unsheaths his sword and brings it to his neck. They stare daggers at each other.

"What do you think you were doing grabbing her?" Eskander demands.

Daryush wipes the blood from his lips and scoffs, his gaze briefly flicking to her.

"Your caliph won't appreciate you pulling your sword on me, general Eskander."

"Answer my question!"

"Ask her." Daryush nods his head towards her. "She was the one who called me here."

Eskander turns to look at her and she sees a hurricane in his eyes. Noura purses her lips. She doesn't know what he's doing at the palace at the given hour, or how he has found her, but she knows things are about to go down the hill.

"There's a misunderstanding, Eskander," she excuses. "Let him go."

"My eyes didn't just betray me to call it a misunderstanding," he barks.

Noura steps closer to him. "Bakhatir Khuda, Eskander, (for God's sake, Eskander)," she requests softly.

He searches her face a moment, she doesn't know what for, before he jerks his head at Daryush.


Daryush gets to his feet, glaring at him. "You'll pay for this, general."

"I'm a soldier, not a court puppet. Do whatever you can."

"We'll see if your tongue runs the same in the court when you're held accountable for this attitude towards your superior," Daryush threatens menacingly.

Eskander snarls. "I spit on your rank. If you disrespect the woman again, nothing will stop me from buying my sword in your heart."

"Or it will be your head at the mercy of mine."

Before the men could connect fists again, Noura gently pushes against Eskander's chest and shakes her head. Daryush gives her a look, one which clearly states that their conversation wasn't over, before walking past Eskander, bumping his shoulder on his way to exit the library.

Eskander turns his attention to her once he's gone and Noura prepares herself for the storm.

"I saw Daud earlier looking for you. Then I saw Azar outside the library and I came for you. What black hell has taken your sanity, Nour? What were you thinking to meet Daryush?" he thunders. "Where is your husband?"

"He's asleep," she mumbles.

"And this is what you go around doing when he sleeps?"

Noura glowers at him in disapproval. "Why are you at the palace?"

"Be grateful that I stayed here tonight and found you," he retorts. "Go back to your chamber before Ameer Adam wakes up and finds you missing. You've a knack for finding trouble, but don't complicate your marriage for yourself. I'll speak to you and Azar about this in the morning."

"Azar is my guard, not yours," she argues, becoming defensive. "He only accompanied me. He's blameless in this."

"Your guard, not a schemer to assist you in madness," he growls back.

"I didn't know I need your permission for everything."

"You don't. Good luck discussing this with me in the morning before your husband then."

She gapes. "You're being nasty!"

He waves his hand dismissively. "Leave, Nour. I'm not up for quarreling with you. My head might explode."

She doesn't fight him anymore and gathers her dress, fleeing the library. Azar is waiting for her outside and quickly catches up with her.

"My apologies, khanum," he says in embarrassment. "The general found me and I couldn't keep the secret."

"It's not your fault." She comes to a stop at the end of the corridor and turns to him. "Find syed Zahir. Tell him we'll discuss everything at a suitable time, and that my encounter with Daryush better be kept a secret from Adam. And if you run into Daud, let him know I'm at my chambers-- that I ran into syed Zahir and stopped to discuss with him an urgent matter."

Azar tips his head and disappears, while she collects her nerves and finds her way to her chamber.

As expected, Daud isn't at the doors, but another guard is. He opens the door for her and she quietly gets inside.

The first thing she seeks is to make sure Adam is still asleep. And to her relief, he's exactly where she had left him, his sleeping form splayed on the chair. A glass of milk lies on the table. Daud probably left it for him before realizing her absence and going to look for her.

Noura releases a breath and glances at the fireplace. It's simmering down. She goes to arrange blankets on the bed before coming to wake up Adam.

"Habibi." She cups his cheek, lovingly stroking it. "Go sleep on the bed. You'll sprain your neck like this."

She reaches to support his head that has turned at a wrong angle, but suddenly his eyes snap open. Noura stills as he clutches her wrist and straightens, his eyes devoid of any traces of sleep, fully awake, abstruse and consuming, filled with murk. Yet she sees right away the mayhem in them.


She opens her mouth to say something more but nothing sensible comes to her mind.

"Adam, you're awake. You're... I... " she stumbles upon her words. "When did you wake up?"

"You made me wait so long."

He stands up, putting his arms around her in a warm embrace and gently running his fingers down her hair, undoing them. Noura remains stiff and unmoving in shock.

"Now," he whispers, soft yet sinister, like a devil's lullaby, "mind telling me where you're coming from, farasha?"

To everyone whose comments on this book have kept me going, thank you.

And to tanjila_ferdousi_ema and arih_violet_sky for always giving me their unconditional love and support. My eternal gratitude for you.

This book might be cut down by a few chapters and I'll hopefully complete it sooner than I had originally planned. I hope you'll stay around till the end. Much love.

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