40 Childhood

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She is the noor of my eyes and the sultan of my heart.

Khalid Hosseini



"Yes, habibi?"

"Can I be a Khalifa someday?"

"What makes you ask this, son?"

"Noura asked if I can be a king one day. I told her I'll ask my baba."

"Do you want to be?"


"Then you can be."

"But you're not the Khalifa. He said I can't be either if you aren't."

"Who said it?"


"You're my brave son, namer (tiger). Whether I'm the caliph or not, doesn't matter. If you've the will and wit for it, you'll claim the title one day. Remember, the one who is born with a privilege isn't the same as the one who climbs his way to the top, because it's always the latter making a difference by bringing a change. With the former one, this is a mundane expectation anyway. So don't allow anyone to dictate you and limit your determination. Now go, tiger, and if Noura asks you again, tell her that yes, you can be a Khalifa one day."

He picks up the glass half-filled with water, twirling it lazily, elbow resting on the armrest of his seat. His eyes connect with Sulaiman's across the room. He lifts the glass to his mouth, lips stretching devilishly across its rim. Today is the day he proves himself. Adam smiles.


"Al'umara' alkiram (honorable princes)," the council head addresses them. "After a thorough discussion amongst the wise advisors of this council and giving it much thought, we've come to the conclusion to pass the verdict that will preserve the life and the rights of each prince for their betterment and the betterment of the future of this kingdom."

Noura releases the breath she didn't know she was holding. A weight drops off her chest. It is half victory she has achieved, halfway already down to the great reward. Her worries have subsided. For now if she never even reaches the end goal, she has managed to secure her husband's life and rights with the passing of this verdict.

"No prince has the right to kill another prince unless a prince is charged for treason. No false charges shall be accepted against any prince unless the charges are investigated and confirmed by the council. Disobedience of council orders or any rebellion against it will result in the guilty prince ousted from heirship to the throne and severe punishment in the form imprisonment, exile, or even execution."

Noura shares a look with Arwa. There is a stoic, unreadable expression on her face. But her eyes are hard and burning. She lifts her chin, giving Noura a subtle nod, as if in reassurance, and Noura nods back, releasing another stuck breath from her throat.

"This is to preserve the bloodline of heirship in the royal family and prevent the throne from falling into the hands of the enemy or any outsider due to any rising instability in the court or the kingdom. Therefore, each of you is required to take an oath of compliance and pledge your loyalties to the council and to each other-- to not give into your greed, selfishness, and lust for power. But to serve this kingdom and its people with sincerity of those before you, like Khalifa Khalid and his father, Al Malik. And to assist each other in different matters rather than rising swords against each other."

The council head looks at each of them one by one, giving them time to process his words, before gesturing towards Sulaiman.

"Ameer Sulaiman, please list your conditions if you've any."

Sulaiman takes a moment, seemingly contemplating over what is just asked of him. But when he presents his conditions, he speaks surely and steadily, as if having expected this and already thought of what he requires.

"If I'm ousted today," he says, "I want to be given governorship of Ar Raqqa or Dimashq to continue my rule. But if I remain the caliph," his gaze shifts to Adam, "Adam will never make a claim for the throne again, neither will he ever enter Baghdad without my permission. He can visit the city with my permission, but he cannot live in Baghdad nor own property here. He cannot make his own army here nor will his army reside here. He will have the right to reside anywhere else in the kingdom with his army and hold right to his property or his father's property, just not in the capital. The punishment for treason against me will be execution."

His gaze flicks back from him to the council head.

"Against this, if I no more remain the caliph, I will hold my rights to everything I own or my father owned in Baghdad without anything being confiscated. My army or I will not reside in the capital without his permission, and so long as he rules justly I will abide by him. But if he ever deviates from the way of God, I preserve my right to make a claim for the throne," Sulaiman finishes and leans back in his seat. "That's all."

The council head turns from him to Adam. "Do you agree, Ameer Adam?"

Adam keeps twirling a glass of water in his hand. Noura can almost detect a hint of a smile on his face as he responds.

"I agree."

"State your conditions if you've any, sayidi," the council head requests.

"There are no conditions," he replies calmly, putting the glass down. "If I'm chosen as the caliph, Sulaiman bin Khalid will reserve all his rights besides the right to the throne. If I'm ousted, I will choose to live in Qahira with my wife. Whether he sees fit to give me governorship or not will be his choice, but no one will occupy my parents's palace in Qahira besides me."

The council members look at Sulaiman for approval, hopeful, seeing no point of rejection of Adam's demand for he has put forth a rather simple one.

Sulaiman tips his head in agreement.

"So, do you call it a truce?" the council head asks.

"I do," Sulaiman agrees and all eyes shift to Adam.

"I call it a truce," he announces as well.

Noura beams, elated, turning to Arwa who smiles in reply and pats her hand. The air of unease lifts from the courtroom now when the threat of war has perished.

Another senior member of the council proceeds the meeting. He lists the opinion of different officials from different regions about their next ruler, what the public wishes for, what the council members sees the best between the reign of both the princes and what strengths and weakness there were. More and more members add to it. Until the head member decides to give the final decision.

"After considering all the information, opinions, and careful consultation with the council members, we've come to decide upon the next caliph of this kingdom. By the mercy of God, we hope he will rule fair and just. And prove to be worthy of this title by fulfilling his responsibilities towards his people."

She's at the edge of her seat. At the tip of her toes. Her nails dig into her palms as she fists her hands. Once more, Noura forgets to breathe, her apprehension choking her.

Arwa beside her tries to remain passive. She stares ahead without blinking. And though she masks it well, Noura can sense her restlessness like an almost palpable beat around them. It may not be her husband, but it's the fate of her brother to have her anxious. Like her, she's sitting stiff and erect.

"Ameer Adam bin Marwan Al Kurdiya, you're chosen as the next caliph of Baghdad."

She stills. But the world around is suddenly spinning. A hush falls on the courtroom, but it sounds loud. The air in the room vibrates with it. Yet there are no objections.

"Ameer Sulaiman bin Khalid is the next heir to the throne after him if Al Shafay can no more continue his rule."

She's on her feet now, grinning so wide that her jaw hurts. She wants to run to him and hug him. She wants to laugh and let everyone know how happy she is. Or maybe ecstatic. To the point of madness. Noura turns to Arwa, finding a smile playing on her lips too.

"He is..." she whispers, eyes filling up with tears. "He's a Khalifa. I..."

She wipes dry her cheek and Arwa stands up too. Behind the room divider hidden from the court, she embraces her and rubs her back.

"You're a queen now, Noura. You're his Malika."

"My Khalifa," the meeting continues, now addressing her husband as the caliph. "You may lead the meeting from here onwards."

Once all the formalities are done and oaths are taken, Adam gives his first orders.

"Allow my men inside."

A guard at the doors open them to let in general Taha, Muawwiz, Ameer Zakariya, and another man whom Noura doesn't recognize. Adam stands up, and the rest of the courtroom follows.

"Ameer Basit. Ameer Zakariya." He tips his head at two elderly men respectfully before turning to the courtroom. "They will be part of my advisory council. Ameer Basit was my father's vizier. And Ameer Zakariya was my vizier when I claimed the throne for the first time. They've guided me with their wisdom and helped me grow. I hope we will benefit from their wisdom in the future as well."

He gestures for them to sit, and the others quickly move to make room for them. Only when they're seated does Adam sit, and the rest of the courtroom follows again.

"Ameer Sulaiman." Adam directs to him, and both the men fix their eyes on each other. "You can have the governorship of Ar Raqqa or Dimashq, whichever you prefer to rule. Nothing you own in Baghdad will be confiscated and everything you own remain yours. You're allowed to visit Baghdad whenever you wish to, but you cannot take residence in the city without my permission. All your officials in the city are deposed from their posts."

He motions for Taha to come forward and the general steps beside him.

"General Eskander." Adam turns to him next. "You're dismissed from your rank. You're free to reside in Baghdad or continue your service elsewhere, but you can no more lead or serve in the army of the capital. Taha ibn Amr will be the new general of Baghdad."

His gaze swings towards Fereydun afterwards. "Sayid Fereydun, you're dismissed from your post as well. My vizier, Zahir ibn Jafar, will serve as my grand advisor in your place."

Then he gestures towards Muawwiz and the commander steps forward.

"Muawwiz ibn Al Jarrah will be the new governor of Qahira. He has the authority to serve both as the governor and the general of his region, or appoint for himself a general."

Lastly, Adam turns to Yusuf. This time a brief smile grazes his lips.

"Ameer Yusuf has the right to choose for himself. Whichever rank he desires to have, and whichever city he wishes to live in, he can do so."

Yusuf only smiles back in reply.

She leaves the courtroom when the meeting is wrapping up. In contrast to the empty palace corridors, outside there is a rush. She can hear the noise. Everyone's eager. Everyone wanting to know every detail.

As the drums begin to blow and every sound dies out, she takes her spot on the balcony overlooking the crowd once again. A caller calls to them.

"Hear me out, people! Hear me well! Al Hadi is no more our Khalifa. Al Shafay has reclaimed the throne."

The day dissolves into the night. Almost like a dream. In the blink of an eye. Almost in a gust. Changing everything. Reshaping everything. Or maybe taking everything to its long lost form.

The sky is serene like a tranquil seashore. An alight blanket over the earth. She's a gone wanderer in the labyrinth of stars. Suspended from the treads of paradise. Until paradise finds her when his arms come around her.

On the balcony of their chamber, they stand quietly and gaze at the stars together.

"Habibi?" she eventually calls him.

He hums in response.

"Tell me." Noura turns around in his arms. "Do I call you Adam?" She strokes his cheek, staring fondly into those orbs colored with the colors of the night. "Or do I call you Al Shafay?"

The corner of his mouth curls up, but his eyes soften as moonlight strokes them. Adam hugs her to his chest and puts his chin atop her head.

"I'm just a timid, little prince for you, my feisty queen. I've no name but the name you've given me."

She smiles, recalling very well the first time he had said those words to her.

"Adam," she says, closing her eyes and losing herself to his musk. "Hal ussameek qalbi (Do I name you my heart)?" Noura puts her cheek against his heart and wraps her arms around his torso. "'Am sumiya qalbi bi-ismik (Or is my heart named after you)?"

She hears him chuckles slowly before answering in low, laden voice.

"How would I know? I've lost my heart long ago. I cannot name the hollow of my chest. And what fills the hollow is already named Noura."

It is soon that she finds herself at an intersection where she has to take one way and her family another. It is a pain she never wanted to experience again but is tested to do so over and over. Someone keeps departing from the other. They keep leaving one another. And she's always left helpless before their circumstances.

The day is living its last hours and the sun is gently swimming towards the horizon-- soon to drown. The clouds are a few but scatter the rays into hues of pink and orange against the deep blue background-- painted in shades both brilliant but melancholic. The breeze pulls her hood with it as it swishes past her.

"Have a safe journey."

Noura hugs her mother, holding onto her a long moment, none of them trying to pull apart. It becomes harder with every second to keep her tears caged behind her lids.

"Take care, janem. Don't forget to write to me."

"Of course." Don't go. She wants to cry but forces a smile and manages to pull back. "Of course, maman."

Her mother kisses her on both cheeks before turning to Adam.

"Take care of my daughter. I leave her in your trust."

"Do not worry. I will take good care of her, God willing."

Her mother hugs him goodbye too. "Take care of yourself as well, farzand."

Noura turns to Laleh and they share an embrace.

"I will miss you, Laleh. And I will miss Teymour, so much."

"We will miss you too, azizem. But do visit us to Ar Raqqa," she says with a feeble smile. "It is a new place for me. We will explore it together."

Noura smiles back and nods, squeezing her hand in reply. "God willing."

She finally turns to Eskander. He's holding his son in his arms. Noura takes her nephew from him and kisses the baby on his cheeks.

"You, too, little one, take care. I will miss you a lot. But I will come to visit you. So grow up soon."

She looks at Eskander. He smiles at her. She wants to ask him to reconsider. To stay in Baghdad. To not leave with Sulaiman bin Khalid. But she cannot be selfish and force him. He doesn't want to abandon his friend. He wants to stay true to his duty. He can only continue to serve as a soldier if he leaves Baghdad. The life he wants isn't here anymore. He has made his choice and she's bound to respect it.

"Your son has your eyes, general," Adam comments, caressing the baby on his head.

"He has," Eskander replies, offering him a small smile as well.

Maybe this is her husband's way of bidding farewell to Eskander, Noura thinks. Formal, but warm. There isn't anymore exchange of words between them except for a nod to each other from both men. And as she watches her family depart, becoming more and more distant as minutes add to one another, her heart breaks into pieces. As she's left alone in front of the now empty house that her family occupied for a brief period of time, she realizes the only family she has now are her husband and her unborn child.

Adam comes beside her and puts his arm around her waist. "Do you want to take a walk?" he asks.

She only sniffs in reply.

"Do you remember?" he recalls out of nowhere, "My mother once braided your hair."

This time she blinks in surprise. "Really?"

He nods. "Someone pulled your hair so she fixed it for you."

She sniffs again. "Someone would always pull my hair."

"No one can dare now. I'll cut their hands," he tells her with a sweetness that makes her smile against her tears, as if he's trying to lull a child. "Besides, you would always get into a tussle with someone."

Noura nudges him away playfully, but they begin to walk down the street.

"My mother said that you looked like a princess."

She gasps. "Did princess Halah say that?"

"Uh huh. But you told her that you looked like a queen."

She laughs, heartily, her tears going dry in her eyes. "Oh my, wasn't I desperate?"

"I would call it determined."

"You're too kind."

"Why, I know I am. But you were savage." He gazes down at her with a roguish smirk, those dark orbs now sparkling with a faraway look. "Do you remember making me climb a date tree for you?"

She gasps again, then narrows her eyes skeptically. "Liar! I may not remember much, but I know you were a petite child. I cannot imagine you climbing a tree."

He arches a challenging eyebrow. "You do not trust me?"

She clicks her tongue.

"Do you want me to prove it?"

Noura chuckles, shaking her head. "The caliph of Baghdad climbing trees? Must be a sight to behold."

He scoffs. "You're only afraid to admit what fierce little thing you were as a child and how you tortured a timid little boy like me."

"You did not climb trees for me, Joojoo."

"But you made me learn your poems and fairytales."

She bites her lips, trying to contain her grin. "Would you sing to me?"

His expression melts from impish into something tender. Adam looks away, suddenly getting embarrassed, hugging her closer to his side as his ears tint pink.

"Butterflies and roses..."

Strolling through the streets of Baghdad, the two of them reminisce about their childhood together as the sun sets over them.

An epilogue to go.

Before I take requests for bonus chapters/one-shots, here's what you can do:

• You can request for any character, any couple, and any scene you wish to read (except anything explicit). I would prefer not to have scenes requested from within the book for a different POV. You can simply request a character and I can come up with a scene of my own to write if you've no scene to request but want to read from a particular character's POV.

• Your requested chapter will be dedicated to you.

• The chapter banner will have your username (or name if you prefer it).

• You can choose the title of the chapter you're requesting if you wish to.

• You can choose a quotation for the chapter you're requesting if you wish to.

Again, I might not be able to consider all requests, but there's a criteria I'll be prioritizing them on (mentioned in the previous chapter). And the chapters might be updated slowly, but gradually.

Now, drop your requests here:

You can choose a chapter title, quotation, and give me your name/username you want on the banner if I can write on your request and it's accepted (:

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