A New Head Girl

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Daffy awoke to sunshine bright threw her curtains. Someone was making a rather loud racket. "Shut it." Daffy groaned as she turned over in her bed. "Get up lazy." Ivy said to Daffy. A few minutes later everyone was up and dressed. Almost everyone. "Annabel, come on." Katie said. "Simply so sorry Katie, I have to plait my hair." Annabel said as she took forever plaiting her golden curls. Dolly almost refused to put her blonde locks into braids, but she did eventually when everyone told her what a scolding she'd get. Mrs. Potts came over to the third form table at the supper hall. "I am here to announce the head girl." Mrs. Potts said curtly. Everyone stood up from their seats but Dolly just slouched and looked down. "The head girl is Ivy." Mrs. Potts said. Ivy beamed with pride, her face turning red with pleasure. Katie however was not so happy. She'd made up her mind to try very hard for the spot, but Daffy's friendship had consequences. Daffy immediately noticed that Katie was disappointed, but turned away. If Katie was to ignore her, so was she! "Hallo!!" Faith said. "Edith! Faith! Violet!" Ivy shouted in glee. Katie couldn't bear to look at Daffy's snooty expression when Ivy turned from her to chat with Faith. "Hallo." Edith said warmly to Katie. Katie gave a wry grin. "Who's that?" Edith asked, pointing at Bobbie. "That's Bobbie." Katie pointed out. "She seems to have hit it off with Bobbie." Edith noticed. "Yep." Katie said. After breakfast and pointing out certain mistresses to the new girl's, it was time for games. To everyone's shock, Rain Orin watched the girls swim, dive, play tennis and play lacrosse! Of course this was also to some girls' dismay. Rain watched tensely as Annabel was about to dive. She didn't seem the most 'in love with sports' type. To everyone's shock she dived so gracefully even Rain gasped at its elegance. It turned out Annabel was jolly good at sports and seemed to impress every girl around. Edith dived jolly well and Katie's was clean at most. When it was Dolly's turn she was scared sick. In a fit to impress, she chose the tallest diving board they had. It took her two minutes to even take one step and Daffy became dreadfully bored. After another two minutes of squeaking barely closer to the edge, Daffy took the problem by stride. She climbed up the diving board and promptly pushed Dolly into the lake with a blood curdling shriek. 

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